S | |
save | |
SAVE | |
saveAs, mxUtils | |
scale | |
scaleAndTranslate, mxGraphView | |
scaleGrid, mxGraphHandler | |
scheduleUpdateAspect, mxImageShape | |
scrollCellToVisible, mxGraph | |
scrollOnMove, mxGraphHandler | |
scrollPointToVisible, mxGraph | |
scrollRectToVisible, mxGraph | |
SegmentConnector, mxEdgeStyle | |
segments, mxCellState | |
select, mxConnectionHandler | |
selectAll, mxGraph | |
selectCell, mxGraph | |
selectCellForEvent, mxGraph | |
selectCells | |
selectCellsForEvent, mxGraph | |
selectChildCell, mxGraph | |
selectDelayed, mxGraphHandler | |
selectEnabled, mxGraphHandler | |
Selection, mxGraph | |
Selection state, mxGraph | |
SELECTION_DASHED, mxConstants | |
selectionModel, mxGraph | |
selectMode, mxToolbar | |
selectNextCell, mxGraph | |
selectOnPopup, mxPanningHandler | |
selectParentCell, mxGraph | |
selectPreviousCell, mxGraph | |
selectRegion, mxGraph | |
selectVertices, mxGraph | |
send | |
sent, mxSession | |
session, mxEditor | |
setAbsoluteTerminalPoint, mxCellState | |
setAddEnabled, mxSwimlaneManager | |
setAllowDanglingEdges, mxGraph | |
setAllowEval, mxGraphView | |
setAllowLoops, mxGraph | |
setAlpha | |
setAttribute | |
setAutoAntiAlias, mxSvgCanvas2D | |
setAutoSizeCells, mxGraph | |
setBackgroundImage, mxGraph | |
setBaseDomain, mxUrlConverter | |
setBaseUrl, mxUrlConverter | |
setBinary, mxXmlRequest | |
setBorder, mxGraph | |
setBubbling, mxLayoutManager | |
setCell, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
setCellLocations, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
setCells, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
setCellsBendable, mxGraph | |
setCellsCloneable, mxGraph | |
setCellsDeletable, mxGraph | |
setCellsDisconnectable, mxGraph | |
setCellsEditable, mxGraph | |
setCellsMovable, mxGraph | |
setCellsResizable, mxGraph | |
setCellsSelectable, mxGraph | |
setCellStyle, mxGraph | |
setCellStyleFlags | |
setCellStyles | |
setCellWarning, mxGraph | |
setCloneEnabled, mxGraphHandler | |
setCloneInvalidEdges, mxGraph | |
setClosable, mxWindow | |
setCollapsed | |
setCompressed, mxXmlCanvas2D | |
setConnectable | |
setConnectableEdges, mxGraph | |
setConnectionConstraint, mxGraph | |
setConstrainChildren, mxGraph | |
setCreateIds, mxGraphModel | |
setCreateTarget, mxConnectionHandler | |
setCurrentRoot, mxGraphView | |
setCursor | |
setDashed | |
setDashPattern | |
setDefaultParent, mxGraph | |
setDisconnectOnMove, mxGraph | |
setDropEnabled, mxGraph | |
setEdge, mxCell | |
setEdgePoints, mxGraphLayout | |
setEdgePosition, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
setEdgeStyleEnabled, mxGraphLayout | |
setEnabled | |
setEnterStopsCellEditing, mxGraph | |
setEscapeEnabled, mxGraph | |
setEventsEnabled, mxEventSource | |
setEventSource, mxEventSource | |
setExtendParents, mxGraph | |
setExtendParentsOnAdd, mxGraph | |
setFillColor | |
setFoEnabled, mxSvgCanvas2D | |
setFontColor | |
setFontFamily | |
setFontSize | |
setFontStyle | |
setGeneralPurposeVariable | |
setGeometry | |
setGlassGradient | |
setGradient | |
setGraph | |
setGraphBounds, mxGraphView | |
setGraphContainer, mxEditor | |
setGridEnabled | |
setGridSize, mxGraph | |
setGuidesEnabled, mxDragSource | |
setHideOnHover, mxTooltipHandler | |
setHighlightColor | |
setHorizontal, mxSwimlaneManager | |
setHotspot, mxCellMarker | |
setHotspotEnabled, mxCellMarker | |
setHtmlLabels, mxGraph | |
setId, mxCell | |
setImage, mxWindow | |
setInvokesStopCellEditing, mxGraph | |
setLineCap | |
setLineJoin | |
setLocation, mxWindow | |
setLocked, mxGraph | |
setMaximizable, mxWindow | |
setMinimizable, mxWindow | |
setMiterLimit | |
setMode, mxEditor | |
setModified | |
setMoveEnabled, mxGraphHandler | |
setMultigraph, mxGraph | |
setOpacity, mxUtils | |
setOrthogonalEdge, mxGraphLayout | |
setPanning, mxGraph | |
setPanningEnabled, mxPanningHandler | |
setParent, mxCell | |
setPortsEnabled, mxGraph | |
setPreviewColor, mxEdgeHandler | |
setRect, mxRectangle | |
setRemoveCellsFromParent, mxGraphHandler | |
setRendering, mxGraphView | |
setRequestHeaders, mxXmlRequest | |
setResizable, mxWindow | |
setResizeContainer, mxGraph | |
setResizeEnabled, mxSwimlaneManager | |
setRoot, mxGraphModel | |
setScale, mxGraphView | |
setScrollable, mxWindow | |
setSelectEnabled, mxGraphHandler | |
setSelectionCell, mxGraph | |
setSelectionCells, mxGraph | |
setSelectionModel, mxGraph | |
setShiftDownwards, mxSpaceManager | |
setShiftRightwards, mxSpaceManager | |
setSingleSelection, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
setSize, mxWindow | |
setSplitEnabled, mxGraph | |
setStates | |
setStatus, mxEditor | |
setStatusContainer, mxEditor | |
setStrokeColor | |
setStrokeWidth | |
setStyle | |
setStyleFlag, mxUtils | |
setStylesheet, mxGraph | |
setSwimlaneNesting, mxGraph | |
setSwimlaneSelectionEnabled, mxGraph | |
setTerminal | |
setTerminalPoint, mxGeometry | |
setTerminals, mxGraphModel | |
setTextEnabled | |
setTitle, mxWindow | |
setTitleContainer, mxEditor | |
setTolerance, mxGraph | |
setToolbarContainer, mxEditor | |
setTooltips, mxGraph | |
setTranslate | |
setValue | |
setVertex, mxCell | |
setVertexLabelsMovable, mxGraph | |
setVertexLocation | |
setVisible | |
setVisibleTerminalState, mxCellState | |
setX, mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell | |
setY, mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell | |
setZoomEnabled, mxOutline | |
shadow | |
SHADOW_OFFSET_X, mxConstants | |
SHADOW_OFFSET_Y, mxConstants | |
SHADOW_OPACITY, mxConstants | |
SHADOWCOLOR, mxConstants | |
shape | |
SHAPE_ACTOR, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_ARROW, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_CLOUD, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_CONNECTOR, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_CYLINDER, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_ELLIPSE, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_HEXAGON, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_IMAGE, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_LABEL, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_LINE, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_RECTANGLE, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_RHOMBUS, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_SWIMLANE, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_TRIANGLE, mxConstants | |
shapes | |
sharedDiv, mxRubberband | |
shiftCell, mxSpaceManager | |
shiftDownwards, mxSpaceManager | |
shiftKeys, mxKeyHandler | |
shiftRightwards, mxSpaceManager | |
shouldRemoveCellsFromParent, mxGraphHandler | |
show | |
SHOW | |
showHelp, mxEditor | |
showMenu, mxPopupMenu | |
showOutline, mxEditor | |
showProperties, mxEditor | |
showSubmenu, mxPopupMenu | |
showTasks, mxEditor | |
showViewport, mxOutline | |
SideToSide, mxEdgeStyle | |
significant, mxUndoableEdit | |
significantRemoteChanges, mxSession | |
simulate, mxXmlRequest | |
singleSelection, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
singleSizer, mxVertexHandler | |
size, mxUndoManager | |
SIZE | |
sizeDidChange, mxGraph | |
sizerImage, mxOutline | |
smartSeparators, mxPopupMenu | |
snap | |
snapToTerminals, mxEdgeHandler | |
sortCells, mxUtils | |
sortEdges, mxCompactTreeLayout | |
sortOutgoingEdges, mxCompactTreeLayout | |
source | |
sourcePoint, mxGeometry | |
SOURCESCANSTARTRANK, mxGraphHierarchyModel | |
spacing | |
splitEdge, mxGraph | |
splitEnabled, mxGraph | |
src, mxImage | |
start | |
startAnimation, mxAnimation | |
startDrag, mxDragSource | |
startEditing | |
startEditingAtCell, mxGraph | |
startOffset, mxShape | |
state | |
states, mxGuide | |
status, mxEditor | |
stencil, mxStencilShape | |
step, mxMorphing | |
steps, mxMorphing | |
STEPSIZE, mxClipboard | |
stop, mxSession | |
stopAnimation, mxAnimation | |
stopDrag, mxDragSource | |
stopEditing | |
stopRecursion, mxMorphing | |
stroke | |
strokedBackground, mxCylinder | |
strokewidth | |
style | |
STYLE_ALIGN, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_AUTOSIZE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_BENDABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_CLONEABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_CURVED, mxConstants | |
STYLE_DASHED, mxConstants | |
STYLE_DELETABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_DIRECTION, mxConstants | |
STYLE_EDGE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_EDITABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ELBOW, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ENDARROW, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ENDFILL, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ENDSIZE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ENTRY_X, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ENTRY_Y, mxConstants | |
STYLE_EXIT_X, mxConstants | |
STYLE_EXIT_Y, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FILLCOLOR, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FOLDABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FONTCOLOR, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FONTFAMILY, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FONTSIZE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FONTSTYLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_GLASS, mxConstants | |
STYLE_HORIZONTAL, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_ALIGN, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_ASPECT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_BORDER, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_FLIPH, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_FLIPV, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_HEIGHT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_WIDTH, mxConstants | |
STYLE_LABEL_PADDING, mxConstants | |
STYLE_LOOP, mxConstants | |
STYLE_MOVABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_NOLABEL, mxConstants | |
STYLE_OPACITY, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ORTHOGONAL, mxConstants | |
STYLE_OVERFLOW, mxConstants | |
STYLE_PERIMETER, mxConstants | |
STYLE_RESIZABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ROTATION, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ROUNDED, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SEGMENT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SHADOW, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SHAPE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SMOOTH, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SOURCE_PORT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SPACING, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SPACING_LEFT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SPACING_RIGHT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SPACING_TOP, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STARTARROW, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STARTFILL, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STENCIL_FLIPH, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STENCIL_FLIPV, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STROKECOLOR, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STROKEWIDTH, mxConstants | |
STYLE_TARGET_PORT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_TEXT_OPACITY, mxConstants | |
STYLE_WHITE_SPACE, mxConstants | |
styleForCellChanged, mxGraphModel | |
styles, mxStylesheet | |
stylesheet, mxGraph | |
submenuImage, mxPopupMenu | |
submit, mxUtils | |
suspend, mxSession | |
suspended, mxOutline | |
swap, mxGeometry | |
swapBounds, mxGraph | |
swapStyles, mxEditor | |
swimlaneAdded, mxSwimlaneManager | |
swimlaneIndicatorColorAttribute, mxGraph | |
swimlaneNesting, mxGraph | |
swimlaneRequired, mxEditor | |
swimlaneSelectionEnabled, mxGraph | |
swimlaneSpacing, mxEditor |
Empty hook that is called if the graph should be saved.
mxAutoSaveManager.prototype.save = function()
Posts the string returned by writeGraphModel to the given URL or the URL returned by getUrlPost.
mxEditor.prototype.save = function ( url, linefeed )
Saves the state of the graphics object.
save: function()
Saves the specified content in the given file on the local file system.
save: function( filename, content )
Saves the state of the graphics object.
save: function()
Saves the specified content by displaying a dialog to save the content as a file on the local filesystem.
saveAs: function( content )
Specifies the scale.
Number that specifies the translation of the path.
Holds the scale of the print preview.
Holds the scale in which the shape is being painted.
Scales the current graphics object.
scale: function( value )
Scales the current graphics object.
scale: function( value )
Sets the scale and translation and fires a scale and translate event before calling revalidate followed by mxGraph.sizeDidChange.
mxGraphView.prototype.scaleAndTranslate = function( scale, dx, dy )
Specifies if the grid should be scaled.
Schedules an asynchronous updateAspect using the current image.
mxImageShape.prototype.scheduleUpdateAspect = function()
Pans the graph so that it shows the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.scrollCellToVisible = function( cell, center )
Specifies if the view should be scrolled so that a moved cell is visible.
Scrolls the graph to the given point, extending the graph container if specified.
mxGraph.prototype.scrollPointToVisible = function( x, y, extend, border )
Pans the graph so that it shows the given rectangle.
mxGraph.prototype.scrollRectToVisible = function( rect )
Implements an orthogonal edge style.
SegmentConnector: function( state, source, target, hints, result )
Array of numbers that represent the cached length of each segment of the edge.
Specifies if new edges should be selected.
Selects all children of the given parent cell or the children of the default parent if no parent is specified.
mxGraph.prototype.selectAll = function( parent )
Selects the next, parent, first child or previous cell, if all arguments are false.
mxGraph.prototype.selectCell = function( isNext, isParent, isChild )
Selects the given cell by either adding it to the selection or replacing the selection depending on whether the given mouse event is a toggle event.
mxGraph.prototype.selectCellForEvent = function( cell, evt )
Selects the given edge after adding a new connection.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.selectCells = function( edge, target )
Selects all vertices and/or edges depending on the given boolean arguments recursively, starting at the given parent or the default parent if no parent is specified.
mxGraph.prototype.selectCells = function( vertices, edges, parent )
Selects the given cells by either adding them to the selection or replacing the selection depending on whether the given mouse event is a toggle event.
mxGraph.prototype.selectCellsForEvent = function( cells, evt )
Selects the first child cell.
mxGraph.prototype.selectChildCell = function()
Implements the delayed selection for the given mouse event.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.selectDelayed = function( me )
Specifies if selecting is enabled.
Holds the mxGraphSelectionModel that models the current selection.
Resets the state of the previously selected mode and displays the given DOM node as selected.
mxToolbar.prototype.selectMode = function( domNode, funct )
Selects the next cell.
mxGraph.prototype.selectNextCell = function()
Specifies if cells should be selected if a popupmenu is displayed for them.
Selects the parent cell.
mxGraph.prototype.selectParentCell = function()
Selects the previous cell.
mxGraph.prototype.selectPreviousCell = function()
Selects and returns the cells inside the given rectangle for the specified event.
mxGraph.prototype.selectRegion = function( rect, evt )
Select all vertices inside the given parent or the default parent.
mxGraph.prototype.selectVertices = function( parent )
Send the request to the target URL using the specified functions to process the response asychronously.
mxXmlRequest.prototype.send = function( onload, onerror )
Total number of sent bytes.
Holds a mxSession instance associated with this editor.
Sets the first or last point in absolutePoints depending on isSource.
mxCellState.prototype.setAbsoluteTerminalPoint = function ( point, isSource )
Sets addEnabled.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.setAddEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if dangling edges are allowed, that is, if edges are allowed that do not have a source and/or target terminal defined.
mxGraph.prototype.setAllowDanglingEdges = function( value )
Sets allowEval.
mxGraphView.prototype.setAllowEval = function( value )
Specifies if loops are allowed.
mxGraph.prototype.setAllowLoops = function( value )
Sets the current alpha.
setAlpha: function( alpha )
Sets the current alpha.
setAlpha: function( alpha )
Sets the specified attribute on the user object if it is an XML node.
mxCell.prototype.setAttribute = function( name, value )
Sets the attribute on the specified node to value.
mxCodec.prototype.setAttribute = function( node, attribute, value )
Sets autoAntiAlias.
setAutoAntiAlias: function( value )
Specifies if cell sizes should be automatically updated after a label change.
mxGraph.prototype.setAutoSizeCells = function( value )
Sets the new backgroundImage.
mxGraph.prototype.setBackgroundImage = function( image )
Sets baseDomain.
setBaseDomain: function( value )
Sets baseUrl.
setBaseUrl: function( value )
Sets binary.
mxXmlRequest.prototype.setBinary = function( value )
Sets the value of border.
mxGraph.prototype.setBorder = function( value )
Sets bubbling.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.setBubbling = function( value )
Selects the specified mxCell using setCells.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.setCell = function( cell )
Sets the cell locations in the facade to those stored after this layout processing step has completed.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.setCellLocations = function( graph, model )
Selects the given array of mxCells and fires a change event.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.setCells = function( cells )
Specifies if the graph should allow bending of edges.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsBendable = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow cloning of cells by holding down the control key while cells are being moved.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsCloneable = function( value )
Sets cellsDeletable.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsDeletable = function( value )
Sets cellsDisconnectable.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsDisconnectable = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow in-place editing for cell labels.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsEditable = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow moving of cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsMovable = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow resizing of cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsResizable = function( value )
Sets cellsSelectable.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsSelectable = function( value )
Sets the style of the specified cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellStyle = function( style, cells )
Sets or toggles the given bit for the given key in the styles of the specified cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellStyleFlags = function( key, flag, value, cells )
Sets or toggles the flag bit for the given key in the cell’s styles.
setCellStyleFlags: function( model, cells, key, flag, value )
Sets the key to value in the styles of the given cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellStyles = function( key, value, cells )
Assigns the value for the given key in the styles of the given cells, or removes the key from the styles if the value is null.
setCellStyles: function( model, cells, key, value )
Creates an overlay for the given cell using the warning and image or warningImage and returns the new mxCellOverlay.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellWarning = function( cell, warning, img, isSelect )
Sets cloneEnabled.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setCloneEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if edges should be inserted when cloned but not valid wrt.
mxGraph.prototype.setCloneInvalidEdges = function( value )
Sets the image associated with the window.
mxWindow.prototype.setClosable = function( closable )
Sets the collapsed state.
mxCell.prototype.setCollapsed = function( collapsed )
Sets the collapsed state of the given mxCell using mxCollapseChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setCollapsed = function( cell, collapsed )
Sets compressed.
setCompressed: function( value )
Sets the connectable state.
mxCell.prototype.setConnectable = function( connectable )
Specifies if the graph should allow new connections.
mxGraph.prototype.setConnectable = function( connectable )
Specifies if edges should be connectable.
mxGraph.prototype.setConnectableEdges = function( value )
Sets the mxConnectionConstraint that describes the given connection point.
mxGraph.prototype.setConnectionConstraint = function( edge, terminal, source, constraint )
Sets constrainChildren.
mxGraph.prototype.setConstrainChildren = function( value )
Sets createIds.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setCreateIds = function( value )
Sets createTarget.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.setCreateTarget = function( value )
Sets and returns the current root and fires an undo event before calling mxGraph.sizeDidChange.
mxGraphView.prototype.setCurrentRoot = function( root )
Sets the given cursor on the shape and text shape.
mxCellState.prototype.setCursor = function ( cursor )
Sets the cursor on the given shape.
mxShape.prototype.setCursor = function( cursor )
Sets the dashed state to true or false.
setDashed: function( value )
Sets the dashed state to true or false.
setDashed: function( value )
Sets the dashed pattern to the given space separated list of numbers.
setDashPattern: function( value )
Sets the dashed pattern to the given space separated list of numbers.
setDashPattern: function( value )
Sets the defaultParent to the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.setDefaultParent = function( cell )
Specifies if edges should be disconnected when moved.
mxGraph.prototype.setDisconnectOnMove = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow dropping of cells onto or into other cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setDropEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if the cell is an edge.
mxCell.prototype.setEdge = function( edge )
Replaces the array of mxPoints in the geometry of the given edge with the given array of mxPoints.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.setEdgePoints = function( edge, points )
Fixes the control points
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.setEdgePosition = function( cell )
Disables or enables the edge style of the given edge.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.setEdgeStyleEnabled = function( edge, value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxAutoSaveManager.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxCellMarker.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Sets enabled.
mxDragSource.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow any interactions.
mxGraph.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Sets enabled.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling by updating enabled.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxOutline.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxRubberband.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Sets enabled.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxSpaceManager.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Sets enabled.
setEnabled: function( value )
Sets enterStopsCellEditing.
mxGraph.prototype.setEnterStopsCellEditing = function( value )
Sets escapeEnabled.
mxGraph.prototype.setEscapeEnabled = function( value )
Sets eventsEnabled.
mxEventSource.prototype.setEventsEnabled = function( value )
Sets eventSource.
mxEventSource.prototype.setEventSource = function( value )
Sets extendParents.
mxGraph.prototype.setExtendParents = function( value )
Sets extendParentsOnAdd.
mxGraph.prototype.setExtendParentsOnAdd = function( value )
Sets the fillcolor.
setFillColor: function( value )
Sets the fillcolor.
setFillColor: function( value )
Sets foEnabled.
setFoEnabled: function( value )
Sets the fontcolor.
setFontColor: function( value )
Sets the fontcolor.
setFontColor: function( value )
Sets the fontfamily.
setFontFamily: function( value )
Sets the fontfamily.
setFontFamily: function( value )
Sets the fontsize.
setFontSize: function( value )
Sets the fontsize.
setFontSize: function( value )
Sets the fontstyle.
setFontStyle: function( value )
Sets the fontstyle.
setFontStyle: function( value )
Set the value of temp for the specified layer
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.setGeneralPurposeVariable = function( layer, value )
Set the value of temp for the specified layer
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype.setGeneralPurposeVariable = function( layer, value )
Set the value of temp for the specified layer
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.setGeneralPurposeVariable = function( layer, value )
Sets the mxGeometry to be used as the geometry.
mxCell.prototype.setGeometry = function( geometry )
Sets the mxGeometry of the given mxCell.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setGeometry = function( cell, geometry )
Sets the glass gradient.
setGlassGradient: function( x, y, w, h )
Sets the glass gradient.
setGlassGradient: function( x, y, w, h )
Sets the gradient color.
setGradient: function( color1, color2, x, y, w, h, direction )
Sets the gradient color.
setGradient: function( color1, color2, x, y, w, h, direction )
Sets the graph that the layouts operate on.
mxAutoSaveManager.prototype.setGraph = function( graph )
Sets the graph that the layouts operate on.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.setGraph = function( graph )
Sets the graph that the layouts operate on.
mxSpaceManager.prototype.setGraph = function( graph )
Sets the graph that the manager operates on.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.setGraph = function( graph )
Sets graphBounds.
mxGraphView.prototype.setGraphBounds = function( value )
Sets the graph’s container using mxGraph.init.
mxEditor.prototype.setGraphContainer = function ( container )
Sets gridEnabled.
mxDragSource.prototype.setGridEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if the grid should be enabled.
mxGraph.prototype.setGridEnabled = function( value )
Sets gridSize.
mxGraph.prototype.setGridSize = function( value )
Sets guidesEnabled.
mxDragSource.prototype.setGuidesEnabled = function( value )
Sets hideOnHover.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.setHideOnHover = function( value )
Sets the color of the rectangle used to highlight drop targets.
mxCellHighlight.prototype.setHighlightColor = function( color )
Sets the color of the rectangle used to highlight drop targets.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setHighlightColor = function( color )
Sets horizontal.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.setHorizontal = function( value )
Sets the hotspot.
mxCellMarker.prototype.setHotspot = function( hotspot )
Specifies whether the hotspot should be used in intersects.
mxCellMarker.prototype.setHotspotEnabled = function( enabled )
Sets htmlLabels.
mxGraph.prototype.setHtmlLabels = function( value )
Sets the Id of the cell to the given string.
mxCell.prototype.setId = function( id )
Sets the image associated with the window.
mxWindow.prototype.setImage = function( image )
Sets invokesStopCellEditing.
mxGraph.prototype.setInvokesStopCellEditing = function( value )
Sets the linecap.
setLineCap: function( value )
Sets the linecap.
setLineCap: function( value )
Sets the linejoin.
setLineJoin: function( value )
Sets the linejoin.
setLineJoin: function( value )
Sets the upper, left corner of the window.
mxWindow.prototype.setLocation = function( x, y )
Sets if the window is maximizable.
mxWindow.prototype.setMaximizable = function( maximizable )
Sets if the window is minimizable.
mxWindow.prototype.setMinimizable = function( minimizable )
Sets the miterlimit.
setMiterLimit: function( value )
Sets the miterlimit.
setMiterLimit: function( value )
Puts the graph into the specified mode.
mxEditor.prototype.setMode = function( modename )
Sets modified to the specified boolean value.
mxCellEditor.prototype.setModified = function( value )
Sets modified to the specified boolean value.
mxEditor.prototype.setModified = function ( value )
Sets moveEnabled.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setMoveEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow multiple connections between the same pair of vertices.
mxGraph.prototype.setMultigraph = function( value )
Sets the opacity of the specified DOM node to the given value in %.
setOpacity: function( node, value )
Disables or enables orthogonal end segments of the given edge.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.setOrthogonalEdge = function( edge, value )
Specifies if panning should be enabled.
mxGraph.prototype.setPanning = function( enabled )
Sets panningEnabled.
mxPanningHandler.prototype.setPanningEnabled = function( value )
Sets the parent cell.
mxCell.prototype.setParent = function( parent )
Specifies if the ports should be enabled.
mxGraph.prototype.setPortsEnabled = function( value )
Sets the color of the preview to the given value.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.setPreviewColor = function( color )
Sets this rectangle to the specified values
mxRectangle.prototype.setRect = function( x, y, w, h )
Sets removeCellsFromParent.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setRemoveCellsFromParent = function( value )
Sets rendering.
mxGraphView.prototype.setRendering = function( value )
Sets the headers for the given request and parameters.
mxXmlRequest.prototype.setRequestHeaders = function( request, params )
Sets if the window should be resizable.
mxWindow.prototype.setResizable = function( resizable )
Sets resizeContainer.
mxGraph.prototype.setResizeContainer = function( value )
Sets resizeEnabled.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.setResizeEnabled = function( value )
Sets the root of the model using mxRootChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setRoot = function( root )
Sets the scale and fires a scale event before calling revalidate followed by mxGraph.sizeDidChange.
mxGraphView.prototype.setScale = function( value )
Sets if the window contents should be scrollable.
mxWindow.prototype.setScrollable = function( scrollable )
Sets selectEnabled.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setSelectEnabled = function( value )
Sets the selection cell.
mxGraph.prototype.setSelectionCell = function( cell )
Sets the selection cell.
mxGraph.prototype.setSelectionCells = function( cells )
Sets the mxSelectionModel that contains the selection.
mxGraph.prototype.setSelectionModel = function( selectionModel )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxSpaceManager.prototype.setShiftDownwards = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxSpaceManager.prototype.setShiftRightwards = function( value )
Sets the singleSelection flag.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.setSingleSelection = function( singleSelection )
Sets the size of the window.
mxWindow.prototype.setSize = function( width, height )
Specifies if the graph should allow dropping of cells onto or into other cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setSplitEnabled = function( value )
Sets states.
mxGraphView.prototype.setStates = function( value )
Sets the mxCellStates that should be used for alignment.
mxGuide.prototype.setStates = function( states )
Display the specified message in the status bar.
mxEditor.prototype.setStatus = function ( message )
Creates the status using the specified container.
mxEditor.prototype.setStatusContainer = function ( container )
Sets the stroke color.
setStrokeColor: function( value )
Sets the stroke color.
setStrokeColor: function( value )
Sets the stroke width.
setStrokeWidth: function( value )
Sets the stroke width.
setStrokeWidth: function( value )
Sets the string to be used as the style.
mxCell.prototype.setStyle = function( style )
Sets the style of the given mxCell using mxStyleChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setStyle = function( cell, style )
Adds or removes the given key, value pair to the style and returns the new style.
setStyle: function( style, key, value )
Sets or removes the given key from the specified style and returns the new style.
setStyleFlag: function( style, key, flag, value )
Sets the mxStylesheet that defines the style.
mxGraph.prototype.setStylesheet = function( stylesheet )
Specifies if swimlanes can be nested by drag and drop.
mxGraph.prototype.setSwimlaneNesting = function( value )
Specifies if swimlanes should be selected if the mouse is released over their content area.
mxGraph.prototype.setSwimlaneSelectionEnabled = function( value )
Sets the source or target terminal and returns the new terminal.
mxCell.prototype.setTerminal = function( terminal, isSource )
Sets the source or target terminal of the given mxCell using mxTerminalChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setTerminal = function( edge, terminal, isSource )
Sets the sourcePoint or targetPoint to the given mxPoint and returns the new point.
mxGeometry.prototype.setTerminalPoint = function( point, isSource )
Sets the source and target mxCell of the given mxCell in a single transaction using setTerminal for each end of the edge.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setTerminals = function( edge, source, target )
Sets textEnabled.
setTextEnabled: function( value )
Sets textEnabled.
setTextEnabled: function( value )
Sets the window title to the given string.
mxWindow.prototype.setTitle = function( title )
Creates a listener to update the inner HTML of the specified DOM node with the value of getTitle.
mxEditor.prototype.setTitleContainer = function ( container )
Sets tolerance.
mxGraph.prototype.setTolerance = function( value )
Initializes the toolbar for the given container.
mxEditor.prototype.setToolbarContainer = function ( container )
Specifies if tooltips should be enabled.
mxGraph.prototype.setTooltips = function ( enabled )
Sets the translation and fires a translate event before calling revalidate followed by mxGraph.sizeDidChange.
mxGraphView.prototype.setTranslate = function( dx, dy )
Set the global translation of this path, that is, the origin of the coordinate system.
mxPath.prototype.setTranslate = function( x, y )
Sets the user object of the cell.
mxCell.prototype.setValue = function( value )
Sets the user object of then given mxCell using mxValueChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setValue = function( cell, value )
Specifies if the cell is a vertex.
mxCell.prototype.setVertex = function( vertex )
Sets vertexLabelsMovable.
mxGraph.prototype.setVertexLabelsMovable = function( value )
Fixes the position of the specified vertex.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.setVertexLocation = function( cell )
Sets the new position of the given cell taking into account the size of the bounding box if useBoundingBox is true.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.setVertexLocation = function( cell, x, y )
Specifies if the cell is visible.
mxCell.prototype.setVisible = function( visible )
Sets the visible state of the given mxCell using mxVisibleChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setVisible = function( cell, visible )
Shows or hides the console.
setVisible: function( visible )
Shows or hides the window depending on the given flag.
mxWindow.prototype.setVisible = function( visible )
Sets the visible source or target terminal state.
mxCellState.prototype.setVisibleTerminalState = function ( terminalState, source )
Set the value of x for the specified layer
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.setX = function( layer, value )
Set the value of y for the specified layer
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.setY = function( layer, value )
Enables or disables the zoom handling by showing or hiding the respective handle.
mxOutline.prototype.setZoomEnabled = function( value )
Paints the current path as a shadow of the given color.
shadow: function( value, filled )
Paints the current path as a shadow of the given color.
shadow: function( value, filled )
Holds the mxShape that represents the cell graphically.
Holds the mxShape that represents the preview edge.
Reference to the mxShape that represents the preview.
Array that maps from shape names to shape constructors.
Holds implementations for the built-in shapes.
Holds the DIV element which is used to display the rubberband.
Called from moveCellsIntoParent to invoke the move hook in the automatic layout of each modified cell’s parent.
mxSpaceManager.prototype.shiftCell = function( cell, dx, dy, Ox0, y0, right, bottom, fx, fy, extendParent )
Specifies if event handling is enabled.
Maps from keycodes to functions for pressed shift keys.
Specifies if event handling is enabled.
Returns true if the given cells should be removed from the parent for the specified mousereleased event.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.shouldRemoveCellsFromParent = function( parent, cells, evt )
mxCellStatePreview.prototype.show = function( visitor )
Shows the console.
show: function()
Shows the changes in the given mxCellStatePreview.
mxMorphing.prototype.show = function( move )
Shows the tooltip for the specified cell and optional index at the specified location (with a vertical offset of 10 pixels).
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.show = function( tip, x, y )
Copies the styles and the markup from the graph’s container into the given document and removes all cursor styles.
show: function( graph, doc, x0, y0 )
Shows the window.
mxWindow.prototype.show = function()
Shows the help window.
mxEditor.prototype.showHelp = function ( tasks )
Shows the menu.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.showMenu = function()
Shows the outline window.
mxEditor.prototype.showOutline = function ()
Creates and shows the properties dialog for the given cell.
mxEditor.prototype.showProperties = function ( cell )
Shows the submenu inside the given parent row.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.showSubmenu = function( parent, row )
Shows the tasks window.
mxEditor.prototype.showTasks = function ()
Specifies a viewport rectangle should be shown.
Implements a vertical elbow edge.
SideToSide: function ( state, source, target, points, result )
Specifies if the undoable change is significant.
Whether remote changes should be significant in the local command history.
Creates and posts a request to the given target URL using a dynamically created form inside the given document.
mxXmlRequest.prototype.simulate = function( doc, target )
Specifies if only one selected item at a time is allowed.
Specifies if only one sizer handle at the bottom, right corner should be used.
Maximum command history size.
Called when the size of the graph has changed.
mxGraph.prototype.sizeDidChange = function()
Optional mxImage to be used for the sizer.
Specifies if separators should only be added if a menu item follows them.
Snaps the given numeric value to the grid if gridEnabled is true.
mxGraph.prototype.snap = function( value )
Snaps the given vector to the grid and returns the given mxPoint instance.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.snap = function( vector )
Specifies if waypoints should snap to the routing centers of terminals.
Sorts the given cells according to the order in the cell hierarchy.
sortCells: function( cells, ascending )
Specifies if edges should be sorted according to the order of their opposite terminal cell in the model.
Called if sortEdges is true to sort the array of outgoing edges in place.
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.sortOutgoingEdges = function( source, edges )
Reference to the source terminal.
The node this edge is sourced at
Boolean that specifies if the rule is applied to the source or target terminal of an edge.
Specifies the source of the edit.
Defines the source mxPoint of the edge.
High value to start source layering scan rank value from.
Specifies the spacing between the highlight for vertices and the vertex.
Defines the spacing between existing and new vertices in gridSize units when a new vertex is dropped on an existing cell.
Default value for spacing.
Defines the spacing between the parallels.
Integer that specifies the absolute spacing in pixels between the children.
Specifies the spacing between the cells.
Splits the given edge by adding the newEdge between the previous source and the given cell and reconnecting the source of the given edge to the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.splitEdge = function( edge, cells, newEdge, dx, dy )
Specifies if dropping onto edges should be enabled.
String that specifies the URL of the image.
Starts a new connection for the given state and coordinates.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.start = function( state, x, y, edgeState )
Starts the handling of the mouse gesture.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.start = function( x, y, index )
Starts the handling of the mouse gesture.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.start = function( cell, x, y )
Sets the start point for the rubberband selection.
mxRubberband.prototype.start = function( x, y )
mxSession.prototype.start = function()
Starts the handling of the mouse gesture.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.start = function( x, y, index )
Starts the animation by repeatedly invoking updateAnimation.
mxAnimation.prototype.startAnimation = function()
Creates the dragElement using createDragElement.
mxDragSource.prototype.startDrag = function( evt )
Starts the editor for the given cell.
mxCellEditor.prototype.startEditing = function( cell, trigger )
Calls startEditingAtCell using the given cell or the first selection cell.
mxGraph.prototype.startEditing = function( evt )
Fires a startEditing event and invokes mxCellEditor.startEditing on editor.
mxGraph.prototype.startEditingAtCell = function( cell, evt )
Specifies the offset in pixels from the first point in points and the actual start of the shape.
Reference to the mxCellState.
Reference to the mxCellState being modified.
Holds the optional mxCellState associated with this event.
Holds the mxCellState associated with this shape.
Reference to the mxCellState being modified.
Contains the mxCellStates that are used for alignment.
DOM container that holds the statusbar.
Holds the mxStencil that defines the shape.
Contains the current step.
Specifies the maximum number of steps for the morphing.
Stops the session and fires a disconnect event.
mxSession.prototype.stop = function( reason )
Stops the animation by deleting the timer and fires an mxEvent.DONE.
mxAnimation.prototype.stopAnimation = function()
Removes and destroys the dragElement.
mxDragSource.prototype.stopDrag = function( evt )
Stops the editor and applies the value if cancel is false.
mxCellEditor.prototype.stopEditing = function( cancel )
Stops the current editing.
mxGraph.prototype.stopEditing = function( cancel )
Returns true if the animation should not recursively find more deltas for children if the given parent state has been animated.
mxMorphing.prototype.stopRecursion = function( state, delta )
Paints the outline of the current path.
stroke: function()
Paints the outline of the current path.
stroke: function()
Specifies if the background should be stroked.
Holds the current strokewidth.
Holds the strokewidth direction from the description.
Holds the style as a string of the form [(stylename|key=value);].
Contains an array of key, value pairs that represent the style of the cell.
Holds the style of the cell state that corresponds to this shape.
Inner callback to update the style of the given mxCell using mxCell.setStyle and return the previous style.
mxGraphModel.prototype.styleForCellChanged = function( cell, style )
Holds the mxStylesheet that defines the appearance of the cells.
URL of the image to be used for the submenu icon.
Submits the given parameters to the specified URL using mxXmlRequest.simulate and returns the mxXmlRequest.
submit: function( url, params, doc, target )
Suspends the polling.
mxSession.prototype.suspend = function()
Optional boolean flag to suspend updates.
Event-tolerance for SVG strokes (in px).
Swaps the x, y, width and height with the values stored in alternateBounds and puts the previous values into alternateBounds as a rectangle.
mxGeometry.prototype.swap = function()
Swaps the alternate and the actual bounds in the geometry of the given cell invoking updateAlternateBounds before carrying out the swap.
mxGraph.prototype.swapBounds = function( cell, willCollapse )
Swaps the styles for the given names in the graph’s stylesheet and refreshes the graph.
mxEditor.prototype.swapStyles = function ( first, second )
Updates the size of the given swimlane to match that of any existing siblings swimlanes.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.swimlaneAdded = function( swimlane )
The attribute used to find the color for the indicator if the indicator color is set to ‘swimlane’.
Specifies if nesting of swimlanes is allowed.
Specifies if new cells must be inserted into an existing swimlane.
Specifies if swimlanes should be selectable via the content if the mouse is released.
Specifies the spacing between swimlanes if automatic layout is turned on in layoutDiagram.