$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 absoluteOffset, mxCellState
 absolutePoints, mxCellState
 ACTIVE_REGION, mxConstants
 addAlias, mxCodecRegistry
 addBundle, mxGraph
 addListener, mxEventSource
 addLogfile, mxLog
 addObjectValue, mxObjectCodec
 addStylename, mxUtils
 afterDecode, mxObjectCodec
 afterEncode, mxObjectCodec
 aliases, mxCodecRegistry
 ALIGN_BOTTOM, mxConstants
 ALIGN_CENTER, mxConstants
 ALIGN_LEFT, mxConstants
 ALIGN_MIDDLE, mxConstants
 ALIGN_RIGHT, mxConstants
 ALIGN_TOP, mxConstants
 alternateBounds, mxGeometry
 API Specification
 ARROW_BLOCK, mxConstants
 ARROW_CLASSIC, mxConstants
 ARROW_DIAMOND, mxConstants
 ARROW_OPEN, mxConstants
 ARROW_OVAL, mxConstants
 ARROW_SIZE, mxConstants
 ARROW_SPACING, mxConstants
 ARROW_WIDTH, mxConstants
 background, mxGraphViewImageReader
 beforeDecode, mxObjectCodec
 beforeEncode, mxObjectCodec
 beginUpdate, mxGraphModel
 border, mxGraphViewImageReader
 boundingBox, mxCellState
var $absoluteOffset
mxPoint that holds the absolute offset.
var $absolutePoints
Holds an array of mxPoints that represent the absolute points of an edge.
public static $ACTIVE_REGION
Defines the portion of the cell which is to be used as a connectable region.
function add($parent,  
$index =  null)
Adds the specified child to the parent at the given index using mxChildChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
function add($rect)
Adds the given rectangle to this rectangle.
static function addAlias($classname,
Adds an alias for mapping a classname to a codecname.
Adds the specified mxImageBundle.
function addListener($name,
Adds a listener for the given event name.
static function addLogfile($filename)
Adds a file for logging.
function addObjectValue(&$obj,
Sets the decoded child node as a value of the given object.
static function addStylename($style,
Adds the specified stylename to the given style if it does not already contain the stylename.
function afterDecode($dec,
Hook for subclassers to post-process the object after decoding.
function afterEncode($enc,
Hook for subclassers to post-process the node for the given object after encoding and return the post-processed node.
public static $aliases
Maps from classnames to codecnames.
public static $ALIGN_BOTTOM
public static $ALIGN_CENTER
public static $ALIGN_LEFT
public static $ALIGN_MIDDLE
public static $ALIGN_RIGHT
public static $ALIGN_TOP
var $alternateBounds
Stores alternate values for x, y, width and height in a rectangle.
Specifies if image aspect should be preserved in drawImage.
var $antialias
Specifies if antialiasing should be enabled.
This PHP library is divided into 4 packages.
public function apply($state,
Implements an edge style function.
public function apply($bounds,
Implements a perimeter function.
public static $ARROW_BLOCK
public static $ARROW_CLASSIC
public static $ARROW_DIAMOND
public static $ARROW_OPEN
public static $ARROW_OVAL
public static $ARROW_SIZE
Defines the size of the arrowhead in the arrow shape.
public static $ARROW_SPACING
Defines the spacing between the arrow shape and its terminals.
public static $ARROW_WIDTH
Defines the width of the arrow shape.
var $background
Holds the background color.
function beforeDecode($dec,
Hook for subclassers to pre-process the node for the specified object and return the node to be used for further processing by decode.
function beforeEncode($enc,
Hook for subclassers to pre-process the object before encoding.
function beginUpdate()
Increments the updateLevel by one.
var $border
Holds the border size.
var $boundingBox
Holds the largest rectangle which contains all rendering for this cell.