$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 geometry, mxCell
 getAttribute, mxCell
 getAttributeName, mxObjectCodec
 getBounds, mxGraphView
 getBoundsForCells, mxGraph
 getCellBounds, mxGraph
 getCellGeometry, mxGraph
 getCells, mxGraphModel
 getCenterX, mxRectangle
 getCenterY, mxRectangle
 getChildOffsetForCell, mxGraph
 getCodec, mxCodecRegistry
 getColor, mxGdCanvas
 getConnectionConstraint, mxGraph
 getConnectionPoint, mxGraph
 getDefaultEdgeStyle, mxStylesheet
 getDefaultParent, mxGraph
 getDefaultVertexStyle, mxStylesheet
 getDirectedEdgeCount, mxGraphModel
 getEdgeIndex, mxCell
 getEdges, mxGraphModel
 getEdgeStyle, mxGraphView
 getElementById, mxCodec
 getFieldName, mxObjectCodec
 getFieldTemplate, mxObjectCodec
 getHashCode, mxGraphView
 getHtml, mxHtmlCanvas
 getImageBundles, mxGraph
 getImageForStyle, mxGdCanvas
 getImageFromBundles, mxGraph
 getImages, mxImageBundle
 getIndex, mxCell
 getInstanceForName, mxCodecRegistry
 getLabel, mxGraph
 getLabelPaintBounds, mxUtils
 getLabelSize, mxUtils
 getModel, mxGraph
 getNearestCommonAncestor, mxGraphModel
 getNextPoint, mxGraphView
 getNumber, mxUtils
 getObject, mxCodec
 getOrigin, mxGraphModel
 getPaintBounds, mxGraph
 getParentPath, mxCellPath
 getPerimeterFunction, mxGraphView
 getPerimeterPoint, mxGraphView
 getPoint, mxGraphView
 getProperties, mxEventObject
 getProperty, mxEventObject
 getRoot, mxGraphModel
 getRotatedPoint, mxUtils
 getRoutingCenterX, mxGraphView
 getRoutingCenterY, mxGraphView
 getScaledLabelBounds, mxUtils
 getSizeForString, mxUtils
 getState, mxGraphView
 getStates, mxGraphView
 getStylename, mxUtils
 getStylenames, mxUtils
 getStylesheet, mxGraph
 getTerminalPoint, mxGeometry
 getTerminalPort, mxGraphView
 getView, mxGraph
 getVisibleTerminal, mxGraphView
 graph, mxGraphView
 graphBounds, mxGraphView
 graphModelChanged, mxGraph
 gridSize, mxGraph
 grow, mxRectangle
var $geometry
Holds the mxGeometry.
function getAttribute($key,  
$defaultValue =  null)
Returns the specified attribute from the user object if it is an XML node.
function getAttributeName($fieldname)
Returns the attributename for the given fieldname.
function getBoundingBox($cell,  
$includeEdges =  false,
$includeDescendants =  false)
Returns the bounding box of the given cell including all connected edges if includeEdge is true.
function getBoundingBox($state,  
$recurse =  true)
Returns the bounding box of the shape and the label for the given mxCellState and its children if recurse is true.
static function getBoundingBox($rect,
Returns the bounding box for the rotated rectangle.
function getBounds($cells,  
$boundingBox =  false)
Returns the bounding for for an array of cells or null, if no cells are specified.
function getBoundsForCells($cells,  
$includeEdges =  false,
$includeDescendants =  false,
$boundingBox =  false)
Returns the bounds for the given cells.
function getCellBounds($cell,  
$includeEdges =  false,
$includeDescendants =  false,
$boundingBox =  false)
Returns the bounds of the given cell including all connected edges if includeEdge is true.
function getCellGeometry($cell)
Returns the mxGeometry for the given mxCell.
function getCells()
Returns the internal lookup table that is used to map from Ids to cells.
function getCellStyle($cell)
function getCellStyle($name,  
$defaultStyle =  null)
Returns the cell style for the specified cell or the given defaultStyle if no style can be found for the given stylename.
function getCenterX()
Returns the x-coordinate of the center point.
function getCenterY()
Returns the y-coordinate of the center point.
function getChildAt($index)
Returns the child at the specified index.
function getChildAt($cell,
Returns the child of the given mxCell at the given index.
function getChildCount()
Returns the number of child cells.
function getChildCount($cell)
Returns the number of children in the given cell.
function getChildOffsetForCell($cell)
Returns the offset to be used for the cells inside the given cell.
static function getCodec($name)
Returns a codec that handles objects that are constructed using the given ctor.
function getColor($hex,  
$default =  null)
Allocates the given color and returns a reference to it.
function getConnectionConstraint($edge,
Returns an mxConnectionConstraint that describes the given connection point.
function getConnectionPoint($vertex,
Returns the nearest point in the list of absolute points or the center of the opposite terminal.
function getDefaultEdgeStyle()
Sets the default style for edges.
function getDefaultParent()
Returns the first child child of mxGraphModel.root.
function getDefaultVertexStyle()
Returns the default style for vertices.
function getDirectedEdgeCount($cell,  
$ignoredEdge =  null)
Returns the number of incoming or outgoing edges, ignoring the given edge.
function getEdgeAt($index)
Returns the edge at the specified index in edges.
function getEdgeAt($cell,
Returns the edge of cell at the given index.
function getEdgeCount()
Returns the number of edges in the edge array.
function getEdgeCount($cell)
Returns the number of distinct edges connected to the given cell.
function getEdgeIndex($edge)
Returns the index of the specified edge in edges.
function getEdges($cell)
Returns all distinct edges connected to this cell as an array of mxCells.
function getEdgeStyle($edge,
Returns the edge style function to be used to render the given edge state.
function getElementById($id)
Returns the element with the given ID from document.
function getFieldName($attributename)
Returns the fieldname for the given attributename.
function getFieldTemplate(&$obj,
Returns the template instance for the given field.
function getFixedFontSize($fontSize,  
$fontStyle = null)
Returns the fixed font size for GD (1 t0 5) for the given font properties
static function getFixedFontSize($fontSize,  
$fontStyle = null)
Returns the fixed font size for GD (1 t0 5) for the given font properties
function getGeometry()
Returns the mxGeometry that describes the geometry.
function getGeometry($cell)
Returns the mxGeometry of the given mxCell.
function getGraphBounds()
Returns the bounds of the visible graph.
function getGraphBounds()
Returns graphBounds.
function getHashCode($cell)
Returns a unique string that represents the given instance.
function getHtml()
Gets the HTML that represents the canvas.
function getId()
Returns the Id of the cell as a string.
function getId($obj)
Returns the ID of the specified object.
function getImage()
Returns an image that represents this canvas.
function getImage($key)
Returns the value for the given key.
function getImageBundles()
Returns the imageBundles.
function getImageForStyle($style)
Returns an image that represents this canvas.
function getImageFromBundles($key)
Searches all imageBundles for the specified key and returns the value for the first match or null if the key is not found.
function getImages()
Returns the images.
function getIndex($child)
Returns the index of the specified child in the child array.
static function getInstanceForName($name)
Creates and returns a new instance for the given class name.
function getLabel($cell)
Returns a string or DOM node that represents the label for the given cell.
static function getLabelPaintBounds($label,
Returns the paint bounds for the given label.
static function getLabelSize($label,
Returns the size of the given label.
function getModel()
Returns the mxGraphModel that contains the cells.
static function getName($obj)
Returns the codec name for the given object instance.
function getName()
Returns name.
function getName()
Creates a new instance of the template for this codec.
static function getName($value)
Returns the name for the given value.
function getNearestCommonAncestor($cell1,
Returns the nearest common ancestor for the specified cells.
function getNextPoint($edge,
Returns the nearest point in the list of absolute points or the center of the opposite terminal.
static function getNumber($dict,  
$default = )
Returns the value for key in dictionary or 0 if no value is defined for the key.
function getObject($id)
Returns the decoded object for the element with the specified ID in document.
function getOrigin($cell)
Returns the absolute, cummulated origin for the children inside the given parent as an mxPoint.
function getPaintBounds($cells)
Returns the bounding box of the given cells and their descendants.
function getParent()
Returns the cell’s parent.
function getParent($cell)
Returns the parent of the given cell.
static function getParentPath($path)
Returns the cell for the specified cell path using the given root as the root of the path.
function getPerimeterBounds($border =  0)
Returns the mxRectangle that should be used as the perimeter of the cell.
function getPerimeterBounds($terminal,  
$border =  0)
Returns the perimeter bounds for the given terminal, edge pair as an mxRectangle.
function getPerimeterFunction($state)
Returns the perimeter function for the given state.
function getPerimeterPoint($terminal,  
$border =  null)
Returns an mxPoint that defines the location of the intersection point between the perimeter and the line between the center of the shape and the given point.
function getPoint($state,  
$geometry =  null)
Returns the absolute point on the edge for the given relative mxGeometry as an mxPoint.
function getProperties()
Returns properties.
function getProperty($key)
Returns the property value for the given key.
function getRoot()
Returns the root of the model.
static function getRotatedPoint($pt,  
$cx =  null)
Rotates the given point by the given cos and sin.
function getRoutingCenterX($state)
Returns the x-coordinate of the center point for automatic routing.
function getRoutingCenterY($state)
Returns the y-coordinate of the center point for automatic routing.
static function getScaledLabelBounds($x,
Returns the bounds for a label for the given location and size, taking into account the alignment and spacing in the specified style, as well as the width and height of the rectangle that contains the label.
static function getSizeForString($text,  
$fontSize =  0,
$fontFamily =  null)
Returns an mxRectangle with the size (width and height in pixels) of the given string.
function getState($cell,  
$create =  false)
Returns the cell state for the specified cell.
function getStates()
Returns the mxCellStates for the given array of mxCells.
function getStyle()
Returns a string that describes the style.
function getStyle($cell)
Returns the style of the given mxCell.
static function getStylename($style)
Returns the stylename in a style of the form [stylename;|key=value;] or an empty string if the given style does not contain a stylename.
static function getStylenames($style)
Returns the stylenames in a style of the form [stylename;|key=value;] or an empty array if the given style does not contain any stylenames.
function getStylesheet()
Returns the mxStylesheet that defines the style.
function getTerminal($source)
Returns the source or target terminal.
function getTerminal($edge,
Returns the source or target mxCell of the given edge depending on the value of the boolean parameter.
function getTerminalPoint($isSource)
Returns the mxPoint representing the source or target point of this edge.
function getTerminalPort($state,
Returns an mxCellState that represents the source or target terminal or port for the given edge.
function getTrueTypeFont($style)
Returns the truetype font to be used to draw the text with the given style.
static function getTrueTypeFont($style)
Returns the truetype font to be used to draw the text with the given style.
function getTrueTypeFontSize($style)
Returns the truetype font size to be used to draw the text with the given style.
static function getTrueTypeFontSize($size)
Returns the truetype font size to be used to draw the text with the given style.
function getValue()
Returns the user object of the cell.
function getValue($cell)
Returns the user object of the given mxCell using mxCell.getValue.
static function getValue($name)
Returns the value associated with the given name.
static function getValue($dict,  
$default = null)
Returns the value for key in dictionary or the given default value if no value is defined for the key.
function getView()
Returns the mxGraphView that contains the mxCellStates.
function getVisibleTerminal($edge,
Returns the nearest ancestor terminal that is visible.
var $graph
Holds the mxGraph.
public static $GRAPH_MODEL_CHANGED
Defines the name of the graphModelChanged event.
var $graphBounds
Holds the bounds of the current view.
function graphModelChanged($event)
Called when the graph model has changed.
var $gridSize
Specifies the grid size.
function grow($amount)
Grows the rectangle by the given amount, that is, this method subtracts the given amount from the x- and y-coordinates and adds twice the amount to the width and height.