Event Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 ACTIVATE, mxWindow.mxEvent
 ADD_CELLS, mxGraph.mxEvent
 ADD_OVERLAY, mxGraph.mxEvent
 ADD_VERTEX, mxEditor.mxEvent
 AFTER_ADD_VERTEX, mxEditor.mxEvent
 ALIGN_CELLS, mxGraph.mxEvent
 BEFORE_ADD_VERTEX, mxEditor.mxEvent
 BEFORE_UNDO, mxGraphModel.mxEvent
 BEGIN_UPDATE, mxGraphModel.mxEvent
 CELL_CONNECTED, mxGraph.mxEvent
 CELLS_ADDED, mxGraph.mxEvent
 CELLS_FOLDED, mxGraph.mxEvent
 CELLS_MOVED, mxGraph.mxEvent
 CELLS_ORDERED, mxGraph.mxEvent
 CELLS_REMOVED, mxGraph.mxEvent
 CELLS_RESIZED, mxGraph.mxEvent
 CLEAR, mxUndoManager.mxEvent
 CLOSE, mxWindow.mxEvent
 CONNECT_CELL, mxGraph.mxEvent
 DESTROY, mxWindow.mxEvent
 DISCONNECT, mxSession.mxEvent
 DOUBLE_CLICK, mxGraph.mxEvent
 END_UPDATE, mxGraphModel.mxEvent
 ESCAPE, mxEditor.mxEvent
 EXECUTE, mxGraphModel.mxEvent
 FIRE_MOUSE_EVENT, mxGraph.mxEvent
 FIRED, mxSession.mxEvent
 FLIP_EDGE, mxGraph.mxEvent
 FOLD_CELLS, mxGraph.mxEvent
 GESTURE, mxGraph.mxEvent
 GET, mxSession.mxEvent
 GROUP_CELLS, mxGraph.mxEvent
 HIDE, mxWindow.mxEvent
 LABEL_CHANGED, mxGraph.mxEvent
 LAYOUT_CELLS, mxLayoutManager.mxEvent
 MARK, mxCellMarker.mxEvent
 MAXIMIZE, mxWindow.mxEvent
 MINIMIZE, mxWindow.mxEvent
 MOVE, mxWindow.mxEvent
 MOVE_CELLS, mxGraph.mxEvent
 MOVE_END, mxWindow.mxEvent
 MOVE_START, mxWindow.mxEvent
 NORMALIZE, mxWindow.mxEvent
 OPEN, mxEditor.mxEvent
 ORDER_CELLS, mxGraph.mxEvent
 PAN, mxPanningHandler.mxEvent
 PAN_END, mxPanningHandler.mxEvent
 PAN_START, mxPanningHandler.mxEvent
 POST, mxEditor.mxEvent
 RECEIVE, mxSession.mxEvent
 REDO, mxUndoManager.mxEvent
 REFRESH, mxGraph.mxEvent
 REMOVE, mxSelectionCellsHandler.mxEvent
 REMOVE_CELLS, mxGraph.mxEvent
 REMOVE_OVERLAY, mxGraph.mxEvent
 RESET, mxConnectionHandler.mxEvent
 RESIZE, mxWindow.mxEvent
 RESIZE_CELLS, mxGraph.mxEvent
 RESIZE_END, mxWindow.mxEvent
 RESIZE_START, mxWindow.mxEvent
 RESUME, mxSession.mxEvent
 SAVE, mxEditor.mxEvent
 SCALE, mxGraphView.mxEvent
 SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE, mxGraphView.mxEvent
 SELECT, mxToolbar.mxEvent
 SESSION, mxEditor.mxEvent
 SIZE, mxGraph.mxEvent
 SPLIT_EDGE, mxGraph.mxEvent
 START, mxConnectionHandler.mxEvent
 START_EDITING, mxGraph.mxEvent
 SUSPEND, mxSession.mxEvent
 TAP_AND_HOLD, mxGraph.mxEvent
 TOGGLE_CELLS, mxGraph.mxEvent
 TRANSLATE, mxGraphView.mxEvent
 UNGROUP_CELLS, mxGraph.mxEvent
 UP, mxGraphView.mxEvent.DOWN and mxEvent
 UPDATE_CELL_SIZE, mxGraph.mxEvent
Fires after a window is activated.
Fires if a cell has been added to the selection.
Fires after an undoable edit was added to the history.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in addCells.
Fires after an overlay is added in addCellOverlay.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in addVertex.
Fires after a vertex was inserted and selected in addVertex.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in alignCells.
Fires before a vertex is added in addVertex.
Fires before the change is dispatched after the update level has reached 0 in endUpdate.
Fires after the updateLevel was incremented in beginUpdate.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in cellConnected.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in cellsAdded.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in cellsFolded.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in cellsMoved.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in cellsOrdered.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in cellsRemoved.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in cellsResized.
Fires when an undoable edit is dispatched.
Fires after the selection changes by executing an mxSelectionChange.
Fires after clear was invoked.
Fires when the user clicks on the overlay.
Fires in click after a click event.
Fires before the window is closed.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in connect.
Fires after the session has been started, that is, after the response to the initial request was received and the session goes into polling mode.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in connectCell.
Fires before the window is destroyed.
Fires after the session was stopped in stop.
Fires in dblClick after a double click.
Fires after the updateLevel was changed from 1 to 0.
Fires after a set of changeswas executed in undo or redo.
Fires after the updateLevel was decreased in endUpdate but before any notification or change dispatching.
Fires when the escape key is pressed.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate and after an atomic change was executed in the model.
Fires between START_EDIT and END_EDIT after an atomic change was executed.
Fires between START_EDIT and END_EDIT after an atomic change was executed.
Fires in fireMouseEvent before the mouse listeners are invoked.
Fires after an array of edits has been executed on the model.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in flipEdge.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in foldCells.
Fires in fireGestureEvent after a touch gesture.
Fires after a response was received in get.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in groupCells.
Fires after the window is hidden.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in cellLabelChanged.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate after all cells have been layouted in layoutCells.
Fires after a cell has been marked or unmarked.
Fires after the window is maximized.
Fires after the window is minimized.
Fires while the window is being moved.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in moveCells.
Fires after the window is moved.
Fires before the window is moved.
Fires after the window is normalized, that is, it returned from maximized or minimized state.
Same as mxEvent.CHANGE, this event can be used for classes that need to implement a sync mechanism between this model and, say, a remote model.
Fires after a notification was sent in notify.
Fires after a file was opened in open.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in orderCells.
Fires while handle is processing events.
Fires when the panning handler changes its active state to false.
Fires when the panning handler changes its active state to true.
Fires if a successful response was received in postDiagram.
Fires after an XML node was received in receive.
Fires afer a significant edit was redone in redo.
Fires after refresh was executed.
Fires if a cell has been remove from the selection.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in removeCells.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in removeCellsFromParent.
Fires after an overlay is removed in removeCellOverlay and removeCellOverlays.
Fires when the reset method is invoked.
Fires while the window is being resized.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in resizeCells.
Fires after the window is resized.
Fires before the window is resized.
Fires after the session was resumed in resume.
Fires when the current root has changed, or when the title of the current root has changed.
Fires if the root in the model has changed.
Fires after the current file was saved in save.
Fires after the scale was changed in setScale.
Fires after the scale and translate have been changed in scaleAndTranslate.
Fires when an item was selected in the toolbar.
Fires when anything in the session has changed.
Fires after the menu has been shown in popup.
Fires after the window is shown.
Fires after sizeDidChange was executed.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in splitEdge.
Fires when a new connection is being created by the user.
Fires after the updateLevel was changed from 0 to 1.
Fires before a set of changes will be executed in undo or redo.
Fires before the in-place editor starts in startEditingAtCell.
Fires after suspend was called an the session was not already in suspended state.
Fires in tapAndHold if a tap and hold event was detected.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in toggleCells.
Fires after the translate was changed in setTranslate.
Fires after the change was dispatched in endUpdate.
Fires after the selection was changed in changeSelection.
Fires after the root was changed in setCurrentRoot.
Fires afer a significant edit was undone in undo.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in ungroupCells.
Fire if the current root is changed by executing an mxCurrentRootChange.
Fires between begin- and endUpdate in updateCellSize.