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$Id: Export.htm,v 1.1 2014/01/03 12:30:29 gaudenz Exp $
Copyright (c) 2006-2013, JGraph Ltd
<title>Export example for mxGraph</title>
<!-- Sets the basepath for the library if not in same directory -->
<script type="text/javascript">
mxBasePath = '/mxgraph/javascript/src';
<!-- Loads and initializes the library -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/mxgraph/javascript/src/js/mxClient.js"></script>
<!-- Example code -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// Program starts here. Creates a sample graph in the
// DOM node with the specified ID. This function is invoked
// from the onLoad event handler of the document (see below).
function main(container) {
// Checks if the browser is supported
if (!mxClient.isBrowserSupported()) {
// Displays an error message if the browser is not supported.
mxUtils.error('Browser is not supported!', 200, false);
else {
// Disables the built-in context menu
// Creates the graph inside the given container
var graph = new mxGraph(container);
// Enables rubberband selection
new mxRubberband(graph);
// Gets the default parent for inserting new cells. This
// is normally the first child of the root (ie. layer 0).
var parent = graph.getDefaultParent();
// Adds cells to the model in a single step
try {
var v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Hello,', 20, 20, 80, 30);
var v2 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'World!', 200, 150, 80, 30);
var e1 = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, '', v1, v2);
finally {
// Updates the display
// Exporting to SVG using EchoServlet
document.body.appendChild(mxUtils.button('Export SVG', function () {
var background = '#ffffff';
var scale = 1;
var border = 1;
var imgExport = new mxImageExport();
var bounds = graph.getGraphBounds();
var vs = graph.view.scale;
// Prepares SVG document that holds the output
var svgDoc = mxUtils.createXmlDocument();
var root = (svgDoc.createElementNS != null) ?
svgDoc.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'svg') : svgDoc.createElement('svg');
if (background != null) {
if ( != null) { = background;
else {
root.setAttribute('style', 'background-color:' + background);
if (svgDoc.createElementNS == null) {
root.setAttribute('xmlns', mxConstants.NS_SVG);
else {
// KNOWN: Ignored in IE9-11, adds namespace for each image element instead. No workaround.
root.setAttributeNS('', 'xmlns:xlink', mxConstants.NS_XLINK);
root.setAttribute('width', (Math.ceil(bounds.width * scale / vs) + 2 * border) + 'px');
root.setAttribute('height', (Math.ceil(bounds.height * scale / vs) + 2 * border) + 'px');
root.setAttribute('version', '1.1');
// Adds group for anti-aliasing via transform
var group = (svgDoc.createElementNS != null) ?
svgDoc.createElementNS(mxConstants.NS_SVG, 'g') : svgDoc.createElement('g');
group.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(0.5,0.5)');
// Renders graph. Offset will be multiplied with state's scale when painting state.
var svgCanvas = new mxSvgCanvas2D(group);
svgCanvas.translate(Math.floor((border / scale - bounds.x) / vs), Math.floor((border / scale - bounds.y) / vs));
svgCanvas.scale(scale / vs);
imgExport.drawState(graph.getView().getState(graph.model.root), svgCanvas);
var xml = encodeURIComponent(mxUtils.getXml(root));
new mxXmlRequest('/Echo.ashx', 'filename=export.svg&format=svg' +
'&xml=' + xml).simulate(document, '_blank');
function exportFile(format) {
var bg = '#ffffff';
var scale = 1;
var b = 1;
var imgExport = new mxImageExport();
var bounds = graph.getGraphBounds();
var vs = graph.view.scale;
// New image export
var xmlDoc = mxUtils.createXmlDocument();
var root = xmlDoc.createElement('output');
// Renders graph. Offset will be multiplied with state's scale when painting state.
var xmlCanvas = new mxXmlCanvas2D(root);
xmlCanvas.translate(Math.floor((b / scale - bounds.x) / vs), Math.floor((b / scale - bounds.y) / vs));
xmlCanvas.scale(scale / vs);
imgExport.drawState(graph.getView().getState(graph.model.root), xmlCanvas);
// Puts request data together
var w = Math.ceil(bounds.width * scale / vs + 2 * b);
var h = Math.ceil(bounds.height * scale / vs + 2 * b);
var xml = mxUtils.getXml(root);
if (bg != null) {
bg = '&bg=' + bg;
new mxXmlRequest('/Export.ashx', 'filename=export.' + format + '&format=' + format +
bg + '&w=' + w + '&h=' + h + '&xml=' + encodeURIComponent(xml)).
simulate(document, '_blank');
// Exporting to bitmap using ExportServlet
document.body.appendChild(mxUtils.button('Export PNG', function () {
<!-- Page passes the container for the graph to the program -->
<body onload="main(document.getElementById('graphContainer'))">
<!-- Creates a container for the graph with a grid wallpaper -->
<div id="graphContainer"
style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;width:321px;height:241px;border:1px solid gray;cursor:default;">