/* Copyright 2021-present The maxGraph project Contributors Copyright (c) 2006-2020, JGraph Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import { Graph, CylinderShape, DomHelpers, CellRenderer, Point, Rectangle, VertexHandler, InternalEvent, RubberBandHandler, utils, VertexHandle, } from '@maxgraph/core'; import { globalTypes } from '../.storybook/preview'; export default { title: 'Layouts/Handles', argTypes: { ...globalTypes, contextMenu: { type: 'boolean', defaultValue: false, }, rubberBand: { type: 'boolean', defaultValue: true, }, }, }; const Template = ({ label, ...args }) => { const div = document.createElement('div'); const container = document.createElement('div'); container.style.position = 'relative'; container.style.overflow = 'hidden'; container.style.width = `${args.width}px`; container.style.height = `${args.height}px`; container.style.background = 'url(/images/grid.gif)'; container.style.cursor = 'default'; div.appendChild(container); class MyShape extends CylinderShape { defaultPos1 = 20; defaultPos2 = 60; getLabelBounds(rect) { const pos1 = utils.getValue(this.style, 'pos1', this.defaultPos1) * this.scale; const pos2 = utils.getValue(this.style, 'pos2', this.defaultPos2) * this.scale; return new Rectangle( rect.x, rect.y + pos1, rect.width, Math.min(rect.height, pos2) - Math.max(0, pos1) ); } redrawPath(path, x, y, w, h, isForeground) { const pos1 = utils.getValue(this.style, 'pos1', this.defaultPos1); const pos2 = utils.getValue(this.style, 'pos2', this.defaultPos2); if (isForeground) { if (pos1 < h) { path.moveTo(0, pos1); path.lineTo(w, pos1); } if (pos2 < h) { path.moveTo(0, pos2); path.lineTo(w, pos2); } } else { path.rect(0, 0, w, h); } } } CellRenderer.registerShape('myShape', MyShape); class MyCustomVertexHandler extends VertexHandler { livePreview = true; rotationEnabled = true; createCustomHandles() { if (this.state.style.shape === 'myShape') { // Implements the handle for the first divider const firstHandle = new VertexHandle(this.state); firstHandle.getPosition = function (bounds) { const pos2 = Math.max( 0, Math.min( bounds.height, parseFloat( utils.getValue(this.state.style, 'pos2', MyShape.prototype.defaultPos2) ) ) ); const pos1 = Math.max( 0, Math.min( pos2, parseFloat( utils.getValue(this.state.style, 'pos1', MyShape.prototype.defaultPos1) ) ) ); return new Point(bounds.getCenterX(), bounds.y + pos1); }; firstHandle.setPosition = function (bounds, pt) { const pos2 = Math.max( 0, Math.min( bounds.height, parseFloat( utils.getValue(this.state.style, 'pos2', MyShape.prototype.defaultPos2) ) ) ); this.state.style.pos1 = Math.round( Math.max(0, Math.min(pos2, pt.y - bounds.y)) ); }; firstHandle.execute = function () { this.copyStyle('pos1'); }; firstHandle.ignoreGrid = true; // Implements the handle for the second divider const secondHandle = new VertexHandle(this.state); secondHandle.getPosition = function (bounds) { const pos1 = Math.max( 0, Math.min( bounds.height, parseFloat( utils.getValue(this.state.style, 'pos1', MyShape.prototype.defaultPos1) ) ) ); const pos2 = Math.max( pos1, Math.min( bounds.height, parseFloat( utils.getValue(this.state.style, 'pos2', MyShape.prototype.defaultPos2) ) ) ); return new Point(bounds.getCenterX(), bounds.y + pos2); }; secondHandle.setPosition = function (bounds, pt) { const pos1 = Math.max( 0, Math.min( bounds.height, parseFloat( utils.getValue(this.state.style, 'pos1', MyShape.prototype.defaultPos1) ) ) ); this.state.style.pos2 = Math.round( Math.max(pos1, Math.min(bounds.height, pt.y - bounds.y)) ); }; secondHandle.execute = function () { this.copyStyle('pos2'); }; secondHandle.ignoreGrid = true; return [firstHandle, secondHandle]; } return null; } } class MyCustomGraph extends Graph { createVertexHandler(state) { return new MyCustomVertexHandler(state); } } // Disables the built-in context menu if (!args.contextMenu) InternalEvent.disableContextMenu(container); // Creates the graph inside the given container const graph = new MyCustomGraph(container); graph.setCellsCloneable(true); graph.setHtmlLabels(true); graph.setPanning(true); graph.centerZoom = false; // Enables rubberband selection if (args.rubberBand) new RubberBandHandler(graph); // Gets the default parent for inserting new cells. This // is normally the first child of the root (ie. layer 0). const parent = graph.getDefaultParent(); // Adds cells to the model in a single step graph.batchUpdate(() => { const v1 = graph.insertVertex( parent, null, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 20, 20, 240, 120, { shape: 'myShape', whiteSpace: 'wrap', overflow: 'hidden', pos1: 30, pos2: 80 } ); }); const buttons = document.createElement('div'); div.appendChild(buttons); buttons.appendChild( DomHelpers.button('+', function () { graph.zoomIn(); }) ); buttons.appendChild( DomHelpers.button('-', function () { graph.zoomOut(); }) ); return div; }; export const Default = Template.bind({});