
Uses of Class

Packages that use mxGraphHierarchyEdge

Uses of mxGraphHierarchyEdge in com.mxgraph.layout.hierarchical.model

Fields in com.mxgraph.layout.hierarchical.model with type parameters of type mxGraphHierarchyEdge
 Collection<mxGraphHierarchyEdge> mxGraphHierarchyNode.connectsAsSource
          Collection of hierarchy edges that have this node as a source
 Collection<mxGraphHierarchyEdge> mxGraphHierarchyNode.connectsAsTarget
          Collection of hierarchy edges that have this node as a target
protected  Map<Object,mxGraphHierarchyEdge> mxGraphHierarchyModel.edgeMapper
          Map from graph edges to internal model edges
static Collection<mxGraphHierarchyEdge> mxGraphHierarchyNode.emptyConnectionMap
          Shared empty connection map to return instead of null in applyMap.

Methods in com.mxgraph.layout.hierarchical.model that return types with arguments of type mxGraphHierarchyEdge
 Map<Object,mxGraphHierarchyEdge> mxGraphHierarchyModel.getEdgeMapper()

Methods in com.mxgraph.layout.hierarchical.model with parameters of type mxGraphHierarchyEdge
 void mxGraphHierarchyModel.dfs(mxGraphHierarchyNode parent, mxGraphHierarchyNode root, mxGraphHierarchyEdge connectingEdge, mxGraphHierarchyModel.CellVisitor visitor, Set<mxGraphHierarchyNode> seen, int layer)
          Performs a depth first search on the internal hierarchy model
 void mxGraphHierarchyModel.dfs(mxGraphHierarchyNode parent, mxGraphHierarchyNode root, mxGraphHierarchyEdge connectingEdge, mxGraphHierarchyModel.CellVisitor visitor, Set<mxGraphHierarchyNode> seen, int[] ancestors, int childHash, int layer)
          Performs a depth first search on the internal hierarchy model.
 void mxGraphHierarchyModel.CellVisitor.visit(mxGraphHierarchyNode parent, mxGraphHierarchyNode cell, mxGraphHierarchyEdge connectingEdge, int layer, int seen)
          The method within which the visitor will perform operations upon the graph model

Method parameters in com.mxgraph.layout.hierarchical.model with type arguments of type mxGraphHierarchyEdge
 void mxGraphHierarchyModel.setEdgeMapper(Map<Object,mxGraphHierarchyEdge> edgeMapper)

Uses of mxGraphHierarchyEdge in com.mxgraph.layout.hierarchical.stage

Fields in com.mxgraph.layout.hierarchical.stage with type parameters of type mxGraphHierarchyEdge
protected  Map<mxGraphHierarchyEdge,double[]> mxCoordinateAssignment.jettyPositions
          Map of internal edges and (x,y) pair of positions of the start and end jetty for that edge where it connects to the source and target vertices.

Methods in com.mxgraph.layout.hierarchical.stage with parameters of type mxGraphHierarchyEdge
protected  void mxCoordinateAssignment.processReversedEdge(mxGraphHierarchyEdge edge, Object realEdge)
          Hook to add additional processing


Copyright (c) 2010 Gaudenz Alder, David Benson. All rights reserved.