
Cross-browser DOM event support.  For internal event handling, mxEventSource and the graph event dispatch loop in mxGraph are used.

Memory Leaks

Use this class for adding and removing listeners to/from DOM nodes.  The removeAllListeners function is provided to remove all listeners that have been added using addListener.  The function should be invoked when the last reference is removed in the JavaScript code, typically when the referenced DOM node is removed from the DOM.

mxEventCross-browser DOM event support.
addListenerBinds the function to the specified event on the given element.
removeListenerRemoves the specified listener from the given element.
removeAllListenersRemoves all listeners from the given element.
addGestureListenersAdds the given listeners for touch, mouse and/or pointer events.
removeGestureListenersRemoves the given listeners from mousedown, mousemove, mouseup and the respective touch events if mxClient.IS_TOUCH is true.
redirectMouseEventsRedirects the mouse events from the given DOM node to the graph dispatch loop using the event and given state as event arguments.
releaseRemoves the known listeners from the given DOM node and its descendants.
disableContextMenuDisables the context menu for the given element.
getSourceReturns the event’s target or srcElement depending on the browser.
isConsumedReturns true if the event has been consumed using consume.
isTouchEventReturns true if the event was generated using a touch device (not a pen or mouse).
isPenEventReturns true if the event was generated using a pen (not a touch device or mouse).
isMultiTouchEventReturns true if the event was generated using a touch device (not a pen or mouse).
isMouseEventReturns true if the event was generated using a mouse (not a pen or touch device).
isLeftMouseButtonReturns true if the left mouse button is pressed for the given event.
isMiddleMouseButtonReturns true if the middle mouse button is pressed for the given event.
isRightMouseButtonReturns true if the right mouse button was pressed.
isPopupTriggerReturns true if the event is a popup trigger.
isShiftDownReturns true if the shift key is pressed for the given event.
isAltDownReturns true if the alt key is pressed for the given event.
isControlDownReturns true if the control key is pressed for the given event.
isMetaDownReturns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.
getMainEventReturns the touch or mouse event that contains the mouse coordinates.
getClientXReturns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.
getClientYReturns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.
consumeConsumes the given event.
LABEL_HANDLEIndex for the label handle in an mxMouseEvent.
ROTATION_HANDLEIndex for the rotation handle in an mxMouseEvent.
CUSTOM_HANDLEStart index for the custom handles in an mxMouseEvent.
VIRTUAL_HANDLEStart index for the virtual handles in an mxMouseEvent.
MOUSE_DOWNSpecifies the event name for mouseDown.
MOUSE_MOVESpecifies the event name for mouseMove.
MOUSE_UPSpecifies the event name for mouseUp.
ACTIVATESpecifies the event name for activate.
RESIZE_STARTSpecifies the event name for resizeStart.
RESIZESpecifies the event name for resize.
RESIZE_ENDSpecifies the event name for resizeEnd.
MOVE_STARTSpecifies the event name for moveStart.
MOVESpecifies the event name for move.
MOVE_ENDSpecifies the event name for moveEnd.
PAN_STARTSpecifies the event name for panStart.
PANSpecifies the event name for pan.
PAN_ENDSpecifies the event name for panEnd.
MINIMIZESpecifies the event name for minimize.
NORMALIZESpecifies the event name for normalize.
MAXIMIZESpecifies the event name for maximize.
HIDESpecifies the event name for hide.
SHOWSpecifies the event name for show.
CLOSESpecifies the event name for close.
DESTROYSpecifies the event name for destroy.
REFRESHSpecifies the event name for refresh.
SIZESpecifies the event name for size.
SELECTSpecifies the event name for select.
FIREDSpecifies the event name for fired.
FIRE_MOUSE_EVENTSpecifies the event name for fireMouseEvent.
GESTURESpecifies the event name for gesture.
TAP_AND_HOLDSpecifies the event name for tapAndHold.
GETSpecifies the event name for get.
RECEIVESpecifies the event name for receive.
CONNECTSpecifies the event name for connect.
DISCONNECTSpecifies the event name for disconnect.
SUSPENDSpecifies the event name for suspend.
RESUMESpecifies the event name for suspend.
MARKSpecifies the event name for mark.
ROOTSpecifies the event name for root.
POSTSpecifies the event name for post.
OPENSpecifies the event name for open.
SAVESpecifies the event name for open.
BEFORE_ADD_VERTEXSpecifies the event name for beforeAddVertex.
ADD_VERTEXSpecifies the event name for addVertex.
AFTER_ADD_VERTEXSpecifies the event name for afterAddVertex.
DONESpecifies the event name for done.
EXECUTESpecifies the event name for execute.
EXECUTEDSpecifies the event name for executed.
BEGIN_UPDATESpecifies the event name for beginUpdate.
START_EDITSpecifies the event name for startEdit.
END_UPDATESpecifies the event name for endUpdate.
END_EDITSpecifies the event name for endEdit.
BEFORE_UNDOSpecifies the event name for beforeUndo.
UNDOSpecifies the event name for undo.
REDOSpecifies the event name for redo.
CHANGESpecifies the event name for change.
NOTIFYSpecifies the event name for notify.
LAYOUT_CELLSSpecifies the event name for layoutCells.
CLICKSpecifies the event name for click.
SCALESpecifies the event name for scale.
TRANSLATESpecifies the event name for translate.
SCALE_AND_TRANSLATESpecifies the event name for scaleAndTranslate.
UPSpecifies the event name for up.
DOWNSpecifies the event name for down.
ADDSpecifies the event name for add.
REMOVESpecifies the event name for remove.
CLEARSpecifies the event name for clear.
ADD_CELLSSpecifies the event name for addCells.
CELLS_ADDEDSpecifies the event name for cellsAdded.
MOVE_CELLSSpecifies the event name for moveCells.
CELLS_MOVEDSpecifies the event name for cellsMoved.
RESIZE_CELLSSpecifies the event name for resizeCells.
CELLS_RESIZEDSpecifies the event name for cellsResized.
TOGGLE_CELLSSpecifies the event name for toggleCells.
CELLS_TOGGLEDSpecifies the event name for cellsToggled.
ORDER_CELLSSpecifies the event name for orderCells.
CELLS_ORDEREDSpecifies the event name for cellsOrdered.
REMOVE_CELLSSpecifies the event name for removeCells.
CELLS_REMOVEDSpecifies the event name for cellsRemoved.
GROUP_CELLSSpecifies the event name for groupCells.
UNGROUP_CELLSSpecifies the event name for ungroupCells.
REMOVE_CELLS_FROM_PARENTSpecifies the event name for removeCellsFromParent.
FOLD_CELLSSpecifies the event name for foldCells.
CELLS_FOLDEDSpecifies the event name for cellsFolded.
ALIGN_CELLSSpecifies the event name for alignCells.
LABEL_CHANGEDSpecifies the event name for labelChanged.
CONNECT_CELLSpecifies the event name for connectCell.
CELL_CONNECTEDSpecifies the event name for cellConnected.
SPLIT_EDGESpecifies the event name for splitEdge.
FLIP_EDGESpecifies the event name for flipEdge.
START_EDITINGSpecifies the event name for startEditing.
EDITING_STARTEDSpecifies the event name for editingStarted.
EDITING_STOPPEDSpecifies the event name for editingStopped.
ADD_OVERLAYSpecifies the event name for addOverlay.
REMOVE_OVERLAYSpecifies the event name for removeOverlay.
UPDATE_CELL_SIZESpecifies the event name for updateCellSize.
ESCAPESpecifies the event name for escape.
DOUBLE_CLICKSpecifies the event name for doubleClick.
STARTSpecifies the event name for start.
RESETSpecifies the event name for reset.
PINCH_THRESHOLDThreshold for pinch gestures to fire a mouse wheel event.



addListener: function()

Binds the function to the specified event on the given element.  Use mxUtils.bind in order to bind the “this” keyword inside the function to a given execution scope.


removeListener: function()

Removes the specified listener from the given element.


removeAllListeners: function(element)

Removes all listeners from the given element.


addGestureListeners: function(node,

Adds the given listeners for touch, mouse and/or pointer events.  If mxClient.IS_POINTER is true then pointer events will be registered, else the respective mouse events will be registered.  If mxClient.IS_POINTER is false and mxClient.IS_TOUCH is true then the respective touch events will be registered as well as the mouse events.


removeGestureListeners: function(node,

Removes the given listeners from mousedown, mousemove, mouseup and the respective touch events if mxClient.IS_TOUCH is true.


redirectMouseEvents: function(node,

Redirects the mouse events from the given DOM node to the graph dispatch loop using the event and given state as event arguments.  State can either be an instance of mxCellState or a function that returns an mxCellState.  The down, move, up and dblClick arguments are optional functions that take the trigger event as arguments and replace the default behaviour.


release: function(element)

Removes the known listeners from the given DOM node and its descendants.


elementDOM node to remove the listeners from.


disableContextMenu: function(element)

Disables the context menu for the given element.


getSource: function(evt)

Returns the event’s target or srcElement depending on the browser.


isConsumed: function(evt)

Returns true if the event has been consumed using consume.


isTouchEvent: function(evt)

Returns true if the event was generated using a touch device (not a pen or mouse).


isPenEvent: function(evt)

Returns true if the event was generated using a pen (not a touch device or mouse).


isMultiTouchEvent: function(evt)

Returns true if the event was generated using a touch device (not a pen or mouse).


isMouseEvent: function(evt)

Returns true if the event was generated using a mouse (not a pen or touch device).


isLeftMouseButton: function(evt)

Returns true if the left mouse button is pressed for the given event.  To check if a button is pressed during a mouseMove you should use the mxGraph.isMouseDown property.  Note that this returns true in Firefox for control+left-click on the Mac.


isMiddleMouseButton: function(evt)

Returns true if the middle mouse button is pressed for the given event.  To check if a button is pressed during a mouseMove you should use the mxGraph.isMouseDown property.


isRightMouseButton: function(evt)

Returns true if the right mouse button was pressed.  Note that this button might not be available on some systems.  For handling a popup trigger isPopupTrigger should be used.


isPopupTrigger: function(evt)

Returns true if the event is a popup trigger.  This implementation returns true if the right button or the left button and control was pressed on a Mac.


isShiftDown: function(evt)

Returns true if the shift key is pressed for the given event.


isAltDown: function(evt)

Returns true if the alt key is pressed for the given event.


isControlDown: function(evt)

Returns true if the control key is pressed for the given event.


isMetaDown: function(evt)

Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.


getMainEvent: function(e)

Returns the touch or mouse event that contains the mouse coordinates.


getClientX: function(e)

Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.


getClientY: function(e)

Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.


consume: function(evt,

Consumes the given event.


evtNative event to be consumed.
preventDefaultOptional boolean to prevent the default for the event.  Default is true.
stopPropagationOption boolean to stop event propagation.  Default is true.




Index for the label handle in an mxMouseEvent.  This should be a negative value that does not interfere with any possible handle indices.  Default is -1.



Index for the rotation handle in an mxMouseEvent.  This should be a negative value that does not interfere with any possible handle indices.  Default is -2.



Start index for the custom handles in an mxMouseEvent.  This should be a negative value and is the start index which is decremented for each custom handle.  Default is -100.



Start index for the virtual handles in an mxMouseEvent.  This should be a negative value and is the start index which is decremented for each virtual handle.  Default is -100000.  This assumes that there are no more than VIRTUAL_HANDLE - CUSTOM_HANDLE custom handles.


MOUSE_DOWN: 'mouseDown'

Specifies the event name for mouseDown.


MOUSE_MOVE: 'mouseMove'

Specifies the event name for mouseMove.


MOUSE_UP: 'mouseUp'

Specifies the event name for mouseUp.


ACTIVATE: 'activate'

Specifies the event name for activate.


RESIZE_START: 'resizeStart'

Specifies the event name for resizeStart.


RESIZE: 'resize'

Specifies the event name for resize.


RESIZE_END: 'resizeEnd'

Specifies the event name for resizeEnd.


MOVE_START: 'moveStart'

Specifies the event name for moveStart.


MOVE: 'move'

Specifies the event name for move.


MOVE_END: 'moveEnd'

Specifies the event name for moveEnd.


PAN_START: 'panStart'

Specifies the event name for panStart.


PAN: 'pan'

Specifies the event name for pan.


PAN_END: 'panEnd'

Specifies the event name for panEnd.


MINIMIZE: 'minimize'

Specifies the event name for minimize.


NORMALIZE: 'normalize'

Specifies the event name for normalize.


MAXIMIZE: 'maximize'

Specifies the event name for maximize.


HIDE: 'hide'

Specifies the event name for hide.


SHOW: 'show'

Specifies the event name for show.


CLOSE: 'close'

Specifies the event name for close.


DESTROY: 'destroy'

Specifies the event name for destroy.


REFRESH: 'refresh'

Specifies the event name for refresh.


SIZE: 'size'

Specifies the event name for size.


SELECT: 'select'

Specifies the event name for select.


FIRED: 'fired'

Specifies the event name for fired.


FIRE_MOUSE_EVENT: 'fireMouseEvent'

Specifies the event name for fireMouseEvent.


GESTURE: 'gesture'

Specifies the event name for gesture.


TAP_AND_HOLD: 'tapAndHold'

Specifies the event name for tapAndHold.


GET: 'get'

Specifies the event name for get.


RECEIVE: 'receive'

Specifies the event name for receive.


CONNECT: 'connect'

Specifies the event name for connect.


DISCONNECT: 'disconnect'

Specifies the event name for disconnect.


SUSPEND: 'suspend'

Specifies the event name for suspend.


RESUME: 'resume'

Specifies the event name for suspend.


MARK: 'mark'

Specifies the event name for mark.


ROOT: 'root'

Specifies the event name for root.


POST: 'post'

Specifies the event name for post.


OPEN: 'open'

Specifies the event name for open.


SAVE: 'save'

Specifies the event name for open.


BEFORE_ADD_VERTEX: 'beforeAddVertex'

Specifies the event name for beforeAddVertex.


ADD_VERTEX: 'addVertex'

Specifies the event name for addVertex.


AFTER_ADD_VERTEX: 'afterAddVertex'

Specifies the event name for afterAddVertex.


DONE: 'done'

Specifies the event name for done.


EXECUTE: 'execute'

Specifies the event name for execute.


EXECUTED: 'executed'

Specifies the event name for executed.


BEGIN_UPDATE: 'beginUpdate'

Specifies the event name for beginUpdate.


START_EDIT: 'startEdit'

Specifies the event name for startEdit.


END_UPDATE: 'endUpdate'

Specifies the event name for endUpdate.


END_EDIT: 'endEdit'

Specifies the event name for endEdit.


BEFORE_UNDO: 'beforeUndo'

Specifies the event name for beforeUndo.


UNDO: 'undo'

Specifies the event name for undo.


REDO: 'redo'

Specifies the event name for redo.


CHANGE: 'change'

Specifies the event name for change.


NOTIFY: 'notify'

Specifies the event name for notify.


LAYOUT_CELLS: 'layoutCells'

Specifies the event name for layoutCells.


CLICK: 'click'

Specifies the event name for click.


SCALE: 'scale'

Specifies the event name for scale.


TRANSLATE: 'translate'

Specifies the event name for translate.


SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE: 'scaleAndTranslate'

Specifies the event name for scaleAndTranslate.


UP: 'up'

Specifies the event name for up.


DOWN: 'down'

Specifies the event name for down.


ADD: 'add'

Specifies the event name for add.


REMOVE: 'remove'

Specifies the event name for remove.


CLEAR: 'clear'

Specifies the event name for clear.


ADD_CELLS: 'addCells'

Specifies the event name for addCells.


CELLS_ADDED: 'cellsAdded'

Specifies the event name for cellsAdded.


MOVE_CELLS: 'moveCells'

Specifies the event name for moveCells.


CELLS_MOVED: 'cellsMoved'

Specifies the event name for cellsMoved.


RESIZE_CELLS: 'resizeCells'

Specifies the event name for resizeCells.


CELLS_RESIZED: 'cellsResized'

Specifies the event name for cellsResized.


TOGGLE_CELLS: 'toggleCells'

Specifies the event name for toggleCells.


CELLS_TOGGLED: 'cellsToggled'

Specifies the event name for cellsToggled.


ORDER_CELLS: 'orderCells'

Specifies the event name for orderCells.


CELLS_ORDERED: 'cellsOrdered'

Specifies the event name for cellsOrdered.


REMOVE_CELLS: 'removeCells'

Specifies the event name for removeCells.


CELLS_REMOVED: 'cellsRemoved'

Specifies the event name for cellsRemoved.


GROUP_CELLS: 'groupCells'

Specifies the event name for groupCells.


UNGROUP_CELLS: 'ungroupCells'

Specifies the event name for ungroupCells.


REMOVE_CELLS_FROM_PARENT: 'removeCellsFromParent'

Specifies the event name for removeCellsFromParent.


FOLD_CELLS: 'foldCells'

Specifies the event name for foldCells.


CELLS_FOLDED: 'cellsFolded'

Specifies the event name for cellsFolded.


ALIGN_CELLS: 'alignCells'

Specifies the event name for alignCells.


LABEL_CHANGED: 'labelChanged'

Specifies the event name for labelChanged.


CONNECT_CELL: 'connectCell'

Specifies the event name for connectCell.


CELL_CONNECTED: 'cellConnected'

Specifies the event name for cellConnected.


SPLIT_EDGE: 'splitEdge'

Specifies the event name for splitEdge.


FLIP_EDGE: 'flipEdge'

Specifies the event name for flipEdge.


START_EDITING: 'startEditing'

Specifies the event name for startEditing.


EDITING_STARTED: 'editingStarted'

Specifies the event name for editingStarted.


EDITING_STOPPED: 'editingStopped'

Specifies the event name for editingStopped.


ADD_OVERLAY: 'addOverlay'

Specifies the event name for addOverlay.


REMOVE_OVERLAY: 'removeOverlay'

Specifies the event name for removeOverlay.


UPDATE_CELL_SIZE: 'updateCellSize'

Specifies the event name for updateCellSize.


ESCAPE: 'escape'

Specifies the event name for escape.


DOUBLE_CLICK: 'doubleClick'

Specifies the event name for doubleClick.


START: 'start'

Specifies the event name for start.


RESET: 'reset'

Specifies the event name for reset.



Threshold for pinch gestures to fire a mouse wheel event.  Default value is 10.

addListener: function()
Binds the function to the specified event on the given element.
removeListener: function()
Removes the specified listener from the given element.
removeAllListeners: function(element)
Removes all listeners from the given element.
addGestureListeners: function(node,
Adds the given listeners for touch, mouse and/or pointer events.
removeGestureListeners: function(node,
Removes the given listeners from mousedown, mousemove, mouseup and the respective touch events if mxClient.IS_TOUCH is true.
IS_TOUCH: 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement
True if this device supports touchstart/-move/-end events (Apple iOS, Android, Chromebook and Chrome Browser on touch-enabled devices).
redirectMouseEvents: function(node,
Redirects the mouse events from the given DOM node to the graph dispatch loop using the event and given state as event arguments.
release: function(element)
Removes the known listeners from the given DOM node and its descendants.
disableContextMenu: function(element)
Disables the context menu for the given element.
getSource: function(evt)
Returns the event’s target or srcElement depending on the browser.
isConsumed: function(evt)
Returns true if the event has been consumed using consume.
consume: function(evt,
Consumes the given event.
isTouchEvent: function(evt)
Returns true if the event was generated using a touch device (not a pen or mouse).
isPenEvent: function(evt)
Returns true if the event was generated using a pen (not a touch device or mouse).
isMultiTouchEvent: function(evt)
Returns true if the event was generated using a touch device (not a pen or mouse).
isMouseEvent: function(evt)
Returns true if the event was generated using a mouse (not a pen or touch device).
isLeftMouseButton: function(evt)
Returns true if the left mouse button is pressed for the given event.
isMiddleMouseButton: function(evt)
Returns true if the middle mouse button is pressed for the given event.
isRightMouseButton: function(evt)
Returns true if the right mouse button was pressed.
isPopupTrigger: function(evt)
Returns true if the event is a popup trigger.
isShiftDown: function(evt)
Returns true if the shift key is pressed for the given event.
isAltDown: function(evt)
Returns true if the alt key is pressed for the given event.
isControlDown: function(evt)
Returns true if the control key is pressed for the given event.
isMetaDown: function(evt)
Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.
getMainEvent: function(e)
Returns the touch or mouse event that contains the mouse coordinates.
getClientX: function(e)
Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.
getClientY: function(e)
Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.
Index for the label handle in an mxMouseEvent.
Index for the rotation handle in an mxMouseEvent.
Start index for the custom handles in an mxMouseEvent.
Start index for the virtual handles in an mxMouseEvent.
MOUSE_DOWN: 'mouseDown'
Specifies the event name for mouseDown.
MOUSE_MOVE: 'mouseMove'
Specifies the event name for mouseMove.
MOUSE_UP: 'mouseUp'
Specifies the event name for mouseUp.
ACTIVATE: 'activate'
Specifies the event name for activate.
RESIZE_START: 'resizeStart'
Specifies the event name for resizeStart.
RESIZE: 'resize'
Specifies the event name for resize.
RESIZE_END: 'resizeEnd'
Specifies the event name for resizeEnd.
MOVE_START: 'moveStart'
Specifies the event name for moveStart.
MOVE: 'move'
Specifies the event name for move.
MOVE_END: 'moveEnd'
Specifies the event name for moveEnd.
PAN_START: 'panStart'
Specifies the event name for panStart.
PAN: 'pan'
Specifies the event name for pan.
PAN_END: 'panEnd'
Specifies the event name for panEnd.
MINIMIZE: 'minimize'
Specifies the event name for minimize.
NORMALIZE: 'normalize'
Specifies the event name for normalize.
MAXIMIZE: 'maximize'
Specifies the event name for maximize.
HIDE: 'hide'
Specifies the event name for hide.
SHOW: 'show'
Specifies the event name for show.
CLOSE: 'close'
Specifies the event name for close.
DESTROY: 'destroy'
Specifies the event name for destroy.
REFRESH: 'refresh'
Specifies the event name for refresh.
SIZE: 'size'
Specifies the event name for size.
SELECT: 'select'
Specifies the event name for select.
FIRED: 'fired'
Specifies the event name for fired.
FIRE_MOUSE_EVENT: 'fireMouseEvent'
Specifies the event name for fireMouseEvent.
GESTURE: 'gesture'
Specifies the event name for gesture.
TAP_AND_HOLD: 'tapAndHold'
Specifies the event name for tapAndHold.
GET: 'get'
Specifies the event name for get.
RECEIVE: 'receive'
Specifies the event name for receive.
CONNECT: 'connect'
Specifies the event name for connect.
DISCONNECT: 'disconnect'
Specifies the event name for disconnect.
SUSPEND: 'suspend'
Specifies the event name for suspend.
RESUME: 'resume'
Specifies the event name for suspend.
MARK: 'mark'
Specifies the event name for mark.
ROOT: 'root'
Specifies the event name for root.
POST: 'post'
Specifies the event name for post.
OPEN: 'open'
Specifies the event name for open.
SAVE: 'save'
Specifies the event name for open.
BEFORE_ADD_VERTEX: 'beforeAddVertex'
Specifies the event name for beforeAddVertex.
ADD_VERTEX: 'addVertex'
Specifies the event name for addVertex.
AFTER_ADD_VERTEX: 'afterAddVertex'
Specifies the event name for afterAddVertex.
DONE: 'done'
Specifies the event name for done.
EXECUTE: 'execute'
Specifies the event name for execute.
EXECUTED: 'executed'
Specifies the event name for executed.
BEGIN_UPDATE: 'beginUpdate'
Specifies the event name for beginUpdate.
START_EDIT: 'startEdit'
Specifies the event name for startEdit.
END_UPDATE: 'endUpdate'
Specifies the event name for endUpdate.
END_EDIT: 'endEdit'
Specifies the event name for endEdit.
BEFORE_UNDO: 'beforeUndo'
Specifies the event name for beforeUndo.
UNDO: 'undo'
Specifies the event name for undo.
REDO: 'redo'
Specifies the event name for redo.
CHANGE: 'change'
Specifies the event name for change.
NOTIFY: 'notify'
Specifies the event name for notify.
LAYOUT_CELLS: 'layoutCells'
Specifies the event name for layoutCells.
CLICK: 'click'
Specifies the event name for click.
SCALE: 'scale'
Specifies the event name for scale.
TRANSLATE: 'translate'
Specifies the event name for translate.
SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE: 'scaleAndTranslate'
Specifies the event name for scaleAndTranslate.
UP: 'up'
Specifies the event name for up.
DOWN: 'down'
Specifies the event name for down.
ADD: 'add'
Specifies the event name for add.
REMOVE: 'remove'
Specifies the event name for remove.
CLEAR: 'clear'
Specifies the event name for clear.
ADD_CELLS: 'addCells'
Specifies the event name for addCells.
CELLS_ADDED: 'cellsAdded'
Specifies the event name for cellsAdded.
MOVE_CELLS: 'moveCells'
Specifies the event name for moveCells.
CELLS_MOVED: 'cellsMoved'
Specifies the event name for cellsMoved.
RESIZE_CELLS: 'resizeCells'
Specifies the event name for resizeCells.
CELLS_RESIZED: 'cellsResized'
Specifies the event name for cellsResized.
TOGGLE_CELLS: 'toggleCells'
Specifies the event name for toggleCells.
CELLS_TOGGLED: 'cellsToggled'
Specifies the event name for cellsToggled.
ORDER_CELLS: 'orderCells'
Specifies the event name for orderCells.
CELLS_ORDERED: 'cellsOrdered'
Specifies the event name for cellsOrdered.
REMOVE_CELLS: 'removeCells'
Specifies the event name for removeCells.
CELLS_REMOVED: 'cellsRemoved'
Specifies the event name for cellsRemoved.
GROUP_CELLS: 'groupCells'
Specifies the event name for groupCells.
UNGROUP_CELLS: 'ungroupCells'
Specifies the event name for ungroupCells.
REMOVE_CELLS_FROM_PARENT: 'removeCellsFromParent'
Specifies the event name for removeCellsFromParent.
FOLD_CELLS: 'foldCells'
Specifies the event name for foldCells.
CELLS_FOLDED: 'cellsFolded'
Specifies the event name for cellsFolded.
ALIGN_CELLS: 'alignCells'
Specifies the event name for alignCells.
LABEL_CHANGED: 'labelChanged'
Specifies the event name for labelChanged.
CONNECT_CELL: 'connectCell'
Specifies the event name for connectCell.
CELL_CONNECTED: 'cellConnected'
Specifies the event name for cellConnected.
SPLIT_EDGE: 'splitEdge'
Specifies the event name for splitEdge.
FLIP_EDGE: 'flipEdge'
Specifies the event name for flipEdge.
START_EDITING: 'startEditing'
Specifies the event name for startEditing.
EDITING_STARTED: 'editingStarted'
Specifies the event name for editingStarted.
EDITING_STOPPED: 'editingStopped'
Specifies the event name for editingStopped.
ADD_OVERLAY: 'addOverlay'
Specifies the event name for addOverlay.
REMOVE_OVERLAY: 'removeOverlay'
Specifies the event name for removeOverlay.
UPDATE_CELL_SIZE: 'updateCellSize'
Specifies the event name for updateCellSize.
ESCAPE: 'escape'
Specifies the event name for escape.
DOUBLE_CLICK: 'doubleClick'
Specifies the event name for doubleClick.
START: 'start'
Specifies the event name for start.
RESET: 'reset'
Specifies the event name for reset.
Threshold for pinch gestures to fire a mouse wheel event.
Base class for objects that dispatch named events.
Extends mxEventSource to implement a graph component for the browser.
bind: function(scope,
Returns a wrapper function that locks the execution scope of the given function to the specified scope.
IS_POINTER: window.PointerEvent !
True if this device supports Microsoft pointer events (always false on Macs).
Represents the current state of a cell in a given mxGraphView.
Holds the state of the mouse button.