
Class mxStencil

  extended by com.mxgraph.shape.mxStencil
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class mxStencil
extends Object
implements mxIShape

Implements a stencil for the given XML definition. This class implements the mxGraph stencil schema.

Field Summary
protected  String aspect
          Holds the aspect of the shape.
protected  Element bgNode
          Holds the XML node with the stencil description.
protected  Element desc
          Holds the top-level node of the stencil definition.
protected  Element fgNode
          Holds the XML node with the stencil description.
protected  double h0
          Holds the height of the shape.
protected  double lastMoveX
          Holds the last x-position of the cursor.
protected  double lastMoveY
          Holds the last y-position of the cursor.
protected  String strokewidth
          Holds the strokewidth direction from the description.
protected  double w0
          Holds the width of the shape.
Constructor Summary
mxStencil(Element description)
          Constructs a new stencil for the given mxGraph shape description.
Method Summary
protected  mxRectangle computeAspect(mxCellState state, mxRectangle bounds, String direction)
          Returns a rectangle that contains the offset in x and y and the horizontal and vertical scale in width and height used to draw this shape inside the given rectangle.
protected  mxGraphicsCanvas2D createCanvas(mxGraphics2DCanvas gc)
          Creates the canvas for rendering the stencil.
protected  void drawElement(mxGraphicsCanvas2D canvas, mxCellState state, Element node, mxRectangle aspect)
          Drawsthe given element.
protected  void drawShadow(mxGraphicsCanvas2D canvas, mxCellState state, double rotation, boolean flipH, boolean flipV, mxRectangle bounds, double alpha, boolean filled)
          Draws the shadow.
 boolean drawShape(mxGraphicsCanvas2D canvas, mxCellState state, mxRectangle bounds, boolean background)
          Draws this stencil inside the given bounds.
 String evaluateAttribute(Element elt, String attribute, mxCellState state)
          Gets the attribute for the given name from the given node.
 Element getDescription()
          Returns the description.
protected  double getDouble(Element elt, String attribute)
          Returns the given attribute or 0.
protected  double getDouble(Element elt, String attribute, double defaultValue)
          Returns the given attribute or the default value.
protected  int getInt(Element elt, String attribute, int defaultValue)
          Returns the given attribute or the default value.
protected  String getString(Element elt, String attribute, String defaultValue)
          Returns the given attribute or the default value.
 void paintShape(mxGraphics2DCanvas gc, mxCellState state)
          Paints the stencil for the given state.
protected  void parseDescription()
          Parses the description of this shape.
 void setDescription(Element value)
          Sets the description.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Element desc
Holds the top-level node of the stencil definition.


protected String aspect
Holds the aspect of the shape. Default is "auto".


protected double w0
Holds the width of the shape. Default is 100.


protected double h0
Holds the height of the shape. Default is 100.


protected Element bgNode
Holds the XML node with the stencil description.


protected Element fgNode
Holds the XML node with the stencil description.


protected String strokewidth
Holds the strokewidth direction from the description.


protected double lastMoveX
Holds the last x-position of the cursor.


protected double lastMoveY
Holds the last y-position of the cursor.

Constructor Detail


public mxStencil(Element description)
Constructs a new stencil for the given mxGraph shape description.

Method Detail


public Element getDescription()
Returns the description.


public void setDescription(Element value)
Sets the description.


protected mxGraphicsCanvas2D createCanvas(mxGraphics2DCanvas gc)
Creates the canvas for rendering the stencil.


public void paintShape(mxGraphics2DCanvas gc,
                       mxCellState state)
Paints the stencil for the given state.

Specified by:
paintShape in interface mxIShape


protected void drawShadow(mxGraphicsCanvas2D canvas,
                          mxCellState state,
                          double rotation,
                          boolean flipH,
                          boolean flipV,
                          mxRectangle bounds,
                          double alpha,
                          boolean filled)
Draws the shadow.


public boolean drawShape(mxGraphicsCanvas2D canvas,
                         mxCellState state,
                         mxRectangle bounds,
                         boolean background)
Draws this stencil inside the given bounds.


protected mxRectangle computeAspect(mxCellState state,
                                    mxRectangle bounds,
                                    String direction)
Returns a rectangle that contains the offset in x and y and the horizontal and vertical scale in width and height used to draw this shape inside the given rectangle.


protected void drawElement(mxGraphicsCanvas2D canvas,
                           mxCellState state,
                           Element node,
                           mxRectangle aspect)
Drawsthe given element.


protected int getInt(Element elt,
                     String attribute,
                     int defaultValue)
Returns the given attribute or the default value.


protected double getDouble(Element elt,
                           String attribute)
Returns the given attribute or 0.


protected double getDouble(Element elt,
                           String attribute,
                           double defaultValue)
Returns the given attribute or the default value.


protected String getString(Element elt,
                           String attribute,
                           String defaultValue)
Returns the given attribute or the default value.


protected void parseDescription()
Parses the description of this shape.


public String evaluateAttribute(Element elt,
                                String attribute,
                                mxCellState state)
Gets the attribute for the given name from the given node. If the attribute does not exist then the text content of the node is evaluated and if it is a function it is invoked with as the only argument and the return value is used as the attribute value to be returned.


Copyright (c) 2010 Gaudenz Alder, David Benson. All rights reserved.