Holds the current scale.
var $scale
Holds the global scale of the graph.
var $scale
Defines the name of the scale event.
public static $SCALE
Array of numbers that represent the cached length of each segment of the edge.
var $segments
Evaluates the XPath expression and returns the first node of the result.
static function selectSingleNode( $doc, $expr )
Sets the specified attribute on the user object if it is an XML node.
function setAttribute( $key, $value )
Sets the attribute on the specified node to value.
function setAttribute( $node, $attribute, $value )
Sets or toggles the flag bit for the given key in the cell’s styles.
static function setCellStyleFlags( $model, $cells, $key, $flag, $value )
Sets the key to value in the styles of the given cells.
function setCellStyles( $key, $value, $cells )
Assigns the value for the given key in the styles of the given cells, or removes the key from the styles if the value is null.
static function setCellStyles( $model, $cells, $key, $value )
Sets the collapsed state.
function setCollapsed( $collapsed )
Sets the collapsed state of the given mxCell using mxCollapseChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
function setCollapsed( $cell, $isCollapsed )
Sets the connectable state.
function setConnectable( $connectable )
Specifies if the cell is an edge.
function setEdge( $edge )
Sets the mxGeometry to be used as the geometry.
function setGeometry( $geometry )
Sets the mxGeometry of the given mxCell.
function setGeometry( $cell, $geometry )
Sets graphBounds.
function setGraphBounds( $value )
Sets the Id of the cell to the given string.
function setId( $id )
Sets the image that represents the canvas.
function setImage( $img )
Sets the imageBundles.
function setImageBundles( $value )
Sets the parent cell.
function setParent( $parent )
Sets this rectangle to the specified values.
function setRect( $x, $y, $width, $height )
Sets the scale, revalidates the view and fires a scale event.
function setScale( $scale )
Sets the string to be used as the style.
function setStyle( $style )
Sets the style of the given mxCell using mxStyleChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
function setStyle( $cell, $style )
Adds or removes the given key, value pair to the style and returns the new style.
static function setStyle( $style, $key, $value )
Sets or removes the given key from the specified style and returns the new style.
static function setStyleFlag( $style, $key, $flag, $value )
Sets the source or target terminal and returns the new terminal.
function setTerminal( $terminal, $source )
Sets the source or target terminal of the given mxCell using mxTerminalChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
function setTerminal( $edge, $terminal, $source )
Sets the sourcePoint or targetPoint to the given mxPoint and returns the new point.
function setTerminalPoint( $point, $isSource )
Sets the source and target mxCell of the given mxCell in a single transaction using setTerminal for each end of the edge.
function setTerminals( $edge, $source, $target )
Sets the translation, revalidates the view and fires a translate event.
function setTranslate( $translate )
Sets the user object of the cell.
function setValue( $value )
Sets the user object of then given mxCell using mxValueChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
function setValue( $cell, $value )
Specifies if the cell is a vertex.
function setVertex( $vertex )
Specifies if the cell is visible.
function setVisible( $visible )
Sets the visible state of the given mxCell using mxVisibleChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
function setVisible( $cell, $visible )
Defines the x-offset to be used for shadows.
public static $SHADOW_OFFSETX
Defines the y-offset to be used for shadows.
public static $SHADOW_OFFSETY
Holds the color object for the shadow color defined in mxConstants.W3C_SHADOWCOLOR.
var $shadowColor
public static $SHAPE_ACTOR
public static $SHAPE_ARROW
public static $SHAPE_CLOUD
public static $SHAPE_CONNECTOR
public static $SHAPE_CYLINDER
public static $SHAPE_ELLIPSE
public static $SHAPE_HEXAGON
public static $SHAPE_IMAGE
public static $SHAPE_LABEL
public static $SHAPE_LINE
public static $SHAPE_RECTANGLE
public static $SHAPE_RHOMBUS
public static $SHAPE_SWIMLANE
public static $SHAPE_TRIANGLE
Provides a side to side connector.
public static $SideToSide
Reference to the source terminal.
var $source
Defines the source point of the edge.
var $sourcePoint
Prints a simple stack trace in the error log.
static function stackTrace()
Invoked by the SAX parser when an element starts.
function startElement( $parser, $name, $attrs )
Maps from cells to states.
var $states
Holds the style as a string of the form [(stylename|key=value);].
var $style
Contains an array of key, value pairs that represent the style of the cell.
var $style
Defines the key for the align style.
public static $STYLE_ALIGN
Defines the key for the endSize style.
public static $STYLE_DASHED
Defines the key for the direction style.
public static $STYLE_DIRECTION
Defines the key for the edge style.
public static $STYLE_EDGE
Defines the key for the elbow style.
public static $STYLE_ELBOW
Defines the key for the endArrow style.
public static $STYLE_ENDARROW
Defines the key for the endSize style.
public static $STYLE_ENDSIZE
Defines the key for the horizontal relative coordinate connection point of an edge with its target terminal.
public static $STYLE_ENTRY_X
Defines the key for the vertical relative coordinate connection point of an edge with its target terminal.
public static $STYLE_ENTRY_Y
Defines if the perimeter should be used to find the exact entry point along the perimeter of the source.
Defines the key for the horizontal relative coordinate connection point of an edge with its source terminal.
public static $STYLE_EXIT_X
Defines the key for the vertical relative coordinate connection point of an edge with its source terminal.
public static $STYLE_EXIT_Y
Defines the key for the fill color.
public static $STYLE_FILLCOLOR
Defines the key for the fontColor style.
public static $STYLE_FONTCOLOR
Defines the key for the fontFamily style.
public static $STYLE_FONTFAMILY
Defines the key for the fontSize style (in points).
public static $STYLE_FONTSIZE
Defines the key for the fontStyle style.
public static $STYLE_FONTSTYLE
Defines the key for the gradient direction.
Defines the key for the gradient color.
Defines the key for the horizontal style.
public static $STYLE_HORIZONTAL
Defines the key for the image style.
public static $STYLE_IMAGE
Defines the key for the align style.
public static $STYLE_IMAGE_ALIGN
Defines the key for the image background color.
Defines the key for the image border color.
public static $STYLE_IMAGE_BORDER
Defines the key for the horizontal image flip.
public static $STYLE_IMAGE_FLIPH
Defines the key for the vertical image flip.
public static $STYLE_IMAGE_FLIPV
Defines the key for the imageHeight style.
public static $STYLE_IMAGE_HEIGHT
Defines the key for the imageWidth style.
public static $STYLE_IMAGE_WIDTH
Defines the key for the indicatorColor style.
Defines the key for the indicatorGradientColor style.
Defines the key for the indicatorHeight style (in px).
Defines the key for the indicatorImage style.
Defines the key for the indicatorShape style.
Defines the key for the indicatorSpacing style (in px).
Defines the key for the indicatorWidth style (in px).
Defines the key for the label background color.
Defines the key for the label border color.
Defines the key for the horizontal label position of vertices.
Defines the key for the loop style.
public static $STYLE_LOOP
Defines the key for the noEdgeStyle style.
public static $STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE
Defines the key for the noLabel style.
public static $STYLE_NOLABEL
Defines the key for the opacity style.
public static $STYLE_OPACITY
Defines if the connection points on either end of the edge should be computed so that the edge is vertical or horizontal if possible and if the point is not at a fixed location.
public static $STYLE_ORTHOGONAL
Defines the key for the overflow style.
public static $STYLE_OVERFLOW
Defines the key for the perimeter style.
public static $STYLE_PERIMETER
Defines the key for the perimeter spacing.
Defines the key for the rotation style.
public static $STYLE_ROTATION
Defines the key for the rounded style.
public static $STYLE_ROUNDED
Defines the key for the horizontal routing center.
Defines the key for the vertical routing center.
Defines the key for the segment style.
public static $STYLE_SEGMENT
Defines the key for the separatorColor style.
Defines the key for the shadow style.
public static $STYLE_SHADOW
Defines the key for the shape.
public static $STYLE_SHAPE
Defines the key for the source perimeter spacing.
Defines the key for the spacing.
public static $STYLE_SPACING
Defines the key for the spacingBottom style The value represents the spacing, in pixels, added to the bottom side of a label in a vertex (style applies to vertices only).
Defines the key for the spacingLeft style.
public static $STYLE_SPACING_LEFT
Defines the key for the spacingRight style The value represents the spacing, in pixels, added to the right side of a label in a vertex (style applies to vertices only).
public static $STYLE_SPACING_RIGHT
Defines the key for the spacingTop style.
public static $STYLE_SPACING_TOP
Defines the key for the startArrow style.
public static $STYLE_STARTARROW
Defines the key for the startSize style.
public static $STYLE_STARTSIZE
Defines the key for the strokeColor style.
public static $STYLE_STROKECOLOR
Defines the key for the strokeWidth style.
public static $STYLE_STROKEWIDTH
Defines the key for the source perimeter spacing.
Defines the key for the text opacity style.
public static $STYLE_TEXT_OPACITY
Defines the key for the verticalAlign style.
Defines the key for the vertical label position of vertices.
Defines the key for the white-space style.
public static $STYLE_WHITE_SPACE
Maps from names to styles.
var $styles = array()
Holds the mxStylesheet.
var $stylesheet