$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 edge, mxCell
 edges, mxCell
 EDGESTYLE_LOOP, mxConstants
 ELBOW_VERTICAL, mxConstants
 ElbowConnector, mxEdgeStyle
 elements, mxCodec
 EllipsePerimeter, mxPerimeter
 EMPTY_POINT, mxGraphView
 enableTtf, mxGdCanvas
 encodeCell, mxCodec
 encodeDefaults, mxCodec
 encodeImage, mxUtils
 encodeObject, mxObjectCodec
 encodeValue, mxObjectCodec
 endElement, mxGraphViewImageReader
 endUpdate, mxGraphModel
 enter, mxLog
 ENTITY_SEGMENT, mxConstants
 EntityRelation, mxEdgeStyle
 error, mxLog
 evaluate, mxUtils
 eventListeners, mxEventSource
 exclude, mxObjectCodec
 findNode, mxUtils
 findTreeRoots, mxGraph
 fine, mxLog
 fireEvent, mxEventSource
 flipImage, mxUtils
 FONT_BOLD, mxConstants
 FONT_ITALIC, mxConstants
 FONT_UNDERLINE, mxConstants
var $edge
Specifies whether the cell is an edge.
var $edges
Holds the edges.
Name of the entity relation edge style.
public static $EDGESTYLE_LOOP
Name of the loop edge style.
Name of the side to side edge style.
Name of the top to bottom edge style.
public static $ELBOW_HORIZONTAL
public static $ELBOW_VERTICAL
public static $ElbowConnector
Provides an elbow connector.
var $elements
Maps from IDs to elements.
public static $EllipsePerimeter
Provides an elliptic perimeter.
An empty mxPoint instance.
var $enableTtf
Specifies if truetype fonts are enabled if available.
function encode($obj)
Encodes the specified object and returns the resulting XML node.
function encode($enc,
Encodes the specified object and returns a node representing then given object.
function encodeCell($cell,  
$includeChildren = true)
Encoding of cell hierarchies is built-into the core, but is a higher-level function that needs to be explicitely used by the respective object encoders (eg.
var $encodeDefaults
Specifies if default values should be encoded.
static function encodeImage($image,  
$format = null)
Encodes the given image using the GD image encoding routines.
function encodeObject($enc,
Encodes the value of each member in then given obj into the given node using encodeValue.
function encodeValue($enc,
Converts the given value according to the mappings and id-refs in this codec and uses writeAttribute to write the attribute into the given node.
function endElement($parser,
Invoked by the SAX parser when an element ends.
function endUpdate()
Decrements the updateLevel by one and fires a notification event if the updateLevel reaches 0.
static function enter($method,  
$text = "")
Logs a method entry.
public static $ENTITY_SEGMENT
Defines the length of the horizontal segment of an Entity Relation.
public static $EntityRelation
Provides an entity relation style for edges (as used in database schema diagrams).
function equals($obj)
Returns true if the given object equals this point.
function equals($obj)
Returns true if the given object equals this rectangle.
static function error($text)
Logs an error trace.
static function evaluate($expression)
Evaluates an expression to a class member.
var $eventListeners
Holds the registered listeners.
var $exclude
Array containing the variable names that should be ignored by the codec.
static function findNode($node,
Returns the first node where attr equals value.
function findTreeRoots($parent,  
$isolate =  false,
$invert =  false)
Returns all children in the given parent which do not have incoming edges.
static function fine($text)
Logs a fine trace.
function fireEvent($event)
Fires the event for the specified name.
static function flipImage($img,
Flips the given image horizontally and/or vertically and returns a new image instance.
public static $FONT_BOLD
public static $FONT_ITALIC
public static $FONT_UNDERLINE