
Defines the requirements for an edge style function.

mxEdgeStyleFunctionDefines the requirements for an edge style function.
applyImplements an edge style function.
mxEntityRelationImplements an entity relation style for edges (as used in database schema diagrams).
mxLoopImplements a self-reference, aka.
mxElbowConnectorUses either <SideToSide> or <TopToBottom> depending on the horizontal flag in the cell style.
mxSideToSideImplements a vertical elbow edge.
mxTopToBottomImplements a horizontal elbow edge.
mxEdgeStyleProvides various edge styles to be used as the values for mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE in a cell style.
EntityRelationProvides an entity relation style for edges (as used in database schema diagrams).
LoopProvides a self-reference, aka.
ElbowConnectorProvides an elbow connector.
SideToSideProvides a side to side connector.
TopToBottomProvides a top to bottom connector.



public function apply($state,

Implements an edge style function.  At the time the function is called, the result array contains a placeholder (null) for the first absolute point, that is, the point where the edge and source terminal are connected.  The implementation of the style then adds all intermediate waypoints except for the last point, that is, the connection point between the edge and the target terminal.  The first ant the last point in the result array are then replaced with mxPoints that take into account the terminal’s perimeter and next point on the edge.


statemxCellState that represents the edge to be updated.
sourcemxCellState that represents the source terminal.
targetmxCellState that represents the target terminal.
pointsList of relative control points.
resultArray of mxPoints that represent the actual points of the edge.


Implements an entity relation style for edges (as used in database schema diagrams).  At the time the function is called, the result array contains a placeholder (null) for the first absolute point, that is, the point where the edge and source terminal are connected.  The implementation of the style then adds all intermediate waypoints except for the last point, that is, the connection point between the edge and the target terminal.  The first ant the last point in the result array are then replaced with mxPoints that take into account the terminal’s perimeter and next point on the edge.


Implements a self-reference, aka. loop.


Uses either <SideToSide> or <TopToBottom> depending on the horizontal flag in the cell style.  <SideToSide> is used if horizontal is true or unspecified.  See <EntityRelation> for a description of the parameters.


Implements a vertical elbow edge.  See <EntityRelation> for a description of the parameters.


Implements a horizontal elbow edge.  See <EntityRelation> for a description of the parameters.


Provides various edge styles to be used as the values for mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE in a cell style.

EntityRelationProvides an entity relation style for edges (as used in database schema diagrams).
LoopProvides a self-reference, aka.
ElbowConnectorProvides an elbow connector.
SideToSideProvides a side to side connector.
TopToBottomProvides a top to bottom connector.



public static $EntityRelation

Provides an entity relation style for edges (as used in database schema diagrams).


public static $Loop

Provides a self-reference, aka. loop.


public static $ElbowConnector

Provides an elbow connector.


public static $SideToSide

Provides a side to side connector.


public static $TopToBottom

Provides a top to bottom connector.

public function apply($state,
Implements an edge style function.
public static $STYLE_EDGE
Defines the key for the edge style.
public static $EntityRelation
Provides an entity relation style for edges (as used in database schema diagrams).
public static $Loop
Provides a self-reference, aka.
public static $ElbowConnector
Provides an elbow connector.
public static $SideToSide
Provides a side to side connector.
public static $TopToBottom
Provides a top to bottom connector.
Represents the current state of a cell in a given mxGraphView.
Implements a 2-dimensional point with double precision coordinates.