Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 undoableEditHappened, mxUndoManager
 ungroupCells, mxGraph
 union, mxVertexHandler
 unmark, mxCellMarker
 updateAlternateBounds, mxGraph
 updateAspect, mxImageShape
 updateCellSize, mxGraph
 updateCurrentState, mxConnectionHandler
 updateEdgeBounds, mxGraphView
 updateEdgeLabelOffset, mxGraphView
 updateEdgeParent, mxGraphModel
 updateEdgeParents, mxGraphModel
 updateFixedTerminalPoint, mxGraphView
 updateFixedTerminalPoints, mxGraphView
 updateFloatingTerminalPoint, mxGraphView
 updateFloatingTerminalPoints, mxGraphView
 updateGroupBounds, mxGraph
 updateHtmlShape, mxShape
 updateIcons, mxConnectionHandler
 updateMouseEvent, mxGraph
 updatePoints, mxGraphView
 updatePreviewShape, mxGraphHandler
 updatePreviewState, mxEdgeHandler
 updateSvgBounds, mxShape
 updateSvgGlassPane, mxShape
 updateSvgPath, mxShape
 updateSvgScale, mxShape
 updateSvgShape, mxShape
 updateSvgTransform, mxShape
 updateTableStyle, mxText
 updateTableWidth, mxText
 updateVertexLabelOffset, mxGraphView
 updateVmlDashStyle, mxShape
 updateVmlFill, mxShape
 updateVmlGlassPane, mxShape
 updateVmlMarkerOpacity, mxConnector
 updateVmlShape, mxShape
 updateVmlStrokeColor, mxShape
 updateVmlStrokeNode, mxShape
 updatingDocumentResource, mxGraphView
 useGuidesForEvent, mxGraphHandler
mxEditor.prototype.undo = function ()
Undo the last change in graph.
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.undo = function()
Undoes all changes in this edit.
mxUndoManager.prototype.undo = function()
Undoes the last change.
mxUndoManager.prototype.undoableEditHappened = function(undoableEdit)
Method to be called to add new undoable edits to the history.
mxGraph.prototype.ungroupCells = function(cells)
Ungroups the given cells by moving the children the children to their parents parent and removing the empty groups.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.union = function(bounds,
Returns the union of the given bounds and location for the specified handle index.
mxCellMarker.prototype.unmark = function()
Hides the marker and fires a mark event.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.update = function(me,
Updates the state of this handler based on the given mxMouseEvent.
mxOutline.prototype.update = function(revalidate)
Updates the outline.
mxRubberband.prototype.update = function(x,
Sets currentX and currentY and calls repaint.
mxGraph.prototype.updateAlternateBounds = function(cell,
Updates or sets the alternate bounds in the given geometry for the given cell depending on whether the cell is going to be collapsed.
mxAnimation.prototype.updateAnimation = function()
Hook for subclassers to implement the animation.
mxMorphing.prototype.updateAnimation = function()
Animation step.
mxImageShape.prototype.updateAspect = function(w,
Updates the aspect of the image for the given image width and height.
Updates the boundingBox for this shape.
mxShape.prototype.updateBoundingBox = function()
Updates the boundingBox for this shape using createBoundingBox and augmentBoundingBox and stores the result in boundingBox.
mxText.prototype.updateBoundingBox = function()
Overrides method to do nothing.
mxGraph.prototype.updateCellSize = function(cell,
Updates the size of the given cell in the model using cellSizeUpdated.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateCurrentState = function(me)
Updates the current state for a given mouse move event by using the marker.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateEdgeBounds = function(state)
Updates the given state using the bounding box of the absolute points.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateEdgeLabelOffset = function(state)
Updates mxCellState.absoluteOffset for the given state.
mxGraphModel.prototype.updateEdgeParent = function(edge,
Inner callback to update the parent of the specified mxCell to the nearest-common-ancestor of its two terminals.
mxGraphModel.prototype.updateEdgeParents = function(cell,
Updates the parent for all edges that are connected to cell or one of its descendants using updateEdgeParent.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFixedTerminalPoint = function(edge,
Sets the fixed source or target terminal point on the given edge.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFixedTerminalPoints = function(edge,
Sets the initial absolute terminal points in the given state before the edge style is computed.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFloatingTerminalPoint = function(edge,
Updates the absolute terminal point in the given state for the given start and end state, where start is the source if source is true.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFloatingTerminalPoints = function(state,
Updates the terminal points in the given state after the edge style was computed for the edge.
mxGraph.prototype.updateGroupBounds = function(cells,
Updates the bounds of the given array of groups so that it includes all child vertices.
mxShape.prototype.updateHtmlShape = function(node)
Updates the bounds or points of the specified HTML node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateIcons = function(state,
Hook to update the icon position(s) based on a mouseOver event.
mxGraph.prototype.updateMouseEvent = function(me)
Sets the graphX and graphY properties if the given mxMouseEvent if required.
mxGraphView.prototype.updatePoints = function(edge,
Updates the absolute points in the given state using the specified array of mxPoints as the relative points.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.updatePreviewShape = function()
Updates the bounds of the preview shape.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.updatePreviewState = function(edge,
Updates the given preview state taking into account the state of the constraint handler.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgBounds = function(node)
Updates the bounds of the given node using bounds.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgGlassPane = function()
Draws the glass overlay if mxConstants.STYLE_GLASS is 1.
mxDoubleEllipse.prototype.updateSvgNode = function(node,
Updates the given node to reflect the new bounds and scale.
mxEllipse.prototype.updateSvgNode = function(node)
Updates the given node to reflect the new bounds and scale.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgPath = function(node)
Updates the path of the given node using points.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgScale = function(node)
Updates the properties of the given node that depend on the scale and checks the crisp rendering attribute.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgShape = function(node)
Updates the bounds or points of the specified SVG node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgTransform = function(node,
Updates the tranform of the given node.
Updates the style of the given HTML table and the value within the table.
mxText.prototype.updateTableWidth = function(table)
Updates the width of the given HTML table.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateVertexLabelOffset = function(state)
Updates the absoluteOffset of the given vertex cell state.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlDashStyle = function()
Updates the dashstyle in the stroke node.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlFill = function(node,
Updates the given VML fill node.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlGlassPane = function()
Draws the glass overlay if mxConstants.STYLE_GLASS is 1.
mxConnector.prototype.updateVmlMarkerOpacity = function()
Updates the opacity for the markers in VML.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlShape = function(node)
Updates the bounds or points of the specified VML node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlStrokeColor = function(node)
Updates the VML stroke color for the given node.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlStrokeNode = function(parent)
Creates the stroke node for VML.
Specifies the resource key for the status message while the document is being updated.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.useGuidesForEvent = function(me)
Returns true if the guides should be used for the given mxMouseEvent.