Class Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
A utility class used to track cells whilst sorting occurs on the median values.
Base class for all canvases.
Extends mxShape to implement an actor shape.
Implements a basic animation in JavaScript.
Extends mxShape to implement an arrow shape.
Manager for automatically saving diagrams.
Cells are the elements of the graph model.
Action to change the attribute of a cell’s user object.
Codec for mxCells.
In-place editor for the graph.
A helper class to highlight cells.
A helper class to process mouse locations and highlight cells.
Extends mxEventSource to implement a graph overlay, represented by an icon and a tooltip.
Implements a mechanism for temporary cell Ids.
Renders cells into a document object model.
Represents the current state of a cell in a given mxGraphView.
Implements a live preview for moving cells.
Event handler that highlights cells.
Action to add or remove a child in a model.
Codec for mxChildChanges.
Extends mxGraphLayout to implement a circluar layout for a given radius.
Bootstrapping mechanism for the mxGraph thin client.
Singleton that implements a clipboard for graph cells.
Extends mxActor to implement a cloud shape.
XML codec for JavaScript object graphs.
Singleton class that acts as a global registry for codecs.
Action to change a cell’s collapsed state in a model.
Extends mxGraphLayout to implement a compact tree (Moen) algorithm.
Allows to compose multiple layouts into a single layout.
Defines an object that contains the constraints about how to connect one side of an edge to its terminal.
Graph event handler that creates new connections.
Extends mxShape to implement a connector shape.
Defines various global constants.
Handles constraints on connection targets.
Sets the horizontal locations of node and edge dummy nodes on each layer.
Action to change the current root in a view.
Extends mxShape to implement an cylinder shape.
Binds keycodes to actionnames in an editor.
Custom codec for configuring mxDefaultKeyHandlers.
Creates popupmenus for mouse events.
Custom codec for configuring mxDefaultPopupMenus.
Toolbar for the editor.
Custom codec for configuring mxDefaultToolbars.
A wrapper class for an associative array with object keys.
Maintains the size of a div element in Internet Explorer.
Extends mxShape to implement a double ellipse shape.
Wrapper to create a drag source from a DOM element so that the element can be dragged over a graph and dropped into the graph as a new cell.
Graph event handler that reconnects edges and modifies control points and the edge label location.
Extends mxGraphLayout to implement an edge label layout.
Provides various edge styles to be used as the values for mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE in a cell style.
Extends mxEventSource to implement a application wrapper for a graph that adds actions, I/O using mxCodec, auto-layout using mxLayoutManager, command history using undoManager, and standard dialogs and widgets, eg.
Codec for mxEditors.
Provides animation effects.
Graph event handler that reconnects edges and modifies control points and the edge label location.
Extends mxShape to implement an ellipse shape.
Cross-browser DOM event support.
The mxEventObject is a wrapper for all properties of a single event.
Base class for objects that dispatch named events.
Extends mxGraphLayout to implement a fast organic layout algorithm.
A simple class for creating HTML forms.
Codec for mxValueChanges, mxStyleChanges, mxGeometryChanges, mxCollapseChanges and mxVisibleChanges.
Extends mxRectangle to represent the geometry of a cell.
Action to change a cell’s geometry in a model.
Extends mxEventSource to implement a graph component for the browser.
An abstraction of an internal hierarchy node or edge
Codec for mxGraphs.
Graph event handler that handles selection.
An abstraction of a hierarchical edge for the hierarchy layout
Internal model of a hierarchical graph.
An abstraction of a hierarchical edge for the hierarchy layout
Base class for all layout algorithms in mxGraph.
Extends mxEventSource to implement a graph model.
Implements the selection model for a graph.
Extends mxEventSource to implement a view for a graph.
Custom encoder for mxGraphViews.
Implements the alignment of selection cells to other cells in the graph.
Implementation of the hexagon shape.
A hierarchical layout algorithm.
The specific layout interface for hierarchical layouts.
Encapsulates the URL, width and height of an image.
Maps from keys to base64 encoded images or file locations.
Creates a new image export instance to be used with an export canvas.
Extends mxShape to implement an image shape.
Event handler that listens to keystroke events.
Extends mxShape to implement an image shape with a label.
Extends mxShape to implement a horizontal line shape.
A singleton class that implements a simple console.
A static class that implements all markers for VML and SVG using a registry.
Sets the horizontal locations of node and edge dummy nodes on each layer.
An implementation of the first stage of the Sugiyama layout.
Codec for mxGraphModels.
Implements animation for morphing cells.
Base class for all mouse events in mxGraph.
Defines invalid connections along with the error messages that they produce.
Generic codec for JavaScript objects that implements a mapping between JavaScript objects and XML nodes that maps each field or element to an attribute or child node, and vice versa.
Identity for JavaScript objects.
Implements an outline (aka overview) for a graph.
Event handler that pans and creates popupmenus.
Implements a handler for panning.
Extends mxGraphLayout for arranging parallel edges.
Extends mxGraphLayout for partitioning the parent cell vertically or horizontally by filling the complete area with the child cells.
Provides various perimeter functions to be used in a style as the value of mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER.
Implements a 2-dimensional vector with double precision coordinates.
Extends mxShape to implement a polyline (a line with multiple points).
Basic popup menu.
Implements printing of a diagram across multiple pages.
Extends mxPoint to implement a 2-dimensional rectangle with double precision coordinates.
Extends mxShape to implement a rectangle shape.
Implements internationalization.
Extends mxShape to implement a rhombus (aka diamond) shape.
Action to change the root in a model.
Codec for mxRootChanges.
Event handler that selects rectangular regions.
An event handler that manages cell handlers and invokes their mouse event processing functions.
Action to change the current root in a view.
Session for sharing an mxGraphModel with other parties via a backend that acts as a multicaster for all changes.
Base class for all shapes.
In charge of moving cells after a resize.
Extends mxGraphLayout to create a horizontal or vertical stack of the child vertices.
Implements a generic shape which is based on a XML node as a description.
A singleton class that provides a registry for stencils and the methods for painting those stencils onto a canvas or into a DOM.
Action to change a cell’s style in a model.
Singleton class that acts as a global converter from string to object values in a style.
Defines the appearance of the cells in a graph.
Codec for mxStylesheets.
Extends mxAbstractCanvas2D to implement a canvas for SVG.
Extends mxShape to implement a swimlane shape.
A hierarchical layout algorithm.
Manager for swimlanes and nested swimlanes that sets the size of newly added swimlanes to that of their siblings, and propagates changes to the size of a swimlane to its siblings, if siblings is true, and its ancestors, if bubbling is true.
Internal model of a hierarchical graph.
An implementation of the first stage of the Sugiyama layout.
Extends mxPoint to implement a 2-dimensional rectangle with double precision coordinates.
Action to change a terminal in a model.
Codec for mxTerminalChanges.
Extends mxShape to implement a text shape.
Creates a toolbar inside a given DOM node.
Graph event handler that displays tooltips.
Implementation of the triangle shape.
Implements a composite undoable edit.
Implements a command history.
Converts relative and absolute URLs to absolute URLs with protocol and domain.
A singleton class that provides cross-browser helper methods.
Action to change a user object in a model.
Event handler for resizing cells.
Action to change a cell’s visible state in a model.
Implements a canvas to be used for rendering VML.
Basic window inside a document.
Base class for all canvases.
XML HTTP request wrapper.