
Base class for all shapes.  A shape in mxGraph is a separate implementation for SVG, VML and HTML.  Which implementation to use is controlled by the dialect property which is assigned from within the mxCellRenderer when the shape is created.  The dialect must be assigned for a shape, and it does normally depend on the browser and the confiuration of the graph (see mxGraph rendering hint).

For each supported shape in SVG and VML, a corresponding shape exists in mxGraph, namely for text, image, rectangle, rhombus, ellipse and polyline.  The other shapes are a combination of these shapes (eg. label and swimlane) or they consist of one or more (filled) path objects (eg. actor and cylinder).  The HTML implementation is optional but may be required for a HTML-only view of the graph.

Custom Shapes

To extend from this class, the basic code looks as follows.  In the special case where the custom shape consists only of one filled region or one filled region and an additional stroke the mxActor and mxCylinder should be subclassed, respectively.  These implement redrawPath in order to create the path expression for VML and SVG via a unified API (see mxPath).  mxCylinder.redrawPath has an additional boolean argument to draw the foreground and background separately.

function CustomShape() { }

CustomShape.prototype = new mxShape();
CustomShape.prototype.constructor = CustomShape;

To register a custom shape in an existing graph instance, one must register the shape under a new name in the graph’s cell renderer as follows:

graph.cellRenderer.registerShape('customShape', CustomShape);

The second argument is the name of the constructor.

In order to use the shape you can refer to the given name above in a stylesheet.  For example, to change the shape for the default vertex style, the following code is used:

var style = graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultVertexStyle();
style[mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE] = 'customShape';
mxShapeBase class for all shapes.
mxShapeConstructs a new shape.
SVG_STROKE_TOLERANCEEvent-tolerance for SVG strokes (in px).
scaleHolds the scale in which the shape is being painted.
dialectHolds the dialect in which the shape is to be painted.
crispSpecial attribute for SVG rendering to set the shape-rendering attribute to crispEdges in the output.
roundedCrispSvgSpecifies if crisp rendering should be enabled for rounded shapes.
mixedModeHtmlSpecifies if createHtml should be used in mixed Html mode.
preferModeHtmlSpecifies if createHtml should be used in prefer Html mode.
boundsHolds the mxRectangle that specifies the bounds of this shape.
pointsHolds the array of mxPoints that specify the points of this shape.
nodeHolds the outermost DOM node that represents this shape.
labelReference to the DOM node that should contain the label.
innerNodeHolds the DOM node that graphically represents this shape.
styleHolds the style of the cell state that corresponds to this shape.
startOffsetSpecifies the offset in pixels from the first point in points and the actual start of the shape.
endOffsetSpecifies the offset in pixels from the last point in points and the actual start of the shape.
boundingBoxContains the bounding box of the shape, that is, the smallest rectangle that includes all pixels of the shape.
vmlNodesArray if VML node names to fix in IE8 standards mode.
vmlScaleInternal scaling for VML using coordsize for better precision.
strokewidthHolds the current strokewidth.
setCursorSets the cursor on the given shape.
getCursorReturns the current cursor.
initInitializes the shape by creaing the DOM node using create and adding it into the given container.
reparseVmlForces a parsing of the outerHTML of this node and restores all references specified in vmlNodes.
insertGradientInserts the given gradient node.
isMixedModeHtmlUsed to determine if a shape can be rendered using createHtml in mixed mode Html without compromising the display accuracy.
createCreates and returns the DOM node(s) for the shape in the given container.
createHtmlCreates and returns the HTML DOM node(s) to represent this shape.
destroyDestroys the shape by removing it from the DOM and releasing the DOM node associated with the shape using mxEvent.release.
applyApplies the style of the given mxCellState to the shape.
createSvgGroupCreates a SVG group element and adds the given shape as a child of the element.
createSvgShadowCreates a clone of the given node and configures the node’s color to use mxConstants.SHADOWCOLOR.
configureHtmlShapeConfigures the specified HTML node by applying the current color, bounds, shadow, opacity etc.
updateVmlFillUpdates the given VML fill node.
updateVmlStrokeNodeCreates the stroke node for VML.
updateVmlStrokeColorUpdates the VML stroke color for the given node.
configureVmlShapeConfigures the specified VML node by applying the current color, bounds, shadow, opacity etc.
createVmlShadowCreates the VML shadow node.
configureTransparentBackgroundHook to make the background of a shape transparent.
configureSvgShapeConfigures the specified SVG node by applying the current color, bounds, shadow, opacity etc.
getGradientIdCreates a unique ID for the gradient of this shape.
createSvgPipeCreates an invisible path which is used to increase the hit detection for edges in SVG.
createSvgGradientCreates a gradient object for SVG using the specified startcolor, endcolor and opacity.
createPointsCreates a path expression using the specified commands for this.points.
updateHtmlShapeUpdates the bounds or points of the specified HTML node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.
updateVmlDashStyleUpdates the dashstyle in the stroke node.
updateVmlShapeUpdates the bounds or points of the specified VML node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.
updateSvgBoundsUpdates the bounds of the given node using bounds.
updateSvgPathUpdates the path of the given node using points.
updateSvgScaleUpdates the properties of the given node that depend on the scale and checks the crisp rendering attribute.
updateSvgShapeUpdates the bounds or points of the specified SVG node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.
getSvgShadowTransformReturns the current transformation for SVG shadows.
updateSvgTransformUpdates the tranform of the given node.
reconfigureReconfigures this shape.
redrawInvokes redrawSvg, redrawVml or redrawHtml depending on the dialect of the shape.
updateBoundingBoxUpdates the boundingBox for this shape using createBoundingBox and augmentBoundingBox and stores the result in boundingBox.
createBoundingBoxReturns a new rectangle that represents the bounding box of the bare shape with no shadows or strokewidths.
augmentBoundingBoxAugments the bounding box with the strokewidth and shadow offsets.
redrawSvgRedraws this SVG shape by invoking updateSvgShape on this.node, this.innerNode and this.shadowNode.
updateVmlGlassPaneDraws the glass overlay if mxConstants.STYLE_GLASS is 1.
updateSvgGlassPaneDraws the glass overlay if mxConstants.STYLE_GLASS is 1.
redrawVmlRedraws this VML shape by invoking updateVmlShape on this.node.
redrawHtmlRedraws this HTML shape by invoking updateHtmlShape on this.node.
getRotationReturns the current rotation including direction.
createPathCreates an mxPath for the specified format and origin.
redrawPathDraws the path for this shape.



function mxShape()

Constructs a new shape.




Event-tolerance for SVG strokes (in px).  Default is 8.



Holds the scale in which the shape is being painted.



Holds the dialect in which the shape is to be painted.  This can be one of the DIALECT constants in mxConstants.



Special attribute for SVG rendering to set the shape-rendering attribute to crispEdges in the output.  This is ignored in IE.  Default is false.  To disable antialias in IE, the explorer.css file can be changed as follows:

[code] v\:* { behavior: url(#default#VML); antialias: false; } [/code]



Specifies if crisp rendering should be enabled for rounded shapes.  Default is true.



Specifies if createHtml should be used in mixed Html mode.  Default is true.



Specifies if createHtml should be used in prefer Html mode.  Default is true.



Holds the mxRectangle that specifies the bounds of this shape.



Holds the array of mxPoints that specify the points of this shape.



Holds the outermost DOM node that represents this shape.



Reference to the DOM node that should contain the label.  This is null if the label should be placed inside node or innerNode.



Holds the DOM node that graphically represents this shape.  This may be null if the outermost DOM node represents this shape.


Holds the style of the cell state that corresponds to this shape.  This may be null if the shape is used directly, without a cell state.



Specifies the offset in pixels from the first point in points and the actual start of the shape.



Specifies the offset in pixels from the last point in points and the actual start of the shape.



Contains the bounding box of the shape, that is, the smallest rectangle that includes all pixels of the shape.



Array if VML node names to fix in IE8 standards mode.



Internal scaling for VML using coordsize for better precision.



Holds the current strokewidth.  Default is 1.



mxShape.prototype.setCursor = function(cursor)

Sets the cursor on the given shape.


cursorThe cursor to be used.


mxShape.prototype.getCursor = function()

Returns the current cursor.


mxShape.prototype.init = function(container)

Initializes the shape by creaing the DOM node using create and adding it into the given container.


containerDOM node that will contain the shape.


mxShape.prototype.reparseVml = function()

Forces a parsing of the outerHTML of this node and restores all references specified in vmlNodes.  This is a workaround for the VML rendering bug in IE8 standards mode.


mxShape.prototype.insertGradient = function(node)

Inserts the given gradient node.


mxShape.prototype.isMixedModeHtml = function()

Used to determine if a shape can be rendered using createHtml in mixed mode Html without compromising the display accuracy.  The default implementation will check if the shape is not rounded or rotated and has no gradient, and will use a DIV if that is the case.  It will also check if mxShape.mixedModeHtml is true, which is the default settings.  Subclassers can either override mixedModeHtml or this function if the result depends on dynamic values.  The graph’s dialect is available via dialect.


mxShape.prototype.create = function(container)

Creates and returns the DOM node(s) for the shape in the given container.  This implementation invokes <createSvg>, createHtml or <createVml> depending on the dialect and style settings.


containerDOM node that will contain the shape.


mxShape.prototype.createHtml = function()

Creates and returns the HTML DOM node(s) to represent this shape.  This implementation falls back to <createVml> so that the HTML creation is optional.


mxShape.prototype.destroy = function()

Destroys the shape by removing it from the DOM and releasing the DOM node associated with the shape using mxEvent.release.


mxShape.prototype.apply = function(state)

Applies the style of the given mxCellState to the shape.  This implementation assigns the following styles to local fields:

This keeps a reference to the style.  If you need to keep a reference to the cell, you can override this method and store a local reference to state.cell or the mxCellState itself.


statemxCellState of the corresponding cell.


mxShape.prototype.createSvgGroup = function(shape)

Creates a SVG group element and adds the given shape as a child of the element.  The child is stored in innerNode for later access.


mxShape.prototype.createSvgShadow = function(node)

Creates a clone of the given node and configures the node’s color to use mxConstants.SHADOWCOLOR.


mxShape.prototype.configureHtmlShape = function(node)

Configures the specified HTML node by applying the current color, bounds, shadow, opacity etc.


mxShape.prototype.updateVmlFill = function(node,

Updates the given VML fill node.


mxShape.prototype.updateVmlStrokeNode = function(parent)

Creates the stroke node for VML.


mxShape.prototype.updateVmlStrokeColor = function(node)

Updates the VML stroke color for the given node.


mxShape.prototype.configureVmlShape = function(node)

Configures the specified VML node by applying the current color, bounds, shadow, opacity etc.


mxShape.prototype.createVmlShadow = function(node)

Creates the VML shadow node.


mxShape.prototype.configureTransparentBackground = function(node)

Hook to make the background of a shape transparent.  This hook was added as a workaround for the “display non secure items” warning dialog in IE which appears if the background:url(transparent.gif) is used in the overlay pane of a diagram.  Since only mxImageShapes currently exist in the overlay pane this function is only overridden in mxImageShape.


mxShape.prototype.configureSvgShape = function(node)

Configures the specified SVG node by applying the current color, bounds, shadow, opacity etc.


mxShape.prototype.getGradientId = function(start,

Creates a unique ID for the gradient of this shape.


mxShape.prototype.createSvgPipe = function(id,

Creates an invisible path which is used to increase the hit detection for edges in SVG.


mxShape.prototype.createSvgGradient = function(id,

Creates a gradient object for SVG using the specified startcolor, endcolor and opacity.


mxShape.prototype.createPoints = function(moveCmd,

Creates a path expression using the specified commands for this.points.  If <isRounded> is true, then the path contains curves for the corners.


mxShape.prototype.updateHtmlShape = function(node)

Updates the bounds or points of the specified HTML node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.


mxShape.prototype.updateVmlDashStyle = function()

Updates the dashstyle in the stroke node.


mxShape.prototype.updateVmlShape = function(node)

Updates the bounds or points of the specified VML node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.


mxShape.prototype.updateSvgBounds = function(node)

Updates the bounds of the given node using bounds.


mxShape.prototype.updateSvgPath = function(node)

Updates the path of the given node using points.


mxShape.prototype.updateSvgScale = function(node)

Updates the properties of the given node that depend on the scale and checks the crisp rendering attribute.


mxShape.prototype.updateSvgShape = function(node)

Updates the bounds or points of the specified SVG node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.


mxShape.prototype.getSvgShadowTransform = function(node,

Returns the current transformation for SVG shadows.


mxShape.prototype.updateSvgTransform = function(node,

Updates the tranform of the given node.


mxShape.prototype.reconfigure = function()

Reconfigures this shape.  This will update the colors etc in addition to the bounds or points.


mxShape.prototype.redraw = function()

Invokes redrawSvg, redrawVml or redrawHtml depending on the dialect of the shape.


mxShape.prototype.updateBoundingBox = function()

Updates the boundingBox for this shape using createBoundingBox and augmentBoundingBox and stores the result in boundingBox.


mxShape.prototype.createBoundingBox = function()

Returns a new rectangle that represents the bounding box of the bare shape with no shadows or strokewidths.


mxShape.prototype.augmentBoundingBox = function(bbox)

Augments the bounding box with the strokewidth and shadow offsets.


mxShape.prototype.redrawSvg = function()

Redraws this SVG shape by invoking updateSvgShape on this.node, this.innerNode and this.shadowNode.


mxShape.prototype.updateVmlGlassPane = function()

Draws the glass overlay if mxConstants.STYLE_GLASS is 1.


mxShape.prototype.updateSvgGlassPane = function()

Draws the glass overlay if mxConstants.STYLE_GLASS is 1.


mxShape.prototype.redrawVml = function()

Redraws this VML shape by invoking updateVmlShape on this.node.


mxShape.prototype.redrawHtml = function()

Redraws this HTML shape by invoking updateHtmlShape on this.node.


mxShape.prototype.getRotation = function()

Returns the current rotation including direction.


mxShape.prototype.createPath = function(arg)

Creates an mxPath for the specified format and origin.  The path object is then passed to redrawPath and mxPath.getPath is returned.


mxShape.prototype.redrawPath = function(path,

Draws the path for this shape.  This implementation is empty.  See mxActor and mxCylinder for implementations.

function mxShape()
Constructs a new shape.
Event-tolerance for SVG strokes (in px).
Holds the scale in which the shape is being painted.
Holds the dialect in which the shape is to be painted.
Special attribute for SVG rendering to set the shape-rendering attribute to crispEdges in the output.
Specifies if crisp rendering should be enabled for rounded shapes.
Specifies if createHtml should be used in mixed Html mode.
mxShape.prototype.createHtml = function()
Creates and returns the HTML DOM node(s) to represent this shape.
Specifies if createHtml should be used in prefer Html mode.
Holds the mxRectangle that specifies the bounds of this shape.
Extends mxPoint to implement a 2-dimensional rectangle with double precision coordinates.
Holds the array of mxPoints that specify the points of this shape.
Implements a 2-dimensional vector with double precision coordinates.
Holds the outermost DOM node that represents this shape.
Reference to the DOM node that should contain the label.
Holds the DOM node that graphically represents this shape.
Holds the style of the cell state that corresponds to this shape.
Specifies the offset in pixels from the first point in points and the actual start of the shape.
Specifies the offset in pixels from the last point in points and the actual start of the shape.
Contains the bounding box of the shape, that is, the smallest rectangle that includes all pixels of the shape.
Array if VML node names to fix in IE8 standards mode.
Internal scaling for VML using coordsize for better precision.
Holds the current strokewidth.
mxShape.prototype.setCursor = function(cursor)
Sets the cursor on the given shape.
mxShape.prototype.getCursor = function()
Returns the current cursor.
mxShape.prototype.init = function(container)
Initializes the shape by creaing the DOM node using create and adding it into the given container.
mxShape.prototype.create = function(container)
Creates and returns the DOM node(s) for the shape in the given container.
mxShape.prototype.reparseVml = function()
Forces a parsing of the outerHTML of this node and restores all references specified in vmlNodes.
mxShape.prototype.insertGradient = function(node)
Inserts the given gradient node.
mxShape.prototype.isMixedModeHtml = function()
Used to determine if a shape can be rendered using createHtml in mixed mode Html without compromising the display accuracy.
mxShape.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the shape by removing it from the DOM and releasing the DOM node associated with the shape using mxEvent.release.
release: function(element)
Removes the known listeners from the given DOM node and its descendants.
mxShape.prototype.apply = function(state)
Applies the style of the given mxCellState to the shape.
Represents the current state of a cell in a given mxGraphView.
mxShape.prototype.createSvgGroup = function(shape)
Creates a SVG group element and adds the given shape as a child of the element.
mxShape.prototype.createSvgShadow = function(node)
Creates a clone of the given node and configures the node’s color to use mxConstants.SHADOWCOLOR.
Defines the color to be used to draw shadows in shapes and windows.
mxShape.prototype.configureHtmlShape = function(node)
Configures the specified HTML node by applying the current color, bounds, shadow, opacity etc.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlFill = function(node,
Updates the given VML fill node.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlStrokeNode = function(parent)
Creates the stroke node for VML.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlStrokeColor = function(node)
Updates the VML stroke color for the given node.
mxShape.prototype.configureVmlShape = function(node)
Configures the specified VML node by applying the current color, bounds, shadow, opacity etc.
mxShape.prototype.createVmlShadow = function(node)
Creates the VML shadow node.
mxShape.prototype.configureTransparentBackground = function(node)
Hook to make the background of a shape transparent.
mxShape.prototype.configureSvgShape = function(node)
Configures the specified SVG node by applying the current color, bounds, shadow, opacity etc.
mxShape.prototype.getGradientId = function(start,
Creates a unique ID for the gradient of this shape.
mxShape.prototype.createSvgPipe = function(id,
Creates an invisible path which is used to increase the hit detection for edges in SVG.
mxShape.prototype.createSvgGradient = function(id,
Creates a gradient object for SVG using the specified startcolor, endcolor and opacity.
mxShape.prototype.createPoints = function(moveCmd,
Creates a path expression using the specified commands for this.points.
mxShape.prototype.updateHtmlShape = function(node)
Updates the bounds or points of the specified HTML node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlDashStyle = function()
Updates the dashstyle in the stroke node.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlShape = function(node)
Updates the bounds or points of the specified VML node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgBounds = function(node)
Updates the bounds of the given node using bounds.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgPath = function(node)
Updates the path of the given node using points.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgScale = function(node)
Updates the properties of the given node that depend on the scale and checks the crisp rendering attribute.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgShape = function(node)
Updates the bounds or points of the specified SVG node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.
mxShape.prototype.getSvgShadowTransform = function(node,
Returns the current transformation for SVG shadows.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgTransform = function(node,
Updates the tranform of the given node.
mxShape.prototype.reconfigure = function()
Reconfigures this shape.
mxShape.prototype.redraw = function()
Invokes redrawSvg, redrawVml or redrawHtml depending on the dialect of the shape.
mxShape.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Redraws this SVG shape by invoking updateSvgShape on this.node, this.innerNode and this.shadowNode.
mxShape.prototype.redrawVml = function()
Redraws this VML shape by invoking updateVmlShape on this.node.
mxShape.prototype.redrawHtml = function()
Redraws this HTML shape by invoking updateHtmlShape on this.node.
mxShape.prototype.updateBoundingBox = function()
Updates the boundingBox for this shape using createBoundingBox and augmentBoundingBox and stores the result in boundingBox.
mxShape.prototype.createBoundingBox = function()
Returns a new rectangle that represents the bounding box of the bare shape with no shadows or strokewidths.
mxShape.prototype.augmentBoundingBox = function(bbox)
Augments the bounding box with the strokewidth and shadow offsets.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlGlassPane = function()
Draws the glass overlay if mxConstants.STYLE_GLASS is 1.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgGlassPane = function()
Draws the glass overlay if mxConstants.STYLE_GLASS is 1.
mxShape.prototype.getRotation = function()
Returns the current rotation including direction.
mxShape.prototype.createPath = function(arg)
Creates an mxPath for the specified format and origin.
An abstraction for creating VML and SVG paths.
mxShape.prototype.redrawPath = function(path,
Draws the path for this shape.
Renders cells into a document object model.
Extends mxEventSource to implement a graph component for the browser.
Extends mxShape to implement an actor shape.
Extends mxShape to implement an cylinder shape.
mxCylinder.prototype.redrawPath = function(path,
Draws the path for this shape.
Defines various global constants.
Defines the key for the fill color.
Defines the key for the gradient color.
Defines the key for the gradient direction.
Defines the key for the opacity style.
Defines the key for the strokeColor style.
Defines the key for the strokeWidth style.
Defines the key for the shadow style.
Defines the key for the endSize style.
Defines the key for the spacing.
Defines the key for the startSize style.
Defines the key for the endSize style.
Defines the key for the rounded style.
Defines the key for the start arrow marker.
Defines the key for the end arrow marker.
Defines the key for the rotation style.
Defines the key for the direction style.
mxPath.prototype.getPath = function()
Returns string that represents the path in format.