
Uses of Class

Packages that use mxConnectionConstraint
com.mxgraph.view This package implements the graph component, represented by the mxGraph class. 

Uses of mxConnectionConstraint in com.mxgraph.view

Methods in com.mxgraph.view that return mxConnectionConstraint
 mxConnectionConstraint[] mxGraph.getAllConnectionConstraints(mxCellState terminal, boolean source)
          Returns an array of all constraints for the given terminal.
 mxConnectionConstraint mxGraph.getConnectionConstraint(mxCellState edge, mxCellState terminal, boolean source)
          Returns an connection constraint that describes the given connection point.

Methods in com.mxgraph.view with parameters of type mxConnectionConstraint
 void mxGraph.cellConnected(Object edge, Object terminal, boolean source, mxConnectionConstraint constraint)
          Sets the new terminal for the given edge and resets the edge points if isResetEdgesOnConnect returns true.
 Object mxGraph.connectCell(Object edge, Object terminal, boolean source, mxConnectionConstraint constraint)
          Connects the specified end of the given edge to the given terminal using cellConnected and fires mxEvent.CONNECT_CELL while the transaction is in progress.
 mxPoint mxGraph.getConnectionPoint(mxCellState vertex, mxConnectionConstraint constraint)
          Sets the connection constraint that describes the given connection point.
 void mxGraph.setConnectionConstraint(Object edge, Object terminal, boolean source, mxConnectionConstraint constraint)
          Sets the connection constraint that describes the given connection point.
 void mxGraphView.updateFixedTerminalPoint(mxCellState edge, mxCellState terminal, boolean source, mxConnectionConstraint constraint)
          Sets the fixed source or target terminal point on the given edge.


Copyright (c) 2010 Gaudenz Alder, David Benson. All rights reserved.