
Package com.mxgraph.analysis

This package provides various algorithms for graph analysis, such as shortest path and minimum spanning tree.


Interface Summary
mxICostFunction The cost function takes a cell and returns it's cost as a double.

Class Summary
mxConstantCostFunction Implements a cost function for a constant cost per traversed cell.
mxDistanceCostFunction Implements a cost function for the Euclidean length of an edge.
mxFibonacciHeap This class implements a priority queue.
mxFibonacciHeap.Node Implements a node of the Fibonacci heap.
mxGraphAnalysis A singleton class that provides algorithms for graphs.
mxUnionFind Implements a union find structure that uses union by rank and path compression.

Package com.mxgraph.analysis Description

This package provides various algorithms for graph analysis, such as shortest path and minimum spanning tree.


Copyright (c) 2010 Gaudenz Alder, David Benson. All rights reserved.