import { Graph, RubberBandHandler, ConnectionHandler, ImageBox, MaxToolbar, GraphDataModel, KeyHandler, Cell, Geometry, InternalEvent, utils, styleUtils, gestureUtils, } from '@maxgraph/core'; import { globalTypes } from '../.storybook/preview'; export default { title: 'Toolbars/DynamicToolbar', argTypes: { ...globalTypes, rubberBand: { type: 'boolean', defaultValue: true, }, }, }; const Template = ({ label, ...args }) => { const div = document.createElement('div'); const container = document.createElement('div'); = 'relative'; = 'hidden'; = `${args.width}px`; = `${args.height}px`; = 'url(/images/grid.gif)'; = 'default'; div.appendChild(container); // Defines an icon for creating new connections in the connection handler. // This will automatically disable the highlighting of the source vertex. ConnectionHandler.prototype.connectImage = new ImageBox( '/images/connector.gif', 16, 16 ); // Creates the div for the toolbar const tbContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = 'hidden'; = '2px'; = '0px'; = '0px'; = '24px'; = '0px'; div.appendChild(tbContainer); // Creates new toolbar without event processing const toolbar = new MaxToolbar(tbContainer); toolbar.enabled = false; // Creates the model and the graph inside the container // using the fastest rendering available on the browser const model = new GraphDataModel(); const graph = new Graph(container, model); // Enables new connections in the graph graph.setConnectable(true); graph.setMultigraph(false); // Stops editing on enter or escape keypress const keyHandler = new KeyHandler(graph); if (args.rubberBand) new RubberBandHandler(graph); addVertex('/images/rectangle.gif', 100, 40, ''); addVertex('/images/rounded.gif', 100, 40, 'shape=rounded'); addVertex('/images/ellipse.gif', 40, 40, 'shape=ellipse'); addVertex('/images/rhombus.gif', 40, 40, 'shape=rhombus'); addVertex('/images/triangle.gif', 40, 40, 'shape=triangle'); addVertex('/images/cylinder.gif', 40, 40, 'shape=cylinder'); addVertex('/images/actor.gif', 30, 40, 'shape=actor'); function addVertex(icon, w, h, style) { const vertex = new Cell(null, new Geometry(0, 0, w, h), style); vertex.setVertex(true); const img = addToolbarItem(graph, toolbar, vertex, icon); img.enabled = true; graph.getSelectionModel().addListener(InternalEvent.CHANGE, () => { const tmp = graph.isSelectionEmpty(); styleUtils.setOpacity(img, tmp ? 100 : 20); img.enabled = tmp; }); } function addToolbarItem(graph, toolbar, prototype, image) { // Function that is executed when the image is dropped on // the graph. The cell argument points to the cell under // the mousepointer if there is one. const funct = (graph, evt, cell, x, y) => { graph.stopEditing(false); const vertex = graph.getDataModel().cloneCell(prototype); vertex.geometry.x = x; vertex.geometry.y = y; graph.addCell(vertex); graph.setSelectionCell(vertex); }; // Creates the image which is used as the drag icon (preview) const img = toolbar.addMode(null, image, (evt, cell) => { const pt = graph.getPointForEvent(evt); funct(graph, evt, cell, pt.x, pt.y); }); // Disables dragging if element is disabled. This is a workaround // for wrong event order in IE. Following is a dummy listener that // is invoked as the last listener in IE. InternalEvent.addListener(img, 'mousedown', (evt) => { // do nothing }); // This listener is always called first before any other listener // in all browsers. InternalEvent.addListener(img, 'mousedown', (evt) => { if (img.enabled == false) { InternalEvent.consume(evt); } }); gestureUtils.makeDraggable(img, graph, funct); return img; } return div; }; export const Default = Template.bind({});