
Uses of Interface

Packages that use mxGraph.mxICellVisitor
com.mxgraph.analysis This package provides various algorithms for graph analysis, such as shortest path and minimum spanning tree. 
com.mxgraph.view This package implements the graph component, represented by the mxGraph class. 

Uses of mxGraph.mxICellVisitor in com.mxgraph.analysis

Methods in com.mxgraph.analysis with parameters of type mxGraph.mxICellVisitor
static void mxTraversal.bfs(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object startVertex, mxGraph.mxICellVisitor visitor)
          Implements a recursive breadth first search starting from the specified cell.
static void mxTraversal.dfs(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object startVertex, mxGraph.mxICellVisitor visitor)
          Implements a recursive depth first search starting from the specified cell.
static void mxTraversal.dijkstra(mxAnalysisGraph aGraph, Object startVertex, Object endVertex, mxGraph.mxICellVisitor visitor)
          Implements the Dijkstra's shortest path from startVertex to endVertex.

Uses of mxGraph.mxICellVisitor in com.mxgraph.view

Methods in com.mxgraph.view with parameters of type mxGraph.mxICellVisitor
 void mxGraph.traverse(Object vertex, boolean directed, mxGraph.mxICellVisitor visitor)
          Traverses the tree starting at the given vertex.
 void mxGraph.traverse(Object vertex, boolean directed, mxGraph.mxICellVisitor visitor, Object edge, Set<Object> visited)
          Traverses the (directed) graph invoking the given function for each visited vertex and edge.


Copyright (c) 2010 Gaudenz Alder, David Benson. All rights reserved.