API Specification


This PHP library is divided into 4 packages.  The top-level <mxServer> class dynamically includes everything else.

The view and model packages implement the graph component, represented by mxGraph.  It refers to a mxGraphModel which contains mxCells and caches the state of the cells in a mxGraphView.  The cells are painted using a <mxCanvas> based on the appearance defined in mxStylesheet.

The io package implements a generic mxObjectCodec for turning PHP objects into XML.  The main class is mxCodecmxCodecRegistry is the global registry for custom codecs.


The I/O module requires libxml support.  The mxGdCanvas requires GD support.

Implements a graph component.
Cells are the elements of the graph model.
Cells are the elements of the graph model.
Implements a view for the graph.
Defines the appearance of the cells in a graph.
XML codec for PHP object graphs.
XML codec for PHP object graphs.
A class to register codecs for objects.
Canvas for drawing graphs using the GD library.