
Interface PathHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PathHandler

This interface must be implemented and then registred as the handler of a PathParser instance in order to be notified of parsing events.

Method Summary
 void arcAbs(float rx, float ry, float xAxisRotation, boolean largeArcFlag, boolean sweepFlag, float x, float y)
          Invoked when an absolute elliptical arc command has been parsed.
 void arcRel(float rx, float ry, float xAxisRotation, boolean largeArcFlag, boolean sweepFlag, float x, float y)
          Invoked when a relative elliptical arc command has been parsed.
 void closePath()
          Invoked when a closepath has been parsed.
 void curvetoCubicAbs(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x, float y)
          Invoked when an absolute cubic bezier curve command has been parsed.
 void curvetoCubicRel(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x, float y)
          Invoked when a relative cubic bezier curve command has been parsed.
 void curvetoCubicSmoothAbs(float x2, float y2, float x, float y)
          Invoked when an absolute smooth cubic bezier curve command has been parsed.
 void curvetoCubicSmoothRel(float x2, float y2, float x, float y)
          Invoked when a relative smooth cubic bezier curve command has been parsed.
 void curvetoQuadraticAbs(float x1, float y1, float x, float y)
          Invoked when an absolute quadratic bezier curve command has been parsed.
 void curvetoQuadraticRel(float x1, float y1, float x, float y)
          Invoked when a relative quadratic bezier curve command has been parsed.
 void curvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs(float x, float y)
          Invoked when an absolute smooth quadratic bezier curve command has been parsed.
 void curvetoQuadraticSmoothRel(float x, float y)
          Invoked when a relative smooth quadratic bezier curve command has been parsed.
 void endPath()
          Invoked when the path ends.
 void linetoAbs(float x, float y)
          Invoked when an absolute line command has been parsed.
 void linetoHorizontalAbs(float x)
          Invoked when an horizontal absolute line command has been parsed.
 void linetoHorizontalRel(float x)
          Invoked when an horizontal relative line command has been parsed.
 void linetoRel(float x, float y)
          Invoked when a relative line command has been parsed.
 void linetoVerticalAbs(float y)
          Invoked when a vertical absolute line command has been parsed.
 void linetoVerticalRel(float y)
          Invoked when a vertical relative line command has been parsed.
 void movetoAbs(float x, float y)
          Invoked when an absolute moveto command has been parsed.
 void movetoRel(float x, float y)
          Invoked when a relative moveto command has been parsed.
 void startPath()
          Invoked when the path starts.

Method Detail


void startPath()
               throws ParseException
Invoked when the path starts.

ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void endPath()
             throws ParseException
Invoked when the path ends.

ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void movetoRel(float x,
               float y)
               throws ParseException
Invoked when a relative moveto command has been parsed.

Command : m

x - the relative x coordinate for the end point
y - the relative y coordinate for the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void movetoAbs(float x,
               float y)
               throws ParseException
Invoked when an absolute moveto command has been parsed.

Command : M

x - the absolute x coordinate for the end point
y - the absolute y coordinate for the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void closePath()
               throws ParseException
Invoked when a closepath has been parsed.

Command : z | Z

ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void linetoRel(float x,
               float y)
               throws ParseException
Invoked when a relative line command has been parsed.

Command : l

x - the relative x coordinates for the end point
y - the relative y coordinates for the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void linetoAbs(float x,
               float y)
               throws ParseException
Invoked when an absolute line command has been parsed.

Command : L

x - the absolute x coordinate for the end point
y - the absolute y coordinate for the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void linetoHorizontalRel(float x)
                         throws ParseException
Invoked when an horizontal relative line command has been parsed.

Command : h

x - the relative X coordinate of the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void linetoHorizontalAbs(float x)
                         throws ParseException
Invoked when an horizontal absolute line command has been parsed.

Command : H

x - the absolute X coordinate of the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void linetoVerticalRel(float y)
                       throws ParseException
Invoked when a vertical relative line command has been parsed.

Command : v

y - the relative Y coordinate of the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void linetoVerticalAbs(float y)
                       throws ParseException
Invoked when a vertical absolute line command has been parsed.

Command : V

y - the absolute Y coordinate of the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void curvetoCubicRel(float x1,
                     float y1,
                     float x2,
                     float y2,
                     float x,
                     float y)
                     throws ParseException
Invoked when a relative cubic bezier curve command has been parsed.

Command : c

x1 - the relative x coordinate for the first control point
y1 - the relative y coordinate for the first control point
x2 - the relative x coordinate for the second control point
y2 - the relative y coordinate for the second control point
x - the relative x coordinate for the end point
y - the relative y coordinate for the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void curvetoCubicAbs(float x1,
                     float y1,
                     float x2,
                     float y2,
                     float x,
                     float y)
                     throws ParseException
Invoked when an absolute cubic bezier curve command has been parsed.

Command : C

x1 - the absolute x coordinate for the first control point
y1 - the absolute y coordinate for the first control point
x2 - the absolute x coordinate for the second control point
y2 - the absolute y coordinate for the second control point
x - the absolute x coordinate for the end point
y - the absolute y coordinate for the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void curvetoCubicSmoothRel(float x2,
                           float y2,
                           float x,
                           float y)
                           throws ParseException
Invoked when a relative smooth cubic bezier curve command has been parsed. The first control point is assumed to be the reflection of the second control point on the previous command relative to the current point.

Command : s

x2 - the relative x coordinate for the second control point
y2 - the relative y coordinate for the second control point
x - the relative x coordinate for the end point
y - the relative y coordinate for the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void curvetoCubicSmoothAbs(float x2,
                           float y2,
                           float x,
                           float y)
                           throws ParseException
Invoked when an absolute smooth cubic bezier curve command has been parsed. The first control point is assumed to be the reflection of the second control point on the previous command relative to the current point.

Command : S

x2 - the absolute x coordinate for the second control point
y2 - the absolute y coordinate for the second control point
x - the absolute x coordinate for the end point
y - the absolute y coordinate for the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void curvetoQuadraticRel(float x1,
                         float y1,
                         float x,
                         float y)
                         throws ParseException
Invoked when a relative quadratic bezier curve command has been parsed.

Command : q

x1 - the relative x coordinate for the control point
y1 - the relative y coordinate for the control point
x - the relative x coordinate for the end point
y - the relative x coordinate for the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void curvetoQuadraticAbs(float x1,
                         float y1,
                         float x,
                         float y)
                         throws ParseException
Invoked when an absolute quadratic bezier curve command has been parsed.

Command : Q

x1 - the absolute x coordinate for the control point
y1 - the absolute y coordinate for the control point
x - the absolute x coordinate for the end point
y - the absolute x coordinate for the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void curvetoQuadraticSmoothRel(float x,
                               float y)
                               throws ParseException
Invoked when a relative smooth quadratic bezier curve command has been parsed. The control point is assumed to be the reflection of the control point on the previous command relative to the current point.

Command : t

x - the relative x coordinate for the end point
y - the relative y coordinate for the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void curvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs(float x,
                               float y)
                               throws ParseException
Invoked when an absolute smooth quadratic bezier curve command has been parsed. The control point is assumed to be the reflection of the control point on the previous command relative to the current point.

Command : T

x - the absolute x coordinate for the end point
y - the absolute y coordinate for the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void arcRel(float rx,
            float ry,
            float xAxisRotation,
            boolean largeArcFlag,
            boolean sweepFlag,
            float x,
            float y)
            throws ParseException
Invoked when a relative elliptical arc command has been parsed.

Command : a

rx - the X axis radius for the ellipse
ry - the Y axis radius for the ellipse
xAxisRotation - the rotation angle in degrees for the ellipse's X-axis relative to the X-axis
largeArcFlag - the value of the large-arc-flag
sweepFlag - the value of the sweep-flag
x - the relative x coordinate for the end point
y - the relative y coordinate for the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


void arcAbs(float rx,
            float ry,
            float xAxisRotation,
            boolean largeArcFlag,
            boolean sweepFlag,
            float x,
            float y)
            throws ParseException
Invoked when an absolute elliptical arc command has been parsed.

Command : A

rx - the X axis radius for the ellipse
ry - the Y axis radius for the ellipse
xAxisRotation - the rotation angle in degrees for the ellipse's X-axis relative to the X-axis
largeArcFlag - the value of the large-arc-flag
sweepFlag - the value of the sweep-flag
x - the absolute x coordinate for the end point
y - the absolute y coordinate for the end point
ParseException - if an error occured while processing the path


Copyright (c) 2010 Gaudenz Alder, David Benson. All rights reserved.