R | |
rankCoordinates, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankMedianPosition, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
readGraphModel, mxEditor | |
reconfigure, mxShape | |
rect | |
rectangleIntersectsSegment, mxUtils | |
RectanglePerimeter, mxPerimeter | |
redirectMouseEvents, mxEvent | |
redo | |
redraw | |
redrawBackgroundImage, mxGraphView | |
redrawCellOverlays, mxCellRenderer | |
redrawControl, mxCellRenderer | |
redrawHandles | |
redrawHtml, mxShape | |
redrawHtmlShape | |
redrawIcons, mxConnectionHandler | |
redrawInnerBends | |
redrawLabel, mxCellRenderer | |
redrawPath | |
redrawShape, mxShape | |
reduceTemperature, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
reference, mxCodec | |
refresh | |
refreshTasks, mxEditor | |
register, mxCodecRegistry | |
registerShape, mxCellRenderer | |
relativeCcw, mxUtils | |
release, mxEvent | |
releaseSvgGradients, mxShape | |
remove | |
removeAllListeners, mxEvent | |
removeAllStylenames, mxUtils | |
removeCell, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
removeCellOverlay, mxGraph | |
removeCellOverlays, mxGraph | |
removeCells | |
removeCellsFromParent, mxGraph | |
removeCursors, mxUtils | |
removeDragElement, mxDragSource | |
removeEdge, mxCell | |
removeFromParent, mxCell | |
removeFromTerminal, mxCell | |
removeGestureListeners, mxEvent | |
removeHint | |
removeImageBundle, mxGraph | |
removeListener | |
removeListeners, mxDragSource | |
removeMouseListener, mxGraph | |
removePoint, mxEdgeHandler | |
removeSelectionCell, mxGraph | |
removeSelectionCells, mxGraph | |
removeState, mxGraphView | |
removeStateForCell, mxGraph | |
removeStylename, mxUtils | |
removeWhitespace, mxUtils | |
renderPage, mxPrintPreview | |
repaint | |
repositionValid, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
reset | |
resetEdge, mxGraph | |
resetEdges, mxGraph | |
resetFirstTime, mxEditor | |
resetHistory, mxEditor | |
resetMode, mxToolbar | |
resetTimer, mxTooltipHandler | |
resetValidationState, mxGraphView | |
resize | |
resizeCell | |
resizeCells, mxGraph | |
resizeChildCells, mxGraph | |
resizeHeight, mxDivResizer | |
resizeSwimlane, mxSwimlaneManager | |
resizeWidth, mxDivResizer | |
resolve, mxCellPath | |
resolveColor, mxCellRenderer | |
restore | |
restoreClone, mxGraphModel | |
revalidate, mxGraphView | |
revalidateState, mxCellStatePreview | |
reversePortConstraints, mxUtils | |
RhombusPerimeter, mxPerimeter | |
rootChanged, mxGraphModel | |
rotate | |
rotate90, mxRectangle | |
rotateCell, mxVertexHandler | |
rotateClick, mxVertexHandler | |
rotateLabelBounds, mxCellRenderer | |
rotatePoint | |
roundAngle, mxVertexHandler | |
roundLength | |
roundrect | |
route, mxParallelEdgeLayout | |
rtrim, mxUtils | |
run |
Sets up the layout in an initial positioning.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankCoordinates = function( rankValue, graph, model )
Performs median minimisation over one rank.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankMedianPosition = function( rankValue, model, nextRankValue )
Reads the specified XML node into the existing graph model and resets the command history and modified state.
mxEditor.prototype.readGraphModel = function ( node )
Reconfigures this shape.
mxShape.prototype.reconfigure = function()
Private helper function to create SVG elements
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.rect = function( x, y, w, h )
Sets the current path to a rectangle.
mxVmlCanvas2D.prototype.rect = function( x, y, w, h )
Puts a rectangle into the drawing buffer.
mxXmlCanvas2D.prototype.rect = function( x, y, w, h )
Returns true if the given rectangle intersects the given segment.
rectangleIntersectsSegment: function( bounds, p1, p2 )
Describes a rectangular perimeter for the given bounds.
RectanglePerimeter: function ( bounds, vertex, next, orthogonal )
Redirects the mouse events from the given DOM node to the graph dispatch loop using the event and given state as event arguments.
redirectMouseEvents: function( node, graph, state, down, move, up, dblClick )
Redo the last change in graph.
mxEditor.prototype.redo = function ()
Redoes all changes in this edit.
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.redo = function()
Redoes the last change.
mxUndoManager.prototype.redo = function()
Overridden to invoke refresh before the redraw.
mxEdgeSegmentHandler.prototype.redraw = function()
Updates the bounds or points and scale of the shapes for the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redraw = function( state, force, rendering )
Redraws the preview, and the bends- and label control points.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.redraw = function()
Renders the shape for this handle.
mxHandle.prototype.redraw = function()
Overrides mxShape.redraw to preserve the aspect ratio of images.
mxImageShape.prototype.redrawHtmlShape = function()
Reconfigures this shape.
mxLabel.prototype.redraw = function()
Creates and returns the SVG node(s) to represent this shape.
mxShape.prototype.redraw = function()
Redraws the handles and the preview.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.redraw = function()
Updates the bounds and redraws the background image.
mxGraphView.prototype.redrawBackgroundImage = function( backgroundImage, bg )
Redraws the overlays for the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawCellOverlays = function( state, forced )
Redraws the control for the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawControl = function( state, forced )
Redraws the handles.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.redrawHandles = function()
Redraws the handles.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.redrawHandles = function()
Allow optimization by replacing VML with HTML.
mxShape.prototype.redrawHtmlShape = function()
Generic background painting implementation.
mxLabel.prototype.redrawHtmlShape = function()
Updates the HTML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxText.prototype.redrawHtmlShape = function()
Redraws the given array of mxImageShapes.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.redrawIcons = function( icons, state )
Updates the position of the custom bends.
mxEdgeSegmentHandler.prototype.redrawInnerBends = function( p0, pe )
Updates and redraws the inner bends.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.redrawInnerBends = function( p0, pe )
Updates and redraws the inner bends.
mxElbowEdgeHandler.prototype.redrawInnerBends = function( p0, pe )
Redraws the label for the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawLabel = function( state, forced )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxActor.prototype.redrawPath = function( c, x, y, w, h )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxCloud.prototype.redrawPath = function( c, x, y, w, h )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxCylinder.prototype.redrawPath = function( c, x, y, w, h, isForeground )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxHexagon.prototype.redrawPath = function( c, x, y, w, h )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxTriangle.prototype.redrawPath = function( c, x, y, w, h )
Updates the SVG or VML shape.
mxShape.prototype.redrawShape = function()
Reduces the temperature of the layout from an initial setting in a linear fashion to zero.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.reduceTemperature = function()
Hook for subclassers to implement a custom method for retrieving IDs from objects.
mxCodec.prototype.reference = function( obj )
Refreshes the bends of this handler.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.refresh = function()
Clears all cell states or the states for the hierarchy starting at the given cell and validates the graph.
mxGraph.prototype.refresh = function( cell )
Clears the view if currentRoot is not null and revalidates.
mxGraphView.prototype.refresh = function()
Invokes update and revalidate the outline.
mxOutline.prototype.refresh = function()
Reloads or updates all handlers.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.refresh = function()
Updates the contents of the tasks window using createTasks.
mxEditor.prototype.refreshTasks = function ( div )
Registers a new codec and associates the name of the template constructor in the codec with the codec object.
register: function( codec )
Registers the given constructor under the specified key in this instance of the renderer.
mxCellRenderer.registerShape = function( key, shape )
Returns 1 if the given point on the right side of the segment, 0 if its on the segment, and -1 if the point is on the left side of the segment.
relativeCcw: function( x1, y1, x2, y2, px, py )
Removes the known listeners from the given DOM node and its descendants.
release: function( element )
Paints the line shape.
mxShape.prototype.releaseSvgGradients = function( grads )
Removes the child at the specified index from the child array and returns the child that was removed.
mxCell.prototype.remove = function( index )
Removes the value for the given key and returns the value that has been removed.
mxDictionary.prototype.remove = function( key )
Removes the specified cell from the model using mxChildChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.remove = function( cell )
Removes all occurrences of the given object in the given array or object.
remove: function( obj, array )
Removes all listeners from the given element.
removeAllListeners: function( element )
Removes all stylenames from the given style and returns the updated style.
removeAllStylenames: function( style )
Removes the specified mxCell from the selection and fires a select event for the remaining cells.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.removeCell = function( cell )
Removes and returns the given mxCellOverlay from the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellOverlay = function( cell, overlay )
Removes all mxCellOverlays from the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellOverlays = function( cell )
Hook to remove the given cells from the given graph after a cut operation.
removeCells: function( graph, cells )
Removes the given cells from the graph including all connected edges if includeEdges is true.
mxGraph.prototype.removeCells = function( cells, includeEdges )
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.removeCells = function( cells )
Removes the specified cells from their parents and adds them to the default parent.
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellsFromParent = function( cells )
Removes the cursors from the style of the given DOM node and its descendants.
removeCursors: function( element )
Removes and destroys the dragElement.
mxDragSource.prototype.removeDragElement = function()
Removes the specified edge from the edge array and returns the edge.
mxCell.prototype.removeEdge = function( edge, isOutgoing )
Removes the cell from its parent.
mxCell.prototype.removeFromParent = function()
Removes the edge from its source or target terminal.
mxCell.prototype.removeFromTerminal = function( isSource )
Removes the given listeners from mousedown, mousemove, mouseup and the respective touch events if mxClient.IS_TOUCH is true.
removeGestureListeners: function( node, startListener, moveListener, endListener )
Hooks for subclassers to hide details when the handler gets inactive.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.removeHint = function()
Hooks for subclassers to hide details when the handler gets inactive.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.removeHint = function()
Hooks for subclassers to hide details when the handler gets inactive.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.removeHint = function()
Removes the specified mxImageBundle.
mxGraph.prototype.removeImageBundle = function( bundle )
Removes the specified listener from the given element.
removeListener: function()
Removes all occurrences of the given listener from eventListeners.
mxEventSource.prototype.removeListener = function( funct )
Actives the given graph as a drop target.
mxDragSource.prototype.removeListeners = function()
Removes the specified graph listener.
mxGraph.prototype.removeMouseListener = function( listener )
Removes the control point at the given index from the given state.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.removePoint = function( state, index )
Removes the given cell from the selection.
mxGraph.prototype.removeSelectionCell = function( cell )
Removes the given cells from the selection.
mxGraph.prototype.removeSelectionCells = function( cells )
Removes and returns the mxCellState for the given cell.
mxGraphView.prototype.removeState = function( cell )
Removes all cached information for the given cell and its descendants.
mxGraph.prototype.removeStateForCell = function( cell )
Removes all occurrences of the specified stylename in the given style and returns the updated style.
removeStylename: function( style, stylename )
Removes the sibling text nodes for the given node that only consists of tabs, newlines and spaces.
removeWhitespace: function( node, before )
Creates a DIV that prints a single page of the given graph using the given scale and returns the DIV that represents the page.
mxPrintPreview.prototype.renderPage = function( w, h, dx, dy, content )
Updates the highlight after a change of the model or view.
mxCellHighlight.prototype.repaint = function()
Computes the bounding box and updates the style of the div.
mxRubberband.prototype.repaint = function()
Determines whether or not a node may be moved to the specified x position on the specified rank
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.repositionValid = function( model, cell, rank, position )
Resets the state of this canvas.
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.reset = function()
Resets all counters.
mxAutoSaveManager.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of the cell marker.
mxCellMarker.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handler.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handler.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Stops and removes everything and restores the state of the object.
mxDragSource.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handler.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handler.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handle by setting its visibility to true.
mxHandle.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of the rubberband selection.
mxRubberband.prototype.reset = function()
Resets all handlers.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Returns any offsets for rendering pixels.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.reset = function()
Resets and/or restarts the timer to trigger the display of the tooltip.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.reset = function( me, restart )
Resets the state of this handler.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the control points of the given edge.
mxGraph.prototype.resetEdge = function( edge )
Resets the control points of the edges that are connected to the given cells if not both ends of the edge are in the given cells array.
mxGraph.prototype.resetEdges = function( cells )
Resets the cookie that is used to remember if the editor has already been used.
mxEditor.prototype.resetFirstTime = function ()
Resets the command history, modified state and counters.
mxEditor.prototype.resetHistory = function ()
Selects the default mode and resets the state of the previously selected mode.
mxToolbar.prototype.resetMode = function( forced )
Resets the timer.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.resetTimer = function()
Resets the current validation state.
mxGraphView.prototype.resetValidationState = function()
Returns modified.
mxCellEditor.prototype.resize = function()
Updates the style of the DIV after the window has been resized.
mxDivResizer.prototype.resize = function()
Sets the bounds of the given cell using resizeCells.
mxGraph.prototype.resizeCell = function( cell, bounds, recurse )
Uses the given vector to change the bounds of the given cell in the graph using mxGraph.resizeCell.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.resizeCell = function( cell, dx, dy, index, gridEnabled, constrained, recurse )
Sets the bounds of the given cells and fires a mxEvent.RESIZE_CELLS event while the transaction is in progress.
mxGraph.prototype.resizeCells = function( cells, bounds, recurse )
Resizes the child cells of the given cell for the given new geometry with respect to the current geometry of the cell.
mxGraph.prototype.resizeChildCells = function( cell, newGeo )
Called from cellsResized for all swimlanes that are not ignored to update the size of the siblings and the size of the parent swimlanes, recursively, if bubbling is true.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.resizeSwimlane = function( swimlane, w, h, parentHorizontal )
Returns the cell for the specified cell path using the given root as the root of the path.
resolve: function( root, path )
Resolves special keywords ‘inherit’, ‘indicated’ and ‘swimlane’ and sets the respective color on the shape.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.resolveColor = function( state, field, key )
Restores the current state.
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.restore = function()
Restores the drawing state.
mxXmlCanvas2D.prototype.restore = function()
Inner helper method for restoring the connections in a network of cloned cells.
mxGraphModel.prototype.restoreClone = function( clone, cell, mapping )
Revalidates the complete view with all cell states.
mxGraphView.prototype.revalidate = function()
mxCellStatePreview.prototype.revalidateState = function( state, dx, dy, visitor )
Reverse the port constraint bitmask.
reversePortConstraints: function( constraint )
Describes a rhombus (aka diamond) perimeter.
RhombusPerimeter: function ( bounds, vertex, next, orthogonal )
Inner callback to change the root of the model and update the internal datastructures, such as cells and nextId.
mxGraphModel.prototype.rootChanged = function( root )
Rotates the geometry by the given angle around the given center.
mxGeometry.prototype.rotate = function( angle, cx )
Sets the rotation of the canvas.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.rotate = function( theta, flipH, flipV, cx, cy )
Sets the rotation of the canvas.
mxVmlCanvas2D.prototype.rotate = function( theta, flipH, flipV, cx, cy )
Rotates and/or flips the output around a given center.
mxXmlCanvas2D.prototype.rotate = function( theta, flipH, flipV, cx, cy )
Rotates this rectangle by 90 degree around its center point.
mxRectangle.prototype.rotate90 = function()
Hook for subclassers to implement a single click on the rotation handle.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.rotateClick = function()
Adds the shape rotation to the given label bounds and applies the alignment and offsets.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.rotateLabelBounds = function( state, bounds )
Rotates the given point and returns the result as an mxPoint.
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.rotatePoint = function( x, y, theta, cx, cy )
Rotates the point by the given angle.
mxHandle.prototype.rotatePoint = function( pt, alpha )
Hook for rounding the angle.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.roundAngle = function( angle )
Hook for rounding the unscaled width or height.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.roundLength = function( length )
Hook for rounding the unscaled vector.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.roundLength = function( length )
Hook for rounding the unscaled width or height.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.roundLength = function( length )
Private helper function to create SVG elements
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.roundrect = function( x, y, w, h, dx, dy )
Sets the current path to a rounded rectangle.
mxVmlCanvas2D.prototype.roundrect = function( x, y, w, h, dx, dy )
Puts a rounded rectangle into the drawing buffer.
mxXmlCanvas2D.prototype.roundrect = function( x, y, w, h, dx, dy )
Routes the given edge via the given point.
mxParallelEdgeLayout.prototype.route = function( edge, x, y )
Strips all whitespaces from the end of the string.
rtrim: function( str, chars )
The API method used to exercise the layout upon the graph description and produce a separate description of the vertex position and edge routing changes made.
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.run = function( parent )
The API method used to exercise the layout upon the graph description and produce a separate description of the vertex position and edge routing changes made.
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.run = function( parent )