import mxgraph from '@mxgraph/core'; import { globalTypes } from '../.storybook/preview'; export default { title: 'Layouts/AutoLayout', argTypes: { ...globalTypes, contextMenu: { type: 'boolean', defaultValue: false }, rubberBand: { type: 'boolean', defaultValue: true } } }; const Template = ({ label, ...args }) => { const { mxGraph, mxRubberband, mxEvent, mxUtils, mxCellRenderer, mxEdgeHandler, mxHierarchicalLayout, mxConstants, mxCellOverlay, mxImage, mxClient, mxMorphing, mxEventObject, mxEventUtils } = mxgraph; const container = document.createElement('div'); = 'relative'; = 'hidden'; = `${args.width}px`; = `${args.height}px`; = 'url(/images/grid.gif)'; = 'default'; if (!args.contextMenu) mxEvent.disableContextMenu(container); class MyCustomCellRenderer extends mxCellRenderer { installCellOverlayListeners(state, overlay, shape) { super.installCellOverlayListeners(state, overlay, shape); mxEvent.addListener( shape.node, mxClient.IS_POINTER ? 'pointerdown' : 'mousedown', evt => { overlay.fireEvent( new mxEventObject('pointerdown', 'event', evt, 'state', state) ); } ); if (!mxClient.IS_POINTER && mxClient.IS_TOUCH) { mxEvent.addListener(shape.node, 'touchstart', evt => { overlay.fireEvent( new mxEventObject('pointerdown', 'event', evt, 'state', state) ); }); } } } class MyCustomEdgeHandler extends mxEdgeHandler { connect(edge, terminal, isSource, isClone, me) { super.connect(edge, terminal, isSource, isClone, me); executeLayout(); } } class MyCustomGraph extends mxGraph { createEdgeHandler(state, edgeStyle) { return new MyCustomEdgeHandler(state, edgeStyle); } createCellRenderer() { return new MyCustomCellRenderer(); } } // Creates the graph inside the given this.el const graph = new MyCustomGraph(container); graph.setPanning(true); graph.panningHandler.useLeftButtonForPanning = true; graph.setAllowDanglingEdges(false); = false; graph.view.setTranslate(20, 20); // Enables rubberband selection if (args.rubberBand) new mxRubberband(graph); // Gets the default parent for inserting new cells. This // is normally the first child of the root (ie. layer 0). const parent = graph.getDefaultParent(); const layout = new mxHierarchicalLayout(graph, mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST); const executeLayout = (change, post) => { graph.getModel().beginUpdate(); try { if (change != null) { change(); } layout.execute(graph.getDefaultParent(), v1); } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { // New API for animating graph layout results asynchronously const morph = new mxMorphing(graph); morph.addListener(mxEvent.DONE, () => { graph.getModel().endUpdate(); if (post != null) { post(); } }); morph.startAnimation(); } }; const addOverlay = cell => { // Creates a new overlay with an image and a tooltip const overlay = new mxCellOverlay( new mxImage('images/add.png', 24, 24), 'Add outgoing' ); overlay.cursor = 'hand'; // Installs a handler for clicks on the overlay overlay.addListener(mxEvent.CLICK, (sender, evt2) => { graph.clearSelection(); const geo = graph.getCellGeometry(cell); let v2; executeLayout( () => { v2 = graph.insertVertex({ parent, value: 'World!', position: [geo.x, geo.y], size: [80, 30], }); addOverlay(v2); graph.view.refresh(v2); const e1 = graph.insertEdge({ parent, source: cell, target: v2, }); }, () => { graph.scrollCellToVisible(v2); } ); }); // Special CMS event overlay.addListener('pointerdown', (sender, eo) => { const evt2 = eo.getProperty('event'); const state = eo.getProperty('state'); graph.popupMenuHandler.hideMenu(); graph.stopEditing(false); const pt = mxUtils.convertPoint( graph.container, mxEventUtils.getClientX(evt2), mxEventUtils.getClientY(evt2) ); graph.connectionHandler.start(state, pt.x, pt.y); graph.isMouseDown = true; graph.isMouseTrigger = mxEventUtils.isMouseEvent(evt2); mxEvent.consume(evt2); }); // Sets the overlay for the cell in the graph graph.addCellOverlay(cell, overlay); }; // Adds cells to the model in a single step graph.getModel().beginUpdate(); let v1; try { v1 = graph.insertVertex({ parent, value: 'Hello,', position: [0, 0], size: [80, 30], }); addOverlay(v1); } finally { // Updates the display graph.getModel().endUpdate(); } graph.resizeCell = function() { mxGraph.prototype.resizeCell.apply(this, arguments); executeLayout(); }; graph.connectionHandler.addListener(mxEvent.CONNECT, function() { executeLayout(); }); return container; } export const Default = Template.bind({});