
294 lines
13 KiB

Copyright 2021-present The maxGraph project Contributors
Copyright (c) 2006-2020, JGraph Ltd
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import {
} from '@maxgraph/core';
import { globalTypes, globalValues } from './shared/args.js';
export default {
title: 'Misc/Monitor',
argTypes: {
args: {
const Template = ({ label, ...args }) => {
const div = document.createElement('div');
const container = document.createElement('div'); = 'relative'; = 'hidden'; = `${args.width}px`; = `${args.height}px`; = 'url(/images/grid.gif)'; = 'default';
// Should we allow overriding constants?
// constants.SHADOWCOLOR = '#e0e0e0';
// Creates the graph inside the given container
const graph = createGraph(container);
// Creates a process display using the activity names as IDs to refer to the elements
const xml =
'<Transactions><root><Cell id="0"/><Cell id="1" parent="0"/>' +
'<Cell id="2" value="Claim Handling Process" style="swimlane" vertex="1" parent="1"><Geometry x="1" width="850" height="400" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="3" value="Claim Manager" style="swimlane" vertex="1" parent="2"><Geometry x="30" width="820" height="200" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="5" value="" style="start" vertex="1" parent="3"><Geometry x="40" y="85" width="30" height="30" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="AuthorizeClaim" value="Authorize&#xa;Claim" vertex="1" parent="3"><Geometry x="90" y="80" width="100" height="40" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="6" value="X" style="step" vertex="1" parent="3"><Geometry x="210" y="85" width="30" height="30" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="ApproveClaim" value="Approve&#xa;Claim" vertex="1" parent="3"><Geometry x="260" y="80" width="100" height="40" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="7" value="X" style="step" vertex="1" parent="3"><Geometry x="380" y="85" width="30" height="30" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="8" value="" edge="1" parent="3" source="5" target="AuthorizeClaim"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="9" value="" edge="1" parent="3" source="AuthorizeClaim" target="6"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="10" value="" edge="1" parent="3" source="6" target="ApproveClaim"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="11" value="" edge="1" parent="3" source="ApproveClaim" target="7"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="12" value="" edge="1" parent="3" source="7" target="AuthorizeClaim"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"><Array as="points"><Point x="140" y="40"/></Array></Geometry></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="ReviewClaim" value="Review&#xa;Claim" vertex="1" parent="3"><Geometry x="480" y="80" width="100" height="40" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="22" value="X" style="step" vertex="1" parent="3"><Geometry x="600" y="85" width="30" height="30" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="23" value="" edge="1" parent="3" source="ReviewClaim" target="22"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="ApproveReviewedClaim" value="Approve Rev.&#xa;Claim" vertex="1" parent="3"><Geometry x="650" y="80" width="100" height="40" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="26" value="" edge="1" parent="3" source="22" target="ApproveReviewedClaim"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="27" value="X" style="step" vertex="1" parent="3"><Geometry x="770" y="85" width="30" height="30" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="28" value="" edge="1" target="27" parent="3" source="ApproveReviewedClaim"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"><Point x="740" y="100" as="sourcePoint"/><Point x="760" y="100" as="targetPoint"/></Geometry></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="32" value="" edge="1" parent="3" source="27" target="ReviewClaim"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"><Array as="points"><Point x="665" y="160"/></Array></Geometry></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="4" value="Accountant" style="swimlane" vertex="1" parent="2"><Geometry x="30" y="200" width="820" height="200" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="EnterAccountingData" value="Enter&#xa;Data" vertex="1" parent="4"><Geometry x="430" y="80" width="100" height="40" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="14" value="X" style="step" vertex="1" parent="4"><Geometry x="550" y="85" width="30" height="30" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="15" value="" edge="1" parent="4" source="EnterAccountingData" target="14"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="CheckAccountingData" value="Check&#xa;Data" vertex="1" parent="4"><Geometry x="600" y="80" width="100" height="40" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="16" value="" edge="1" parent="4" source="14" target="CheckAccountingData"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="17" value="X" style="step" vertex="1" parent="4"><Geometry x="720" y="85" width="30" height="30" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="18" value="" edge="1" parent="4" source="CheckAccountingData" target="17"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="19" value="" style="end" vertex="1" parent="4"><Geometry x="770" y="85" width="30" height="30" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="20" value="" edge="1" parent="4" source="17" target="19"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="31" value="" edge="1" parent="4" source="17" target="EnterAccountingData"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"><Array as="points"><Point x="625" y="160"/></Array></Geometry></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="13" value="" edge="1" parent="2" source="7" target="EnterAccountingData"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"/></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="24" value="" edge="1" parent="2" source="14" target="ReviewClaim" style="edgeStyle=none"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"><Array as="points"><Point x="595" y="180"/><Point x="480" y="180"/><Point x="480" y="100"/></Array></Geometry></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="29" value="" edge="1" parent="2" source="22" target="EnterAccountingData"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"><Array as="points"><Point x="469" y="40"/></Array></Geometry></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="30" value="" edge="1" parent="2" source="27" target="EnterAccountingData"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"><Array as="points"><Point x="469" y="40"/></Array></Geometry></Cell>' +
'<Cell id="33" value="" edge="1" parent="2" source="6" target="EnterAccountingData"><Geometry relative="1" as="geometry"><Array as="points"><Point x="255" y="200"/></Array></Geometry></Cell>' +
const doc = xmlUtils.parseXml(xml);
const codec = new Codec(doc);
codec.decode(doc.documentElement, graph.getDataModel());
const buttons = document.createElement('div');
// Creates a button to invoke the refresh function
DomHelpers.button('Update', function (evt) {
// XML is normally fetched from URL at server using utils.get - this is a client-side
// string with randomized states to demonstrate the idea of the workflow monitor
const xml =
`<process><update id="ApproveClaim" state="${getState()}"/><update id="AuthorizeClaim" state="${getState()}"/>` +
`<update id="CheckAccountingData" state="${getState()}"/><update id="ReviewClaim" state="${getState()}"/>` +
`<update id="ApproveReviewedClaim" state="${getState()}"/><update id="EnterAccountingData" state="${getState()}"/></process>`;
update(graph, xml);
* Updates the display of the given graph using the XML data
function update(graph, xml) {
if (xml != null && xml.length > 0) {
const doc = xmlUtils.parseXml(xml);
if (doc != null && doc.documentElement != null) {
const model = graph.getDataModel();
const nodes = doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('update');
if (nodes != null && nodes.length > 0) {
try {
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
// Processes the activity nodes inside the process node
const id = nodes[i].getAttribute('id');
const state = nodes[i].getAttribute('state');
// Gets the cell for the given activity name from the model
const cell = model.getCell(id);
// Updates the cell color and adds some tooltip information
if (cell != null) {
// Resets the fillcolor and the overlay
graph.setCellStyles('fillColor', 'white', [cell]);
// Changes the cell color for the known states
if (state == 'Running') {
graph.setCellStyles('fillColor', '#f8cecc', [cell]);
} else if (state == 'Waiting') {
graph.setCellStyles('fillColor', '#fff2cc', [cell]);
} else if (state == 'Completed') {
graph.setCellStyles('fillColor', '#d4e1f5', [cell]);
// Adds tooltip information using an overlay icon
if (state != 'Init') {
// Sets the overlay for the cell in the graph
createOverlay(graph.warningImage, `State: ${state}`)
} // for
} finally {
* Creates an overlay object using the given tooltip and text for the alert window
* which is being displayed on click.
function createOverlay(image, tooltip) {
const overlay = new CellOverlay(image, tooltip);
// Installs a handler for clicks on the overlay
overlay.addListener(InternalEvent.CLICK, function (sender, evt) {
window.alert(`${tooltip}\nLast update: ${new Date()}`);
return overlay;
* Creates and returns an empty graph inside the given container.
function createGraph(container) {
const graph = new Graph(container);
// Disables folding
graph.isCellFoldable = function (cell, collapse) {
return false;
// Creates the stylesheet for the process display
let style = graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultVertexStyle();
style.fontSize = 11;
style.fontColor = 'black';
style.strokeColor = '#808080';
style.fillColor = 'white';
style.gradientColor = 'white';
style.gradientDirection = constants.DIRECTION.EAST;
style.rounded = true;
style.shadow = true;
style.fontStyle = 1;
style = graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultEdgeStyle();
style.edge = EdgeStyle.ElbowConnector;
style.strokeColor = '#808080';
style.rounded = true;
style.shadow = true;
style = [];
style.shape = constants.SHAPE.SWIMLANE;
style.perimiter = Perimeter.RectanglePerimeter;
style.strokeColor = '#a0a0a0';
style.fontColor = '#606060';
style.fillColor = '#E0E0DF';
style.gradientColor = 'white';
style.startSize = 30;
style.rounded = false;
style.fontSize = 12;
style.fontStyle = 0;
style.horizontal = false;
// To improve text quality for vertical labels in some old IE versions...
style.labelBackgroundColor = '#efefef';
graph.getStylesheet().putCellStyle('swimlane', style);
style = [];
style.shape = constants.SHAPE.RHOMBUS;
style.perimiter = Perimeter.RhombusPerimeter;
style.strokeColor = '#91BCC0';
style.fontColor = 'gray';
style.fillColor = '#91BCC0';
style.gradientColor = 'white';
style.align = constants.ALIGN.CENTER;
style.verticalAlign = constants.ALIGN.MIDDLE;
style.fontSize = 16;
graph.getStylesheet().putCellStyle('step', style);
style = [];
style.shape = constants.SHAPE.ELLIPSE;
style.perimiter = Perimeter.EllipsePerimeter;
style.fontColor = 'gray';
style.fillColor = '#A0C88F';
style.gradientColor = 'white';
style.strokeColor = '#A0C88F';
style.align = constants.ALIGN.CENTER;
style.verticalAlign = constants.ALIGN.MIDDLE;
style.fontSize = 16;
graph.getStylesheet().putCellStyle('start', style);
style = cloneUtils.clone(style);
style.fillColor = '#DACCBC';
style.strokeColor = '#AF7F73';
graph.getStylesheet().putCellStyle('end', style);
return graph;
* Returns a random state.
function getState() {
let state = 'Init';
const rnd = Math.random() * 4;
if (rnd > 3) {
state = 'Completed';
} else if (rnd > 2) {
state = 'Running';
} else if (rnd > 1) {
state = 'Waiting';
return state;
return div;
export const Default = Template.bind({});