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<title>JGraphX User Manual</title>
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<h1>JGraphX (JGraph 6) User Manual</h1>
<p>JGraphX Version &ndash; 21. May 2012</p>
<p>Copyright (c) JGraph Ltd 2006-2012</p>
<p>All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.</p>
<p>The programs in this book have been included for their
instructional value. They have been tested with care but are not
guaranteed for any particular purpose. The publisher does not offer any
warranties or representations nor does it accept any liabilities with
respect to the programs.</p>
<p>Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this
publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from
JGraph Ltd.</p>
<p>Neither JGraph Ltd. nor its employees are responsible for any
errors that may appear in this publication. The information in this
publication is subject to change without notice.</p>
<p>Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.</p>
<h1>Table Of Contents</h1>
<div id="toc"></div>
<h1><a name="Introduction"></a>Introduction</h1>
<h2><a name="mxGraph_Products"></a>Product Family Introduction</h2>
<p>mxGraph is a product family of libraries, written in a variety of
technologies, that provide features aimed at applications that display
interactive <a href="">diagrams</a>
and graphs. Note by graphs we mean <a
graphs</a>, not necessarily <a href="">charts</a>
(although some charts are graphs). See later section &ldquo;What is a
Graph?&rdquo; for more details.</p>
<p>Being a developer library, mxGraph is not designed specifically
to provide a ready to use application, although many of the examples are
close to being usable applications. mxGraph provides all the commonly
required functionality to draw, interact with and associate a context
with a diagram displayed in the technology of that particular mxGraph
flavour. mxGraph comes with a number of examples that help explain how a
basic application is put together using each technology and showcases
individual features of the library.</p>
<p>Each user manual is specific to one technology, along with
generic sections, such as this introduction and layouts. Developers will
find the implementations of each library in the different technologies
share the same architecture and API across the product range. The
implementations differ slightly for technology-specific areas, usually
event handling and rendering, but when overall porting from one
technology, mxGraph is designed to present as common an interface as is
<p>mxGraph, at the time of writing, has a commercial release grade
JavaScript library, a release grade Java Swing visualization library (JGraphX), a
beta grade ActionScript (for Flex/Flash applications) and alpha grade .NET visualization
components. Do not confuse the visualization elements (the part you see
on the client) with the core model elements. The core models written in
Java and .NET that serve as back-end server classes in the
JavaScript library versions are all commercial-grade production code.</p>
<p>Developers integrating the library in their application should
read the pre-requisites for the technology they are using. See section
&ldquo;Pre-requisites&rdquo; below. Given that mxGraph is a component
part of your application, you must understand how applications are
constructed in that technology and how to program in the language(s) of
that technology.</p>
<h2><a name="Which_Version"></a>Which Version of mxGraph to use?</h2>
<p>When deciding which of the technology implementations of mxGraph
to use, often the choice is determined by the technology of the
<p>The Java visualization version is suitable for
producing desktop applications with high performance. The
web-centric version, written in JavaScript, is designed to work
natively in all major web browsers. An example of such an
application is a business process modelling tool that enables
users to draw processes in a web browser, store them centrally,
allow other users to view and edit processes and
automatically execute the process on the server using business logic
associated with the visual information.</p>
<h3><a name="JavaScript"></a>JavaScript</h3>
<p>The JavaScript version of mxGraph mainly comprises one JavaScript
file that contains all of the mxGraph functionality. This is loaded into
a HTML web page in a JavaScript section and executes in an HTML
container in the browser. This is an incredibly simple architecture that
only requires a web server capable of serving html pages and a
JavaScript enabled web browser.</p>
<p>The key advantages of this technology are:</p>
<li>That no third-party plug-ins are required. This removes
plug-in vendor dependence.</li>
<li>The technologies involved are open and there are many open
implementations, no vendor can remove a product or technology that
leaves your application unworkable in practise.</li>
<li>Standardized technologies, meaning your application is
deployable to the maximum number of browser users without need for
additional configuration or installation at the client computer. Large
corporate environments often dislike allowing individuals to install
browser plug-ins and do not like to change the standard build rolled
out to all machines.</li>
<p>The key disadvantage of this technology is:</p>
<li>Rendering speed. As the number of cells visible on the users
screen climbs into the hundreds, redrawing slows on most browsers
beyond acceptable levels. In information management theory displaying
several hundred cells is generally incorrect, since the user cannot
interpret the data. There are a number of mechanisms, collectively
known as complexity management used to limit the amount of information
to sensible levels, and thus maintaining reactive redraw rates for the
user. Complexity management is described in a later section of this
user manual.</li>
<p>Comparing the pros and cons of each implementation against your
application requirements usually provides a clearly advantage to using
one of these technologies.</p>
<h2><a name="Java_Library"></a>JGraphX - Java Swing Library</h2>
<p>This user manual is for the Java Swing library version of
mxGraph. This version is called JGraphX, the reason for this being the
authors of mxGraph have a long standing product called JGraph. The last
version of JGraph in the previous architecture was JGraph 5. Because all
mxGraph product have a common API, a version numbering was required that
was consistent across the product range. Thus, the Java flavour of mxGraph is
called JGraphX and starts from version 1.x, but think of it as JGraph 6 if that
is easier. JGraphX enables you to produce
Java Swing applications that feature interactive diagramming functionality.
The core client functionality of JGraphX is a Java 5 compliable library that
describes, displays and interacts with diagrams as part of your larger Java
Swing application. JGraphX is primarily designed for use in a desktop
environment, although Java does have web enabling features making it possible
to deploy JGraphX in web environment.</p>
<div id="note">
<p>Note: From now on the term <strong>mxGraph</strong> will be used
to describe the Java client, rather than any other flavour of the product,
unless otherwise specified. The package name of JGraphX is com.mxgraph.* and the
main class mxGraph, in common with the other flavours of mxGraph.</p>
<h2><a name="mxgraph_applications"></a>What Applications can
JGraphX be used for?</h2>
<p>Example applications for a graph visualization library include:
process diagrams, workflow and BPM visualization, flowcharts, traffic or
water flow, database and WWW visualization, networks and
telecommunications displays, mapping applications and GIS, UML diagrams,
electronic circuits, VLSI, CAD, financial and social networks, data
mining, biochemistry, ecological cycles, entity and cause-effect
relationships and organisational charts.</p>
<h2><a name="mxgraph_licensing"></a>JGraphX Licensing</h2>
<p>JGraphX is licensed under the modern, 3 clause
<a href="">BSD license</a>. The
precise text of the license you receive the software under is
<a href="">here</a>. If you
cannot understand it, do not use the software.</p>
<p>For detailed licensing questions you are always advised to
consult a legal professional.</p>
<h2><a name="what_graph"></a>What is a Graph?</h2>
<p>Graph visualization is based on the mathematical theory of
networks, graph theory. If you're seeking JavaScript bar <em>charts</em>,
pie <em>charts</em>, Gantt <em>charts</em>, have a look at the <a
href="">JFreeChart</a> project
instead, or similar</p>
<p>A graph consists of vertices, also called nodes, and of edges
(the connecting lines between the nodes). Exactly how a graph appears
visually is not defined in graph theory. The term <em>cell</em> will be
used throughout this manual to describe an element of a graph, either
edges, vertices or groups.</p>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_simple_graph.png" /><br/>
<em>A simple Graph</em></p>
<p>There are additional definitions in graph theory that provide
useful background when dealing with graphs, they are listed in the
Appendices if of interest to you.</p>
<h3><a name="graph_visualization"></a>Graph Visualization</h3>
<p>Visualization is the process of creating a useful visual
representation of a graph. The scope of visualization functionality is
one of JGraphX's main strength. JGraphX supports a wide range of
features to enable the display of cells to only be limited by the skill
of the developer and the Swing platform. Vertices may
be shapes, images, vector drawings, animations, virtually any graphical
operations available in Swing. You can also use HTML mark-up in text
<p><img src="images/mx_man_graph_vis.png"><br/>
<em>Graph Visualization of a transport system. (c) Tourizm Maps
<h3><a name="graph_interaction"></a>Graph Interaction</h3>
<p>Interaction is the way in which an application using JGraphX can
alter the graph model through the web application GUI. JGraphX supports
dragging and cloning cells, re-sizing and re-shaping, connecting and
disconnecting, drag and dropping from external sources, editing cell
labels in-place and more. One of the key benefits of JGraphX is the
flexibility of how interaction can be programmed.</p>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_graph_interaction.png" /><br/>
<em>Selection shading while selecting an area through mouse drag</em></p>
<h3><a name="graph_layouts"></a>Graph Layouts</h3>
<p>Graph cells can be drawn anywhere in a simple application,
including on top of one another. Certain applications need to present
their information in a generally ordered, or specifically ordered
structure. This might involve ensuring cells do not overlap and stay at
least a certain distance from one another, or that cells appear in
specific positions relative to other cells, usually the cells they are
connected to by edges. This activity, called the layout application, can
be used in a number of ways to assist users in setting out their graph.
For non-editable graphs, layout application is the process of applying a
layout algorithm to the cells. For interactive graphs, meaning those
that can be edited through the UI, layout application might involve only
allowing users to make changes to certain cells in certain positions, to
re-apply the layout algorithm after each change to the graph, or to
apply the layout when editing is complete.</p>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_graph_layout.png" /><br/>
<em>Layout of a workflow using a horizontal hierarchical layout</em></p>
<p>JGraphX supports a range of tree, force-directed and hierarchical
layouts which will fit most layout needs. See the later section on using
the layouts for more information.</p>
<h3><a name="graph_analysis"></a>Graph Analysis</h3>
<p>Analysis of graphs involves the application of algorithms
determining certain details about the graph structure, for example,
determining all routes or the shortest path between two cells. There are
more complex graph analysis algorithms, these being often applied in
domain specific tasks. Techniques such as clustering, decomposition, and
optimization tend to be targeted at certain fields of science and have
not been implemented in the core JGraphX packages at the current time of
<p><img src="images/mx_man_graph_analysis.jpg"
name="shortest_path_analyis" /><br/>
<em>Shortest Path Analysis</em></p>
<h2><a name="about_manual"></a>About this Manual</h2>
<h3><a name="pre_requisites"></a>Pre-requisites for JGraphX</h3>
<p>To benefit fully from this manual you will need to have a reasonable
understanding of Java and at least a high-level overview of Swing. If you
lack experience with programming the Java language, there are
many good books on the subject available. A useful free introduction
is the <a href="">Sun Java Tutorial.</a>
<h3><a name="Getting_help"></a>Getting Additional help</h3>
<p>There are many mechanisms for receiving help for working with the
JGraphX software. The community help <a
href="" name="JGraph Community Forum">forum</a>
provides free assistance to JGraphX users. The forums combine the
advantages of many users helping to answer questions along with the
guidance of active JGraphX developers ensuring the quality and
correctness of responses and that as many questions as possible are
answered. However, there is no assurance of getting free assistance,
either the answer being correct, or getting an answer at all. If your
question is non-trivial there is less chance of a developer finding free
time to analyse your problem, please try to break the problem down into
simple issues and provide as much information and examples as you can. If
the developer points you at an explaination of how to post bugs, they are
telling you that your posting is completely clueless and/or lacks any information
describing the bug / how to recreate it. You should be greatly insulted by
receiving this as an answer.</p>
<p>When posting at the forums these <a
guidelines</a> will help you get a better answer and encourage more people
to help you. Please note that the JGraphX team cannot guarantee that
answers provided on the forums are correct as they cannot always monitor
all discussion threads.</p>
<h1><a name="Getting_Started"></a>Getting Started</h1>
<h2><a name="JGraphX_site"></a>The JGraphX Web Site</h2>
<p>To start, navigate to the <a
href="">JGraphX web page</a>. The
most useful areas to you when starting JGraphX are listed below. Use the
navigation bars on the top and bottom to locate the appropriate section:
<li><a href="">Download</a>
&ndash; Here you can download the latest source code version.</li>
<li><a href="">Forum</a> - Here
you can ask the JGraph community your questions. A timely and correct
answer cannot be guaranteed, however the JGraph developers tend to keep
a close eye on questions posted. Try to break your problem down into
single smaller questions. If you post asking to have someone write your
project for you, you are unlikely to receive a reply. Before
posting to the forum please search the documentation, the FAQs and
search the forum using the search facility provided. The JGraph team
have spent a great deal of effort putting those resources in place,
please try to save them having to point you at them because you have
not searched yourself. Use tags correctly, 'jgraphx' is the product,
'bug' if you are reporting one, 'feature' for a feature request, etc.</li>
<h3><a name="Installing_the_JGraph_Suite"></a>Installing JGraphX</h3>
<p>Both the evaluation and full versions of JGraphX are delivered as
zip files. Unzip the package to your preferred location, a folder named
JGraphX will be created there, this folder is the root folder of the
JGraphX installation.</p>
<h3><a name="project_structure"></a>Project structure and build
<p>Once unzipped you will be presented with a number of files and
directories in the installation root.</p>
<TD WIDTH=165>
<TD WIDTH=459>
<p>Documentation root, includes this user manual</p>
<TD WIDTH=165>
<TD WIDTH=459>
<p>Source of the library</p>
<TD WIDTH=165>
<TD WIDTH=459>
<p>Contains pre-built jar of the library.</p>
<TD WIDTH=165>
<TD WIDTH=459>
<p>Examples demonstrating the use of JGraphX</p>
<TD WIDTH=165>
<TD WIDTH=459>
<p>The licensing terms under which you must use the library</p>
<p><em>Table: Project Directory Structure</em></p>
<h2><a name="jgraphx_architecture"></a>Core JGraphX architecture</h2>
<h3><a name="jgraphx_model"></a>The JGraphX Model</h3>
<p>The mxGraph model is the core model that describes the structure
of the graph, the class is called mxGraphModel and is found within the
model package. Additions, changes and removals to and from the graph
structure take place through the graph model API. The model also
provides methods to determine the structure of the graph, as well as
offering methods to set visual states such as visibility, grouping and
<p>However, although the transactions to the model are stored on the
model, JGraphX is designed in such a way that the main public API is
through the mxGraph class. The concept of &ldquo;add this cell to the
graph&rdquo; is a more natural description of the action than &ldquo;add
this cell to the model of the graph&rdquo;. Where it is intuitive,
method available on the model and cells are duplicated on the graph
and those methods on the graph class are considered the main public API.
Throughout the rest of this manual these key API methods are given a pink background:</p>
<div id="coreapi">
<p>So, though many of the main API calls are through the mxGraph
class, keep in mind that mxGraphModel is the underlying object that
stores the data structure of your graph.</p>
<p>JGraphX uses a transactional system for making changes to the
model. In the HelloWorld example we saw this code:</p>
// Adds cells to the model in a single step
Object v1 = graph.addVertex(parent, null, "Hello,", 20, 20, 80, 30);
Object v2 = graph.addVertex(parent, null, "World!", 200, 150, 80, 30);
Object e1 = graph.addEdge(parent, null, "", v1, v2);
// Updates the display
<p>to perform the insertion of the 2 vertices and 1 edge. For each
change to the model you make a call to beginUpdate(), make the
appropriate calls to change the model, then call endUpdate() to finalize
the changes and have the change event notifications sent out.</p>
<div id="coreapi">
<p><strong>Key API Methods:</strong></p>
<li><strong>mxGraphModel.beginUpdate() </strong>- starts a new
transaction or a sub-transaction.</li>
<li><strong>mxGraphModel.endUpdate()</strong> - completes a
transaction or a sub-transaction.</li>
<li><strong>mxGraph.addVertex()</strong> - Adds a new vertex to
the specified parent cell.</li>
<li><strong>mxGraph.addEdge()</strong> - Adds a new edge to the
specified parent cell.</li>
<p><strong>Note</strong> &ndash; Technically you do not have to
surround your changes with the begin and end update calls. Changes made
outside of this update scope take immediate effect and send out the
notifications immediately. In fact, changes within the update scope
enact on the model straight away, the update scope is there to control
the timing and concatenation of event notifications. Unless the update
wrapping causes code aesthetic issues, it is worth using it by habit to
avoid possible problems with event and undo granularity.</p>
<p>Note the way in which the model changes are wrapped in a try
block and the endUpdate() in a finally block. This ensures the update is
completed, even if there is an error in the model changes. You should
use this pattern wherever you perform model changes for ease of
<p>Ignore the reference to the parent cell for now, that will be
explained later in this chapter.</p>
<h3><a name="transaction_model"></a>The Transaction Model</h3>
<p>The sub-transaction in the blue block above refers to the fact
that transactions can be nested. That is, there is a counter in the
model that increments for every <em>beginUpdate</em> call and decrements
for every <em>endUpdate</em> call. After increasing to at least 1, when
this count reaches 0 again, the model transaction is considered complete
and the event notifications of the model change are fired.</p>
<p>This means that every sub-contained section of code can (and
should) be surrounded by the begin/end combination. This provide the
ability in JGraphX to create separate transactions that be used as
&ldquo;library transactions&rdquo;, the ability to create compound
changes and for one set of events to be fired for all the changes and
only one undo created. Automatic layouting is a good example of where
the functionality is required.</p>
<p>In automatic layouting, the user makes changes to the graph,
usually through the user interface, and the application automatically
positions the result according to some rules. The automatic positioning,
the layouting, is a self-contained algorithm between begin/end update
calls that has no knowledge of the specifics of the change. Because all
changes within the begin/end update are made directly to the graph
model, the layout can act upon the state of the model as the change is
in progress.</p>
<p>It is important to distinguish between functionality that acts on
the graph model as part of a compound change and functionality that
reacts to atomic graph change events. In the first case, such as for
automatic layouting, the functionality takes the model as-is and acts
upon it. This method should only be used for parts of compound model
changes. All other parts of the application should only react to model
change events.</p>
<p>Model change events are fired when the last endUpdate call
reduces the counter back down to 0 and indicate that at least one atomic
graph change has occurred. The change event contains complete
information as to what has altered (see later section on <strong>Events</strong>
for more details).</p>
<h4><a name="model_change_methods"></a>The Model Change Methods</h4>
<p>Below is a list of the methods that alter the graph model and
should be placed, directly or indirectly, with the scope of an update:</p>
<li>add(parent, child, index)</li>
<li>setCollapsed(cell, collapsed)</li>
<li>setGeometry(cell, geometry)</li>
<li>setStyle(cell, style)</li>
<li>setTerminal(cell, terminal, isSource)</li>
<li>setValue(cell, value)</li>
<li>setVisible(cell, visible)</li>
<p>Initially, we will just concern ourselves with the add and
remove, as well as the geometry and style editing methods. Note that
these are not core API methods, as usual these methods are on the
mxGraph class, where appropriate, and they perform the update
encapsulation for you.</p>
<p><em>Design Background</em> - Some people are confused by the
presence of visual information being stored by the model. These
attributes comprise cell positioning, visibility and collapsed state.
The model stores the default state of these attributes, providing a
common place to set them on a per-cell basis, whereas, views can
override the values on a per-view basis. The model is simply the first
common place in the architecture where these attributes can be set on a
global basis. Remember, this is a graph <em>visualization</em> library,
the visualization part is the core functionality.</p>
<h5><a name="inserting_cells"></a>Inserting Cells</h5>
<p>The three graph cells created in the <CODE>HelloWorld</CODE>
application are two vertices and one edge connecting the vertices. If
you are not familiar with basic graph theory and its terminology, please
see the <a href="">wikipedia
<p>You can add vertices and edges using the add() method on the
model. However, for the purposes of general usage of this library, learn
that mxGraph.insertVertex() and mxGraph.insertEdge() are the core public
API for adding cells. The method of the model requires that the cell
to be added is already created, whereas the mxGraph.insertVertex()
creates the cell for you.</p>
<div id="coreapi">
<p><strong>Core API methods:</strong></p>
id, value, x, y, width, height, style</strong><strong>)</strong> &ndash; creates
and inserts a new vertex into the model, within a begin/end update
id, value, source, target, style</strong><strong>)</strong><strong>
&ndash; </strong>creates and inserts a new edge into the model, within a
begin/end update call.</li>
<p><code>mxGraph.insertVertex()</code> will create an mxCell object
and return it from the method used. The parameters of the method are:</p>
<li><strong>parent</strong> &ndash; the cell which is the immediate
parent of the new cell in the group structure. We will address the
group structure shortly, but for now use <code>graph.getDefaultParent();</code>
as your default parent, as used in the HelloWorld example.</li>
<li><strong>id</strong> &ndash; this is a global unique identifier
that describes the cell, it is always a string. This is primarily for
referencing the cells in the persistent output externally. If you do not
wish to maintain ids yourself, pass null into this parameter and ensure
that mxGraphModel.isCreateIds() returns true. This way the model will
manage the ids and ensure they are unique.</li>
<li><strong>value</strong> &ndash; this is the user object of the
cell. User object are simply that, just objects, but form the objects
that allow you to associate the business logic of an application with
the visual representation of JGraphX. They will be described in more
detail later in this manual, however, to start with if you use a string
as the user object, this will be displayed as the label on the vertex or
<li><strong>x, y, width, height</strong> &ndash; as the names
suggest, these are the x and y position of the top left corner of the
vertex and its width and height.</li>
<li><strong>style</strong> &ndash; the style description to be
applied to this vertex. Styles will be described in more detail shortly,
but at a simple level this parameter is a string that follows a
particular format. In the string appears zero or more style names and
some number of key/value pairs that override the global style or set a
new style. Until we create custom styles, we will just use those
currently available.</li>
<p>With the edge addition method, the identically named parameters
perform the same method as in the vertex addition method. The source
and target parameters define the vertices to which the edge is
connected. Note that the source and target vertices should already have
been inserted into the model.</p>
<h3><a name="mxcell"></a>mxCell</h3>
<p>mxCell is the cell object for both vertices and edges. mxCell
duplicates many of the methods available in the model. The key
difference in usage is that using the model methods creates the
appropriate event notifications and undo, using the cell makes the
change but there is no record of the change. This can be useful for
temporary visual effects such as animations or changes on a mouse over,
for example. As a general rule though, use the model editing API unless
you encounter a specific problem with this mechanism.</p>
<p>When creating a new cell, three things are required in the
constructor, a value (user object), a geometry and a style. We will now
explore these 3 concepts before returning to the cell.</p>
<h4><a name="styles"></a>Styles</h4>
<p>The concept of styles and stylesheets in conceptually similar to
CSS stylesheets. Open up the
util.mxConstants.js file in your editor and search for the first match
on &ldquo;STYLE_&rdquo;. If you scroll down you will see a large number
of strings defined for all the various styles available with this
prefix. Some of styles apply to vertices, some to edges and some to
both. As you can see, these define visual attributes on the element they
act upon.</p>
<p>The mxStylesheet holds one object, styles, which is a hashtable
mapping style names to an array of styles:</p>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_styles.png" name="graphics5"/><br/>
<em>Style arrays within the styles collection</em></p>
<p>In the above image the blue box represents the styles hashtable
in mxStyleSheet. The string 'defaultVertex' is the key to an array of
string/value pairs, which are the actual styles. Note that JGraphX
creates two default styles, one for vertices and one for edges. If you
look back to the helloworld example, no style was passed into the
optional style parameter of insertVertex or insertEdge. In this case the
default style would be used for those cells.</p>
<h5><a name="setting_cell_style"></a>Setting the Style of a Cell</h5>
<p>If you wanted to specify a style other than the default for a
cell, you must pass that new style either to the cell when it is created
(mxGraph's insertVertex and insertEdge both have an optional parameter
for this) or pass that style to the cell using model.setStyle().</p>
<p>The style that you pass has the form stylename. ,note that the
stylenames and key/value pairs may be in any order. Below are examples
to demonstrate this concept, adapting the insertVertex call we saw in
<p>A new style called 'ROUNDED' has been created, to apply this to
a vertex:</p>
<pre>Object v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, "Hello", 20, 20, 80, 30, "ROUNDED");</pre>
<p>To create a new vertex with the ROUNDED style, overriding the
stroke and fill colors:</p>
<pre>Object v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, "Hello", 20, 20, 80, 30, "ROUNDED;strokeColor=red;fillColor=green");</pre>
<p>To create a new vertex with no global style, but with local
stroke and fill colors:</p>
<pre>Object v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, "Hello", 20, 20, 80, 30, ";strokeColor=red;fillColor=green");</pre>
<p>To create a vertex that uses the defaultVertex style, but a
local value of the fill color:</p>
<pre>Object v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, "Hello", 20, 20, 80, 30, "defaultVertex;fillColor=blue");</pre>
<p>Note that default style must be explicitly named in this case,
missing the style out sets no global style on the cell when the
semi-colon starts the string. If the string starts with no semi-colon,
the default style is used.</p>
<p>Again, the mxGraph class provides utility methods that form the
core API for accessing and changing the styles of cells:</p>
<div id="coreapi">
<p><strong>Core API methods:</strong></p>
<strong>mxGraph.setCellStyle(style, cells)</strong> &ndash; Sets
the style for the array of cells, encapsulated in a begin/end update.
<strong>mxGraph.getCellStyle(cell)</strong> &ndash; Returns the
style for the specified cell, merging the styles from any local style
and the default style for that cell type.
<h5><a name="new_global_style"></a>Creating a New Global Style</h5>
<p>To create the ROUNDED global style described above, you can
follow this template to create a style and register it with
mxStylesheet stylesheet = graph.getStylesheet();
Hashtable&lt;String, Object&gt; style = new Hashtable&lt;String, Object&gt;();
style.put(mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, mxConstants.SHAPE_RECTANGLE);
style.put(mxConstants.STYLE_OPACITY, 50);
style.put(mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR, "#774400");
stylesheet.putCellStyle("ROUNDED", style);
<h4><a name="geometry"></a>Geometry</h4>
<p>In the helloworld example you can see the position and size of the
vertices passed into the insertVertex method. The coordinate system in
Java is x is positive to the right and y is positive downwards,
and in terms of the graph, the positioning is absolute to the container
within which the mxGraph is placed.</p>
<p>The reason for a separate mxGeometry class, as opposed to simply
having the mxRectangle class store this information, is that the edges
also have geometry information.</p>
<p>The width and height values are ignored for edges and the x and y
values relate to the positioning of the edge label. In addition, edges
have the concept of control points. These are intermediate points along
the edge that the edge is drawn as passing through. The use of control
points is sometimes referred to as <strong>edge routing</strong>.</p>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_edge_routing.png" name="ill_edge_routing"/><br/>
<em>An edge routed by 2 control points</em></p>
<p>There are two more important additional concepts in geometry,
relative positioning and offsets</p>
<h5><a name="relative_positioning"></a>Relative Positioning</h5>
<p>By default, the x and y position of a vertex is the offset of the
top left point of the bounding rectangle of the parent to the top left
point of the bounding rectangle of the cell itself. The concept of
parents and groups is discussed later in this chapter, but without going
into too much detail, if a cell does not have cell parent, the graph
container is its parent for positioning purposes.</p>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_non_relative_pos.png"
<em>Non-relative vertex positioning</em></p>
<p>For an edge, in non-relative mode, which is the default mode, the
edge label position is the absolute offset from the graph origin.</p>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_non_realtive_edge_pos.png"
<em>Non-relative edge label positioning</em></p>
<p>For vertices in relative mode, (x,y) is the proportion along the
parent cell's (width, height) where the cell's origin lies. (0,0) is the
same origin as the parent, (1,1) places the origin at the bottom right
corner of the parent. The same relative positioning extends below 0 and
above 1 for both dimensions. This positioning is useful for keeping
child cells fixed relative to the overall parent cell size.</p>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_rel_vert_pos.png" name="rel_vert_pos"/><br/>
<em>Relative vertex positions</em></p>
<p>Lastly, edge labels in relative mode are palced based on the
positioning from the center of the edge. The x-coordinate is the
relative distance from the source end of the edge, at -1, to the target
end of the edge, at 1. The y co-ordinate is the pixel offset orthogonal
from the edge. The diagram below shows the values of x,y for various
edge labels in relative mode. Note that for a straight edge, the
calculations are simple. For edges with multiple control points, the
edge has to be traced along its segments (a segment being the line
between end points and/or control points) to find the correct distance
along the edge. The y value is the orthogonal offset from that segment.</p>
<p>Switching relative positioning on for edge labels is a common
preference for applications. Navigate to the mxGraph.insertEdge()
method in mxGraph, you will see this calls createEdge(). In
createEdge() the geometry is set relative for every edge created using
this prototype. This is partly the reason for the amount of helper
methods in mxGraph, they enable easy changing of the default
behaviour. You should try to use the mxGraph class API as much as
possible to provide this benefit in your applications.</p>
<h5><a name="offsets"></a>Offsets</h5>
<p>The offset field in mxGeometry is an absolute x,y offset applied
to the cell <strong>label</strong>. In the case of edge labels, the
offset is always applied after the edge label has been calculated
according to the relative flag in the above section.</p>
<div id="coreapi">
<p><strong>Core API methods:</strong></p>
<ul><li><strong>mxGraph.resizeCell(cell, bounds)</strong> &ndash; Resizes
the specified cell to the specified bounds, within a begin/end update
<li><strong>mxGraph.resizeCells(cells, bounds)</strong> &ndash;
Resizes each of the cells in the cells array to the corresponding entry
in the bounds array, within a begin/end update call.</li>
<h4><a name="user_objects"></a>User Objects</h4>
<p>The User object is what gives JGraphX diagrams a context, it
stores the business logic associated with a visual cell. In the
HelloWorld example the user object has just been a string, in this case
it simply represents the label that will be displayed for that cell. In
more complex applications, these user objects will be objects instead.
Some attribute of that object will generally be the label that the
visual cell will display, the rest of the object describes logic
relating to the application domain.</p>
<p>Using the example of a simple workflow or process application,
say we have the graph below:</p>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_simple_workflow.png"
<em>A simple workflow</em></p>
<p>Say the user right clicked and selected properties of
the &ldquo;Check Inventory&rdquo; diamond, they might see this dialog:</p>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_vertex_props.png" name="ill_vertex_props"/><br/>
<em>The properties of a vertex</em></p>
<p>These properties show the geometry, label, ID etc, but a dialog
could just as easily show the user object of the cell. There might be a
reference to some process on the workflow engine as to how the inventory
is actually checked. This might be an application specific mechanism for
both the server and client to assign some identification to remote
method calls. Another value might be the type of object that process
returned, maybe a boolean or an integer to indicate stock level in this
case. Given that return type, it is possible to enforce constraints with
the diagram and provide visual alerts of if, say, the outgoing edges
decision check does not correspond to the return type of the vertex.</p>
<p>Next, as an example, the user objects of the outgoing edges might
contain a label and a boolean state. Again, the JGraphX-based editor
might provide the means to alter the boolean value. When
executing the process, it might follow the edges that correspond to the
boolean value returned by the decision node.</p>
<p>Keep in mind that the above example is very domain specific, it
is there to explain how the user object maps to the business logic of
the application. It visualizes how JGraphX creates what we term a <strong>contextual
graph</strong>. The context is formed by the connections between vertices and the
business logic stored within the user objects. A typical application
receives the visual and business logic from a sever, may allow editing
of both, then transmits both back to the server for persistence and/or
<h4><a name="cell_types"></a>Cell Types</h4>
<p>As described previously, mxGraph is the primary API for using
this library and the same concept applies to cells. One basic state of
the cell not exposed on the graph is whether a cell is a vertex or an
edge, this call be performed on the cell or on the model.</p>
<p>There are two boolean flags on mxCell, vertex and edge, and the
helper methods set one of these to true when the cell is created.
isVertex(), isEdge() on mxIGraphModel are what the model uses to
determine a cell's type, there are not separate objects for either type.
Technically, it is possible to switch the type of a cell at runtime, but
take care to invalidate the cell state (see later section) after
changing the type. Also, be aware that the geometry object variable
means different things to vertices and edges. Generally, it is not
recommended to change a cell type at runtime.</p>
<h3><a name="group_structure"></a>Group Structure</h3>
<p>Grouping, within JGraphX, is the concept of logically associating
cells with one another. This is commonly referred to as the concept of
sub-graphs in many graph toolkits. Grouping involves one or more
vertices or edges becoming children of a parent vertex or edge (usually
a vertex) in the graph model data structure. Grouping allows JGraphX to
provide a number of useful features:</p>
<li>Sub-graphs, the concept of a logically separate graph that is
displayed in the higher level graph as a cell per sub-graph.</li>
<li>Expanding and collapsing. Collapsing is the ability to replace
a collection of grouped cells visually with just their parent cell.
Expanding is the reverse of this. This behaviour can be seen by
clicking the small &ldquo;-&rdquo; in the top left corner of the group
cells when they are created in the GraphEditor example. This is
described in the C<em>omplexity Management</em> section below.</li>
<li>Layering. Layering is the concept of assigning cells to a
particular z-order layer within the graph display.</li>
<li>Drill down, step up. These concepts allow sub-graphs to be
visualized and edited as if they are a complete graph. In the <em>User
Objects</em> section we saw the &ldquo;check inventory&rdquo; vertex as a
single cell. Take, for example, the case where a developer is
describing each of the vertices in the process as the software
processes that perform the task. The application might have an option
to drill down into the check inventory vertex. This would result in a
new graph appearing that describes in detail how exactly the system
checks the inventory. The graph might have the title of the parent
&ldquo;check inventory&rdquo; vertex to indicate it is a child, as well
as the option to step-up back to the next level up.</li>
<p>In grouping, cells are assigned a parent cell. In the simplest
case, all cells have the default parent as their parent. The default
parent is an invisible cell with the same bounds as the graph. This is
the cell returned by graph.getDefaultParent() in the helloworld example.
The x,y position of a vertex is its position relative to its parent, so
in the case of default grouping (all cells sharing the default parent)
the cell positioning is also the absolute co-ordinates on the graph
component. In the case all cells being added to the default root, the
group structure logically looks like, in the case of the helloworld
example, the diagram below.</p>
<p>Note the addition of the Layer 0 cell, this is the default
indirection in the group structure that allows layer changes with the
requirement of additional cells. We include it below for correctness,
but in later group diagrams it will be omitted.</p>
<p><a name="ill_mx_man_hello_struct"><img src="images/mx_man_hello_struct.png"
WIDTH=441 HEIGHT=241 BORDER=0></a><br/>
<em>The group structure of the helloworld example</em></p>
<p>Also, note that the position of the edge label (x,y in geometry)
is relative to the parent cell.</p>
<p>If we go back to the simple workflow example in the User Objects
section, we can see what grouping might look like visually. In the
example the group cells represent people and the child vertices
represent tasks assigned to those people. In this example the logical
group structure looks like this:</p>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_log_group_struct.png"
<em>The logical group structure of the workflow example</em></p>
<p>The workflow action vertices are the yellow children and the
swimlane group vertices are marked blue.</p>
<p>Inserting cells into the group structure is achieved using the
parent parameter of the insertVertex and insertEdge methods on the
mxGraph class. These methods set the parent cell on the child
accordingly and, importantly, informs the parent cell of its new child.</p>
<p>Altering the group structure is performed via the
mxGraph.groupCells() and mxGraph.ungroupCells() methods.</p>
<div id="coreapi">
<p><strong>Core API methods:</strong></p>
<ul><li><strong>mxGraph.groupCells(group, border, cells)</strong> &ndash;
Adds the specified cells to the specified group, within a begin/end
<li><strong>mxGraph.ungroupCells(cells)</strong> &ndash; Removes the
specified cells from their parent and adds them to their parent's
parent. Any group empty after the operation are deleted. The operation
occurs within a begin/end update.</li>
<h3><a name="complexity_management"></a>Complexity Management</h3>
<p>There are two primary reasons to control the number of cells
displayed at any one time. The first is performance, drawing more and
more cells will reach performance usability limits at some point on any
platform. The second reason is ease of use, a human can only comprehend
a certain amount of information. All of the concepts associated with
grouping, listed above, can be used to reduce the complexity of
information on the screen for the user.</p>
<h4><a name="folding"></a>Folding</h4>
<p>Folding is the collective term we use for expanding and
collapsing groups. We say a cell is folded by making it's child vertices
invisible. There are a number of methods relating to this feature:</p>
<div id="coreapi">
<p><strong>Core API method:</strong></p>
<ul><li><strong>mxGraph.foldCells(collapse, recurse, cells)</strong>
&ndash; States the collapsed state of the specificed cells, within a
begin/end update.</li></ul>
<p><strong>Folding related methods:</strong></p>
<p><strong>mxGraph.isCellFoldable(cell, collapse)</strong> &ndash;
By default true for cells with children.</p>
<p><strong>mxGraph.isCellCollapsed(cell)</strong> &ndash; Returns
the folded state of the cell</p>
<p>When a group cell is collapsed, three things occur by default:</p>
<li>The children of that cell become invisible.</li>
<li>The group bounds of the group cell is used. Within mxGeometry
there is a alternativeBounds field and in groups cells, by default
store a separate bounds for their collapsed and expanded states. The
switch between these instances is invoked by mxGraph.swapBounds() and
this is handled for you within a foldCells() call. This allows
collapsed groups to be resized whilst when expanded again the size
looks correct using the pre-collapsed size.</li>
<li>Edge promotion occurs, by default. Edge promotion means
displaying edges that connect to children within the collapsed group
that also connect to cells outside of the collapsed group, by making
them appear to connect to the collapsed parent.</li>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_expand_swim.png"
<em>Expanded swimlane</em></p>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_collapse_swim.png"
<em>Collapsed Swimlane</em></p>
<p>The above two images demonstrate these three concepts. In its
expanded state the upper group cell displays a small box in the top left
hand corner with a &ldquo;-&rdquo; character inside. This indicates that
clicking on this box collapses the group cell. Doing this we get the
bottom image where the group cell takes on its collapsed size. Child
vertices and edge that do not leave the group cell are made invisible.
Finally, edges that exit the group cell are promoted to appear to be
connected to the collapsed group cell. Clicking on the &ldquo;+&rdquo;
character that now appears within the box expands the group cell and
brings it back to its original state of the top image.</p>
<p>Using the mxGraph.foldCells() function, you can achieve the same
result programmatically as clicking on the expand/collapse symbols. One
common usage of this is when the application zooms out a specific
amount, clusters of cells are grouped and the grouped cell collapsed
(very often without the &ldquo;-&rdquo; box since the application is
controlling the folding). This way fewer, larger cells are visible to
the user, each one representing their children cells logically. You
might then provide a mechanism to zoom into a group, which expands it in
the process. You might also provide drill-down/step-up, explained next.</p>
<h4><a name="sub_graph_drilling"></a>Sub-Graphs, Drill-Down /
<p>Sometimes, as an alternative to expand/collapse, or possibly in
combination with it, your graph will be composed of a number of graphs,
nested into a hierarchy. Below we see a simple example:</p>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_drill_down.png"
<em>An example top level workflow</em></p>
<p>This simple workflow consists of three high level steps.
Obviously, the individual steps contain a number of sub-steps and we
will look at a sub-graph of the <em>Solve Bug</em> cell.</p>
<p>Under the <em>Solve Bug</em> vertex we have created a number of
children to represent the process of solving a bug in more detail, in
this case the process of solving a bug on the <a
<p>In this example, which uses the GraphEditor example, the menu
option shown selected in the above image invokes
mxGraph.enterGroup(cell), which is one of the pair of core API functions
for sub-graphs.</p>
<div id="coreapi">
<p><strong>Core API methods:</strong></p>
<ul><li><strong>mxGraph.enterGroup(cell)</strong> &ndash; Makes the
specified cell the new root of the display area.</li>
<li><strong>mxGraph.exitGroup()</strong> - Makes the parent of the
current root cell, if any, the new root cell.</li>
<li><strong>mxGraph.home()</strong> - Exits all groups, making the
default parent the root cell.</li>
<p>The root cell of the graph has been, up to now, the default
parent vertex to all first-level cells. Using these functions you can
make any group cell in the group structure the root cell, so that the
children of that parent appear in the display as the complete graph.</p>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_drilling.png" name="ill_mx_man_drilling"/><br/>
<em>Result of drilling down into the Solve Bug vertex</em></p>
<P>The same graph expanded using folding instead looks like:</p>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_top_level.png" name="ill_mx_mantop_level"
WIDTH=695 HEIGHT=227 BORDER=0></p>
<p>Exiting the group using the <em>shape-&gt;exit group</em> option,
which invokes mxGraph.exitGroup, brings you back to the original 3
vertex top level graph.</p>
<h4><a name="layer_filter"></a>Layering and Filtering</h4>
<p>In JGraphX, like many graphical applications, there is the
concept of z-order. That is, the order of objects as you look into the
screen direction. Objects can be behind or in front of other objects and
if they overlap and are opaque then the back-most object will be
partially or complete obscured. Look back to the <a href="#ill_mx_man_hello_struct">
graph structure of HelloWorld illustration</a> above. Children cells are stored under
parents in a deterministic order (by default the order in which you add
<p>If we move the cells in the HelloWorld example we see the
following result:</p>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_overlap.png" name="ill_mx_man_overlap"/><br/>
<em>Overlapped vertices</em></p>
<p>It can be seen that the <em>World</em> vertex is in front of the
<em>Hello</em> vertex. This is because the <em>World</em> vertex has a
higher child index than the <em>Hello</em> vertex, at positions 1 and 0
respectively in the ordered collection that holds the children of the
root cell.</p>
<p>To change order we use mxGraph.orderCells.</p>
<div id="coreapi">
<p><strong>Core API method:</strong></p>
<ul><li><strong>mxGraph.orderCells(back, cells)</strong> &ndash; Moves
the array of cells to the front or back of their siblings, depending on
the flag, within a begin/end update.</li></ul>
<p>A sibling cell in JGraphX is any cell that shares the same
parent. So by invoking this on the <em>Hello</em> vertex it would then
overlap the <em>World</em> Vertex.</p>
<p>Ordering and grouping can be extended to form logically layered
groups. The cells are drawn via a depth-first search. Take the
HelloWorld example again and imagine that both the <em>Hello</em> and <em>World
</em>vertices have some hierarchy of children underneath them. The <em>Hello</em>
vertex and all of its children will be drawn before the <em>World</em>
vertex or any of its children. If <em>Hello</em> and <em>World</em> were
invisible group cells you then have two hierarchies of cells, one being
drawn entirely before the other. You can also switch the order of the
hierarchies by simply switching the order of the invisible group cells.</p>
<p>In <em>filtering</em> cells with some particular attribute are displayed.
One option to provide filtering functionality is to check some state
before rendering the cells. Another method, if the filtering conditions
are simple and known in advance, is to assign filterable cells by
groups. Making the groups visible and invisible performs this filtering
<h1><a name="Visual_Customization"></a>Visual Customization</h1>
<h2><a name="Core_visual_custom"></a>Core JGraphX Visuals</h2>
<p>Within the core JGraphX library, by that we mean we exclude the editor
functionality, which provides application level features, there are a number
of mechanisms to define the appearance of cells. These split into vertex
customizations and edge customizations</p>
<h3><a name="custom_vertices"></a>Customizing Vertices</h3>
<h4><a name="stencils"></a>Stencils</h4>
<p>Stencils are sets of pre-defined vector shapes that can be added at run-time
to JGraphX without the requirement to programmatically define how they are
drawn. Instead, they are defined using using SVG. The entire format for
describing shapes is based on the <a href="">shape format</a>
used by the <a href="">Dia diagramming software</a>.
This gives access to the stencils already available from that tool and
encourages a common, standardised format, rather than creating yet-another
custom format.</p>
<p>The Dia shape format describes two files per shape, a .PNG image of the
shape and the XML .shape description file. You can obtain a zip of the stencils
shipped with the Dia application from
<a href="">here at the JGraph web site</a>.
Unzip the file and you will find within a number of directories containing
shape/PNG pairs, the directories forming what we refer to as "stencils", the set
of shapes.</p>
<p>Stencils can be seen in practice using the GraphEditor example that ships
with JGraphX. Under the main menu select File->Import Stencil and navigate to
the location you unzipped the downloaded shapes and perform a directory
selection to load all of the shapes within that directory. These shapes can
be dragged and dropped onto the graph and behave like a standard vertex for
all operations performed on them. Note that the Dia shapes are licensed under the
terms of the GPL version 3. This does not affect the licensing of any software
displaying the shapes, it simply means that you must allow users to view the
XML the shapes are defined in and any shapes derived from these shapes, if
they request it.</p>
<p><img src="images/mx_man_stencil_loaded.png" name="ill_mx_stencil_loaded"/><br/>
<em>A stencil set loaded into the GraphEditor Library</em></p>
provides the example <code>addStencilShape</code> method for registering new
stencil shapes and adding them to a palette. The second parameter to this
method, <code>nodeXml</code> is the XML as obtained from the .shape file.
You could add a single shape to the shape registry using:</p>
String nodeXml = mxUtils.readFile(fc.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath());
String name = ImportAction.addStencilShape(null, nodeXml, null);
<p>Where fc is a <code>FileChooser</code>. This parses, stores and registers the
.shape selected. The name under which it is registered matches the <code> name
</code> element obtained from that .shape file. So if that name were BPMN-Gateway,
for example, adding:</p>
<p>to the style string of a vertex or:</p>
style.put(mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, "BPMN-Gateway");
<p>to the style map of a vertex, would cause that vertex to be rendered
according the SVG in that .shape file. If you wanted to add a complete
set of shapes, a stencil set, then generally you would add the set to
a palette at the time of import. <code>com.mxgraph.examples.swing.editor.BasicGraphEditor</code>
under the examples package, provides the <code>insertPalette(String title)</code>
method. Thus:</p>
EditorPalette palette = editor.insertPalette(fc.getSelectedFile().getName());
where fc is a <code>FileChooser</code> provides the palette to pass to:
for (File f : fc.getSelectedFile().listFiles(
new FilenameFilter()
public boolean accept(File dir,
String name)
return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(
String nodeXml = mxUtils.readFile(f.getAbsolutePath());
ImportAction.addStencilShape(palette, nodeXml, f.getParent() + File.separator);
<p>Where we iterate through each .shape file within a directory selection
and call <code>addStencilShape</code> passing in the collective palette,
the string XML of the .shape file and the path to that directory, the path
being used to obtain the .PNG files that will be used as the icons displayed
in the palette. This code can be seen in practice (the code invoked by
Import Stencil on Graph Editor) in
<code>com.mxgraph.examples.swing.editor.EditorActions.ImportAction</code> within
the <code>actionPerformed</code> method.</p>
<p>If you want a graphical method to create new shapes, currently this is only
possible using the <a href="">Dia tool itself</a>.
The JGraphX roadmap includes the deployment of an online tool to create custom
shapes easily, however.</p>
<hr size="1">
&copy; 2006-2010 David Benson, Gaudenz Alder