Calls validateCell and validateCellState and updates the graphBounds using getBoundingBox.
mxGraphView.prototype.validate = function( cell )
Calls validateBackgroundImage and validateBackgroundPage.
mxGraphView.prototype.validateBackground = function()
Validates the background image.
mxGraphView.prototype.validateBackgroundImage = function()
Validates the background page.
mxGraphView.prototype.validateBackgroundPage = function()
Hook method for subclassers to return an error message for the given cell and validation context.
mxGraph.prototype.validateCell = function( cell, context )
Recursively creates the cell state for the given cell if visible is true and the given cell is visible.
mxGraphView.prototype.validateCell = function( cell, visible )
Returns the error message or an empty string if the connection for the given source target pair is not valid.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.validateConnection = function( source, target )
Returns the error message or an empty string if the connection for the given source, target pair is not valid.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.validateConnection = function( source, target )
Hook method for subclassers to return an error message for the given edge and terminals.
mxGraph.prototype.validateEdge = function( edge, source, target )
Validates the graph by validating each descendant of the given cell or the root of the model.
mxGraph.prototype.validateGraph = function( cell, context )
Specifies if mxGraph.validateGraph should automatically be invoked after each change.
Displays the given validation error in a dialog.
mxGraph.prototype.validationAlert = function( message )
Holds the valid marker color.
Holds an array of strings that specify the type of neighbor for which this rule applies.
Boolean indicating if the list of validNeighbors are those that are allowed for this rule or those that are not allowed for this rule.
Holds the marked mxCellState if it is valid.
Holds the user object.
Optional string that specifies the value of the attribute to be passed to mxUtils.isNode to check if the rule applies to a cell.
Changes the user object after an in-place edit and returns the previous value.
mxCell.prototype.valueChanged = function( newValue )
Inner callback to update the user object of the given mxCell using mxCell.valueChanged and return the previous value, that is, the return value of mxCell.valueChanged.
mxGraphModel.prototype.valueForCellChanged = function( cell, value )
Specifies whether the cell is a vertex.
An array of all vertices to be laid out.
Specifies the return value for vertices in isLabelMovable.
Map from graph vertices to internal model nodes.
Map from graph vertices to internal model nodes.
Specifies if vertical guides are enabled.
Holds the vertical alignment for the overlay.
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.verticalLayout = function( node, parent, x0, y0, bounds )
The horizontal offset for the handles.
Rotation for vertical text.
Reference to the enclosing mxGraphView.
Holds the mxGraphView that caches the mxCellStates for the cells.
Holds the width of the rectangle.
Specifies whether the cell is visible.
Boolean flag that represents the visible state of the window.
Caches the visible source terminal state.
Inner callback to update the visible state of the given mxCell using mxCell.setCollapsed and return the previous visible state.
mxGraphModel.prototype.visibleStateForCellChanged = function( cell, visible )
Caches the visible target terminal state.
Visits all entries in the dictionary using the given function with the following signature: function(key, value) where key is a string and value is an object.
mxDictionary.prototype.visit = function( visitor )
A depth first search through the internal heirarchy model.
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.visit = function( visitor, dfsRoots, trackAncestors, seenNodes )
A depth first search through the internal heirarchy model.
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.visit = function( visitor, dfsRoots, trackAncestors, seenNodes )
Whether or not this cell has been visited in the current assignment.
Scale for improving the precision of VML rendering.
Scale for improving the precision of VML rendering.
Specifies the scale used to draw VML shapes.