com | |
mxgraph | |
mxBasicCanvas | Basic implementation of a canvas that draws a graph. |
mxGdiCanvas | Implementation of a canvas that uses GDI for painting. |
mxGdiCanvas2D | Used for exporting images. To render to an image from a given XML string, graph size and and background color, the following code is used: |
CanvasState | |
mxICanvas | Defines the requirements for a canvas that paints the vertices and edges of a graph. |
mxICanvas2D | Defines the requirements for a canvas that paints the vertices and edges of a graph. |
mxImageCanvas | Implements a canvas that draws onto an image. |
mxStencil | Implements a stencil for the given XML definition. This class implements the mxGraph stencil schema. |
mxStencilRegistry | |
mxCellCodec | Codec for mxCells. This class is created and registered dynamically at load time and used implicitely via mxCodec and the mxCodecRegistry. |
mxCodec | XML codec for .NET object graphs. In order to resolve forward references when reading files the XML document that contains the data must be passed to the constructor. |
mxCodecRegistry | Static class that acts as a global registry for codecs. See mxCodec for an example of using this class. |
mxModelCodec | Codec for mxGraphModels. This class is created and registered dynamically at load time and used implicitely via mxCodec and the mxCodecRegistry. |
mxObjectCodec | Generic codec for C# objects. See below for a detailed description of the encoding/decoding scheme. Note: Since booleans are numbers in JavaScript, all boolean values are encoded into 1 for true and 0 for false. |
mxStylesheetCodec | Codec for mxStylesheets. This class is created and registered dynamically at load time and used implicitely via mxCodec and the mxCodecRegistry. |
mxFastOrganicLayout | Fast organic layout algorithm. |
mxIGraphLayout | Defines the requirements for an object that implements a graph layout. |
mxCell | Cells are the elements of the graph model. They represent the state of the groups, vertices and edges in a graph. |
mxCellPath | Implements a mechanism for temporary cell Ids. |
mxGeometry | Represents the geometry of a cell. For vertices, the geometry consists of the x- and y-location, as well as the width and height. For edges, the edge either defines the source- and target-terminal, or the geometry defines the respective terminal points. |
mxGraphModel | Implements a graph model. The graph model acts as a wrapper around the cells which are in charge of storing the actual graph datastructure. The model acts as a transactional wrapper with event notification for all changes, whereas the cells contain the atomic operations for updating the actual datastructure. |
mxICell | Defines the requirements for a cell that can be used in an mxGraphModel. |
mxIGraphModel | Defines the requirements for a graph model to be used with mxGraph. |
mxGraphViewImageReader | A converter that renders display XML data onto a GDI canvas. |
mxGraphViewReader | An abstract converter that renders display XML data onto a canvas. |
mxSaxOutputHandler | |
mxSession | Implements a session that may be attached to a shared diagram. |
mxSharedDiagram | Implements a diagram that may be shared among multiple sessions. |
mxCellRenderer | Class that can draw an independent array of cells. |
CanvasFactory | Defines the requirements for a class that can create canvases. |
ImageCanvasFactory | FIXME: Use anonymous class in CreateImage with invocation parameters in factory method code. |
mxConstants | Defines various global constants. |
mxImageBundle | Maps from keys to base64 encoded images or file locations. All values must be URLs or use the format data:image/format followed by a comma and the base64 encoded image data, eg. "data:image/gif,XYZ", where XYZ is the base64 encoded image data |
mxPoint | Implements a 2-dimensional point with double precision coordinates. |
mxRectangle | Implements a 2-dimensional rectangle with double precision coordinates. |
mxUtils | Contains various helper methods for use with mxGraph. |
mxCellState | Represents the current state of a cell in a given graph view. |
mxConnectionConstraint | Defines an object that contains the constraints about how to connect one side of an edge to its terminal. |
mxEdgeStyle | Provides various edge styles to be used as the values for mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE in a cell style. |
mxGraph | Implements a graph object that allows to create diagrams from a graph model and stylesheet. |
mxGraphView | Implements a view for the graph. This class is in charge of computing the absolute coordinates for the relative child geometries, the points for perimeters and edge styles and keeping them cached in mxCellStates for faster retrieval. The states are updated whenever the model or the view state (translate, scale) changes. The scale and translate are honoured in the bounds. |
mxPerimeter | Provides various perimeter functions to be used in a style as the value of mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER. |
mxStyleRegistry | Static class that acts as a global registry for codecs. See mxCodec for an example of using this class. |
mxStylesheet | Defines the appearance of the cells in a graph. |