169 lines
6.1 KiB
169 lines
6.1 KiB
* File: tb_spi_bridge.v
* Copyright: Gaurav Singh
* website: www.circuitvalley.com
* Created on Jan 19, 2020, 1:33 AM
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Email: gauravsingh@circuitvalley.com
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
module DDR_MIPI (clkout_lp0_i, buf_clkout_lp0_o,
clkout_lp1_i, buf_clkout_lp1_o,
clock_slow_i, clockp_fast_data_i,
clocks_fast_clk_i, mipi_clock_o,
lock_chk_i, reset_i, byte_clock_o,
tristate_data_i,tristate_clk_i, tx_ready_o,
buf_dout_lp0_o, dout_lp0_i,
buf_dout_lp1_o, dout_lp1_i,
data_i, mipi_data_o)
/* synthesis NGD_DRC_MASK=1 */;
input wire clkout_lp0_i; //lp link for mipi clkp
input wire clkout_lp1_i; //lp line for mipi clkn
input wire clock_slow_i; // slow clock for sync
input wire clockp_fast_data_i; //fast clokc input for mipi data
input wire clocks_fast_clk_i; //fast clock input for mipi clok
input wire lock_chk_i; //clock check
input wire reset_i; //reset active high
input wire tristate_data_i; //controls HS pin tristate active high
input wire tristate_clk_i; //controls HS pin tristate active high
input wire dout_lp0_i; //lp line mipi datap
input wire dout_lp1_i; //lp line mipi datan
input wire [7:0] data_i; //mipi data input
output wire buf_clkout_lp0_o; //mipi clock lp0 out
output wire buf_clkout_lp1_o; //mipi clock lp1 out
output wire mipi_clock_o; //mipi clock out
output wire byte_clock_o; //ddr byte clock output
output wire tx_ready_o; //After reset, Indicate completion of reset synchronization
output wire [0:0] buf_dout_lp0_o; //data lp0 out
output wire [0:0] buf_dout_lp1_o; //data lp1 out
output wire [0:0] mipi_data_o; //mipi data out
wire opensync_0;
wire opensync_1;
wire opensync_cken;
wire opensync_2;
wire buf_clkout;
wire scuba_vhi;
wire d70;
wire d60;
wire d50;
wire d40;
wire d30;
wire d20;
wire d10;
wire d00;
wire eclkc;
wire sclk_t;
wire cdiv1;
wire scuba_vlo;
wire eclkd;
wire xstop;
wire xstart;
wire opensync_3;
wire tristate_data_o;
wire tristate_clk_o;
wire buf_douto0;
defparam LUT4_1.initval = 16'h0a78 ;
ROM16X1A LUT4_1 (.AD3(opensync_0), .AD2(opensync_3), .AD1(lock_chk_i),
.AD0(scuba_vhi), .DO0(opensync_cken));
defparam LUT4_0.initval = 16'hfffe ;
ROM16X1A LUT4_0 (.AD3(opensync_0), .AD2(opensync_1), .AD1(scuba_vlo),
.AD0(scuba_vlo), .DO0(xstop));
FD1P3BX FF_3 (.D(opensync_3), .SP(opensync_cken), .CK(clock_slow_i), .PD(reset_i),
/* synthesis GSR="ENABLED" */;
FD1P3DX FF_2 (.D(opensync_0), .SP(opensync_cken), .CK(clock_slow_i), .CD(reset_i),
/* synthesis GSR="ENABLED" */;
FD1P3DX FF_1 (.D(opensync_1), .SP(opensync_cken), .CK(clock_slow_i), .CD(reset_i),
/* synthesis GSR="ENABLED" */;
FD1P3DX FF_0 (.D(opensync_2), .SP(opensync_cken), .CK(clock_slow_i), .CD(reset_i),
/* synthesis GSR="ENABLED" */;
OB Inst1_OB (.I(clkout_lp1_i), .O(buf_clkout_lp1_o));
OB Inst2_OB (.I(clkout_lp0_i), .O(buf_clkout_lp0_o));
OB Inst3_OB (.I(dout_lp1_i), .O(buf_dout_lp1_o));
OB Inst4_OB (.I(dout_lp0_i), .O(buf_dout_lp0_o));
OFS1P3DX Inst8_OFS1P3DX (.D(tristate_clk_i), .SP(scuba_vhi), .SCLK(sclk_t),
.CD(reset_i), .Q(tristate_clock_o));
OFS1P3DX Inst9_OFS1P3DX (.D(tristate_data_i), .SP(scuba_vhi), .SCLK(sclk_t),
.CD(reset_i), .Q(tristate_data_o));
OBZ Inst7_OBZ (.I(buf_clkout), .T(tristate_clock_o), .O(mipi_clock_o))
/* synthesis IO_TYPE="MIPI" */;
VHI scuba_vhi_inst (.Z(scuba_vhi));
ODDRX4B Inst6_ODDRX4B (.D0(scuba_vhi), .D1(scuba_vlo), .D2(scuba_vhi),
.D3(scuba_vlo), .D4(scuba_vhi), .D5(scuba_vlo), .D6(scuba_vhi),
.D7(scuba_vlo), .ECLK(eclkc), .SCLK(sclk_t), .RST(reset_i), .Q(buf_clkout));
ODDRX4B Inst5_ODDRX4B0 (.D0(d00), .D1(d10), .D2(d20), .D3(d30), .D4(d40),
.D5(d50), .D6(d60), .D7(d70), .ECLK(eclkd), .SCLK(sclk_t), .RST(reset_i),
ECLKSYNCA Inst4_ECLKSYNCA (.ECLKI(clocks_fast_clk_i), .STOP(xstop), .ECLKO(eclkc));
VLO scuba_vlo_inst (.Z(scuba_vlo));
defparam Inst3_CLKDIVC.DIV = "4.0" ;
CLKDIVC Inst3_CLKDIVC (.RST(reset_i), .CLKI(eclkd), .ALIGNWD(scuba_vlo),
.CDIV1(cdiv1), .CDIVX(sclk_t));
ECLKSYNCA Inst2_ECLKSYNCA (.ECLKI(clockp_fast_data_i), .STOP(xstop), .ECLKO(eclkd));
OBZ Inst1_OBZ0 (.I(buf_douto0), .T(tristate_data_o), .O(mipi_data_o[0]))
/* synthesis IO_TYPE="MIPI" */;
assign byte_clock_o = sclk_t;
assign d70 = data_i[7];
assign d60 = data_i[6];
assign d50 = data_i[5];
assign d40 = data_i[4];
assign d30 = data_i[3];
assign d20 = data_i[2];
assign d10 = data_i[1];
assign d00 = data_i[0];
assign tx_ready_o = xstart;
assign xstart = opensync_3;
// exemplar begin
// exemplar attribute FF_3 GSR ENABLED
// exemplar attribute FF_2 GSR ENABLED
// exemplar attribute FF_1 GSR ENABLED
// exemplar attribute FF_0 GSR ENABLED
// exemplar attribute Inst12_BB IO_TYPE MIPI_LP
// exemplar attribute Inst11_BB IO_TYPE MIPI_LP
// exemplar attribute Inst10_BB0 IO_TYPE MIPI_LP
// exemplar attribute Inst9_BB0 IO_TYPE MIPI_LP
// exemplar attribute Inst7_OBZ IO_TYPE MIPI
// exemplar attribute Inst1_OBZ0 IO_TYPE MIPI
// exemplar end