Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 toRadians, mxUtils
 transformControlPoint, mxGraphView
 translate, mxGeometry
 translatePoints, mxUtils
 updateBoundingBox, mxGraphView
 updateCellState, mxGraphView
 updateEdgeBounds, mxGraphView
 updateEdgeParent, mxGraphModel
 updateEdgeParents, mxGraphModel
 updateEdgeState, mxGraphView
 updateFixedTerminalPoint, mxGraphView
 updateFixedTerminalPoints, mxGraphView
 updateFloatingTerminalPoint, mxGraphView
 updateFloatingTerminalPoints, mxGraphView
 updateLabelBounds, mxGraphView
 updatePoints, mxGraphView
 updateVertexLabelOffset, mxGraphView
 updateVertexState, mxGraphView
 validate, mxGraphView
 validateCell, mxGraphView
 validateCellStates, mxGraphView
 warn, mxLog
 write, mxLog
 writeAttribute, mxObjectCodec
 writeComplexAttribute, mxObjectCodec
 writeln, mxLog
 writePrimitiveAttribute, mxObjectCodec
static function toRadians($deg)
Converts the given degree to radians.
function transformControlPoint($state,
Transforms the given control point to an absolute point.
function translate($dx,
Translates the geometry by the specified amount.
static function translatePoints($pts,
Creates a new list of new points obtained by translating the points in the given list by the given vector.
function updateBoundingBox($state)
Updates the bounding box in the given cell state.
function updateCellState($state,
Updates the given mxCellState.
function updateEdgeBounds($state)
Updates the bounds of the specified state based on the absolute points in the state.
function updateEdgeParent($edge,
Inner callback to update the parent of the specified mxCell to the nearest-common-ancestor of its two terminals.
function updateEdgeParents($cell,  
$root =  null)
Updates the parent for all edges that are connected to cell or one of its descendants using updateEdgeParent.
function updateEdgeState($state,
Validates the given cell state.
function updateFixedTerminalPoint($edge,
Sets the fixed source or target terminal point on the given edge.
function updateFixedTerminalPoints($edge,
Sets the initial absolute terminal points in the given state before the edge style is computed.
function updateFloatingTerminalPoint($edge,
Updates the absolute terminal point in the given state for the given start and end state, where start is the source if source is true.
function updateFloatingTerminalPoints($state,
Updates the terminal points in the given state after the edge style was computed for the edge.
function updateLabelBounds($state)
Updates the label bounds in the given state.
function updatePoints($edge,
Updates the absolute points in the given state using the specified array of mxPoints as the relative points.
function updateVertexLabelOffset($state)
Updates the absoluteOffset of the given vertex cell state.
function updateVertexState($state,
Validates the given cell state.
function validate($cell =  null)
Calls validateCell and validateCellState and updates the graphBounds using getBoundingBox.
function validateCell($cell,  
$visible =  true)
Recursively creates the cell state for the given cell if visible is true and the given cell is visible.
Validates and repaints the mxCellState for the given mxCell.
static function warn($text)
Logs a warn trace.
static function write($text)
Writes a line to the log.
function writeAttribute($enc,
Writes the given value into node using writePrimitiveAttribute or writeComplexAttribute depending on the type of the value.
function writeComplexAttribute($enc,
Writes the given value as a child node of the given node.
static function writeln($text)
Writes a line with a linefeed to the log.
function writePrimitiveAttribute($enc,
Writes the given value as an attribute of the given node.