J | |
join, mxCompactTreeLayout | |
K | |
keyDown, mxKeyHandler | |
L | |
labelChanged, mxGraph | |
layeringStage | |
layout | |
layoutCells, mxLayoutManager | |
layoutLeaf, mxCompactTreeLayout | |
leave, mxLog | |
lineTo | |
link | |
linkAction, mxUtils | |
linkInvoke, mxUtils | |
load, mxUtils | |
loadInto, mxUtils | |
localEdgeProcessing | |
lookup, mxCodec | |
Loop, mxEdgeStyle | |
ltrim, mxUtils |
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.join = function( node )
Handles the event by invoking the function bound to the respective keystroke if mxGraph.isEnabled, isEnabled and isGraphEvent all return true for the given event and mxGraph.isEditing returns false.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.keyDown = function( evt )
Sets the label of the specified cell to the given value using cellLabelChanged and fires mxEvent.LABEL_CHANGED while the transaction is in progress.
mxGraph.prototype.labelChanged = function( cell, value, evt )
Implements first stage of a Sugiyama layout.
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.layeringStage = function()
Implements first stage of a Sugiyama layout.
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.layeringStage = function()
Starts the actual compact tree layout algorithm at the given node.
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.layout = function( node )
Lays out the parallel edges in the given array.
mxParallelEdgeLayout.prototype.layout = function( parallels )
Starts the actual compact tree layout algorithm at the given node.
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.layout = function( level, nodes )
Executes all layouts which have been scheduled during the changes.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.layoutCells = function( cells )
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.layoutLeaf = function( node )
Writes the specified string to the console if TRACE is true and computes the difference between the current time and t0 in milliseconds.
leave: function( string, t0 )
Draws a line to the given coordinates.
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.lineTo = function( x, y )
Draws a line to the given coordinates.
mxXmlCanvas2D.prototype.lineTo = function( x, y )
Adds a link node to the head of the document.
link: function( rel, href, doc )
Adds a hyperlink to the specified parent and invokes the given function when the link is clicked.
link: function( parent, text, funct, pad )
Adds a hyperlink to the specified parent that invokes action on the specified editor.
linkAction: function( parent, text, editor, action, pad )
Adds a hyperlink to the specified parent that invokes the specified function on the editor passing along the specified argument.
linkInvoke: function( parent, text, editor, functName, arg, pad )
Loads the specified URL synchronously and returns the mxXmlRequest.
load: function( url )
Loads the specified URL asynchronously into the specified document, invoking onload after the document has been loaded.
loadInto: function( url, doc, onload )
Moves the specified node and all of its children by the given amount.
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.localEdgeProcessing = function( node )
Separates the x position of edges as they connect to vertices
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.localEdgeProcessing = function( model )
Moves the specified node and all of its children by the given amount.
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.localEdgeProcessing = function( node )
Hook for subclassers to implement a custom lookup mechanism for cell IDs.
mxCodec.prototype.lookup = function( id )
Implements a self-reference, aka.
Loop: function ( state, source, target, points, result )
Strips all whitespaces from the beginning of the string.
ltrim: function( str, chars )