Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 indexOf, mxUtils
 indexOfStylename, mxUtils
 info, mxLog
 insert, mxCell
 insertIntoGraph, mxCodec
 insertVertex, mxGraph
 intersection, mxUtils
 invalidate, mxGraphView
 isAncestor, mxGraphModel
 isCellCollapsed, mxGraph
 isCellVisible, mxGraph
 isConsumed, mxEventObject
 isExcluded, mxObjectCodec
 isNode, mxUtils
 isOrthogonal, mxGraph
 isReference, mxObjectCodec
 leave, mxLog
 loadXmlDocument, mxUtils
 lookup, mxCodec
 mergeChildren, mxGraphModel
 mergeChildrenImpl, mxGraphModel
 mxCell, mxCell
 mxCellState, mxCellState
 mxConnectionConstraint, mxConnectionConstraint
 mxEventObject, mxEventObject
 mxGeometry, mxGeometry
 mxGraphView, mxGraphView
 mxGraphViewImageReader, mxGraphViewImageReader
 mxImageBundle, mxImageBundle
 mxPoint, mxPoint
 mxRectangle, mxRectangle
 mxStylesheet, mxStylesheet
 offset, mxGdCanvas
 out, mxHtmlCanvas
static function indexOf($array,
Returns the index of obj in array or -1 if the array does not contains the given object.
static function indexOfStylename($style,
Returns the index of the given stylename in the given style.
static function info($text)
Logs an info trace.
function insert($child,  
$index =  null)
Inserts the specified child into the child array at the specified index and updates the parent reference of the child.
function insertEdge($edge,
Inserts the specified edge into the edge array and returns the edge.
function insertEdge($parent,  
$id =  null,
$value =  null,
$source =  null,
$target =  null,
$style =  null)
Adds a new edge into the given parent mxCell using value as the user object and the given source and target as the terminals of the new edge.
function insertIntoGraph($cell)
Inserts the given cell into its parent and terminal cells.
function insertVertex($parent,  
$id =  null,
$value =  null,
$x =  0,
$y =  0,
$width =  1,
$height =  1,
$style =  null,
$relative =  false)
Adds a new vertex into the given parent mxCell using value as the user object and the given coordinates as the mxGeometry of the new vertex.
static function intersection($x0,
Returns the intersection of two lines as an mxPoint.
function isAncestor($parent,
Returns true if the given parent is an ancestor of the given child.
function isCellCollapsed($cell)
Returns true if the given cell is collapsed.
function isCellVisible($cell)
Returns true if the given cell is visible.
function isCollapsed()
Returns true if the cell is collapsed.
function isCollapsed($cell)
Returns true if the given mxCell is collapsed.
function isConnectable()
Returns true if the cell is connectable.
function isConnectable($cell)
Returns true if the given mxCell is connectable.
function isConsumed()
Returns true if the event has been consumed.
function isEdge()
Returns true if the cell is an edge.
function isEdge($cell)
Returns true if the given cell is an edge.
function isExcluded($obj,
Returns true if the given attribute is to be ignored by the codec.
static function isNode($value,  
$nodeName =  null,
$attributeName =  null,
$attributeValue =  null)
Returns true if the given value is an XML node with the node name and if the optional attribute has the specified value.
function isOrthogonal($edge)
Returns true if perimeter points should be computed such that the resulting edge has only horizontal or vertical segments.
function isReference($obj,
Returns true if the given fieldname is to be treated as a textual reference (ID).
function isVertex()
Returns true if the cell is a vertex.
function isVertex($cell)
Returns true if the given cell is a vertex.
function isVisible()
Returns true if the cell is visibile.
function isVisible($cell)
Returns true if the given mxCell is visible.
static function leave($text = "")
Logs a method exit.
function loadImage($image)
Returns an image instance for the given URL.
static function loadImage($url)
Loads an image from the local filesystem, a data URI or any other URL.
static function loadXmlDocument($uri)
Returns a new DOM document for the given URI.
function lookup($id)
Hook for subclassers to implement a custom lookup mechanism for cell IDs.
function mergeChildren($from,  
$cloneAllEdges =  true)
Merges the children of the given cell into the given target cell inside this model.
function mergeChildrenImpl($from,
Clones the children of the source cell into the given target cell in this model and adds an entry to the mapping that maps from the source cell to the target cell with the same id or the clone of the source cell that was inserted into this model.
function mxCell($value =  null,
$geometry =  null,
$style =  null)
Constructs a new cell to be used in a graph model.
function mxCellState($view =  null,
$cell =  null,
$style =  null)
Constructs a new object that represents the current state of the given cell in the specified view.
function mxConnectionConstraint($point =  null,
$perimeter =  true)
Constructs a new connection constraint for the given point and boolean arguments.
function mxEventObject($name)
Constructs a new event for the given name and properties.
function mxGdCanvas($width =  0,
$height =  0,
$scale =  1,
$background =  null,
$imageBasePath =  "")
Constructs a new GD canvas.
Constructs a new GD canvas.
function mxGeometry($x = 0,
$y = 0,
$width = 0,
$height = 0)
Constructs a new object to describe the size and location of a vertex or the control points of an edge.
Constructs a new graph model using the specified root cell.
function mxGraphModel($root =  null)
Constructs a new graph model using the specified root cell.
function mxGraphView($graph)
Constructs a new view for the specified mxGraph.
Constructs a new HTML graph view reader.
function mxGraphViewHtmlReader()
Constructs a new HTML graph view reader.
function mxGraphViewImageReader($background =  null,
$border =  0)
Constructs a new image graph view reader.
function mxImageBundle()
Constructs a new image bundle.
Constructs a new codec for the specified template object.
Constructs a new codec for the specified template object.
function mxObjectCodec($template,  
$exclude =  array(),
$idrefs =  array(),
$mapping =  array())
Constructs a new codec for the specified template object.
Constructs a new codec for the specified template object.
function mxPoint($x =  0,
$y =  0)
Constructs a new point for the optional x and y coordinates.
function mxRectangle($x =  0,
$y =  0,
$width =  0,
$height =  0)
Constructs a new rectangle for the optional parameters.
function mxStylesheet()
Constructs a new stylesheet and assigns default styles.
function offset($points,  
$dx =  null,
$dy =  null)
Creates a new array of x, y sequences where the each coordinate is translated by dx and dy, respectively.
function out($string)
Adds the specified string to the output.