From 8dc2bdc307ef194c7610da76999f69345cf53ffe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "DESKTOP-4RNDQIC\\29019" <> Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2020 00:46:24 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=E8=A7=A3=E5=86=B3=E6=89=80=E6=9C=89=E9=93=BE?= =?UTF-8?q?=E6=8E=A5=E9=97=AE=E9=A2=98?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/COPYING | 504 ++ client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/Makefile | 121 + client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/amf.c | 1311 ++++ .../yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/amf.h | 0 .../yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/bytes.h | 0 .../yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/dh.h | 0 .../yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/dhgroups.h | 0 .../yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/handshake.h | 0 client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/hashswf.c | 665 ++ .../yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/http.h | 0 client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/librtmp.3 | 210 + .../qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/librtmp.3.html | 312 + .../qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/ | 13 + client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/log.c | 224 + .../yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/log.h | 0 client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/parseurl.c | 289 + client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/rtmp.c | 5349 +++++++++++++++++ .../yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/rtmp.h | 58 +- .../yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/rtmp_sys.h | 0 client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPuller.h | 3 +- client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPuller2.h | 11 +- .../qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPusher.cpp | 17 +- client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPusher.h | 9 +- client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/ | 13 +- client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/ | 2 +- 25 files changed, 9081 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-) create mode 100644 client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/COPYING create mode 100644 client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/Makefile create mode 100644 client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/amf.c rename client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/amf.h (100%) rename client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/bytes.h (100%) rename client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/dh.h (100%) rename client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/dhgroups.h (100%) rename client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/handshake.h (100%) create mode 100644 client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/hashswf.c rename client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/http.h (100%) create mode 100644 client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/librtmp.3 create mode 100644 client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/librtmp.3.html create mode 100644 client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/ create mode 100644 client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/log.c rename client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/log.h (100%) create mode 100644 client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/parseurl.c create mode 100644 client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/rtmp.c rename client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/rtmp.h (85%) rename client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/{third => }/librtmp/rtmp_sys.h (100%) diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/COPYING b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..00b4fed --- /dev/null +++ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,504 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2.1, February 1999 + + Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts + as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence + the version number 2.1.] + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change +free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. + + This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some +specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the +Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You +can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether +this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better +strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, +not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that +you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge +for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get +it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of +it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do +these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these +rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for +you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis +or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave +you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source +code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide +complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them +with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling +it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. + + We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the +library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal +permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. + + To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that +there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is +modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know +that what they have is not the original version, so that the original +author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be +introduced by others. + + Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of +any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot +effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a +restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that +any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be +consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. + + Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the +ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser +General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and +is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use +this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those +libraries into non-free programs. + + When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using +a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a +combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary +General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the +entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General +Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with +the library. + + We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it +does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General +Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less +of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages +are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many +libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain +special circumstances. + + For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to +encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes +a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be +allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free +library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this +case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free +software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. + + In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free +programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of +free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in +non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU +operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating +system. + + Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the +users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is +linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run +that program using a modified version of the Library. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a +"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The +former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must +be combined with the library in order to run. + + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other +program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or +other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of +this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). +Each licensee is addressed as "you". + + A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data +prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs +(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. + + The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work +which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the +Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under +copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a +portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated +straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is +included without limitation in the term "modification".) + + "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means +all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated +interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation +and installation of the library. + + Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from +such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based +on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for +writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does +and what the program that uses the Library does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's +complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that +you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an +appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact +all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any +warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the +Library. + + You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, +and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a +fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The modified work must itself be a software library. + + b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no + charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. + + d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a + table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses + the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility + is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, + in the event an application does not supply such function or + table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of + its purpose remains meaningful. + + (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has + a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the + application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any + application-supplied function or table used by this function must + be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square + root function must still compute square roots.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote +it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Library. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library +with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public +License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do +this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so +that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, +instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the +ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify +that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in +these notices. + + Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for +that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all +subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. + + This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of +the Library into a program that is not a library. + + 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or +derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form +under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany +it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which +must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a +medium customarily used for software interchange. + + If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy +from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the +source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to +distribute the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the +Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or +linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a +work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and +therefore falls outside the scope of this License. + + However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library +creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it +contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the +library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. +Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. + + When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file +that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a +derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. +Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be +linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The +threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. + + If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data +structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline +functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object +file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative +work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the +Library will still fall under Section 6.) + + Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may +distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. +Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, +whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. + + 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or +link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a +work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work +under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit +modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications. + + You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the +Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by +this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work +during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the +copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference +directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one +of these things: + + a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding + machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever + changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under + Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked + with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that + uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the + user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified + executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood + that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the + Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application + to use the modified definitions.) + + b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a + copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, + rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) + will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if + the user installs one, as long as the modified version is + interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. + + c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at + least three years, to give the same user the materials + specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more + than the cost of performing this distribution. + + d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy + from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above + specified materials from the same place. + + e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these + materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. + + For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the +Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for +reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, +the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is +normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major +components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on +which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies +the executable. + + It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license +restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally +accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot +use both them and the Library together in an executable that you +distribute. + + 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library +facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined +library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on +the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise +permitted, and provided that you do these two things: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work + based on the Library, uncombined with any other library + facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the + Sections above. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact + that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining + where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute +the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any +attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or +distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your +rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, +or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses +terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. + + 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the +Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Library or works based on it. + + 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the +Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library +subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with +this License. + + 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any +particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, +and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add +an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, +so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus +excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if +written in the body of this License. + + 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new +versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. +Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, +but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and +"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that version or of any later version published by +the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a +license version number, you may choose any version ever published by +the Free Software Foundation. + + 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, +write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is +copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free +Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our +decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status +of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing +and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO +WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. +EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR +OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY +KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE +LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME +THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN +WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY +AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU +FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE +LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING +RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A +FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF +SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH +DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries + + If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that +everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting +redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the +ordinary General Public License). + + To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is +safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the +"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Lesser General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the + library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker. + + , 1 April 1990 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +That's all there is to it! + + diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/Makefile b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c1c790 --- /dev/null +++ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +VERSION=v2.4 + +prefix=/usr/local + +incdir=$(prefix)/include/librtmp +bindir=$(prefix)/bin +libdir=$(prefix)/lib +mandir=$(prefix)/man +BINDIR=$(DESTDIR)$(bindir) +INCDIR=$(DESTDIR)$(incdir) +LIBDIR=$(DESTDIR)$(libdir) +MANDIR=$(DESTDIR)$(mandir) + +CC=$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc +LD=$(CROSS_COMPILE)ld +AR=$(CROSS_COMPILE)ar + +SYS=posix +CRYPTO=OPENSSL +#CRYPTO=GNUTLS +DEF_POLARSSL=-DUSE_POLARSSL +DEF_OPENSSL=-DUSE_OPENSSL +DEF_GNUTLS=-DUSE_GNUTLS +DEF_=-DNO_CRYPTO +REQ_GNUTLS=gnutls,hogweed,nettle +REQ_OPENSSL=libssl,libcrypto +PUB_GNUTLS=-lgmp +LIBZ=-lz +LIBS_posix= +LIBS_darwin= +LIBS_mingw=-lws2_32 -lwinmm -lgdi32 +LIB_GNUTLS=-lgnutls -lhogweed -lnettle -lgmp $(LIBZ) +LIB_OPENSSL=-lssl -lcrypto $(LIBZ) +LIB_POLARSSL=-lpolarssl $(LIBZ) +PRIVATE_LIBS=$(LIBS_$(SYS)) +CRYPTO_LIB=$(LIB_$(CRYPTO)) $(PRIVATE_LIBS) +CRYPTO_REQ=$(REQ_$(CRYPTO)) +CRYPTO_DEF=$(DEF_$(CRYPTO)) +PUBLIC_LIBS=$(PUB_$(CRYPTO)) + +SO_VERSION=1 +SOX_posix=so +SOX_darwin=dylib +SOX_mingw=dll +SOX=$(SOX_$(SYS)) +SO_posix=.$(SOX).$(SO_VERSION) +SO_darwin=.$(SO_VERSION).$(SOX) +SO_mingw=-$(SO_VERSION).$(SOX) +SO_EXT=$(SO_$(SYS)) + +SODIR_posix=$(LIBDIR) +SODIR_darwin=$(LIBDIR) +SODIR_mingw=$(BINDIR) +SODIR=$(SODIR_$(SYS)) + +SO_LDFLAGS_posix=-shared -Wl,-soname,$@ +SO_LDFLAGS_darwin=-dynamiclib -twolevel_namespace -undefined dynamic_lookup \ + -fno-common -headerpad_max_install_names -install_name $(libdir)/$@ +SO_LDFLAGS_mingw=-shared -Wl,--out-implib,librtmp.dll.a +SO_LDFLAGS=$(SO_LDFLAGS_$(SYS)) + +INSTALL_IMPLIB_posix= +INSTALL_IMPLIB_darwin= +INSTALL_IMPLIB_mingw=cp librtmp.dll.a $(LIBDIR) +INSTALL_IMPLIB=$(INSTALL_IMPLIB_$(SYS)) + +SHARED=yes +SODEF_yes=-fPIC +SOLIB_yes=librtmp$(SO_EXT) +SOINST_yes=install_so +SO_DEF=$(SODEF_$(SHARED)) +SO_LIB=$(SOLIB_$(SHARED)) +SO_INST=$(SOINST_$(SHARED)) + +DEF=-DRTMPDUMP_VERSION=\"$(VERSION)\" $(CRYPTO_DEF) $(XDEF) +OPT=-O2 +CFLAGS=-Wall $(XCFLAGS) $(INC) $(DEF) $(OPT) $(SO_DEF) +LDFLAGS=$(XLDFLAGS) + + +OBJS=rtmp.o log.o amf.o hashswf.o parseurl.o + +all: librtmp.a $(SO_LIB) + +clean: + rm -f *.o *.a *.$(SOX) *$(SO_EXT) librtmp.pc + +librtmp.a: $(OBJS) + $(AR) rs $@ $? + +librtmp$(SO_EXT): $(OBJS) + $(CC) $(SO_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $> $(CRYPTO_LIB) + ln -sf $@ librtmp.$(SOX) + +log.o: log.c log.h Makefile +rtmp.o: rtmp.c rtmp.h rtmp_sys.h handshake.h dh.h log.h amf.h Makefile +amf.o: amf.c amf.h bytes.h log.h Makefile +hashswf.o: hashswf.c http.h rtmp.h rtmp_sys.h Makefile +parseurl.o: parseurl.c rtmp.h rtmp_sys.h log.h Makefile + +librtmp.pc: Makefile + sed -e "s;@prefix@;$(prefix);" -e "s;@libdir@;$(libdir);" \ + -e "s;@VERSION@;$(VERSION);" \ + -e "s;@CRYPTO_REQ@;$(CRYPTO_REQ);" \ + -e "s;@PUBLIC_LIBS@;$(PUBLIC_LIBS);" \ + -e "s;@PRIVATE_LIBS@;$(PRIVATE_LIBS);" > $@ + +install: install_base $(SO_INST) + +install_base: librtmp.a librtmp.pc + -mkdir -p $(INCDIR) $(LIBDIR)/pkgconfig $(MANDIR)/man3 $(SODIR) + cp amf.h http.h log.h rtmp.h $(INCDIR) + cp librtmp.a $(LIBDIR) + cp librtmp.pc $(LIBDIR)/pkgconfig + cp librtmp.3 $(MANDIR)/man3 + +install_so: librtmp$(SO_EXT) + cp librtmp$(SO_EXT) $(SODIR) + $(INSTALL_IMPLIB) + cd $(SODIR); ln -sf librtmp$(SO_EXT) librtmp.$(SOX) + diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/amf.c b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/amf.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7954144 --- /dev/null +++ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/amf.c @@ -0,0 +1,1311 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC + * + * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Andrej Stepanchuk + * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Howard Chu + * + * This file is part of librtmp. + * + * librtmp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * librtmp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License + * along with librtmp see the file COPYING. If not, write to + * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, + * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + * + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "rtmp_sys.h" +#include "amf.h" +#include "log.h" +#include "bytes.h" + +static const AMFObjectProperty AMFProp_Invalid = { {0, 0}, AMF_INVALID }; +static const AMFObject AMFObj_Invalid = { 0, 0 }; +static const AVal AV_empty = { 0, 0 }; + +/* Data is Big-Endian */ +unsigned short +AMF_DecodeInt16(const char *data) +{ + unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *) data; + unsigned short val; + val = (c[0] << 8) | c[1]; + return val; +} + +unsigned int +AMF_DecodeInt24(const char *data) +{ + unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *) data; + unsigned int val; + val = (c[0] << 16) | (c[1] << 8) | c[2]; + return val; +} + +unsigned int +AMF_DecodeInt32(const char *data) +{ + unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *)data; + unsigned int val; + val = (c[0] << 24) | (c[1] << 16) | (c[2] << 8) | c[3]; + return val; +} + +void +AMF_DecodeString(const char *data, AVal *bv) +{ + bv->av_len = AMF_DecodeInt16(data); + bv->av_val = (bv->av_len > 0) ? (char *)data + 2 : NULL; +} + +void +AMF_DecodeLongString(const char *data, AVal *bv) +{ + bv->av_len = AMF_DecodeInt32(data); + bv->av_val = (bv->av_len > 0) ? (char *)data + 4 : NULL; +} + +double +AMF_DecodeNumber(const char *data) +{ + double dVal; +#if __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER == __BYTE_ORDER +#if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN + memcpy(&dVal, data, 8); +#elif __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN + unsigned char *ci, *co; + ci = (unsigned char *)data; + co = (unsigned char *)&dVal; + co[0] = ci[7]; + co[1] = ci[6]; + co[2] = ci[5]; + co[3] = ci[4]; + co[4] = ci[3]; + co[5] = ci[2]; + co[6] = ci[1]; + co[7] = ci[0]; +#endif +#else +#if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN /* __FLOAT_WORD_ORER == __BIG_ENDIAN */ + unsigned char *ci, *co; + ci = (unsigned char *)data; + co = (unsigned char *)&dVal; + co[0] = ci[3]; + co[1] = ci[2]; + co[2] = ci[1]; + co[3] = ci[0]; + co[4] = ci[7]; + co[5] = ci[6]; + co[6] = ci[5]; + co[7] = ci[4]; +#else /* __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN && __FLOAT_WORD_ORER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN */ + unsigned char *ci, *co; + ci = (unsigned char *)data; + co = (unsigned char *)&dVal; + co[0] = ci[4]; + co[1] = ci[5]; + co[2] = ci[6]; + co[3] = ci[7]; + co[4] = ci[0]; + co[5] = ci[1]; + co[6] = ci[2]; + co[7] = ci[3]; +#endif +#endif + return dVal; +} + +int +AMF_DecodeBoolean(const char *data) +{ + return *data != 0; +} + +char * +AMF_EncodeInt16(char *output, char *outend, short nVal) +{ + if (output+2 > outend) + return NULL; + + output[1] = nVal & 0xff; + output[0] = nVal >> 8; + return output+2; +} + +char * +AMF_EncodeInt24(char *output, char *outend, int nVal) +{ + if (output+3 > outend) + return NULL; + + output[2] = nVal & 0xff; + output[1] = nVal >> 8; + output[0] = nVal >> 16; + return output+3; +} + +char * +AMF_EncodeInt32(char *output, char *outend, int nVal) +{ + if (output+4 > outend) + return NULL; + + output[3] = nVal & 0xff; + output[2] = nVal >> 8; + output[1] = nVal >> 16; + output[0] = nVal >> 24; + return output+4; +} + +char * +AMF_EncodeString(char *output, char *outend, const AVal *bv) +{ + if ((bv->av_len < 65536 && output + 1 + 2 + bv->av_len > outend) || + output + 1 + 4 + bv->av_len > outend) + return NULL; + + if (bv->av_len < 65536) + { + *output++ = AMF_STRING; + + output = AMF_EncodeInt16(output, outend, bv->av_len); + } + else + { + *output++ = AMF_LONG_STRING; + + output = AMF_EncodeInt32(output, outend, bv->av_len); + } + memcpy(output, bv->av_val, bv->av_len); + output += bv->av_len; + + return output; +} + +char * +AMF_EncodeNumber(char *output, char *outend, double dVal) +{ + if (output+1+8 > outend) + return NULL; + + *output++ = AMF_NUMBER; /* type: Number */ + +#if __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER == __BYTE_ORDER +#if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN + memcpy(output, &dVal, 8); +#elif __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN + { + unsigned char *ci, *co; + ci = (unsigned char *)&dVal; + co = (unsigned char *)output; + co[0] = ci[7]; + co[1] = ci[6]; + co[2] = ci[5]; + co[3] = ci[4]; + co[4] = ci[3]; + co[5] = ci[2]; + co[6] = ci[1]; + co[7] = ci[0]; + } +#endif +#else +#if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN /* __FLOAT_WORD_ORER == __BIG_ENDIAN */ + { + unsigned char *ci, *co; + ci = (unsigned char *)&dVal; + co = (unsigned char *)output; + co[0] = ci[3]; + co[1] = ci[2]; + co[2] = ci[1]; + co[3] = ci[0]; + co[4] = ci[7]; + co[5] = ci[6]; + co[6] = ci[5]; + co[7] = ci[4]; + } +#else /* __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN && __FLOAT_WORD_ORER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN */ + { + unsigned char *ci, *co; + ci = (unsigned char *)&dVal; + co = (unsigned char *)output; + co[0] = ci[4]; + co[1] = ci[5]; + co[2] = ci[6]; + co[3] = ci[7]; + co[4] = ci[0]; + co[5] = ci[1]; + co[6] = ci[2]; + co[7] = ci[3]; + } +#endif +#endif + + return output+8; +} + +char * +AMF_EncodeBoolean(char *output, char *outend, int bVal) +{ + if (output+2 > outend) + return NULL; + + *output++ = AMF_BOOLEAN; + + *output++ = bVal ? 0x01 : 0x00; + + return output; +} + +char * +AMF_EncodeNamedString(char *output, char *outend, const AVal *strName, const AVal *strValue) +{ + if (output+2+strName->av_len > outend) + return NULL; + output = AMF_EncodeInt16(output, outend, strName->av_len); + + memcpy(output, strName->av_val, strName->av_len); + output += strName->av_len; + + return AMF_EncodeString(output, outend, strValue); +} + +char * +AMF_EncodeNamedNumber(char *output, char *outend, const AVal *strName, double dVal) +{ + if (output+2+strName->av_len > outend) + return NULL; + output = AMF_EncodeInt16(output, outend, strName->av_len); + + memcpy(output, strName->av_val, strName->av_len); + output += strName->av_len; + + return AMF_EncodeNumber(output, outend, dVal); +} + +char * +AMF_EncodeNamedBoolean(char *output, char *outend, const AVal *strName, int bVal) +{ + if (output+2+strName->av_len > outend) + return NULL; + output = AMF_EncodeInt16(output, outend, strName->av_len); + + memcpy(output, strName->av_val, strName->av_len); + output += strName->av_len; + + return AMF_EncodeBoolean(output, outend, bVal); +} + +void +AMFProp_GetName(AMFObjectProperty *prop, AVal *name) +{ + *name = prop->p_name; +} + +void +AMFProp_SetName(AMFObjectProperty *prop, AVal *name) +{ + prop->p_name = *name; +} + +AMFDataType +AMFProp_GetType(AMFObjectProperty *prop) +{ + return prop->p_type; +} + +double +AMFProp_GetNumber(AMFObjectProperty *prop) +{ + return prop->p_vu.p_number; +} + +int +AMFProp_GetBoolean(AMFObjectProperty *prop) +{ + return prop->p_vu.p_number != 0; +} + +void +AMFProp_GetString(AMFObjectProperty *prop, AVal *str) +{ + if (prop->p_type == AMF_STRING) + *str = prop->p_vu.p_aval; + else + *str = AV_empty; +} + +void +AMFProp_GetObject(AMFObjectProperty *prop, AMFObject *obj) +{ + if (prop->p_type == AMF_OBJECT) + *obj = prop->p_vu.p_object; + else + *obj = AMFObj_Invalid; +} + +int +AMFProp_IsValid(AMFObjectProperty *prop) +{ + return prop->p_type != AMF_INVALID; +} + +char * +AMFProp_Encode(AMFObjectProperty *prop, char *pBuffer, char *pBufEnd) +{ + if (prop->p_type == AMF_INVALID) + return NULL; + + if (prop->p_type != AMF_NULL && pBuffer + prop->p_name.av_len + 2 + 1 >= pBufEnd) + return NULL; + + if (prop->p_type != AMF_NULL && prop->p_name.av_len) + { + *pBuffer++ = prop->p_name.av_len >> 8; + *pBuffer++ = prop->p_name.av_len & 0xff; + memcpy(pBuffer, prop->p_name.av_val, prop->p_name.av_len); + pBuffer += prop->p_name.av_len; + } + + switch (prop->p_type) + { + case AMF_NUMBER: + pBuffer = AMF_EncodeNumber(pBuffer, pBufEnd, prop->p_vu.p_number); + break; + + case AMF_BOOLEAN: + pBuffer = AMF_EncodeBoolean(pBuffer, pBufEnd, prop->p_vu.p_number != 0); + break; + + case AMF_STRING: + pBuffer = AMF_EncodeString(pBuffer, pBufEnd, &prop->p_vu.p_aval); + break; + + case AMF_NULL: + if (pBuffer+1 >= pBufEnd) + return NULL; + *pBuffer++ = AMF_NULL; + break; + + case AMF_OBJECT: + pBuffer = AMF_Encode(&prop->p_vu.p_object, pBuffer, pBufEnd); + break; + + case AMF_ECMA_ARRAY: + pBuffer = AMF_EncodeEcmaArray(&prop->p_vu.p_object, pBuffer, pBufEnd); + break; + + case AMF_STRICT_ARRAY: + pBuffer = AMF_EncodeArray(&prop->p_vu.p_object, pBuffer, pBufEnd); + break; + + default: + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, invalid type. %d", __FUNCTION__, prop->p_type); + pBuffer = NULL; + }; + + return pBuffer; +} + +#define AMF3_INTEGER_MAX 268435455 +#define AMF3_INTEGER_MIN -268435456 + +int +AMF3ReadInteger(const char *data, int32_t *valp) +{ + int i = 0; + int32_t val = 0; + + while (i <= 2) + { /* handle first 3 bytes */ + if (data[i] & 0x80) + { /* byte used */ + val <<= 7; /* shift up */ + val |= (data[i] & 0x7f); /* add bits */ + i++; + } + else + { + break; + } + } + + if (i > 2) + { /* use 4th byte, all 8bits */ + val <<= 8; + val |= data[3]; + + /* range check */ + if (val > AMF3_INTEGER_MAX) + val -= (1 << 29); + } + else + { /* use 7bits of last unparsed byte (0xxxxxxx) */ + val <<= 7; + val |= data[i]; + } + + *valp = val; + + return i > 2 ? 4 : i + 1; +} + +int +AMF3ReadString(const char *data, AVal *str) +{ + int32_t ref = 0; + int len; + assert(str != 0); + + len = AMF3ReadInteger(data, &ref); + data += len; + + if ((ref & 0x1) == 0) + { /* reference: 0xxx */ + uint32_t refIndex = (ref >> 1); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, + "%s, string reference, index: %d, not supported, ignoring!", + __FUNCTION__, refIndex); + str->av_val = NULL; + str->av_len = 0; + return len; + } + else + { + uint32_t nSize = (ref >> 1); + + str->av_val = (char *)data; + str->av_len = nSize; + + return len + nSize; + } + return len; +} + +int +AMF3Prop_Decode(AMFObjectProperty *prop, const char *pBuffer, int nSize, + int bDecodeName) +{ + int nOriginalSize = nSize; + AMF3DataType type; + + prop->p_name.av_len = 0; + prop->p_name.av_val = NULL; + + if (nSize == 0 || !pBuffer) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "empty buffer/no buffer pointer!"); + return -1; + } + + /* decode name */ + if (bDecodeName) + { + AVal name; + int nRes = AMF3ReadString(pBuffer, &name); + + if (name.av_len <= 0) + return nRes; + + nSize -= nRes; + if (nSize <= 0) + return -1; + prop->p_name = name; + pBuffer += nRes; + } + + /* decode */ + type = *pBuffer++; + nSize--; + + switch (type) + { + case AMF3_UNDEFINED: + case AMF3_NULL: + prop->p_type = AMF_NULL; + break; + case AMF3_FALSE: + prop->p_type = AMF_BOOLEAN; + prop->p_vu.p_number = 0.0; + break; + case AMF3_TRUE: + prop->p_type = AMF_BOOLEAN; + prop->p_vu.p_number = 1.0; + break; + case AMF3_INTEGER: + { + int32_t res = 0; + int len = AMF3ReadInteger(pBuffer, &res); + prop->p_vu.p_number = (double)res; + prop->p_type = AMF_NUMBER; + nSize -= len; + break; + } + case AMF3_DOUBLE: + if (nSize < 8) + return -1; + prop->p_vu.p_number = AMF_DecodeNumber(pBuffer); + prop->p_type = AMF_NUMBER; + nSize -= 8; + break; + case AMF3_STRING: + case AMF3_XML_DOC: + case AMF3_XML: + { + int len = AMF3ReadString(pBuffer, &prop->p_vu.p_aval); + prop->p_type = AMF_STRING; + nSize -= len; + break; + } + case AMF3_DATE: + { + int32_t res = 0; + int len = AMF3ReadInteger(pBuffer, &res); + + nSize -= len; + pBuffer += len; + + if ((res & 0x1) == 0) + { /* reference */ + uint32_t nIndex = (res >> 1); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "AMF3_DATE reference: %d, not supported!", nIndex); + } + else + { + if (nSize < 8) + return -1; + + prop->p_vu.p_number = AMF_DecodeNumber(pBuffer); + nSize -= 8; + prop->p_type = AMF_NUMBER; + } + break; + } + case AMF3_OBJECT: + { + int nRes = AMF3_Decode(&prop->p_vu.p_object, pBuffer, nSize, TRUE); + if (nRes == -1) + return -1; + nSize -= nRes; + prop->p_type = AMF_OBJECT; + break; + } + case AMF3_ARRAY: + case AMF3_BYTE_ARRAY: + default: + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s - AMF3 unknown/unsupported datatype 0x%02x, @%p", + __FUNCTION__, (unsigned char)(*pBuffer), pBuffer); + return -1; + } + if (nSize < 0) + return -1; + + return nOriginalSize - nSize; +} + +int +AMFProp_Decode(AMFObjectProperty *prop, const char *pBuffer, int nSize, + int bDecodeName) +{ + int nOriginalSize = nSize; + int nRes; + + prop->p_name.av_len = 0; + prop->p_name.av_val = NULL; + + if (nSize == 0 || !pBuffer) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s: Empty buffer/no buffer pointer!", __FUNCTION__); + return -1; + } + + if (bDecodeName && nSize < 4) + { /* at least name (length + at least 1 byte) and 1 byte of data */ + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, + "%s: Not enough data for decoding with name, less than 4 bytes!", + __FUNCTION__); + return -1; + } + + if (bDecodeName) + { + unsigned short nNameSize = AMF_DecodeInt16(pBuffer); + if (nNameSize > nSize - 2) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, + "%s: Name size out of range: namesize (%d) > len (%d) - 2", + __FUNCTION__, nNameSize, nSize); + return -1; + } + + AMF_DecodeString(pBuffer, &prop->p_name); + nSize -= 2 + nNameSize; + pBuffer += 2 + nNameSize; + } + + if (nSize == 0) + { + return -1; + } + + nSize--; + + prop->p_type = *pBuffer++; + switch (prop->p_type) + { + case AMF_NUMBER: + if (nSize < 8) + return -1; + prop->p_vu.p_number = AMF_DecodeNumber(pBuffer); + nSize -= 8; + break; + case AMF_BOOLEAN: + if (nSize < 1) + return -1; + prop->p_vu.p_number = (double)AMF_DecodeBoolean(pBuffer); + nSize--; + break; + case AMF_STRING: + { + unsigned short nStringSize = AMF_DecodeInt16(pBuffer); + + if (nSize < (long)nStringSize + 2) + return -1; + AMF_DecodeString(pBuffer, &prop->p_vu.p_aval); + nSize -= (2 + nStringSize); + break; + } + case AMF_OBJECT: + { + int nRes = AMF_Decode(&prop->p_vu.p_object, pBuffer, nSize, TRUE); + if (nRes == -1) + return -1; + nSize -= nRes; + break; + } + case AMF_MOVIECLIP: + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "AMF_MOVIECLIP reserved!"); + return -1; + break; + } + case AMF_NULL: + case AMF_UNDEFINED: + case AMF_UNSUPPORTED: + prop->p_type = AMF_NULL; + break; + case AMF_REFERENCE: + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "AMF_REFERENCE not supported!"); + return -1; + break; + } + case AMF_ECMA_ARRAY: + { + nSize -= 4; + + /* next comes the rest, mixed array has a final 0x000009 mark and names, so its an object */ + nRes = AMF_Decode(&prop->p_vu.p_object, pBuffer + 4, nSize, TRUE); + if (nRes == -1) + return -1; + nSize -= nRes; + break; + } + case AMF_OBJECT_END: + { + return -1; + break; + } + case AMF_STRICT_ARRAY: + { + unsigned int nArrayLen = AMF_DecodeInt32(pBuffer); + nSize -= 4; + + nRes = AMF_DecodeArray(&prop->p_vu.p_object, pBuffer + 4, nSize, + nArrayLen, FALSE); + if (nRes == -1) + return -1; + nSize -= nRes; + break; + } + case AMF_DATE: + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "AMF_DATE"); + + if (nSize < 10) + return -1; + + prop->p_vu.p_number = AMF_DecodeNumber(pBuffer); + prop->p_UTCoffset = AMF_DecodeInt16(pBuffer + 8); + + nSize -= 10; + break; + } + case AMF_LONG_STRING: + case AMF_XML_DOC: + { + unsigned int nStringSize = AMF_DecodeInt32(pBuffer); + if (nSize < (long)nStringSize + 4) + return -1; + AMF_DecodeLongString(pBuffer, &prop->p_vu.p_aval); + nSize -= (4 + nStringSize); + if (prop->p_type == AMF_LONG_STRING) + prop->p_type = AMF_STRING; + break; + } + case AMF_RECORDSET: + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "AMF_RECORDSET reserved!"); + return -1; + break; + } + case AMF_TYPED_OBJECT: + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "AMF_TYPED_OBJECT not supported!"); + return -1; + break; + } + case AMF_AVMPLUS: + { + int nRes = AMF3_Decode(&prop->p_vu.p_object, pBuffer, nSize, TRUE); + if (nRes == -1) + return -1; + nSize -= nRes; + prop->p_type = AMF_OBJECT; + break; + } + default: + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s - unknown datatype 0x%02x, @%p", __FUNCTION__, + prop->p_type, pBuffer - 1); + return -1; + } + + return nOriginalSize - nSize; +} + +void +AMFProp_Dump(AMFObjectProperty *prop) +{ + char strRes[256]; + char str[256]; + AVal name; + + if (prop->p_type == AMF_INVALID) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Property: INVALID"); + return; + } + + if (prop->p_type == AMF_NULL) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Property: NULL"); + return; + } + + if (prop->p_name.av_len) + { + name = prop->p_name; + } + else + { + name.av_val = "no-name."; + name.av_len = sizeof("no-name.") - 1; + } + if (name.av_len > 18) + name.av_len = 18; + + snprintf(strRes, 255, "Name: %18.*s, ", name.av_len, name.av_val); + + if (prop->p_type == AMF_OBJECT) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Property: <%sOBJECT>", strRes); + AMF_Dump(&prop->p_vu.p_object); + return; + } + else if (prop->p_type == AMF_ECMA_ARRAY) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Property: <%sECMA_ARRAY>", strRes); + AMF_Dump(&prop->p_vu.p_object); + return; + } + else if (prop->p_type == AMF_STRICT_ARRAY) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Property: <%sSTRICT_ARRAY>", strRes); + AMF_Dump(&prop->p_vu.p_object); + return; + } + + switch (prop->p_type) + { + case AMF_NUMBER: + snprintf(str, 255, "NUMBER:\t%.2f", prop->p_vu.p_number); + break; + case AMF_BOOLEAN: + snprintf(str, 255, "BOOLEAN:\t%s", + prop->p_vu.p_number != 0.0 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); + break; + case AMF_STRING: + snprintf(str, 255, "STRING:\t%.*s", prop->p_vu.p_aval.av_len, + prop->p_vu.p_aval.av_val); + break; + case AMF_DATE: + snprintf(str, 255, "DATE:\ttimestamp: %.2f, UTC offset: %d", + prop->p_vu.p_number, prop->p_UTCoffset); + break; + default: + snprintf(str, 255, "INVALID TYPE 0x%02x", (unsigned char)prop->p_type); + } + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Property: <%s%s>", strRes, str); +} + +void +AMFProp_Reset(AMFObjectProperty *prop) +{ + if (prop->p_type == AMF_OBJECT || prop->p_type == AMF_ECMA_ARRAY || + prop->p_type == AMF_STRICT_ARRAY) + AMF_Reset(&prop->p_vu.p_object); + else + { + prop->p_vu.p_aval.av_len = 0; + prop->p_vu.p_aval.av_val = NULL; + } + prop->p_type = AMF_INVALID; +} + +/* AMFObject */ + +char * +AMF_Encode(AMFObject *obj, char *pBuffer, char *pBufEnd) +{ + int i; + + if (pBuffer+4 >= pBufEnd) + return NULL; + + *pBuffer++ = AMF_OBJECT; + + for (i = 0; i < obj->o_num; i++) + { + char *res = AMFProp_Encode(&obj->o_props[i], pBuffer, pBufEnd); + if (res == NULL) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "AMF_Encode - failed to encode property in index %d", + i); + break; + } + else + { + pBuffer = res; + } + } + + if (pBuffer + 3 >= pBufEnd) + return NULL; /* no room for the end marker */ + + pBuffer = AMF_EncodeInt24(pBuffer, pBufEnd, AMF_OBJECT_END); + + return pBuffer; +} + +char * +AMF_EncodeEcmaArray(AMFObject *obj, char *pBuffer, char *pBufEnd) +{ + int i; + + if (pBuffer+4 >= pBufEnd) + return NULL; + + *pBuffer++ = AMF_ECMA_ARRAY; + + pBuffer = AMF_EncodeInt32(pBuffer, pBufEnd, obj->o_num); + + for (i = 0; i < obj->o_num; i++) + { + char *res = AMFProp_Encode(&obj->o_props[i], pBuffer, pBufEnd); + if (res == NULL) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "AMF_Encode - failed to encode property in index %d", + i); + break; + } + else + { + pBuffer = res; + } + } + + if (pBuffer + 3 >= pBufEnd) + return NULL; /* no room for the end marker */ + + pBuffer = AMF_EncodeInt24(pBuffer, pBufEnd, AMF_OBJECT_END); + + return pBuffer; +} + +char * +AMF_EncodeArray(AMFObject *obj, char *pBuffer, char *pBufEnd) +{ + int i; + + if (pBuffer+4 >= pBufEnd) + return NULL; + + *pBuffer++ = AMF_STRICT_ARRAY; + + pBuffer = AMF_EncodeInt32(pBuffer, pBufEnd, obj->o_num); + + for (i = 0; i < obj->o_num; i++) + { + char *res = AMFProp_Encode(&obj->o_props[i], pBuffer, pBufEnd); + if (res == NULL) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "AMF_Encode - failed to encode property in index %d", + i); + break; + } + else + { + pBuffer = res; + } + } + + //if (pBuffer + 3 >= pBufEnd) + // return NULL; /* no room for the end marker */ + + //pBuffer = AMF_EncodeInt24(pBuffer, pBufEnd, AMF_OBJECT_END); + + return pBuffer; +} + +int +AMF_DecodeArray(AMFObject *obj, const char *pBuffer, int nSize, + int nArrayLen, int bDecodeName) +{ + int nOriginalSize = nSize; + int bError = FALSE; + + obj->o_num = 0; + obj->o_props = NULL; + while (nArrayLen > 0) + { + AMFObjectProperty prop; + int nRes; + nArrayLen--; + + if (nSize <= 0) + { + bError = TRUE; + break; + } + nRes = AMFProp_Decode(&prop, pBuffer, nSize, bDecodeName); + if (nRes == -1) + { + bError = TRUE; + break; + } + else + { + nSize -= nRes; + pBuffer += nRes; + AMF_AddProp(obj, &prop); + } + } + if (bError) + return -1; + + return nOriginalSize - nSize; +} + +int +AMF3_Decode(AMFObject *obj, const char *pBuffer, int nSize, int bAMFData) +{ + int nOriginalSize = nSize; + int32_t ref; + int len; + + obj->o_num = 0; + obj->o_props = NULL; + if (bAMFData) + { + if (*pBuffer != AMF3_OBJECT) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, + "AMF3 Object encapsulated in AMF stream does not start with AMF3_OBJECT!"); + pBuffer++; + nSize--; + } + + ref = 0; + len = AMF3ReadInteger(pBuffer, &ref); + pBuffer += len; + nSize -= len; + + if ((ref & 1) == 0) + { /* object reference, 0xxx */ + uint32_t objectIndex = (ref >> 1); + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Object reference, index: %d", objectIndex); + } + else /* object instance */ + { + int32_t classRef = (ref >> 1); + + AMF3ClassDef cd = { {0, 0} + }; + AMFObjectProperty prop; + + if ((classRef & 0x1) == 0) + { /* class reference */ + uint32_t classIndex = (classRef >> 1); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Class reference: %d", classIndex); + } + else + { + int32_t classExtRef = (classRef >> 1); + int i, cdnum; + + cd.cd_externalizable = (classExtRef & 0x1) == 1; + cd.cd_dynamic = ((classExtRef >> 1) & 0x1) == 1; + + cdnum = classExtRef >> 2; + + /* class name */ + + len = AMF3ReadString(pBuffer, &cd.cd_name); + nSize -= len; + pBuffer += len; + + /*std::string str = className; */ + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, + "Class name: %s, externalizable: %d, dynamic: %d, classMembers: %d", + cd.cd_name.av_val, cd.cd_externalizable, cd.cd_dynamic, + cd.cd_num); + + for (i = 0; i < cdnum; i++) + { + AVal memberName; + if (nSize <=0) + { +invalid: + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, invalid class encoding!", + __FUNCTION__); + return nOriginalSize; + } + len = AMF3ReadString(pBuffer, &memberName); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Member: %s", memberName.av_val); + AMF3CD_AddProp(&cd, &memberName); + nSize -= len; + pBuffer += len; + } + } + + /* add as referencable object */ + + if (cd.cd_externalizable) + { + int nRes; + AVal name = AVC("DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE"); + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Externalizable, TODO check"); + + nRes = AMF3Prop_Decode(&prop, pBuffer, nSize, FALSE); + if (nRes == -1) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, failed to decode AMF3 property!", + __FUNCTION__); + else + { + nSize -= nRes; + pBuffer += nRes; + } + + AMFProp_SetName(&prop, &name); + AMF_AddProp(obj, &prop); + } + else + { + int nRes, i; + for (i = 0; i < cd.cd_num; i++) /* non-dynamic */ + { + if (nSize <=0) + goto invalid; + nRes = AMF3Prop_Decode(&prop, pBuffer, nSize, FALSE); + if (nRes == -1) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, failed to decode AMF3 property!", + __FUNCTION__); + + AMFProp_SetName(&prop, AMF3CD_GetProp(&cd, i)); + AMF_AddProp(obj, &prop); + + pBuffer += nRes; + nSize -= nRes; + } + if (cd.cd_dynamic) + { + int len = 0; + + do + { + if (nSize <=0) + goto invalid; + nRes = AMF3Prop_Decode(&prop, pBuffer, nSize, TRUE); + AMF_AddProp(obj, &prop); + + pBuffer += nRes; + nSize -= nRes; + + len = prop.p_name.av_len; + } + while (len > 0); + } + } + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "class object!"); + } + return nOriginalSize - nSize; +} + +int +AMF_Decode(AMFObject *obj, const char *pBuffer, int nSize, int bDecodeName) +{ + int nOriginalSize = nSize; + int bError = FALSE; /* if there is an error while decoding - try to at least find the end mark AMF_OBJECT_END */ + + obj->o_num = 0; + obj->o_props = NULL; + while (nSize > 0) + { + AMFObjectProperty prop; + int nRes; + + if (nSize >=3 && AMF_DecodeInt24(pBuffer) == AMF_OBJECT_END) + { + nSize -= 3; + bError = FALSE; + break; + } + + if (bError) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, + "DECODING ERROR, IGNORING BYTES UNTIL NEXT KNOWN PATTERN!"); + nSize--; + pBuffer++; + continue; + } + + nRes = AMFProp_Decode(&prop, pBuffer, nSize, bDecodeName); + if (nRes == -1) + { + bError = TRUE; + break; + } + else + { + nSize -= nRes; + if (nSize < 0) + { + bError = TRUE; + break; + } + pBuffer += nRes; + AMF_AddProp(obj, &prop); + } + } + + if (bError) + return -1; + + return nOriginalSize - nSize; +} + +void +AMF_AddProp(AMFObject *obj, const AMFObjectProperty *prop) +{ + if (!(obj->o_num & 0x0f)) + obj->o_props = + realloc(obj->o_props, (obj->o_num + 16) * sizeof(AMFObjectProperty)); + memcpy(&obj->o_props[obj->o_num++], prop, sizeof(AMFObjectProperty)); +} + +int +AMF_CountProp(AMFObject *obj) +{ + return obj->o_num; +} + +AMFObjectProperty * +AMF_GetProp(AMFObject *obj, const AVal *name, int nIndex) +{ + if (nIndex >= 0) + { + if (nIndex < obj->o_num) + return &obj->o_props[nIndex]; + } + else + { + int n; + for (n = 0; n < obj->o_num; n++) + { + if (AVMATCH(&obj->o_props[n].p_name, name)) + return &obj->o_props[n]; + } + } + + return (AMFObjectProperty *)&AMFProp_Invalid; +} + +void +AMF_Dump(AMFObject *obj) +{ + int n; + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "(object begin)"); + for (n = 0; n < obj->o_num; n++) + { + AMFProp_Dump(&obj->o_props[n]); + } + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "(object end)"); +} + +void +AMF_Reset(AMFObject *obj) +{ + int n; + for (n = 0; n < obj->o_num; n++) + { + AMFProp_Reset(&obj->o_props[n]); + } + free(obj->o_props); + obj->o_props = NULL; + obj->o_num = 0; +} + + +/* AMF3ClassDefinition */ + +void +AMF3CD_AddProp(AMF3ClassDef *cd, AVal *prop) +{ + if (!(cd->cd_num & 0x0f)) + cd->cd_props = realloc(cd->cd_props, (cd->cd_num + 16) * sizeof(AVal)); + cd->cd_props[cd->cd_num++] = *prop; +} + +AVal * +AMF3CD_GetProp(AMF3ClassDef *cd, int nIndex) +{ + if (nIndex >= cd->cd_num) + return (AVal *)&AV_empty; + return &cd->cd_props[nIndex]; +} diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/amf.h b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/amf.h similarity index 100% rename from client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/amf.h rename to client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/amf.h diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/bytes.h b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/bytes.h similarity index 100% rename from client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/bytes.h rename to client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/bytes.h diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/dh.h b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/dh.h similarity index 100% rename from client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/dh.h rename to client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/dh.h diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/dhgroups.h b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/dhgroups.h similarity index 100% rename from client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/dhgroups.h rename to client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/dhgroups.h diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/handshake.h b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/handshake.h similarity index 100% rename from client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/handshake.h rename to client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/handshake.h diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/hashswf.c b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/hashswf.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f4e2c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/hashswf.c @@ -0,0 +1,665 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Howard Chu + * + * This file is part of librtmp. + * + * librtmp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * librtmp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License + * along with librtmp see the file COPYING. If not, write to + * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, + * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + * + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "rtmp_sys.h" +#include "log.h" +#include "http.h" + +#ifdef CRYPTO +#ifdef USE_POLARSSL +#include +#ifndef SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH +#define SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH 32 +#endif +#define HMAC_CTX sha2_context +#define HMAC_setup(ctx, key, len) sha2_hmac_starts(&ctx, (unsigned char *)key, len, 0) +#define HMAC_crunch(ctx, buf, len) sha2_hmac_update(&ctx, buf, len) +#define HMAC_finish(ctx, dig, dlen) dlen = SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH; sha2_hmac_finish(&ctx, dig) +#define HMAC_close(ctx) +#elif defined(USE_GNUTLS) +#include +#ifndef SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH +#define SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH 32 +#endif +#undef HMAC_CTX +#define HMAC_CTX struct hmac_sha256_ctx +#define HMAC_setup(ctx, key, len) hmac_sha256_set_key(&ctx, len, key) +#define HMAC_crunch(ctx, buf, len) hmac_sha256_update(&ctx, len, buf) +#define HMAC_finish(ctx, dig, dlen) dlen = SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH; hmac_sha256_digest(&ctx, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH, dig) +#define HMAC_close(ctx) +#else /* USE_OPENSSL */ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#define HMAC_setup(ctx, key, len) HMAC_CTX_init(&ctx); HMAC_Init_ex(&ctx, (unsigned char *)key, len, EVP_sha256(), 0) +#define HMAC_crunch(ctx, buf, len) HMAC_Update(&ctx, (unsigned char *)buf, len) +#define HMAC_finish(ctx, dig, dlen) HMAC_Final(&ctx, (unsigned char *)dig, &dlen); +#define HMAC_close(ctx) HMAC_CTX_cleanup(&ctx) +#endif + +extern void RTMP_TLS_Init(); +extern TLS_CTX RTMP_TLS_ctx; + +#include + +#endif /* CRYPTO */ + +#define AGENT "Mozilla/5.0" + +HTTPResult +HTTP_get(struct HTTP_ctx *http, const char *url, HTTP_read_callback *cb) +{ + char *host, *path; + char *p1, *p2; + char hbuf[256]; + int port = 80; +#ifdef CRYPTO + int ssl = 0; +#endif + int hlen, flen = 0; + int rc, i; + int len_known; + HTTPResult ret = HTTPRES_OK; + struct sockaddr_in sa; + RTMPSockBuf sb = {0}; + + http->status = -1; + + memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); + sa.sin_family = AF_INET; + + /* we only handle http here */ + if (strncasecmp(url, "http", 4)) + return HTTPRES_BAD_REQUEST; + + if (url[4] == 's') + { +#ifdef CRYPTO + ssl = 1; + port = 443; + if (!RTMP_TLS_ctx) + RTMP_TLS_Init(); +#else + return HTTPRES_BAD_REQUEST; +#endif + } + + p1 = strchr(url + 4, ':'); + if (!p1 || strncmp(p1, "://", 3)) + return HTTPRES_BAD_REQUEST; + + host = p1 + 3; + path = strchr(host, '/'); + hlen = path - host; + strncpy(hbuf, host, hlen); + hbuf[hlen] = '\0'; + host = hbuf; + p1 = strrchr(host, ':'); + if (p1) + { + *p1++ = '\0'; + port = atoi(p1); + } + + sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host); + if (sa.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) + { + struct hostent *hp = gethostbyname(host); + if (!hp || !hp->h_addr) + return HTTPRES_LOST_CONNECTION; + sa.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr *)hp->h_addr; + } + sa.sin_port = htons(port); + sb.sb_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); + if (sb.sb_socket == -1) + return HTTPRES_LOST_CONNECTION; + i = + sprintf(sb.sb_buf, + "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: %s\r\nHost: %s\r\nReferer: %.*s\r\n", + path, AGENT, host, (int)(path - url + 1), url); + if (http->date[0]) + i += sprintf(sb.sb_buf + i, "If-Modified-Since: %s\r\n", http->date); + i += sprintf(sb.sb_buf + i, "\r\n"); + + if (connect + (sb.sb_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0) + { + ret = HTTPRES_LOST_CONNECTION; + goto leave; + } +#ifdef CRYPTO + if (ssl) + { +#ifdef NO_SSL + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, No SSL/TLS support", __FUNCTION__); + ret = HTTPRES_BAD_REQUEST; + goto leave; +#else + TLS_client(RTMP_TLS_ctx, sb.sb_ssl); + TLS_setfd(sb.sb_ssl, sb.sb_socket); + if (TLS_connect(sb.sb_ssl) < 0) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, TLS_Connect failed", __FUNCTION__); + ret = HTTPRES_LOST_CONNECTION; + goto leave; + } +#endif + } +#endif + RTMPSockBuf_Send(&sb, sb.sb_buf, i); + + /* set timeout */ +#define HTTP_TIMEOUT 5 + { + SET_RCVTIMEO(tv, HTTP_TIMEOUT); + if (setsockopt + (sb.sb_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *)&tv, sizeof(tv))) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, Setting socket timeout to %ds failed!", + __FUNCTION__, HTTP_TIMEOUT); + } + } + + sb.sb_size = 0; + sb.sb_timedout = FALSE; + if (RTMPSockBuf_Fill(&sb) < 1) + { + ret = HTTPRES_LOST_CONNECTION; + goto leave; + } + if (strncmp(sb.sb_buf, "HTTP/1", 6)) + { + ret = HTTPRES_BAD_REQUEST; + goto leave; + } + + p1 = strchr(sb.sb_buf, ' '); + rc = atoi(p1 + 1); + http->status = rc; + + if (rc >= 300) + { + if (rc == 304) + { + ret = HTTPRES_OK_NOT_MODIFIED; + goto leave; + } + else if (rc == 404) + ret = HTTPRES_NOT_FOUND; + else if (rc >= 500) + ret = HTTPRES_SERVER_ERROR; + else if (rc >= 400) + ret = HTTPRES_BAD_REQUEST; + else + ret = HTTPRES_REDIRECTED; + } + + p1 = memchr(sb.sb_buf, '\n', sb.sb_size); + if (!p1) + { + ret = HTTPRES_BAD_REQUEST; + goto leave; + } + sb.sb_start = p1 + 1; + sb.sb_size -= sb.sb_start - sb.sb_buf; + + while ((p2 = memchr(sb.sb_start, '\r', sb.sb_size))) + { + if (*sb.sb_start == '\r') + { + sb.sb_start += 2; + sb.sb_size -= 2; + break; + } + else + if (!strncasecmp + (sb.sb_start, "Content-Length: ", sizeof("Content-Length: ") - 1)) + { + flen = atoi(sb.sb_start + sizeof("Content-Length: ") - 1); + } + else + if (!strncasecmp + (sb.sb_start, "Last-Modified: ", sizeof("Last-Modified: ") - 1)) + { + *p2 = '\0'; + strcpy(http->date, sb.sb_start + sizeof("Last-Modified: ") - 1); + } + p2 += 2; + sb.sb_size -= p2 - sb.sb_start; + sb.sb_start = p2; + if (sb.sb_size < 1) + { + if (RTMPSockBuf_Fill(&sb) < 1) + { + ret = HTTPRES_LOST_CONNECTION; + goto leave; + } + } + } + + len_known = flen > 0; + while ((!len_known || flen > 0) && + (sb.sb_size > 0 || RTMPSockBuf_Fill(&sb) > 0)) + { + cb(sb.sb_start, 1, sb.sb_size, http->data); + if (len_known) + flen -= sb.sb_size; + http->size += sb.sb_size; + sb.sb_size = 0; + } + + if (flen > 0) + ret = HTTPRES_LOST_CONNECTION; + +leave: + RTMPSockBuf_Close(&sb); + return ret; +} + +#ifdef CRYPTO + +#define CHUNK 16384 + +struct info +{ + z_stream *zs; + HMAC_CTX ctx; + int first; + int zlib; + int size; +}; + +static size_t +swfcrunch(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream) +{ + struct info *i = stream; + char *p = ptr; + size_t len = size * nmemb; + + if (i->first) + { + i->first = 0; + /* compressed? */ + if (!strncmp(p, "CWS", 3)) + { + *p = 'F'; + i->zlib = 1; + } + HMAC_crunch(i->ctx, (unsigned char *)p, 8); + p += 8; + len -= 8; + i->size = 8; + } + + if (i->zlib) + { + unsigned char out[CHUNK]; + i->zs->next_in = (unsigned char *)p; + i->zs->avail_in = len; + do + { + i->zs->avail_out = CHUNK; + i->zs->next_out = out; + inflate(i->zs, Z_NO_FLUSH); + len = CHUNK - i->zs->avail_out; + i->size += len; + HMAC_crunch(i->ctx, out, len); + } + while (i->zs->avail_out == 0); + } + else + { + i->size += len; + HMAC_crunch(i->ctx, (unsigned char *)p, len); + } + return size * nmemb; +} + +static int tzoff; +static int tzchecked; + +#define JAN02_1980 318340800 + +static const char *monthtab[12] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", + "Apr", "May", "Jun", + "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", + "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" +}; +static const char *days[] = + { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" }; + +/* Parse an HTTP datestamp into Unix time */ +static time_t +make_unix_time(char *s) +{ + struct tm time; + int i, ysub = 1900, fmt = 0; + char *month; + char *n; + time_t res; + + if (s[3] != ' ') + { + fmt = 1; + if (s[3] != ',') + ysub = 0; + } + for (n = s; *n; ++n) + if (*n == '-' || *n == ':') + *n = ' '; + + time.tm_mon = 0; + n = strchr(s, ' '); + if (fmt) + { + /* Day, DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT */ + time.tm_mday = strtol(n + 1, &n, 0); + month = n + 1; + n = strchr(month, ' '); + time.tm_year = strtol(n + 1, &n, 0); + time.tm_hour = strtol(n + 1, &n, 0); + time.tm_min = strtol(n + 1, &n, 0); + time.tm_sec = strtol(n + 1, NULL, 0); + } + else + { + /* Unix ctime() format. Does not conform to HTTP spec. */ + /* Day MMM DD HH:MM:SS YYYY */ + month = n + 1; + n = strchr(month, ' '); + while (isspace(*n)) + n++; + time.tm_mday = strtol(n, &n, 0); + time.tm_hour = strtol(n + 1, &n, 0); + time.tm_min = strtol(n + 1, &n, 0); + time.tm_sec = strtol(n + 1, &n, 0); + time.tm_year = strtol(n + 1, NULL, 0); + } + if (time.tm_year > 100) + time.tm_year -= ysub; + + for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) + if (!strncasecmp(month, monthtab[i], 3)) + { + time.tm_mon = i; + break; + } + time.tm_isdst = 0; /* daylight saving is never in effect in GMT */ + + /* this is normally the value of extern int timezone, but some + * braindead C libraries don't provide it. + */ + if (!tzchecked) + { + struct tm *tc; + time_t then = JAN02_1980; + tc = localtime(&then); + tzoff = (12 - tc->tm_hour) * 3600 + tc->tm_min * 60 + tc->tm_sec; + tzchecked = 1; + } + res = mktime(&time); + /* Unfortunately, mktime() assumes the input is in local time, + * not GMT, so we have to correct it here. + */ + if (res != -1) + res += tzoff; + return res; +} + +/* Convert a Unix time to a network time string + * Weekday, DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT + */ +static void +strtime(time_t * t, char *s) +{ + struct tm *tm; + + tm = gmtime((time_t *) t); + sprintf(s, "%s, %02d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", + days[tm->tm_wday], tm->tm_mday, monthtab[tm->tm_mon], + tm->tm_year + 1900, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec); +} + +#define HEX2BIN(a) (((a)&0x40)?((a)&0xf)+9:((a)&0xf)) + +int +RTMP_HashSWF(const char *url, unsigned int *size, unsigned char *hash, + int age) +{ + FILE *f = NULL; + char *path, date[64], cctim[64]; + long pos = 0; + time_t ctim = -1, cnow; + int i, got = 0, ret = 0; + unsigned int hlen; + struct info in = { 0 }; + struct HTTP_ctx http = { 0 }; + HTTPResult httpres; + z_stream zs = { 0 }; + AVal home, hpre; + + date[0] = '\0'; +#ifdef _WIN32 +#ifdef XBMC4XBOX + hpre.av_val = "Q:"; + hpre.av_len = 2; + home.av_val = "\\UserData"; +#else + hpre.av_val = getenv("HOMEDRIVE"); + hpre.av_len = strlen(hpre.av_val); + home.av_val = getenv("HOMEPATH"); +#endif +#define DIRSEP "\\" + +#else /* !_WIN32 */ + hpre.av_val = ""; + hpre.av_len = 0; + home.av_val = getenv("HOME"); +#define DIRSEP "/" +#endif + if (!home.av_val) + home.av_val = "."; + home.av_len = strlen(home.av_val); + + /* SWF hash info is cached in a fixed-format file. + * url: + * ctim: HTTP datestamp of when we last checked it. + * date: HTTP datestamp of the SWF's last modification. + * size: SWF size in hex + * hash: SWF hash in hex + * + * These fields must be present in this order. All fields + * besides URL are fixed size. + */ + path = malloc(hpre.av_len + home.av_len + sizeof(DIRSEP ".swfinfo")); + sprintf(path, "%s%s" DIRSEP ".swfinfo", hpre.av_val, home.av_val); + + f = fopen(path, "r+"); + while (f) + { + char buf[4096], *file, *p; + + file = strchr(url, '/'); + if (!file) + break; + file += 2; + file = strchr(file, '/'); + if (!file) + break; + file++; + hlen = file - url; + p = strrchr(file, '/'); + if (p) + file = p; + else + file--; + + while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) + { + char *r1; + + got = 0; + + if (strncmp(buf, "url: ", 5)) + continue; + if (strncmp(buf + 5, url, hlen)) + continue; + r1 = strrchr(buf, '/'); + i = strlen(r1); + r1[--i] = '\0'; + if (strncmp(r1, file, i)) + continue; + pos = ftell(f); + while (got < 4 && fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) + { + if (!strncmp(buf, "size: ", 6)) + { + *size = strtol(buf + 6, NULL, 16); + got++; + } + else if (!strncmp(buf, "hash: ", 6)) + { + unsigned char *ptr = hash, *in = (unsigned char *)buf + 6; + int l = strlen((char *)in) - 1; + for (i = 0; i < l; i += 2) + *ptr++ = (HEX2BIN(in[i]) << 4) | HEX2BIN(in[i + 1]); + got++; + } + else if (!strncmp(buf, "date: ", 6)) + { + buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; + strncpy(date, buf + 6, sizeof(date)); + got++; + } + else if (!strncmp(buf, "ctim: ", 6)) + { + buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; + ctim = make_unix_time(buf + 6); + got++; + } + else if (!strncmp(buf, "url: ", 5)) + break; + } + break; + } + break; + } + + cnow = time(NULL); + /* If we got a cache time, see if it's young enough to use directly */ + if (age && ctim > 0) + { + ctim = cnow - ctim; + ctim /= 3600 * 24; /* seconds to days */ + if (ctim < age) /* ok, it's new enough */ + goto out; + } + + in.first = 1; + HMAC_setup(in.ctx, "Genuine Adobe Flash Player 001", 30); + inflateInit(&zs); + in.zs = &zs; + + = date; + = ∈ + + httpres = HTTP_get(&http, url, swfcrunch); + + inflateEnd(&zs); + + if (httpres != HTTPRES_OK && httpres != HTTPRES_OK_NOT_MODIFIED) + { + ret = -1; + if (httpres == HTTPRES_LOST_CONNECTION) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s: connection lost while downloading swfurl %s", + __FUNCTION__, url); + else if (httpres == HTTPRES_NOT_FOUND) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s: swfurl %s not found", __FUNCTION__, url); + else + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s: couldn't contact swfurl %s (HTTP error %d)", + __FUNCTION__, url, http.status); + } + else + { + if (got && pos) + fseek(f, pos, SEEK_SET); + else + { + char *q; + if (!f) + f = fopen(path, "w"); + if (!f) + { + int err = errno; + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, + "%s: couldn't open %s for writing, errno %d (%s)", + __FUNCTION__, path, err, strerror(err)); + ret = -1; + goto out; + } + fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); + q = strchr(url, '?'); + if (q) + i = q - url; + else + i = strlen(url); + + fprintf(f, "url: %.*s\n", i, url); + } + strtime(&cnow, cctim); + fprintf(f, "ctim: %s\n", cctim); + + if (!in.first) + { + HMAC_finish(in.ctx, hash, hlen); + *size = in.size; + + fprintf(f, "date: %s\n", date); + fprintf(f, "size: %08x\n", in.size); + fprintf(f, "hash: "); + for (i = 0; i < SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++) + fprintf(f, "%02x", hash[i]); + fprintf(f, "\n"); + } + } + HMAC_close(in.ctx); +out: + free(path); + if (f) + fclose(f); + return ret; +} +#else +int +RTMP_HashSWF(const char *url, unsigned int *size, unsigned char *hash, + int age) +{ + return -1; +} +#endif diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/http.h b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/http.h similarity index 100% rename from client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/http.h rename to client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/http.h diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/librtmp.3 b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/librtmp.3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c424aa --- /dev/null +++ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/librtmp.3 @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +.TH LIBRTMP 3 "2011-07-20" "RTMPDump v2.4" +.\" Copyright 2011 Howard Chu. +.\" Copying permitted according to the GNU General Public License V2. +.SH NAME +librtmp \- RTMPDump Real-Time Messaging Protocol API +.SH LIBRARY +RTMPDump RTMP (librtmp, -lrtmp) +.SH SYNOPSIS +.B #include +.SH DESCRIPTION +The Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) is used for streaming +multimedia content across a TCP/IP network. This API provides most client +functions and a few server functions needed to support RTMP, RTMP tunneled +in HTTP (RTMPT), encrypted RTMP (RTMPE), RTMP over SSL/TLS (RTMPS) and +tunneled variants of these encrypted types (RTMPTE, RTMPTS). The basic +RTMP specification has been published by Adobe but this API was +reverse-engineered without use of the Adobe specification. As such, it may +deviate from any published specifications but it usually duplicates the +actual behavior of the original Adobe clients. + +The RTMPDump software package includes a basic client utility program +in +.BR rtmpdump (1), +some sample servers, and a library used to provide programmatic access +to the RTMP protocol. This man page gives an overview of the RTMP +library routines. These routines are found in the -lrtmp library. Many +other routines are also available, but they are not documented yet. + +The basic interaction is as follows. A session handle is created using +.BR RTMP_Alloc () +and initialized using +.BR RTMP_Init (). +All session parameters are provided using +.BR RTMP_SetupURL (). +The network connection is established using +.BR RTMP_Connect (), +and then the RTMP session is established using +.BR RTMP_ConnectStream (). +The stream is read using +.BR RTMP_Read (). +A client can publish a stream by calling +.BR RTMP_EnableWrite () +before the +.BR RTMP_Connect () +call, and then using +.BR RTMP_Write () +after the session is established. +While a stream is playing it may be paused and unpaused using +.BR RTMP_Pause (). +The stream playback position can be moved using +.BR RTMP_Seek (). +When +.BR RTMP_Read () +returns 0 bytes, the stream is complete and may be closed using +.BR RTMP_Close (). +The session handle is freed using +.BR RTMP_Free (). + +All data is transferred using FLV format. The basic session requires +an RTMP URL. The RTMP URL format is of the form + rtmp[t][e|s]://hostname[:port][/app[/playpath]] + +Plain rtmp, as well as tunneled and encrypted sessions are supported. + +Additional options may be specified by appending space-separated +key=value pairs to the URL. Special characters in values may need +to be escaped to prevent misinterpretation by the option parser. +The escape encoding uses a backslash followed by two hexadecimal digits +representing the ASCII value of the character. E.g., spaces must +be escaped as \fB\\20\fP and backslashes must be escaped as \fB\\5c\fP. +.SH OPTIONS +.SS "Network Parameters" +These options define how to connect to the media server. +.TP +.BI socks= host:port +Use the specified SOCKS4 proxy. +.SS "Connection Parameters" +These options define the content of the RTMP Connect request packet. +If correct values are not provided, the media server will reject the +connection attempt. +.TP +.BI app= name +Name of application to connect to on the RTMP server. Overrides +the app in the RTMP URL. Sometimes the librtmp URL parser cannot +determine the app name automatically, so it must be given explicitly +using this option. +.TP +.BI tcUrl= url +URL of the target stream. Defaults to rtmp[t][e|s]://host[:port]/app. +.TP +.BI pageUrl= url +URL of the web page in which the media was embedded. By default no +value will be sent. +.TP +.BI swfUrl= url +URL of the SWF player for the media. By default no value will be sent. +.TP +.BI flashVer= version +Version of the Flash plugin used to run the SWF player. The +default is "LNX 10,0,32,18". +.TP +.BI conn= type:data +Append arbitrary AMF data to the Connect message. The type +must be B for Boolean, N for number, S for string, O for object, or Z +for null. For Booleans the data must be either 0 or 1 for FALSE or TRUE, +respectively. Likewise for Objects the data must be 0 or 1 to end or +begin an object, respectively. Data items in subobjects may be named, by +prefixing the type with 'N' and specifying the name before the value, e.g. +NB:myFlag:1. This option may be used multiple times to construct arbitrary +AMF sequences. E.g. + conn=B:1 conn=S:authMe conn=O:1 conn=NN:code:1.23 conn=NS:flag:ok conn=O:0 +.SS "Session Parameters" +These options take effect after the Connect request has succeeded. +.TP +.BI playpath= path +Overrides the playpath parsed from the RTMP URL. Sometimes the +rtmpdump URL parser cannot determine the correct playpath +automatically, so it must be given explicitly using this option. +.TP +.BI playlist= 0|1 +If the value is 1 or TRUE, issue a set_playlist command before sending the +play command. The playlist will just contain the current playpath. If the +value is 0 or FALSE, the set_playlist command will not be sent. The +default is FALSE. +.TP +.BI live= 0|1 +Specify that the media is a live stream. No resuming or seeking in +live streams is possible. +.TP +.BI subscribe= path +Name of live stream to subscribe to. Defaults to +.IR playpath . +.TP +.BI start= num +Start at +.I num +seconds into the stream. Not valid for live streams. +.TP +.BI stop= num +Stop at +.I num +seconds into the stream. +.TP +.BI buffer= num +Set buffer time to +.I num +milliseconds. The default is 30000. +.TP +.BI timeout= num +Timeout the session after +.I num +seconds without receiving any data from the server. The default is 120. +.SS "Security Parameters" +These options handle additional authentication requests from the server. +.TP +.BI token= key +Key for SecureToken response, used if the server requires SecureToken +authentication. +.TP +.BI jtv= JSON +JSON token used by legacy servers. Invokes NetStream.Authenticate.UsherToken +.TP +.BI swfVfy= 0|1 +If the value is 1 or TRUE, the SWF player is retrieved from the +specified +.I swfUrl +for performing SWF Verification. The SWF hash and size (used in the +verification step) are computed automatically. Also the SWF information is +cached in a +.I .swfinfo +file in the user's home directory, so that it doesn't need to be retrieved +and recalculated every time. The .swfinfo file records +the SWF URL, the time it was fetched, the modification timestamp of the SWF +file, its size, and its hash. By default, the cached info will be used +for 30 days before re-checking. +.TP +.BI swfAge= days +Specify how many days to use the cached SWF info before re-checking. Use +0 to always check the SWF URL. Note that if the check shows that the +SWF file has the same modification timestamp as before, it will not be +retrieved again. +.SH EXAMPLES +An example character string suitable for use with +.BR RTMP_SetupURL (): + "rtmp://flashserver:1935/ondemand/thefile swfUrl=http://flashserver/player.swf swfVfy=1" +.SH ENVIRONMENT +.TP +.B HOME +The value of +.RB $ HOME +is used as the location for the +.I .swfinfo +file. +.SH FILES +.TP +.I $HOME/.swfinfo +Cache of SWF Verification information +.SH "SEE ALSO" +.BR rtmpdump (1), +.BR rtmpgw (8) +.SH AUTHORS +Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team + diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/librtmp.3.html b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/librtmp.3.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f59851 --- /dev/null +++ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/librtmp.3.html @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ + + +LIBRTMP(3): + + + + + +
RTMPDump v2.42011-07-20LIBRTMP(3) +

    + +
+ +


    +librtmp − RTMPDump Real-Time Messaging Protocol API +
+ +


    +RTMPDump RTMP (librtmp, -lrtmp) +
+ +


    +#include <librtmp/rtmp.h> +
+ +


    +The Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) is used for streaming +multimedia content across a TCP/IP network. This API provides most client +functions and a few server functions needed to support RTMP, RTMP tunneled +in HTTP (RTMPT), encrypted RTMP (RTMPE), RTMP over SSL/TLS (RTMPS) and +tunneled variants of these encrypted types (RTMPTE, RTMPTS). The basic +RTMP specification has been published by Adobe but this API was +reverse-engineered without use of the Adobe specification. As such, it may +deviate from any published specifications but it usually duplicates the +actual behavior of the original Adobe clients. +

    +The RTMPDump software package includes a basic client utility program +in +rtmpdump(1), +some sample servers, and a library used to provide programmatic access +to the RTMP protocol. This man page gives an overview of the RTMP +library routines. These routines are found in the -lrtmp library. Many +other routines are also available, but they are not documented yet. +

    +The basic interaction is as follows. A session handle is created using +RTMP_Alloc() +and initialized using +RTMP_Init(). +All session parameters are provided using +RTMP_SetupURL(). +The network connection is established using +RTMP_Connect(), +and then the RTMP session is established using +RTMP_ConnectStream(). +The stream is read using +RTMP_Read(). +A client can publish a stream by calling +RTMP_EnableWrite() +before the +RTMP_Connect() +call, and then using +RTMP_Write() +after the session is established. +While a stream is playing it may be paused and unpaused using +RTMP_Pause(). +The stream playback position can be moved using +RTMP_Seek(). +When +RTMP_Read() +returns 0 bytes, the stream is complete and may be closed using +RTMP_Close(). +The session handle is freed using +RTMP_Free(). +

    +All data is transferred using FLV format. The basic session requires +an RTMP URL. The RTMP URL format is of the form +

    +  rtmp[t][e|s]://hostname[:port][/app[/playpath]]

    +Plain rtmp, as well as tunneled and encrypted sessions are supported. +

    +Additional options may be specified by appending space-separated +key=value pairs to the URL. Special characters in values may need +to be escaped to prevent misinterpretation by the option parser. +The escape encoding uses a backslash followed by two hexadecimal digits +representing the ASCII value of the character. E.g., spaces must +be escaped as \20 and backslashes must be escaped as \5c. +

+ +


+ +

Network Parameters

    +These options define how to connect to the media server. +


    +socks=host:port +
    +Use the specified SOCKS4 proxy. +
+ +

Connection Parameters

    +These options define the content of the RTMP Connect request packet. +If correct values are not provided, the media server will reject the +connection attempt. +


    +app=name +
    +Name of application to connect to on the RTMP server. Overrides +the app in the RTMP URL. Sometimes the librtmp URL parser cannot +determine the app name automatically, so it must be given explicitly +using this option. +


    +tcUrl=url +
    +URL of the target stream. Defaults to rtmp[t][e|s]://host[:port]/app. +


    +pageUrl=url +
    +URL of the web page in which the media was embedded. By default no +value will be sent. +


    +swfUrl=url +
    +URL of the SWF player for the media. By default no value will be sent. +


    +flashVer=version +
    +Version of the Flash plugin used to run the SWF player. The +default is "LNX 10,0,32,18". +


    +conn=type:data +
    +Append arbitrary AMF data to the Connect message. The type +must be B for Boolean, N for number, S for string, O for object, or Z +for null. For Booleans the data must be either 0 or 1 for FALSE or TRUE, +respectively. Likewise for Objects the data must be 0 or 1 to end or +begin an object, respectively. Data items in subobjects may be named, by +prefixing the type with 'N' and specifying the name before the value, e.g. +NB:myFlag:1. This option may be used multiple times to construct arbitrary +AMF sequences. E.g. +
    +  conn=B:1 conn=S:authMe conn=O:1 conn=NN:code:1.23 conn=NS:flag:ok conn=O:0
+ +

Session Parameters

    +These options take effect after the Connect request has succeeded. +


    +playpath=path +
    +Overrides the playpath parsed from the RTMP URL. Sometimes the +rtmpdump URL parser cannot determine the correct playpath +automatically, so it must be given explicitly using this option. +


    +playlist=0|1 +
    +If the value is 1 or TRUE, issue a set_playlist command before sending the +play command. The playlist will just contain the current playpath. If the +value is 0 or FALSE, the set_playlist command will not be sent. The +default is FALSE. +


    +live=0|1 +
    +Specify that the media is a live stream. No resuming or seeking in +live streams is possible. +


    +subscribe=path +
    +Name of live stream to subscribe to. Defaults to +playpath. +


    +start=num +
    +Start at +num +seconds into the stream. Not valid for live streams. +


    +stop=num +
    +Stop at +num +seconds into the stream. +


    +buffer=num +
    +Set buffer time to +num +milliseconds. The default is 30000. +


    +timeout=num +
    +Timeout the session after +num +seconds without receiving any data from the server. The default is 120. +
+ +

Security Parameters

    +These options handle additional authentication requests from the server. +


    +token=key +
    +Key for SecureToken response, used if the server requires SecureToken +authentication. +


    +jtv=JSON +
    +JSON token used by legacy servers. Invokes NetStream.Authenticate.UsherToken +


    +swfVfy=0|1 +
    +If the value is 1 or TRUE, the SWF player is retrieved from the +specified +swfUrl +for performing SWF Verification. The SWF hash and size (used in the +verification step) are computed automatically. Also the SWF information is +cached in a +.swfinfo +file in the user's home directory, so that it doesn't need to be retrieved +and recalculated every time. The .swfinfo file records +the SWF URL, the time it was fetched, the modification timestamp of the SWF +file, its size, and its hash. By default, the cached info will be used +for 30 days before re-checking. +


    +swfAge=days +
    +Specify how many days to use the cached SWF info before re-checking. Use +0 to always check the SWF URL. Note that if the check shows that the +SWF file has the same modification timestamp as before, it will not be +retrieved again. +
+ +


    +An example character string suitable for use with +RTMP_SetupURL(): +
    +  "rtmp://flashserver:1935/ondemand/thefile swfUrl=http://flashserver/player.swf swfVfy=1"
+ +




    +HOME +
    +The value of +$HOME +is used as the location for the +.swfinfo +file. +
+ +




    +$HOME/.swfinfo +
    +Cache of SWF Verification information +
+ +


+ +


diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..551b4d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/ @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +prefix=@prefix@ +exec_prefix=${prefix} +libdir=@libdir@ +incdir=${prefix}/include + +Name: librtmp +Description: RTMP implementation +Version: @VERSION@ +Requires: @CRYPTO_REQ@ +URL: +Libs: -L${libdir} -lrtmp -lz @PUBLIC_LIBS@ +Libs.private: @PRIVATE_LIBS@ +Cflags: -I${incdir} diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/log.c b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/log.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b52000 --- /dev/null +++ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/log.c @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Andrej Stepanchuk + * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Howard Chu + * + * This file is part of librtmp. + * + * librtmp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * librtmp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License + * along with librtmp see the file COPYING. If not, write to + * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, + * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + * + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "rtmp_sys.h" +#include "log.h" + +#define MAX_PRINT_LEN 2048 + +RTMP_LogLevel RTMP_debuglevel = RTMP_LOGERROR; + +static int neednl; + +static FILE *fmsg; + +static RTMP_LogCallback rtmp_log_default, *cb = rtmp_log_default; + +static const char *levels[] = { + "CRIT", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", + "DEBUG", "DEBUG2" +}; + +static void rtmp_log_default(int level, const char *format, va_list vl) +{ + char str[MAX_PRINT_LEN]=""; + + vsnprintf(str, MAX_PRINT_LEN-1, format, vl); + + /* Filter out 'no-name' */ + if ( RTMP_debuglevel RTMP_debuglevel ) + return; + + va_start(args, format); + cb(level, format, args); + va_end(args); +} + +static const char hexdig[] = "0123456789abcdef"; + +void RTMP_LogHex(int level, const uint8_t *data, unsigned long len) +{ + unsigned long i; + char line[50], *ptr; + + if ( level > RTMP_debuglevel ) + return; + + ptr = line; + + for(i=0; i> 4)]; + *ptr++ = hexdig[0x0f & data[i]]; + if ((i & 0x0f) == 0x0f) { + *ptr = '\0'; + ptr = line; + RTMP_Log(level, "%s", line); + } else { + *ptr++ = ' '; + } + } + if (i & 0x0f) { + *ptr = '\0'; + RTMP_Log(level, "%s", line); + } +} + +void RTMP_LogHexString(int level, const uint8_t *data, unsigned long len) +{ +#define BP_OFFSET 9 +#define BP_GRAPH 60 +#define BP_LEN 80 + char line[BP_LEN]; + unsigned long i; + + if ( !data || level > RTMP_debuglevel ) + return; + + /* in case len is zero */ + line[0] = '\0'; + + for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) { + int n = i % 16; + unsigned off; + + if( !n ) { + if( i ) RTMP_Log( level, "%s", line ); + memset( line, ' ', sizeof(line)-2 ); + line[sizeof(line)-2] = '\0'; + + off = i % 0x0ffffU; + + line[2] = hexdig[0x0f & (off >> 12)]; + line[3] = hexdig[0x0f & (off >> 8)]; + line[4] = hexdig[0x0f & (off >> 4)]; + line[5] = hexdig[0x0f & off]; + line[6] = ':'; + } + + off = BP_OFFSET + n*3 + ((n >= 8)?1:0); + line[off] = hexdig[0x0f & ( data[i] >> 4 )]; + line[off+1] = hexdig[0x0f & data[i]]; + + off = BP_GRAPH + n + ((n >= 8)?1:0); + + if ( isprint( data[i] )) { + line[BP_GRAPH + n] = data[i]; + } else { + line[BP_GRAPH + n] = '.'; + } + } + + RTMP_Log( level, "%s", line ); +} + +/* These should only be used by apps, never by the library itself */ +void RTMP_LogPrintf(const char *format, ...) +{ + char str[MAX_PRINT_LEN]=""; + int len; + va_list args; + va_start(args, format); + len = vsnprintf(str, MAX_PRINT_LEN-1, format, args); + va_end(args); + + if ( RTMP_debuglevel==RTMP_LOGCRIT ) + return; + + if ( !fmsg ) fmsg = stderr; + + if (neednl) { + putc('\n', fmsg); + neednl = 0; + } + + if (len > MAX_PRINT_LEN-1) + len = MAX_PRINT_LEN-1; + fprintf(fmsg, "%s", str); + if (str[len-1] == '\n') + fflush(fmsg); +} + +void RTMP_LogStatus(const char *format, ...) +{ + char str[MAX_PRINT_LEN]=""; + va_list args; + va_start(args, format); + vsnprintf(str, MAX_PRINT_LEN-1, format, args); + va_end(args); + + if ( RTMP_debuglevel==RTMP_LOGCRIT ) + return; + + if ( !fmsg ) fmsg = stderr; + + fprintf(fmsg, "%s", str); + fflush(fmsg); + neednl = 1; +} diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/log.h b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/log.h similarity index 100% rename from client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/log.h rename to client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/log.h diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/parseurl.c b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/parseurl.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..646c70c --- /dev/null +++ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/parseurl.c @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2009 Andrej Stepanchuk + * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Howard Chu + * + * This file is part of librtmp. + * + * librtmp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * librtmp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License + * along with librtmp see the file COPYING. If not, write to + * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, + * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + * + */ + +#include +#include + +#include +#include + +#include "rtmp_sys.h" +#include "log.h" + +int RTMP_ParseURL(const char *url, int *protocol, AVal *host, unsigned int *port, + AVal *playpath, AVal *app) +{ + char *p, *end, *col, *ques, *slash; + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Parsing..."); + + *protocol = RTMP_PROTOCOL_RTMP; + *port = 0; + playpath->av_len = 0; + playpath->av_val = NULL; + app->av_len = 0; + app->av_val = NULL; + + /* Old School Parsing */ + + /* look for usual :// pattern */ + p = strstr(url, "://"); + if(!p) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "RTMP URL: No :// in url!"); + return FALSE; + } + { + int len = (int)(p-url); + + if(len == 4 && strncasecmp(url, "rtmp", 4)==0) + *protocol = RTMP_PROTOCOL_RTMP; + else if(len == 5 && strncasecmp(url, "rtmpt", 5)==0) + *protocol = RTMP_PROTOCOL_RTMPT; + else if(len == 5 && strncasecmp(url, "rtmps", 5)==0) + *protocol = RTMP_PROTOCOL_RTMPS; + else if(len == 5 && strncasecmp(url, "rtmpe", 5)==0) + *protocol = RTMP_PROTOCOL_RTMPE; + else if(len == 5 && strncasecmp(url, "rtmfp", 5)==0) + *protocol = RTMP_PROTOCOL_RTMFP; + else if(len == 6 && strncasecmp(url, "rtmpte", 6)==0) + *protocol = RTMP_PROTOCOL_RTMPTE; + else if(len == 6 && strncasecmp(url, "rtmpts", 6)==0) + *protocol = RTMP_PROTOCOL_RTMPTS; + else { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "Unknown protocol!\n"); + goto parsehost; + } + } + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Parsed protocol: %d", *protocol); + +parsehost: + /* let's get the hostname */ + p+=3; + + /* check for sudden death */ + if(*p==0) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "No hostname in URL!"); + return FALSE; + } + + end = p + strlen(p); + col = strchr(p, ':'); + ques = strchr(p, '?'); + slash = strchr(p, '/'); + + { + int hostlen; + if(slash) + hostlen = slash - p; + else + hostlen = end - p; + if(col && col -p < hostlen) + hostlen = col - p; + + if(hostlen < 256) { + host->av_val = p; + host->av_len = hostlen; + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Parsed host : %.*s", hostlen, host->av_val); + } else { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "Hostname exceeds 255 characters!"); + } + + p+=hostlen; + } + + /* get the port number if available */ + if(*p == ':') { + unsigned int p2; + p++; + p2 = atoi(p); + if(p2 > 65535) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "Invalid port number!"); + } else { + *port = p2; + } + } + + if(!slash) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "No application or playpath in URL!"); + return TRUE; + } + p = slash+1; + + { + /* parse application + * + * rtmp://host[:port]/app[/appinstance][/...] + * application = app[/appinstance] + */ + + char *slash2, *slash3 = NULL, *slash4 = NULL; + int applen, appnamelen; + + slash2 = strchr(p, '/'); + if(slash2) + slash3 = strchr(slash2+1, '/'); + if(slash3) + slash4 = strchr(slash3+1, '/'); + + applen = end-p; /* ondemand, pass all parameters as app */ + appnamelen = applen; /* ondemand length */ + + if(ques && strstr(p, "slist=")) { /* whatever it is, the '?' and slist= means we need to use everything as app and parse plapath from slist= */ + appnamelen = ques-p; + } + else if(strncmp(p, "ondemand/", 9)==0) { + /* app = ondemand/foobar, only pass app=ondemand */ + applen = 8; + appnamelen = 8; + } + else { /* app!=ondemand, so app is app[/appinstance] */ + if(slash4) + appnamelen = slash4-p; + else if(slash3) + appnamelen = slash3-p; + else if(slash2) + appnamelen = slash2-p; + + applen = appnamelen; + } + + app->av_val = p; + app->av_len = applen; + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Parsed app : %.*s", applen, p); + + p += appnamelen; + } + + if (*p == '/') + p++; + + if (end-p) { + AVal av = {p, end-p}; + RTMP_ParsePlaypath(&av, playpath); + } + + return TRUE; +} + +/* + * Extracts playpath from RTMP URL. playpath is the file part of the + * URL, i.e. the part that comes after rtmp://host:port/app/ + * + * Returns the stream name in a format understood by FMS. The name is + * the playpath part of the URL with formatting depending on the stream + * type: + * + * mp4 streams: prepend "mp4:", remove extension + * mp3 streams: prepend "mp3:", remove extension + * flv streams: remove extension + */ +void RTMP_ParsePlaypath(AVal *in, AVal *out) { + int addMP4 = 0; + int addMP3 = 0; + int subExt = 0; + const char *playpath = in->av_val; + const char *temp, *q, *ext = NULL; + const char *ppstart = playpath; + char *streamname, *destptr, *p; + + int pplen = in->av_len; + + out->av_val = NULL; + out->av_len = 0; + + if ((*ppstart == '?') && + (temp=strstr(ppstart, "slist=")) != 0) { + ppstart = temp+6; + pplen = strlen(ppstart); + + temp = strchr(ppstart, '&'); + if (temp) { + pplen = temp-ppstart; + } + } + + q = strchr(ppstart, '?'); + if (pplen >= 4) { + if (q) + ext = q-4; + else + ext = &ppstart[pplen-4]; + if ((strncmp(ext, ".f4v", 4) == 0) || + (strncmp(ext, ".mp4", 4) == 0)) { + addMP4 = 1; + subExt = 1; + /* Only remove .flv from rtmp URL, not slist params */ + } else if ((ppstart == playpath) && + (strncmp(ext, ".flv", 4) == 0)) { + subExt = 1; + } else if (strncmp(ext, ".mp3", 4) == 0) { + addMP3 = 1; + subExt = 1; + } + } + + streamname = (char *)malloc((pplen+4+1)*sizeof(char)); + if (!streamname) + return; + + destptr = streamname; + if (addMP4) { + if (strncmp(ppstart, "mp4:", 4)) { + strcpy(destptr, "mp4:"); + destptr += 4; + } else { + subExt = 0; + } + } else if (addMP3) { + if (strncmp(ppstart, "mp3:", 4)) { + strcpy(destptr, "mp3:"); + destptr += 4; + } else { + subExt = 0; + } + } + + for (p=(char *)ppstart; pplen >0;) { + /* skip extension */ + if (subExt && p == ext) { + p += 4; + pplen -= 4; + continue; + } + if (*p == '%') { + unsigned int c; + sscanf(p+1, "%02x", &c); + *destptr++ = c; + pplen -= 3; + p += 3; + } else { + *destptr++ = *p++; + pplen--; + } + } + *destptr = '\0'; + + out->av_val = streamname; + out->av_len = destptr - streamname; +} diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/rtmp.c b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/rtmp.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fbbf65e --- /dev/null +++ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/rtmp.c @@ -0,0 +1,5349 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC + * + * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Andrej Stepanchuk + * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Howard Chu + * + * This file is part of librtmp. + * + * librtmp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * librtmp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License + * along with librtmp see the file COPYING. If not, write to + * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, + * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + * + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "rtmp_sys.h" +#include "log.h" + +#ifdef CRYPTO +#ifdef USE_POLARSSL +#include +#include +#include +#define MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH 16 + +static const char *my_dhm_P = + "E4004C1F94182000103D883A448B3F80" \ + "2CE4B44A83301270002C20D0321CFD00" \ + "11CCEF784C26A400F43DFB901BCA7538" \ + "F2C6B176001CF5A0FD16D2C48B1D0C1C" \ + "F6AC8E1DA6BCC3B4E1F96B0564965300" \ + "FFA1D0B601EB2800F489AA512C4B248C" \ + "01F76949A60BB7F00A40B1EAB64BDD48" \ + "E8A700D60B7F1200FA8E77B0A979DABF"; + +static const char *my_dhm_G = "4"; + +#elif defined(USE_GNUTLS) +#include +#define MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH 16 +#include +#include +#else /* USE_OPENSSL */ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#endif +TLS_CTX RTMP_TLS_ctx; +#endif + +#define RTMP_SIG_SIZE 1536 +#define RTMP_LARGE_HEADER_SIZE 12 + +static const int packetSize[] = { 12, 8, 4, 1 }; + +int RTMP_ctrlC; + +const char RTMPProtocolStrings[][7] = { + "RTMP", + "RTMPT", + "RTMPE", + "RTMPTE", + "RTMPS", + "RTMPTS", + "", + "", + "RTMFP" +}; + +const char RTMPProtocolStringsLower[][7] = { + "rtmp", + "rtmpt", + "rtmpe", + "rtmpte", + "rtmps", + "rtmpts", + "", + "", + "rtmfp" +}; + +static const char *RTMPT_cmds[] = { + "open", + "send", + "idle", + "close" +}; + +typedef enum { + RTMPT_OPEN=0, RTMPT_SEND, RTMPT_IDLE, RTMPT_CLOSE +} RTMPTCmd; + +static int DumpMetaData(AMFObject *obj); +static int HandShake(RTMP *r, int FP9HandShake); +static int SocksNegotiate(RTMP *r); + +static int SendConnectPacket(RTMP *r, RTMPPacket *cp); +static int SendCheckBW(RTMP *r); +static int SendCheckBWResult(RTMP *r, double txn); +static int SendDeleteStream(RTMP *r, double dStreamId); +static int SendFCSubscribe(RTMP *r, AVal *subscribepath); +static int SendPlay(RTMP *r); +static int SendBytesReceived(RTMP *r); +static int SendUsherToken(RTMP *r, AVal *usherToken); + +#if 0 /* unused */ +static int SendBGHasStream(RTMP *r, double dId, AVal *playpath); +#endif + +static int HandleInvoke(RTMP *r, const char *body, unsigned int nBodySize); +static int HandleMetadata(RTMP *r, char *body, unsigned int len); +static void HandleChangeChunkSize(RTMP *r, const RTMPPacket *packet); +static void HandleAudio(RTMP *r, const RTMPPacket *packet); +static void HandleVideo(RTMP *r, const RTMPPacket *packet); +static void HandleCtrl(RTMP *r, const RTMPPacket *packet); +static void HandleServerBW(RTMP *r, const RTMPPacket *packet); +static void HandleClientBW(RTMP *r, const RTMPPacket *packet); + +static int ReadN(RTMP *r, char *buffer, int n); +static int WriteN(RTMP *r, const char *buffer, int n); + +static void DecodeTEA(AVal *key, AVal *text); + +static int HTTP_Post(RTMP *r, RTMPTCmd cmd, const char *buf, int len); +static int HTTP_read(RTMP *r, int fill); + +static void CloseInternal(RTMP *r, int reconnect); + +#ifndef _WIN32 +static int clk_tck; +#endif + +#ifdef CRYPTO +#include "handshake.h" +#endif + +uint32_t +RTMP_GetTime() +{ +#ifdef _DEBUG + return 0; +#elif defined(_WIN32) + return timeGetTime(); +#else + struct tms t; + if (!clk_tck) clk_tck = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); + return times(&t) * 1000 / clk_tck; +#endif +} + +void +RTMP_UserInterrupt() +{ + RTMP_ctrlC = TRUE; +} + +void +RTMPPacket_Reset(RTMPPacket *p) +{ + p->m_headerType = 0; + p->m_packetType = 0; + p->m_nChannel = 0; + p->m_nTimeStamp = 0; + p->m_nInfoField2 = 0; + p->m_hasAbsTimestamp = FALSE; + p->m_nBodySize = 0; + p->m_nBytesRead = 0; +} + +int +RTMPPacket_Alloc(RTMPPacket *p, uint32_t nSize) +{ + char *ptr; + if (nSize > SIZE_MAX - RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE) + return FALSE; + ptr = calloc(1, nSize + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE); + if (!ptr) + return FALSE; + p->m_body = ptr + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + p->m_nBytesRead = 0; + return TRUE; +} + +void +RTMPPacket_Free(RTMPPacket *p) +{ + if (p->m_body) + { + free(p->m_body - RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE); + p->m_body = NULL; + } +} + +void +RTMPPacket_Dump(RTMPPacket *p) +{ + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, + "RTMP PACKET: packet type: 0x%02x. channel: 0x%02x. info 1: %d info 2: %d. Body size: %u. body: 0x%02x", + p->m_packetType, p->m_nChannel, p->m_nTimeStamp, p->m_nInfoField2, + p->m_nBodySize, p->m_body ? (unsigned char)p->m_body[0] : 0); +} + +int +RTMP_LibVersion() +{ + return RTMP_LIB_VERSION; +} + +void +RTMP_TLS_Init() +{ +#ifdef CRYPTO +#ifdef USE_POLARSSL + /* Do this regardless of NO_SSL, we use havege for rtmpe too */ + RTMP_TLS_ctx = calloc(1,sizeof(struct tls_ctx)); + havege_init(&RTMP_TLS_ctx->hs); +#elif defined(USE_GNUTLS) && !defined(NO_SSL) + /* Technically we need to initialize libgcrypt ourselves if + * we're not going to call gnutls_global_init(). Ignoring this + * for now. + */ + gnutls_global_init(); + RTMP_TLS_ctx = malloc(sizeof(struct tls_ctx)); + gnutls_certificate_allocate_credentials(&RTMP_TLS_ctx->cred); + gnutls_priority_init(&RTMP_TLS_ctx->prios, "NORMAL", NULL); + gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file(RTMP_TLS_ctx->cred, + "ca.pem", GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM); +#elif !defined(NO_SSL) /* USE_OPENSSL */ + /* libcrypto doesn't need anything special */ + SSL_load_error_strings(); + SSL_library_init(); + OpenSSL_add_all_digests(); + RTMP_TLS_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_method()); + SSL_CTX_set_options(RTMP_TLS_ctx, SSL_OP_ALL); + SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(RTMP_TLS_ctx); +#endif +#endif +} + +void * +RTMP_TLS_AllocServerContext(const char* cert, const char* key) +{ + void *ctx = NULL; +#ifdef CRYPTO + if (!RTMP_TLS_ctx) + RTMP_TLS_Init(); +#ifdef USE_POLARSSL + tls_server_ctx *tc = ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(struct tls_server_ctx)); + tc->dhm_P = my_dhm_P; + tc->dhm_G = my_dhm_G; + tc->hs = &RTMP_TLS_ctx->hs; + if (x509parse_crtfile(&tc->cert, cert)) { + free(tc); + return NULL; + } + if (x509parse_keyfile(&tc->key, key, NULL)) { + x509_free(&tc->cert); + free(tc); + return NULL; + } +#elif defined(USE_GNUTLS) && !defined(NO_SSL) + gnutls_certificate_allocate_credentials((gnutls_certificate_credentials*) &ctx); + if (gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_file(ctx, cert, key, GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM) != 0) { + gnutls_certificate_free_credentials(ctx); + return NULL; + } +#elif !defined(NO_SSL) /* USE_OPENSSL */ + ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method()); + if (!SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx, cert)) { + SSL_CTX_free(ctx); + return NULL; + } + if (!SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, key, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)) { + SSL_CTX_free(ctx); + return NULL; + } +#endif +#endif + return ctx; +} + +void +RTMP_TLS_FreeServerContext(void *ctx) +{ +#ifdef CRYPTO +#ifdef USE_POLARSSL + x509_free(&((tls_server_ctx*)ctx)->cert); + rsa_free(&((tls_server_ctx*)ctx)->key); + free(ctx); +#elif defined(USE_GNUTLS) && !defined(NO_SSL) + gnutls_certificate_free_credentials(ctx); +#elif !defined(NO_SSL) /* USE_OPENSSL */ + SSL_CTX_free(ctx); +#endif +#endif +} + +RTMP * +RTMP_Alloc() +{ + return calloc(1, sizeof(RTMP)); +} + +void +RTMP_Free(RTMP *r) +{ + free(r); +} + +// @remark debug info by +int _srs_state = 0; + +void +RTMP_Init(RTMP *r) +{ +#ifdef CRYPTO + if (!RTMP_TLS_ctx) + RTMP_TLS_Init(); +#endif + + memset(r, 0, sizeof(RTMP)); + r->m_sb.sb_socket = -1; + r->m_inChunkSize = RTMP_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE; + r->m_outChunkSize = RTMP_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE; + r->m_nBufferMS = 30000; + r->m_nClientBW = 2500000; + r->m_nClientBW2 = 2; + r->m_nServerBW = 2500000; + r->m_fAudioCodecs = 3191.0; + r->m_fVideoCodecs = 252.0; + r->Link.timeout = 30; + r->Link.swfAge = 30; + + // @remark debug info by + _srs_state = 1; +} + +void +RTMP_EnableWrite(RTMP *r) +{ + r->Link.protocol |= RTMP_FEATURE_WRITE; +} + +double +RTMP_GetDuration(RTMP *r) +{ + return r->m_fDuration; +} + +int +RTMP_IsConnected(RTMP *r) +{ + return r->m_sb.sb_socket != -1; +} + +int +RTMP_Socket(RTMP *r) +{ + return r->m_sb.sb_socket; +} + +int +RTMP_IsTimedout(RTMP *r) +{ + return r->m_sb.sb_timedout; +} + +void +RTMP_SetBufferMS(RTMP *r, int size) +{ + r->m_nBufferMS = size; +} + +void +RTMP_UpdateBufferMS(RTMP *r) +{ + RTMP_SendCtrl(r, 3, r->m_stream_id, r->m_nBufferMS); +} + +#undef OSS +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define OSS "WIN" +#elif defined(__sun__) +#define OSS "SOL" +#elif defined(__APPLE__) +#define OSS "MAC" +#elif defined(__linux__) +#define OSS "LNX" +#else +#define OSS "GNU" +#endif +#define DEF_VERSTR OSS " 10,0,32,18" +static const char DEFAULT_FLASH_VER[] = DEF_VERSTR; +const AVal RTMP_DefaultFlashVer = + { (char *)DEFAULT_FLASH_VER, sizeof(DEFAULT_FLASH_VER) - 1 }; + +static void +SocksSetup(RTMP *r, AVal *sockshost) +{ + if (sockshost->av_len) + { + const char *socksport = strchr(sockshost->av_val, ':'); + char *hostname = strdup(sockshost->av_val); + + if (socksport) + hostname[socksport - sockshost->av_val] = '\0'; + r->Link.sockshost.av_val = hostname; + r->Link.sockshost.av_len = strlen(hostname); + + r->Link.socksport = socksport ? atoi(socksport + 1) : 1080; + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Connecting via SOCKS proxy: %s:%d", r->Link.sockshost.av_val, + r->Link.socksport); + } + else + { + r->Link.sockshost.av_val = NULL; + r->Link.sockshost.av_len = 0; + r->Link.socksport = 0; + } +} + +void +RTMP_SetupStream(RTMP *r, + int protocol, + AVal *host, + unsigned int port, + AVal *sockshost, + AVal *playpath, + AVal *tcUrl, + AVal *swfUrl, + AVal *pageUrl, + AVal *app, + AVal *auth, + AVal *swfSHA256Hash, + uint32_t swfSize, + AVal *flashVer, + AVal *subscribepath, + AVal *usherToken, + int dStart, + int dStop, int bLiveStream, long int timeout) +{ + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Protocol : %s", RTMPProtocolStrings[protocol&7]); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Hostname : %.*s", host->av_len, host->av_val); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Port : %d", port); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Playpath : %s", playpath->av_val); + + if (tcUrl && tcUrl->av_val) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "tcUrl : %s", tcUrl->av_val); + if (swfUrl && swfUrl->av_val) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "swfUrl : %s", swfUrl->av_val); + if (pageUrl && pageUrl->av_val) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "pageUrl : %s", pageUrl->av_val); + if (app && app->av_val) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "app : %.*s", app->av_len, app->av_val); + if (auth && auth->av_val) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "auth : %s", auth->av_val); + if (subscribepath && subscribepath->av_val) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "subscribepath : %s", subscribepath->av_val); + if (usherToken && usherToken->av_val) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "NetStream.Authenticate.UsherToken : %s", usherToken->av_val); + if (flashVer && flashVer->av_val) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "flashVer : %s", flashVer->av_val); + if (dStart > 0) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "StartTime : %d msec", dStart); + if (dStop > 0) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "StopTime : %d msec", dStop); + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "live : %s", bLiveStream ? "yes" : "no"); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "timeout : %ld sec", timeout); + +#ifdef CRYPTO + if (swfSHA256Hash != NULL && swfSize > 0) + { + memcpy(r->Link.SWFHash, swfSHA256Hash->av_val, sizeof(r->Link.SWFHash)); + r->Link.SWFSize = swfSize; + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "SWFSHA256:"); + RTMP_LogHex(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, r->Link.SWFHash, sizeof(r->Link.SWFHash)); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "SWFSize : %u", r->Link.SWFSize); + } + else + { + r->Link.SWFSize = 0; + } +#endif + + SocksSetup(r, sockshost); + + if (tcUrl && tcUrl->av_len) + r->Link.tcUrl = *tcUrl; + if (swfUrl && swfUrl->av_len) + r->Link.swfUrl = *swfUrl; + if (pageUrl && pageUrl->av_len) + r->Link.pageUrl = *pageUrl; + if (app && app->av_len) + r-> = *app; + if (auth && auth->av_len) + { + r->Link.auth = *auth; + r->Link.lFlags |= RTMP_LF_AUTH; + } + if (flashVer && flashVer->av_len) + r->Link.flashVer = *flashVer; + else + r->Link.flashVer = RTMP_DefaultFlashVer; + if (subscribepath && subscribepath->av_len) + r->Link.subscribepath = *subscribepath; + if (usherToken && usherToken->av_len) + r->Link.usherToken = *usherToken; + r->Link.seekTime = dStart; + r->Link.stopTime = dStop; + if (bLiveStream) + r->Link.lFlags |= RTMP_LF_LIVE; + r->Link.timeout = timeout; + + r->Link.protocol = protocol; + r->Link.hostname = *host; + r->Link.port = port; + r->Link.playpath = *playpath; + + if (r->Link.port == 0) + { + if (protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_SSL) + r->Link.port = 443; + else if (protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_HTTP) + r->Link.port = 80; + else + r->Link.port = 1935; + } +} + +enum { OPT_STR=0, OPT_INT, OPT_BOOL, OPT_CONN }; +static const char *optinfo[] = { + "string", "integer", "boolean", "AMF" }; + +#define OFF(x) offsetof(struct RTMP,x) + +static struct urlopt { + AVal name; + off_t off; + int otype; + int omisc; + char *use; +} options[] = { + { AVC("socks"), OFF(Link.sockshost), OPT_STR, 0, + "Use the specified SOCKS proxy" }, + { AVC("app"), OFF(, OPT_STR, 0, + "Name of target app on server" }, + { AVC("tcUrl"), OFF(Link.tcUrl), OPT_STR, 0, + "URL to played stream" }, + { AVC("pageUrl"), OFF(Link.pageUrl), OPT_STR, 0, + "URL of played media's web page" }, + { AVC("swfUrl"), OFF(Link.swfUrl), OPT_STR, 0, + "URL to player SWF file" }, + { AVC("flashver"), OFF(Link.flashVer), OPT_STR, 0, + "Flash version string (default " DEF_VERSTR ")" }, + { AVC("conn"), OFF(Link.extras), OPT_CONN, 0, + "Append arbitrary AMF data to Connect message" }, + { AVC("playpath"), OFF(Link.playpath), OPT_STR, 0, + "Path to target media on server" }, + { AVC("playlist"), OFF(Link.lFlags), OPT_BOOL, RTMP_LF_PLST, + "Set playlist before play command" }, + { AVC("live"), OFF(Link.lFlags), OPT_BOOL, RTMP_LF_LIVE, + "Stream is live, no seeking possible" }, + { AVC("subscribe"), OFF(Link.subscribepath), OPT_STR, 0, + "Stream to subscribe to" }, + { AVC("jtv"), OFF(Link.usherToken), OPT_STR, 0, + " authentication token" }, + { AVC("token"), OFF(Link.token), OPT_STR, 0, + "Key for SecureToken response" }, + { AVC("swfVfy"), OFF(Link.lFlags), OPT_BOOL, RTMP_LF_SWFV, + "Perform SWF Verification" }, + { AVC("swfAge"), OFF(Link.swfAge), OPT_INT, 0, + "Number of days to use cached SWF hash" }, + { AVC("start"), OFF(Link.seekTime), OPT_INT, 0, + "Stream start position in milliseconds" }, + { AVC("stop"), OFF(Link.stopTime), OPT_INT, 0, + "Stream stop position in milliseconds" }, + { AVC("buffer"), OFF(m_nBufferMS), OPT_INT, 0, + "Buffer time in milliseconds" }, + { AVC("timeout"), OFF(Link.timeout), OPT_INT, 0, + "Session timeout in seconds" }, + { AVC("pubUser"), OFF(Link.pubUser), OPT_STR, 0, + "Publisher username" }, + { AVC("pubPasswd"), OFF(Link.pubPasswd), OPT_STR, 0, + "Publisher password" }, + { {NULL,0}, 0, 0} +}; + +static const AVal truth[] = { + AVC("1"), + AVC("on"), + AVC("yes"), + AVC("true"), + {0,0} +}; + +static void RTMP_OptUsage() +{ + int i; + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "Valid RTMP options are:\n"); + for (i=0; options[i].name.av_len; i++) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%10s %-7s %s\n", options[i].name.av_val, + optinfo[options[i].otype], options[i].use); + } +} + +static int +parseAMF(AMFObject *obj, AVal *av, int *depth) +{ + AMFObjectProperty prop = {{0,0}}; + int i; + char *p, *arg = av->av_val; + + if (arg[1] == ':') + { + p = (char *)arg+2; + switch(arg[0]) + { + case 'B': + prop.p_type = AMF_BOOLEAN; + prop.p_vu.p_number = atoi(p); + break; + case 'S': + prop.p_type = AMF_STRING; + prop.p_vu.p_aval.av_val = p; + prop.p_vu.p_aval.av_len = av->av_len - (p-arg); + break; + case 'N': + prop.p_type = AMF_NUMBER; + prop.p_vu.p_number = strtod(p, NULL); + break; + case 'Z': + prop.p_type = AMF_NULL; + break; + case 'O': + i = atoi(p); + if (i) + { + prop.p_type = AMF_OBJECT; + } + else + { + (*depth)--; + return 0; + } + break; + default: + return -1; + } + } + else if (arg[2] == ':' && arg[0] == 'N') + { + p = strchr(arg+3, ':'); + if (!p || !*depth) + return -1; + prop.p_name.av_val = (char *)arg+3; + prop.p_name.av_len = p - (arg+3); + + p++; + switch(arg[1]) + { + case 'B': + prop.p_type = AMF_BOOLEAN; + prop.p_vu.p_number = atoi(p); + break; + case 'S': + prop.p_type = AMF_STRING; + prop.p_vu.p_aval.av_val = p; + prop.p_vu.p_aval.av_len = av->av_len - (p-arg); + break; + case 'N': + prop.p_type = AMF_NUMBER; + prop.p_vu.p_number = strtod(p, NULL); + break; + case 'O': + prop.p_type = AMF_OBJECT; + break; + default: + return -1; + } + } + else + return -1; + + if (*depth) + { + AMFObject *o2; + for (i=0; i<*depth; i++) + { + o2 = &obj->o_props[obj->o_num-1].p_vu.p_object; + obj = o2; + } + } + AMF_AddProp(obj, &prop); + if (prop.p_type == AMF_OBJECT) + (*depth)++; + return 0; +} + +int RTMP_SetOpt(RTMP *r, const AVal *opt, AVal *arg) +{ + int i; + void *v; + + for (i=0; options[i].name.av_len; i++) { + if (opt->av_len != options[i].name.av_len) continue; + if (strcasecmp(opt->av_val, options[i].name.av_val)) continue; + v = (char *)r + options[i].off; + switch(options[i].otype) { + case OPT_STR: { + AVal *aptr = v; + *aptr = *arg; } + break; + case OPT_INT: { + long l = strtol(arg->av_val, NULL, 0); + *(int *)v = l; } + break; + case OPT_BOOL: { + int j, fl; + fl = *(int *)v; + for (j=0; truth[j].av_len; j++) { + if (arg->av_len != truth[j].av_len) continue; + if (strcasecmp(arg->av_val, truth[j].av_val)) continue; + fl |= options[i].omisc; break; } + *(int *)v = fl; + } + break; + case OPT_CONN: + if (parseAMF(&r->Link.extras, arg, &r->Link.edepth)) + return FALSE; + break; + } + break; + } + if (!options[i].name.av_len) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "Unknown option %s", opt->av_val); + RTMP_OptUsage(); + return FALSE; + } + + return TRUE; +} + +int RTMP_SetupURL(RTMP *r, char *url) +{ + AVal opt, arg; + char *p1, *p2, *ptr = strchr(url, ' '); + int ret, len; + unsigned int port = 0; + + if (ptr) + *ptr = '\0'; + + len = strlen(url); + ret = RTMP_ParseURL(url, &r->Link.protocol, &r->Link.hostname, + &port, &r->Link.playpath0, &r->; + if (!ret) + return ret; + r->Link.port = port; + r->Link.playpath = r->Link.playpath0; + + while (ptr) { + *ptr++ = '\0'; + p1 = ptr; + p2 = strchr(p1, '='); + if (!p2) + break; + opt.av_val = p1; + opt.av_len = p2 - p1; + *p2++ = '\0'; + arg.av_val = p2; + ptr = strchr(p2, ' '); + if (ptr) { + *ptr = '\0'; + arg.av_len = ptr - p2; + /* skip repeated spaces */ + while(ptr[1] == ' ') + *ptr++ = '\0'; + } else { + arg.av_len = strlen(p2); + } + + /* unescape */ + port = arg.av_len; + for (p1=p2; port >0;) { + if (*p1 == '\\') { + unsigned int c; + if (port < 3) + return FALSE; + sscanf(p1+1, "%02x", &c); + *p2++ = c; + port -= 3; + p1 += 3; + } else { + *p2++ = *p1++; + port--; + } + } + arg.av_len = p2 - arg.av_val; + + ret = RTMP_SetOpt(r, &opt, &arg); + if (!ret) + return ret; + } + + if (!r->Link.tcUrl.av_len) + { + r->Link.tcUrl.av_val = url; + if (r-> + { + if (r-> < url + len) + { + /* if app is part of original url, just use it */ + r->Link.tcUrl.av_len = r-> + (r-> - url); + } + else + { + len = r->Link.hostname.av_len + r-> + + sizeof("rtmpte://:65535/"); + r->Link.tcUrl.av_val = malloc(len); + r->Link.tcUrl.av_len = snprintf(r->Link.tcUrl.av_val, len, + "%s://%.*s:%d/%.*s", + RTMPProtocolStringsLower[r->Link.protocol], + r->Link.hostname.av_len, r->Link.hostname.av_val, + r->Link.port, + r->, r->; + r->Link.lFlags |= RTMP_LF_FTCU; + } + } + else + { + r->Link.tcUrl.av_len = strlen(url); + } + } + +#ifdef CRYPTO + if ((r->Link.lFlags & RTMP_LF_SWFV) && r->Link.swfUrl.av_len) + RTMP_HashSWF(r->Link.swfUrl.av_val, &r->Link.SWFSize, + (unsigned char *)r->Link.SWFHash, r->Link.swfAge); +#endif + + SocksSetup(r, &r->Link.sockshost); + + if (r->Link.port == 0) + { + if (r->Link.protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_SSL) + r->Link.port = 443; + else if (r->Link.protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_HTTP) + r->Link.port = 80; + else + r->Link.port = 1935; + } + return TRUE; +} + +static int +add_addr_info(struct sockaddr_in *service, AVal *host, int port) +{ + char *hostname; + int ret = TRUE; + if (host->av_val[host->av_len]) + { + hostname = malloc(host->av_len+1); + memcpy(hostname, host->av_val, host->av_len); + hostname[host->av_len] = '\0'; + } + else + { + hostname = host->av_val; + } + + service->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(hostname); + if (service->sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) + { + struct hostent *host = gethostbyname(hostname); + if (host == NULL || host->h_addr == NULL) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "Problem accessing the DNS. (addr: %s)", hostname); + ret = FALSE; + goto finish; + } + service->sin_addr = *(struct in_addr *)host->h_addr; + } + + service->sin_port = htons(port); +finish: + if (hostname != host->av_val) + free(hostname); + return ret; +} + +int +RTMP_Connect0(RTMP *r, struct sockaddr * service) +{ + int on = 1; + r->m_sb.sb_timedout = FALSE; + r->m_pausing = 0; + r->m_fDuration = 0.0; + + r->m_sb.sb_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); + if (r->m_sb.sb_socket != -1) + { + if (connect(r->m_sb.sb_socket, service, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0) + { + int err = GetSockError(); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, failed to connect socket. %d (%s)", + __FUNCTION__, err, strerror(err)); + RTMP_Close(r); + return FALSE; + } + + if (r->Link.socksport) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s ... SOCKS negotiation", __FUNCTION__); + if (!SocksNegotiate(r)) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, SOCKS negotiation failed.", __FUNCTION__); + RTMP_Close(r); + return FALSE; + } + } + } + else + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, failed to create socket. Error: %d", __FUNCTION__, + GetSockError()); + return FALSE; + } + + /* set timeout */ + { + SET_RCVTIMEO(tv, r->Link.timeout); + if (setsockopt + (r->m_sb.sb_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *)&tv, sizeof(tv))) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, Setting socket timeout to %ds failed!", + __FUNCTION__, r->Link.timeout); + } + } + + setsockopt(r->m_sb.sb_socket, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *) &on, sizeof(on)); + + // @remark debug info by + _srs_state = 2; + + return TRUE; +} + +int +RTMP_TLS_Accept(RTMP *r, void *ctx) +{ +#if defined(CRYPTO) && !defined(NO_SSL) + TLS_server(ctx, r->m_sb.sb_ssl); + TLS_setfd(r->m_sb.sb_ssl, r->m_sb.sb_socket); + if (TLS_accept(r->m_sb.sb_ssl) < 0) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, TLS_Connect failed", __FUNCTION__); + return FALSE; + } + return TRUE; +#else + return FALSE; +#endif +} + +int +RTMP_Connect1(RTMP *r, RTMPPacket *cp) +{ + if (r->Link.protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_SSL) + { +#if defined(CRYPTO) && !defined(NO_SSL) + TLS_client(RTMP_TLS_ctx, r->m_sb.sb_ssl); + TLS_setfd(r->m_sb.sb_ssl, r->m_sb.sb_socket); + if (TLS_connect(r->m_sb.sb_ssl) < 0) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, TLS_Connect failed", __FUNCTION__); + RTMP_Close(r); + return FALSE; + } +#else + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, no SSL/TLS support", __FUNCTION__); + RTMP_Close(r); + return FALSE; + +#endif + } + if (r->Link.protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_HTTP) + { + r->m_msgCounter = 1; + r->m_clientID.av_val = NULL; + r->m_clientID.av_len = 0; + HTTP_Post(r, RTMPT_OPEN, "", 1); + if (HTTP_read(r, 1) != 0) + { + r->m_msgCounter = 0; + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, Could not connect for handshake", __FUNCTION__); + RTMP_Close(r); + return 0; + } + r->m_msgCounter = 0; + } + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, ... connected, handshaking", __FUNCTION__); + if (!HandShake(r, TRUE)) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, handshake failed.", __FUNCTION__); + RTMP_Close(r); + return FALSE; + } + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, handshaked", __FUNCTION__); + + if (!SendConnectPacket(r, cp)) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, RTMP connect failed.", __FUNCTION__); + RTMP_Close(r); + return FALSE; + } + return TRUE; +} + +int +RTMP_Connect(RTMP *r, RTMPPacket *cp) +{ + struct sockaddr_in service; + if (!r->Link.hostname.av_len) + return FALSE; + + memset(&service, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); + service.sin_family = AF_INET; + + if (r->Link.socksport) + { + /* Connect via SOCKS */ + if (!add_addr_info(&service, &r->Link.sockshost, r->Link.socksport)) + return FALSE; + } + else + { + /* Connect directly */ + if (!add_addr_info(&service, &r->Link.hostname, r->Link.port)) + return FALSE; + } + + if (!RTMP_Connect0(r, (struct sockaddr *)&service)) + return FALSE; + + r->m_bSendCounter = TRUE; + + return RTMP_Connect1(r, cp); +} + +static int +SocksNegotiate(RTMP *r) +{ + unsigned long addr; + struct sockaddr_in service; + memset(&service, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); + + add_addr_info(&service, &r->Link.hostname, r->Link.port); + addr = htonl(service.sin_addr.s_addr); + + { + char packet[] = { + 4, 1, /* SOCKS 4, connect */ + (r->Link.port >> 8) & 0xFF, + (r->Link.port) & 0xFF, + (char)(addr >> 24) & 0xFF, (char)(addr >> 16) & 0xFF, + (char)(addr >> 8) & 0xFF, (char)addr & 0xFF, + 0 + }; /* NULL terminate */ + + WriteN(r, packet, sizeof packet); + + if (ReadN(r, packet, 8) != 8) + return FALSE; + + if (packet[0] == 0 && packet[1] == 90) + { + return TRUE; + } + else + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, SOCKS returned error code %d", __FUNCTION__, packet[1]); + return FALSE; + } + } +} + +int +RTMP_ConnectStream(RTMP *r, int seekTime) +{ + RTMPPacket packet = { 0 }; + + /* seekTime was already set by SetupStream / SetupURL. + * This is only needed by ReconnectStream. + */ + if (seekTime > 0) + r->Link.seekTime = seekTime; + + r->m_mediaChannel = 0; + + while (!r->m_bPlaying && RTMP_IsConnected(r) && RTMP_ReadPacket(r, &packet)) + { + if (RTMPPacket_IsReady(&packet)) + { + if (!packet.m_nBodySize) + continue; + if ((packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_AUDIO) || + (packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO) || + (packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INFO)) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "Received FLV packet before play()! Ignoring."); + RTMPPacket_Free(&packet); + continue; + } + + RTMP_ClientPacket(r, &packet); + RTMPPacket_Free(&packet); + } + } + + return r->m_bPlaying; +} + +int +RTMP_ReconnectStream(RTMP *r, int seekTime) +{ + RTMP_DeleteStream(r); + + RTMP_SendCreateStream(r); + + return RTMP_ConnectStream(r, seekTime); +} + +int +RTMP_ToggleStream(RTMP *r) +{ + int res; + + if (!r->m_pausing) + { + if (RTMP_IsTimedout(r) && r->m_read.status == RTMP_READ_EOF) + r->m_read.status = 0; + + res = RTMP_SendPause(r, TRUE, r->m_pauseStamp); + if (!res) + return res; + + r->m_pausing = 1; + sleep(1); + } + res = RTMP_SendPause(r, FALSE, r->m_pauseStamp); + r->m_pausing = 3; + return res; +} + +void +RTMP_DeleteStream(RTMP *r) +{ + if (r->m_stream_id < 0) + return; + + r->m_bPlaying = FALSE; + + SendDeleteStream(r, r->m_stream_id); + r->m_stream_id = -1; +} + +int +RTMP_GetNextMediaPacket(RTMP *r, RTMPPacket *packet) +{ + int bHasMediaPacket = 0; + + while (!bHasMediaPacket && RTMP_IsConnected(r) + && RTMP_ReadPacket(r, packet)) + { + if (!RTMPPacket_IsReady(packet) || !packet->m_nBodySize) + { + continue; + } + + bHasMediaPacket = RTMP_ClientPacket(r, packet); + + if (!bHasMediaPacket) + { + RTMPPacket_Free(packet); + } + else if (r->m_pausing == 3) + { + if (packet->m_nTimeStamp <= r->m_mediaStamp) + { + bHasMediaPacket = 0; +#ifdef _DEBUG + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, + "Skipped type: %02X, size: %d, TS: %d ms, abs TS: %d, pause: %d ms", + packet->m_packetType, packet->m_nBodySize, + packet->m_nTimeStamp, packet->m_hasAbsTimestamp, + r->m_mediaStamp); +#endif + RTMPPacket_Free(packet); + continue; + } + r->m_pausing = 0; + } + } + + if (bHasMediaPacket) + r->m_bPlaying = TRUE; + else if (r->m_sb.sb_timedout && !r->m_pausing) + r->m_pauseStamp = r->m_mediaChannel < r->m_channelsAllocatedIn ? + r->m_channelTimestamp[r->m_mediaChannel] : 0; + + return bHasMediaPacket; +} + +// @remark debug info by +char* _srs_ip = NULL; +int _srs_pid = 0; +int _srs_cid = 0; +// Internal variables. +static const AVal _const_srs_server_ip = AVC("srs_server_ip"); +static const AVal _const_srs_pid = AVC("srs_pid"); +static const AVal _const_srs_cid = AVC("srs_id"); + +int +RTMP_ClientPacket(RTMP *r, RTMPPacket *packet) +{ + int bHasMediaPacket = 0; + switch (packet->m_packetType) + { + case RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_CHUNK_SIZE: + /* chunk size */ + HandleChangeChunkSize(r, packet); + break; + + case RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_BYTES_READ_REPORT: + /* bytes read report */ + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, received: bytes read report", __FUNCTION__); + break; + + case RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_CONTROL: + /* ctrl */ + HandleCtrl(r, packet); + break; + + case RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_SERVER_BW: + /* server bw */ + HandleServerBW(r, packet); + break; + + case RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_CLIENT_BW: + /* client bw */ + HandleClientBW(r, packet); + break; + + case RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_AUDIO: + /* audio data */ + /*RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, received: audio %lu bytes", __FUNCTION__, packet.m_nBodySize); */ + HandleAudio(r, packet); + bHasMediaPacket = 1; + if (!r->m_mediaChannel) + r->m_mediaChannel = packet->m_nChannel; + if (!r->m_pausing) + r->m_mediaStamp = packet->m_nTimeStamp; + break; + + case RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO: + /* video data */ + /*RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, received: video %lu bytes", __FUNCTION__, packet.m_nBodySize); */ + HandleVideo(r, packet); + bHasMediaPacket = 1; + if (!r->m_mediaChannel) + r->m_mediaChannel = packet->m_nChannel; + if (!r->m_pausing) + r->m_mediaStamp = packet->m_nTimeStamp; + break; + + case RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_FLEX_STREAM_SEND: + /* flex stream send */ + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, + "%s, flex stream send, size %u bytes, not supported, ignoring", + __FUNCTION__, packet->m_nBodySize); + break; + + case RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_FLEX_SHARED_OBJECT: + /* flex shared object */ + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, + "%s, flex shared object, size %u bytes, not supported, ignoring", + __FUNCTION__, packet->m_nBodySize); + break; + + case RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_FLEX_MESSAGE: + /* flex message */ + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, + "%s, flex message, size %u bytes, not fully supported", + __FUNCTION__, packet->m_nBodySize); + /*RTMP_LogHex(packet.m_body, packet.m_nBodySize); */ + + /* some DEBUG code */ +#if 0 + RTMP_LIB_AMFObject obj; + int nRes = obj.Decode(packet.m_body+1, packet.m_nBodySize-1); + if(nRes < 0) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, error decoding AMF3 packet", __FUNCTION__); + /*return; */ + } + + obj.Dump(); +#endif + + if (HandleInvoke(r, packet->m_body + 1, packet->m_nBodySize - 1) == 1) + bHasMediaPacket = 2; + break; + } + case RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INFO: + /* metadata (notify) */ + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, received: notify %u bytes", __FUNCTION__, + packet->m_nBodySize); + if (HandleMetadata(r, packet->m_body, packet->m_nBodySize)) + bHasMediaPacket = 1; + break; + + case RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_SHARED_OBJECT: + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, shared object, not supported, ignoring", + __FUNCTION__); + break; + + case RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE: + /* invoke */ + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, received: invoke %u bytes", __FUNCTION__, + packet->m_nBodySize); + /*RTMP_LogHex(packet.m_body, packet.m_nBodySize); */ + + // @remark debug info by + while (1) { + // String(_result) + char* p = packet->m_body; + int nb = packet->m_nBodySize; + // Marker. + if (nb < 1) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "ignore string marker for nb=%d", nb); + break; + } + AMFDataType t = (AMFDataType)p[0]; + if (t != AMF_STRING) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "ignore string marker for type=%d", t); + break; + } + nb--; p++; + // String content. + if (nb < 2) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "ignore string data for nb=%d", nb); + break; + } + AVal _result; + AMF_DecodeString(p, &_result); + nb -= (int)_result.av_len + 2; p += (int)_result.av_len + 2; + + // Number(0.0) + // Marker + if (nb < 1) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "ignore number marker for nb=%d", nb); + break; + } + t = (AMFDataType)p[0]; + if (t != AMF_NUMBER) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "ignore number marker for type=%d", t); + break; + } + nb--; p++; + // Number content. + if (nb < 8) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "ignore number data for nb=%d", nb); + break; + } + double tid = AMF_DecodeNumber(p); (void)tid; + nb -= 8; p += 8; + + // Object + // Marker + if (nb < 1) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "ignore object marker for nb=%d", nb); + break; + } + t = (AMFDataType)p[0]; + if (t != AMF_OBJECT) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "ignore object marker for type=%d", t); + break; + } + nb--; p++; + // Object info content + AMFObject obj; + if (nb < 3) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "ignore object eof for nb=%d", nb); + break; + } + int nRes = -1; + if ((nRes = AMF_Decode(&obj, p, nb, TRUE)) < 0) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "decode object failed, ret=%d", nRes); + break; + } + nb -= nRes; p += nRes; + + // Object + // Marker + if (nb < 1) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "ignore object marker for nb=%d", nb); + break; + } + t = (AMFDataType)p[0]; + if (t != AMF_OBJECT) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "ignore object marker for type=%d", t); + break; + } + nb--; p++; + // Object data content + if (nb < 3) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "ignore object eof for nb=%d", nb); + break; + } + if ((nRes = AMF_Decode(&obj, p, nb, TRUE)) < 0) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "decode object failed, ret=%d", nRes); + break; + } + nb -= nRes; p += nRes; + // Parse data object. + int i,j; + for (i = 0; i < obj.o_num; i++) { + AMFObjectProperty* prop = &obj.o_props[i]; + if (prop->p_type == AMF_OBJECT || prop->p_type == AMF_ECMA_ARRAY) { + obj = prop->p_vu.p_object; + for (j = 0; j < obj.o_num; j++) { + prop = &obj.o_props[j]; + if (AVMATCH(&prop->p_name, &_const_srs_server_ip)) { + if (_srs_ip) { + free(_srs_ip); + } + _srs_ip = (char*)malloc(prop->p_vu.p_aval.av_len + 1); + memcpy(_srs_ip, prop->p_vu.p_aval.av_val, prop->p_vu.p_aval.av_len); + _srs_ip[prop->p_vu.p_aval.av_len] = 0; + } else if (AVMATCH(&prop->p_name, &_const_srs_pid)) { + _srs_pid = (int)prop->p_vu.p_number; + } else if (AVMATCH(&prop->p_name, &_const_srs_cid)) { + _srs_cid = (int)prop->p_vu.p_number; + } + } + break; + } + } + + // Print info. + if (_srs_pid > 0) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGINFO, "SRS ip=%s, pid=%d, cid=%d", _srs_ip, _srs_pid, _srs_cid); + } + + break; + } + + if (HandleInvoke(r, packet->m_body, packet->m_nBodySize) == 1) + bHasMediaPacket = 2; + break; + + case RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_FLASH_VIDEO: + { + /* go through FLV packets and handle metadata packets */ + unsigned int pos = 0; + uint32_t nTimeStamp = packet->m_nTimeStamp; + + while (pos + 11 < packet->m_nBodySize) + { + uint32_t dataSize = AMF_DecodeInt24(packet->m_body + pos + 1); /* size without header (11) and prevTagSize (4) */ + + if (pos + 11 + dataSize + 4 > packet->m_nBodySize) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "Stream corrupt?!"); + break; + } + if (packet->m_body[pos] == 0x12) + { + HandleMetadata(r, packet->m_body + pos + 11, dataSize); + } + else if (packet->m_body[pos] == 8 || packet->m_body[pos] == 9) + { + nTimeStamp = AMF_DecodeInt24(packet->m_body + pos + 4); + nTimeStamp |= (packet->m_body[pos + 7] << 24); + } + pos += (11 + dataSize + 4); + } + if (!r->m_pausing) + r->m_mediaStamp = nTimeStamp; + + /* FLV tag(s) */ + /*RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, received: FLV tag(s) %lu bytes", __FUNCTION__, packet.m_nBodySize); */ + bHasMediaPacket = 1; + break; + } + default: + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, unknown packet type received: 0x%02x", __FUNCTION__, + packet->m_packetType); +#ifdef _DEBUG + RTMP_LogHex(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, packet->m_body, packet->m_nBodySize); +#endif + } + + return bHasMediaPacket; +} + +#ifdef _DEBUG +extern FILE *netstackdump; +extern FILE *netstackdump_read; +#endif + +// @remark debug info by +unsigned long _srs_rbytes = 0; +unsigned long _srs_sbytes = 0; + +static int +ReadN(RTMP *r, char *buffer, int n) +{ + int nOriginalSize = n; + int avail; + char *ptr; + + r->m_sb.sb_timedout = FALSE; + +#ifdef _DEBUG + memset(buffer, 0, n); +#endif + + // @remark debug info by + _srs_rbytes += n; + + ptr = buffer; + while (n > 0) + { + int nBytes = 0, nRead; + if (r->Link.protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_HTTP) + { + int refill = 0; + while (!r->m_resplen) + { + int ret; + if (r->m_sb.sb_size < 13 || refill) + { + if (!r->m_unackd) + HTTP_Post(r, RTMPT_IDLE, "", 1); + if (RTMPSockBuf_Fill(&r->m_sb) < 1) + { + if (!r->m_sb.sb_timedout) + RTMP_Close(r); + return 0; + } + } + if ((ret = HTTP_read(r, 0)) == -1) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, No valid HTTP response found", __FUNCTION__); + RTMP_Close(r); + return 0; + } + else if (ret == -2) + { + refill = 1; + } + else + { + refill = 0; + } + } + if (r->m_resplen && !r->m_sb.sb_size) + RTMPSockBuf_Fill(&r->m_sb); + avail = r->m_sb.sb_size; + if (avail > r->m_resplen) + avail = r->m_resplen; + } + else + { + avail = r->m_sb.sb_size; + if (avail == 0) + { + if (RTMPSockBuf_Fill(&r->m_sb) < 1) + { + if (!r->m_sb.sb_timedout) + RTMP_Close(r); + return 0; + } + avail = r->m_sb.sb_size; + } + } + nRead = ((n < avail) ? n : avail); + if (nRead > 0) + { + memcpy(ptr, r->m_sb.sb_start, nRead); + r->m_sb.sb_start += nRead; + r->m_sb.sb_size -= nRead; + nBytes = nRead; + r->m_nBytesIn += nRead; + if (r->m_bSendCounter + && r->m_nBytesIn > ( r->m_nBytesInSent + r->m_nClientBW / 10)) + if (!SendBytesReceived(r)) + return FALSE; + } + /*RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s: %d bytes\n", __FUNCTION__, nBytes); */ +#ifdef _DEBUG + fwrite(ptr, 1, nBytes, netstackdump_read); +#endif + + if (nBytes == 0) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, RTMP socket closed by peer", __FUNCTION__); + /*goto again; */ + RTMP_Close(r); + break; + } + + if (r->Link.protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_HTTP) + r->m_resplen -= nBytes; + +#ifdef CRYPTO + if (r->Link.rc4keyIn) + { + RC4_encrypt(r->Link.rc4keyIn, nBytes, ptr); + } +#endif + + n -= nBytes; + ptr += nBytes; + } + + return nOriginalSize - n; +} + +static int +WriteN(RTMP *r, const char *buffer, int n) +{ + const char *ptr = buffer; +#ifdef CRYPTO + char *encrypted = 0; + char buf[RTMP_BUFFER_CACHE_SIZE]; + + // @remark debug info by + _srs_sbytes += n; + + if (r->Link.rc4keyOut) + { + if (n > sizeof(buf)) + encrypted = (char *)malloc(n); + else + encrypted = (char *)buf; + ptr = encrypted; + RC4_encrypt2(r->Link.rc4keyOut, n, buffer, ptr); + } +#endif + + // @remark debug info by + _srs_sbytes += n; + + while (n > 0) + { + int nBytes; + + if (r->Link.protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_HTTP) + nBytes = HTTP_Post(r, RTMPT_SEND, ptr, n); + else + nBytes = RTMPSockBuf_Send(&r->m_sb, ptr, n); + /*RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, nBytes); */ + + if (nBytes < 0) + { + int sockerr = GetSockError(); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, RTMP send error %d (%d bytes)", __FUNCTION__, + sockerr, n); + + if (sockerr == EINTR && !RTMP_ctrlC) + continue; + + RTMP_Close(r); + n = 1; + break; + } + + if (nBytes == 0) + break; + + n -= nBytes; + ptr += nBytes; + } + +#ifdef CRYPTO + if (encrypted && encrypted != buf) + free(encrypted); +#endif + + return n == 0; +} + +#define SAVC(x) static const AVal av_##x = AVC(#x) + +SAVC(app); +SAVC(connect); +SAVC(flashVer); +SAVC(swfUrl); +SAVC(pageUrl); +SAVC(tcUrl); +SAVC(fpad); +SAVC(capabilities); +SAVC(audioCodecs); +SAVC(videoCodecs); +SAVC(videoFunction); +SAVC(objectEncoding); +SAVC(secureToken); +SAVC(secureTokenResponse); +SAVC(type); +SAVC(nonprivate); + +static int +SendConnectPacket(RTMP *r, RTMPPacket *cp) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[4096], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + + if (cp) + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, cp, TRUE); + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x03; /* control channel (invoke) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_connect); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, ++r->m_numInvokes); + *enc++ = AMF_OBJECT; + + enc = AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, &av_app, &r->; + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + if (r->Link.protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_WRITE) + { + enc = AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, &av_type, &av_nonprivate); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + } + if (r->Link.flashVer.av_len) + { + enc = AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, &av_flashVer, &r->Link.flashVer); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + } + if (r->Link.swfUrl.av_len) + { + enc = AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, &av_swfUrl, &r->Link.swfUrl); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + } + if (r->Link.tcUrl.av_len) + { + enc = AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, &av_tcUrl, &r->Link.tcUrl); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + } + if (!(r->Link.protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_WRITE)) + { + enc = AMF_EncodeNamedBoolean(enc, pend, &av_fpad, FALSE); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + enc = AMF_EncodeNamedNumber(enc, pend, &av_capabilities, 15.0); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + enc = AMF_EncodeNamedNumber(enc, pend, &av_audioCodecs, r->m_fAudioCodecs); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + enc = AMF_EncodeNamedNumber(enc, pend, &av_videoCodecs, r->m_fVideoCodecs); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + enc = AMF_EncodeNamedNumber(enc, pend, &av_videoFunction, 1.0); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + if (r->Link.pageUrl.av_len) + { + enc = AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, &av_pageUrl, &r->Link.pageUrl); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + } + } + if (r->m_fEncoding != 0.0 || r->m_bSendEncoding) + { /* AMF0, AMF3 not fully supported yet */ + enc = AMF_EncodeNamedNumber(enc, pend, &av_objectEncoding, r->m_fEncoding); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + } + if (enc + 3 >= pend) + return FALSE; + *enc++ = 0; + *enc++ = 0; /* end of object - 0x00 0x00 0x09 */ + *enc++ = AMF_OBJECT_END; + + /* add auth string */ + if (r->Link.auth.av_len) + { + enc = AMF_EncodeBoolean(enc, pend, r->Link.lFlags & RTMP_LF_AUTH); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &r->Link.auth); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + } + if (r->Link.extras.o_num) + { + int i; + for (i = 0; i < r->Link.extras.o_num; i++) + { + enc = AMFProp_Encode(&r->Link.extras.o_props[i], enc, pend); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + } + } + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, TRUE); +} + +#if 0 /* unused */ +SAVC(bgHasStream); + +static int +SendBGHasStream(RTMP *r, double dId, AVal *playpath) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[1024], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x03; /* control channel (invoke) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_bgHasStream); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, dId); + *enc++ = AMF_NULL; + + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, playpath); + if (enc == NULL) + return FALSE; + + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, TRUE); +} +#endif + +SAVC(createStream); + +int +RTMP_SendCreateStream(RTMP *r) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[256], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x03; /* control channel (invoke) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_createStream); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, ++r->m_numInvokes); + *enc++ = AMF_NULL; /* NULL */ + + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, TRUE); +} + +SAVC(FCSubscribe); + +static int +SendFCSubscribe(RTMP *r, AVal *subscribepath) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[512], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + packet.m_nChannel = 0x03; /* control channel (invoke) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "FCSubscribe: %s", subscribepath->av_val); + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_FCSubscribe); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, ++r->m_numInvokes); + *enc++ = AMF_NULL; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, subscribepath); + + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, TRUE); +} + +/* specific authentication */ +static const AVal av_NetStream_Authenticate_UsherToken = AVC("NetStream.Authenticate.UsherToken"); + +static int +SendUsherToken(RTMP *r, AVal *usherToken) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[1024], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + packet.m_nChannel = 0x03; /* control channel (invoke) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "UsherToken: %s", usherToken->av_val); + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_NetStream_Authenticate_UsherToken); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, ++r->m_numInvokes); + *enc++ = AMF_NULL; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, usherToken); + + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, FALSE); +} +/******************************************/ + +SAVC(releaseStream); + +static int +SendReleaseStream(RTMP *r) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[1024], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x03; /* control channel (invoke) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_releaseStream); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, ++r->m_numInvokes); + *enc++ = AMF_NULL; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &r->Link.playpath); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, FALSE); +} + +SAVC(FCPublish); + +static int +SendFCPublish(RTMP *r) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[1024], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x03; /* control channel (invoke) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_FCPublish); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, ++r->m_numInvokes); + *enc++ = AMF_NULL; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &r->Link.playpath); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, FALSE); +} + +SAVC(FCUnpublish); + +static int +SendFCUnpublish(RTMP *r) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[1024], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x03; /* control channel (invoke) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_FCUnpublish); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, ++r->m_numInvokes); + *enc++ = AMF_NULL; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &r->Link.playpath); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, FALSE); +} + +SAVC(publish); +SAVC(live); +SAVC(record); + +static int +SendPublish(RTMP *r) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[1024], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x04; /* source channel (invoke) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = r->m_stream_id; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_publish); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, ++r->m_numInvokes); + *enc++ = AMF_NULL; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &r->Link.playpath); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + + /* FIXME: should we choose live based on Link.lFlags & RTMP_LF_LIVE? */ + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_live); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, TRUE); +} + +SAVC(deleteStream); + +static int +SendDeleteStream(RTMP *r, double dStreamId) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[256], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x03; /* control channel (invoke) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_deleteStream); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, ++r->m_numInvokes); + *enc++ = AMF_NULL; + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, dStreamId); + + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + /* no response expected */ + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, FALSE); +} + +SAVC(pause); + +int +RTMP_SendPause(RTMP *r, int DoPause, int iTime) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[256], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x08; /* video channel */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_pause); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, ++r->m_numInvokes); + *enc++ = AMF_NULL; + enc = AMF_EncodeBoolean(enc, pend, DoPause); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, (double)iTime); + + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, %d, pauseTime=%d", __FUNCTION__, DoPause, iTime); + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, TRUE); +} + +int RTMP_Pause(RTMP *r, int DoPause) +{ + if (DoPause) + r->m_pauseStamp = r->m_mediaChannel < r->m_channelsAllocatedIn ? + r->m_channelTimestamp[r->m_mediaChannel] : 0; + return RTMP_SendPause(r, DoPause, r->m_pauseStamp); +} + +SAVC(seek); + +int +RTMP_SendSeek(RTMP *r, int iTime) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[256], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x08; /* video channel */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_seek); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, ++r->m_numInvokes); + *enc++ = AMF_NULL; + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, (double)iTime); + + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + r->m_read.flags |= RTMP_READ_SEEKING; + r->m_read.nResumeTS = 0; + + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, TRUE); +} + +int +RTMP_SendServerBW(RTMP *r) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[256], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x02; /* control channel (invoke) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_SERVER_BW; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + packet.m_nBodySize = 4; + + AMF_EncodeInt32(packet.m_body, pend, r->m_nServerBW); + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, FALSE); +} + +int +RTMP_SendClientBW(RTMP *r) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[256], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x02; /* control channel (invoke) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_CLIENT_BW; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + packet.m_nBodySize = 5; + + AMF_EncodeInt32(packet.m_body, pend, r->m_nClientBW); + packet.m_body[4] = r->m_nClientBW2; + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, FALSE); +} + +static int +SendBytesReceived(RTMP *r) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[256], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x02; /* control channel (invoke) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_BYTES_READ_REPORT; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + packet.m_nBodySize = 4; + + AMF_EncodeInt32(packet.m_body, pend, r->m_nBytesIn); /* hard coded for now */ + r->m_nBytesInSent = r->m_nBytesIn; + + /*RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Send bytes report. 0x%x (%d bytes)", (unsigned int)m_nBytesIn, m_nBytesIn); */ + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, FALSE); +} + +SAVC(_checkbw); + +static int +SendCheckBW(RTMP *r) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[256], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x03; /* control channel (invoke) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; /* RTMP_GetTime(); */ + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av__checkbw); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, ++r->m_numInvokes); + *enc++ = AMF_NULL; + + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + /* triggers _onbwcheck and eventually results in _onbwdone */ + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, FALSE); +} + +SAVC(_result); + +static int +SendCheckBWResult(RTMP *r, double txn) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[256], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x03; /* control channel (invoke) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0x16 * r->m_nBWCheckCounter; /* temp inc value. till we figure it out. */ + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av__result); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, txn); + *enc++ = AMF_NULL; + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, (double)r->m_nBWCheckCounter++); + + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, FALSE); +} + +SAVC(ping); +SAVC(pong); + +static int +SendPong(RTMP *r, double txn) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[256], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x03; /* control channel (invoke) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0x16 * r->m_nBWCheckCounter; /* temp inc value. till we figure it out. */ + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_pong); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, txn); + *enc++ = AMF_NULL; + + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, FALSE); +} + +SAVC(play); + +static int +SendPlay(RTMP *r) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[1024], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x08; /* we make 8 our stream channel */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = r->m_stream_id; /*0x01000000; */ + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_play); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, ++r->m_numInvokes); + *enc++ = AMF_NULL; + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, seekTime=%d, stopTime=%d, sending play: %s", + __FUNCTION__, r->Link.seekTime, r->Link.stopTime, + r->Link.playpath.av_val); + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &r->Link.playpath); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + + /* Optional parameters start and len. + * + * start: -2, -1, 0, positive number + * -2: looks for a live stream, then a recorded stream, + * if not found any open a live stream + * -1: plays a live stream + * >=0: plays a recorded streams from 'start' milliseconds + */ + if (r->Link.lFlags & RTMP_LF_LIVE) + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, -1000.0); + else + { + if (r->Link.seekTime > 0.0) + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, r->Link.seekTime); /* resume from here */ + else + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, 0.0); /*-2000.0);*/ /* recorded as default, -2000.0 is not reliable since that freezes the player if the stream is not found */ + } + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + + /* len: -1, 0, positive number + * -1: plays live or recorded stream to the end (default) + * 0: plays a frame 'start' ms away from the beginning + * >0: plays a live or recoded stream for 'len' milliseconds + */ + /*enc += EncodeNumber(enc, -1.0); */ /* len */ + if (r->Link.stopTime) + { + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, r->Link.stopTime - r->Link.seekTime); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + } + + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, TRUE); +} + +SAVC(set_playlist); +SAVC(0); + +static int +SendPlaylist(RTMP *r) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[1024], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x08; /* we make 8 our stream channel */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = r->m_stream_id; /*0x01000000; */ + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_set_playlist); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, 0); + *enc++ = AMF_NULL; + *enc++ = AMF_ECMA_ARRAY; + *enc++ = 0; + *enc++ = 0; + *enc++ = 0; + *enc++ = AMF_OBJECT; + enc = AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, &av_0, &r->Link.playpath); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + if (enc + 3 >= pend) + return FALSE; + *enc++ = 0; + *enc++ = 0; + *enc++ = AMF_OBJECT_END; + + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, TRUE); +} + +static int +SendSecureTokenResponse(RTMP *r, AVal *resp) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[1024], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + char *enc; + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x03; /* control channel (invoke) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + enc = packet.m_body; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_secureTokenResponse); + enc = AMF_EncodeNumber(enc, pend, 0.0); + *enc++ = AMF_NULL; + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, resp); + if (!enc) + return FALSE; + + packet.m_nBodySize = enc - packet.m_body; + + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, FALSE); +} + +/* +from + +Ping is the most mysterious message in RTMP and till now we haven't fully interpreted it yet. In summary, Ping message is used as a special command that are exchanged between client and server. This page aims to document all known Ping messages. Expect the list to grow. + +The type of Ping packet is 0x4 and contains two mandatory parameters and two optional parameters. The first parameter is the type of Ping and in short integer. The second parameter is the target of the ping. As Ping is always sent in Channel 2 (control channel) and the target object in RTMP header is always 0 which means the Connection object, it's necessary to put an extra parameter to indicate the exact target object the Ping is sent to. The second parameter takes this responsibility. The value has the same meaning as the target object field in RTMP header. (The second value could also be used as other purposes, like RTT Ping/Pong. It is used as the timestamp.) The third and fourth parameters are optional and could be looked upon as the parameter of the Ping packet. Below is an unexhausted list of Ping messages. + + * type 0: Clear the stream. No third and fourth parameters. The second parameter could be 0. After the connection is established, a Ping 0,0 will be sent from server to client. The message will also be sent to client on the start of Play and in response of a Seek or Pause/Resume request. This Ping tells client to re-calibrate the clock with the timestamp of the next packet server sends. + * type 1: Tell the stream to clear the playing buffer. + * type 3: Buffer time of the client. The third parameter is the buffer time in millisecond. + * type 4: Reset a stream. Used together with type 0 in the case of VOD. Often sent before type 0. + * type 6: Ping the client from server. The second parameter is the current time. + * type 7: Pong reply from client. The second parameter is the time the server sent with his ping request. + * type 26: SWFVerification request + * type 27: SWFVerification response +*/ +int +RTMP_SendCtrl(RTMP *r, short nType, unsigned int nObject, unsigned int nTime) +{ + RTMPPacket packet; + char pbuf[256], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf); + int nSize; + char *buf; + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "sending ctrl. type: 0x%04x", (unsigned short)nType); + + packet.m_nChannel = 0x02; /* control channel (ping) */ + packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM; + packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_CONTROL; + packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0; /* RTMP_GetTime(); */ + packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0; + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0; + packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE; + + switch(nType) { + case 0x03: nSize = 10; break; /* buffer time */ + case 0x1A: nSize = 3; break; /* SWF verify request */ + case 0x1B: nSize = 44; break; /* SWF verify response */ + default: nSize = 6; break; + } + + packet.m_nBodySize = nSize; + + buf = packet.m_body; + buf = AMF_EncodeInt16(buf, pend, nType); + + if (nType == 0x1B) + { +#ifdef CRYPTO + memcpy(buf, r->Link.SWFVerificationResponse, 42); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Sending SWFVerification response: "); + RTMP_LogHex(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, (uint8_t *)packet.m_body, packet.m_nBodySize); +#endif + } + else if (nType == 0x1A) + { + *buf = nObject & 0xff; + } + else + { + if (nSize > 2) + buf = AMF_EncodeInt32(buf, pend, nObject); + + if (nSize > 6) + buf = AMF_EncodeInt32(buf, pend, nTime); + } + + return RTMP_SendPacket(r, &packet, FALSE); +} + +static void +AV_erase(RTMP_METHOD *vals, int *num, int i, int freeit) +{ + if (freeit) + free(vals[i].name.av_val); + (*num)--; + for (; i < *num; i++) + { + vals[i] = vals[i + 1]; + } + vals[i].name.av_val = NULL; + vals[i].name.av_len = 0; + vals[i].num = 0; +} + +void +RTMP_DropRequest(RTMP *r, int i, int freeit) +{ + AV_erase(r->m_methodCalls, &r->m_numCalls, i, freeit); +} + +static void +AV_queue(RTMP_METHOD **vals, int *num, AVal *av, int txn) +{ + char *tmp; + if (!(*num & 0x0f)) + *vals = realloc(*vals, (*num + 16) * sizeof(RTMP_METHOD)); + tmp = malloc(av->av_len + 1); + memcpy(tmp, av->av_val, av->av_len); + tmp[av->av_len] = '\0'; + (*vals)[*num].num = txn; + (*vals)[*num].name.av_len = av->av_len; + (*vals)[(*num)++].name.av_val = tmp; +} + +static void +AV_clear(RTMP_METHOD *vals, int num) +{ + int i; + for (i = 0; i < num; i++) + free(vals[i].name.av_val); + free(vals); +} + + +#ifdef CRYPTO +static int +b64enc(const unsigned char *input, int length, char *output, int maxsize) +{ +#ifdef USE_POLARSSL + size_t buf_size = maxsize; + if(base64_encode((unsigned char *) output, &buf_size, input, length) == 0) + { + output[buf_size] = '\0'; + return 1; + } + else + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, error", __FUNCTION__); + return 0; + } +#elif defined(USE_GNUTLS) + if (BASE64_ENCODE_RAW_LENGTH(length) <= maxsize) + base64_encode_raw((uint8_t*) output, length, input); + else + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, error", __FUNCTION__); + return 0; + } +#else /* USE_OPENSSL */ + BIO *bmem, *b64; + BUF_MEM *bptr; + + b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64()); + bmem = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()); + b64 = BIO_push(b64, bmem); + BIO_write(b64, input, length); + if (BIO_flush(b64) == 1) + { + BIO_get_mem_ptr(b64, &bptr); + memcpy(output, bptr->data, bptr->length-1); + output[bptr->length-1] = '\0'; + } + else + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, error", __FUNCTION__); + return 0; + } + BIO_free_all(b64); +#endif + return 1; +} + +#ifdef USE_POLARSSL +#define MD5_CTX md5_context +#define MD5_Init(ctx) md5_starts(ctx) +#define MD5_Update(ctx,data,len) md5_update(ctx,(unsigned char *)data,len) +#define MD5_Final(dig,ctx) md5_finish(ctx,dig) +#elif defined(USE_GNUTLS) +typedef struct md5_ctx MD5_CTX; +#define MD5_Init(ctx) md5_init(ctx) +#define MD5_Update(ctx,data,len) md5_update(ctx,len,data) +#define MD5_Final(dig,ctx) md5_digest(ctx,MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH,dig) +#else +#endif + +static const AVal av_authmod_adobe = AVC("authmod=adobe"); +static const AVal av_authmod_llnw = AVC("authmod=llnw"); + +static void hexenc(unsigned char *inbuf, int len, char *dst) +{ + char *ptr = dst; + while(len--) { + sprintf(ptr, "%02x", *inbuf++); + ptr += 2; + } + *ptr = '\0'; +} + +static char * +AValChr(AVal *av, char c) +{ + int i; + for (i = 0; i < av->av_len; i++) + if (av->av_val[i] == c) + return &av->av_val[i]; + return NULL; +} + +static int +PublisherAuth(RTMP *r, AVal *description) +{ + char *token_in = NULL; + char *ptr; + unsigned char md5sum_val[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH+1]; + MD5_CTX md5ctx; + int challenge2_data; +#define RESPONSE_LEN 32 +#define CHALLENGE2_LEN 16 +#define SALTED2_LEN (32+8+8+8) +#define B64DIGEST_LEN 24 /* 16 byte digest => 22 b64 chars + 2 chars padding */ +#define B64INT_LEN 8 /* 4 byte int => 6 b64 chars + 2 chars padding */ +#define HEXHASH_LEN (2*MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH) + char response[RESPONSE_LEN]; + char challenge2[CHALLENGE2_LEN]; + char salted2[SALTED2_LEN]; + AVal pubToken; + + if (strstr(description->av_val, av_authmod_adobe.av_val) != NULL) + { + if(strstr(description->av_val, "code=403 need auth") != NULL) + { + if (strstr(r->, av_authmod_adobe.av_val) != NULL) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, wrong pubUser & pubPasswd for publisher auth", __FUNCTION__); + return 0; + } else if(r->Link.pubUser.av_len && r->Link.pubPasswd.av_len) { + pubToken.av_val = malloc(r->Link.pubUser.av_len + av_authmod_adobe.av_len + 8); + pubToken.av_len = sprintf(pubToken.av_val, "?%s&user=%s", + av_authmod_adobe.av_val, + r->Link.pubUser.av_val); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, pubToken1: %s", __FUNCTION__, pubToken.av_val); + } else { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, need to set pubUser & pubPasswd for publisher auth", __FUNCTION__); + return 0; + } + } + else if((token_in = strstr(description->av_val, "?reason=needauth")) != NULL) + { + char *par, *val = NULL, *orig_ptr; + AVal user, salt, opaque, challenge, *aptr = NULL; + opaque.av_len = 0; + challenge.av_len = 0; + + ptr = orig_ptr = strdup(token_in); + while (ptr) + { + par = ptr; + ptr = strchr(par, '&'); + if(ptr) + *ptr++ = '\0'; + + val = strchr(par, '='); + if(val) + *val++ = '\0'; + + if (aptr) { + aptr->av_len = par - aptr->av_val - 1; + aptr = NULL; + } + if (strcmp(par, "user") == 0){ + user.av_val = val; + aptr = &user; + } else if (strcmp(par, "salt") == 0){ + salt.av_val = val; + aptr = &salt; + } else if (strcmp(par, "opaque") == 0){ + opaque.av_val = val; + aptr = &opaque; + } else if (strcmp(par, "challenge") == 0){ + challenge.av_val = val; + aptr = &challenge; + } + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, par:\"%s\" = val:\"%s\"", __FUNCTION__, par, val); + } + if (aptr) + aptr->av_len = strlen(aptr->av_val); + + /* hash1 = base64enc(md5(user + _aodbeAuthSalt + password)) */ + MD5_Init(&md5ctx); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, user.av_val, user.av_len); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, salt.av_val, salt.av_len); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, r->Link.pubPasswd.av_val, r->Link.pubPasswd.av_len); + MD5_Final(md5sum_val, &md5ctx); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, md5(%s%s%s) =>", __FUNCTION__, + user.av_val, salt.av_val, r->Link.pubPasswd.av_val); + RTMP_LogHexString(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, md5sum_val, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH); + + b64enc(md5sum_val, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH, salted2, SALTED2_LEN); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, b64(md5_1) = %s", __FUNCTION__, salted2); + + challenge2_data = rand(); + + b64enc((unsigned char *) &challenge2_data, sizeof(int), challenge2, CHALLENGE2_LEN); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, b64(%d) = %s", __FUNCTION__, challenge2_data, challenge2); + + MD5_Init(&md5ctx); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, salted2, B64DIGEST_LEN); + /* response = base64enc(md5(hash1 + opaque + challenge2)) */ + if (opaque.av_len) + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, opaque.av_val, opaque.av_len); + else if (challenge.av_len) + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, challenge.av_val, challenge.av_len); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, challenge2, B64INT_LEN); + MD5_Final(md5sum_val, &md5ctx); + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, md5(%s%s%s) =>", __FUNCTION__, + salted2, opaque.av_len ? opaque.av_val : "", challenge2); + RTMP_LogHexString(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, md5sum_val, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH); + + b64enc(md5sum_val, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH, response, RESPONSE_LEN); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, b64(md5_2) = %s", __FUNCTION__, response); + + /* have all hashes, create auth token for the end of app */ + pubToken.av_val = malloc(32 + B64INT_LEN + B64DIGEST_LEN + opaque.av_len); + pubToken.av_len = sprintf(pubToken.av_val, + "&challenge=%s&response=%s&opaque=%s", + challenge2, + response, + opaque.av_len ? opaque.av_val : ""); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, pubToken2: %s", __FUNCTION__, pubToken.av_val); + free(orig_ptr); + } + else if(strstr(description->av_val, "?reason=authfailed") != NULL) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, Authentication failed: wrong password", __FUNCTION__); + return 0; + } + else if(strstr(description->av_val, "?reason=nosuchuser") != NULL) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, Authentication failed: no such user", __FUNCTION__); + return 0; + } + else + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, Authentication failed: unknown auth mode: %s", + __FUNCTION__, description->av_val); + return 0; + } + + ptr = malloc(r-> + pubToken.av_len); + strncpy(ptr, r->, r->; + strncpy(ptr + r->, pubToken.av_val, pubToken.av_len); + r-> += pubToken.av_len; + if(r->Link.lFlags & RTMP_LF_FAPU) + free(r->; + r-> = ptr; + + ptr = malloc(r->Link.tcUrl.av_len + pubToken.av_len); + strncpy(ptr, r->Link.tcUrl.av_val, r->Link.tcUrl.av_len); + strncpy(ptr + r->Link.tcUrl.av_len, pubToken.av_val, pubToken.av_len); + r->Link.tcUrl.av_len += pubToken.av_len; + if(r->Link.lFlags & RTMP_LF_FTCU) + free(r->Link.tcUrl.av_val); + r->Link.tcUrl.av_val = ptr; + + free(pubToken.av_val); + r->Link.lFlags |= RTMP_LF_FTCU | RTMP_LF_FAPU; + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, new app: %.*s tcUrl: %.*s playpath: %s", __FUNCTION__, + r->, r->, + r->Link.tcUrl.av_len, r->Link.tcUrl.av_val, + r->Link.playpath.av_val); + } + else if (strstr(description->av_val, av_authmod_llnw.av_val) != NULL) + { + if(strstr(description->av_val, "code=403 need auth") != NULL) + { + /* This part seems to be the same for llnw and adobe */ + + if (strstr(r->, av_authmod_llnw.av_val) != NULL) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, wrong pubUser & pubPasswd for publisher auth", __FUNCTION__); + return 0; + } else if(r->Link.pubUser.av_len && r->Link.pubPasswd.av_len) { + pubToken.av_val = malloc(r->Link.pubUser.av_len + av_authmod_llnw.av_len + 8); + pubToken.av_len = sprintf(pubToken.av_val, "?%s&user=%s", + av_authmod_llnw.av_val, + r->Link.pubUser.av_val); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, pubToken1: %s", __FUNCTION__, pubToken.av_val); + } else { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, need to set pubUser & pubPasswd for publisher auth", __FUNCTION__); + return 0; + } + } + else if((token_in = strstr(description->av_val, "?reason=needauth")) != NULL) + { + char *orig_ptr; + char *par, *val = NULL; + char hash1[HEXHASH_LEN+1], hash2[HEXHASH_LEN+1], hash3[HEXHASH_LEN+1]; + AVal user, nonce, *aptr = NULL; + AVal apptmp; + + /* llnw auth method + * Seems to be closely based on HTTP Digest Auth: + * + * + */ + + const char authmod[] = "llnw"; + const char realm[] = "live"; + const char method[] = "publish"; + const char qop[] = "auth"; + /* nc = 1..connection count (or rather, number of times cnonce has been reused) */ + int nc = 1; + /* nchex = hexenc(nc) (8 hex digits according to RFC 2617) */ + char nchex[9]; + /* cnonce = hexenc(4 random bytes) (initialized on first connection) */ + char cnonce[9]; + + ptr = orig_ptr = strdup(token_in); + /* Extract parameters (we need user and nonce) */ + while (ptr) + { + par = ptr; + ptr = strchr(par, '&'); + if(ptr) + *ptr++ = '\0'; + + val = strchr(par, '='); + if(val) + *val++ = '\0'; + + if (aptr) { + aptr->av_len = par - aptr->av_val - 1; + aptr = NULL; + } + if (strcmp(par, "user") == 0){ + user.av_val = val; + aptr = &user; + } else if (strcmp(par, "nonce") == 0){ + nonce.av_val = val; + aptr = &nonce; + } + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, par:\"%s\" = val:\"%s\"", __FUNCTION__, par, val); + } + if (aptr) + aptr->av_len = strlen(aptr->av_val); + + /* FIXME: handle case where user==NULL or nonce==NULL */ + + sprintf(nchex, "%08x", nc); + sprintf(cnonce, "%08x", rand()); + + /* hash1 = hexenc(md5(user + ":" + realm + ":" + password)) */ + MD5_Init(&md5ctx); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, user.av_val, user.av_len); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, ":", 1); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, realm, sizeof(realm)-1); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, ":", 1); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, r->Link.pubPasswd.av_val, r->Link.pubPasswd.av_len); + MD5_Final(md5sum_val, &md5ctx); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, md5(%s:%s:%s) =>", __FUNCTION__, + user.av_val, realm, r->Link.pubPasswd.av_val); + RTMP_LogHexString(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, md5sum_val, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH); + hexenc(md5sum_val, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH, hash1); + + /* hash2 = hexenc(md5(method + ":/" + app + "/" + appInstance)) */ + /* Extract appname + appinstance without query parameters */ + apptmp = r->; + ptr = AValChr(&apptmp, '?'); + if (ptr) + apptmp.av_len = ptr - apptmp.av_val; + + MD5_Init(&md5ctx); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, method, sizeof(method)-1); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, ":/", 2); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, apptmp.av_val, apptmp.av_len); + if (!AValChr(&apptmp, '/')) + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, "/_definst_", sizeof("/_definst_") - 1); + MD5_Final(md5sum_val, &md5ctx); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, md5(%s:/%.*s) =>", __FUNCTION__, + method, apptmp.av_len, apptmp.av_val); + RTMP_LogHexString(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, md5sum_val, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH); + hexenc(md5sum_val, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH, hash2); + + /* hash3 = hexenc(md5(hash1 + ":" + nonce + ":" + nchex + ":" + cnonce + ":" + qop + ":" + hash2)) */ + MD5_Init(&md5ctx); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, hash1, HEXHASH_LEN); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, ":", 1); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, nonce.av_val, nonce.av_len); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, ":", 1); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, nchex, sizeof(nchex)-1); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, ":", 1); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, cnonce, sizeof(cnonce)-1); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, ":", 1); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, qop, sizeof(qop)-1); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, ":", 1); + MD5_Update(&md5ctx, hash2, HEXHASH_LEN); + MD5_Final(md5sum_val, &md5ctx); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, md5(%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s) =>", __FUNCTION__, + hash1, nonce.av_val, nchex, cnonce, qop, hash2); + RTMP_LogHexString(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, md5sum_val, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH); + hexenc(md5sum_val, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH, hash3); + + /* pubToken = &authmod=&user=&nonce=&cnonce=&nc=&response= */ + /* Append nonces and response to query string which already contains + * user + authmod */ + pubToken.av_val = malloc(64 + sizeof(authmod)-1 + user.av_len + nonce.av_len + sizeof(cnonce)-1 + sizeof(nchex)-1 + HEXHASH_LEN); + sprintf(pubToken.av_val, + "&nonce=%s&cnonce=%s&nc=%s&response=%s", + nonce.av_val, cnonce, nchex, hash3); + pubToken.av_len = strlen(pubToken.av_val); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, pubToken2: %s", __FUNCTION__, pubToken.av_val); + + free(orig_ptr); + } + else if(strstr(description->av_val, "?reason=authfail") != NULL) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, Authentication failed", __FUNCTION__); + return 0; + } + else if(strstr(description->av_val, "?reason=nosuchuser") != NULL) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, Authentication failed: no such user", __FUNCTION__); + return 0; + } + else + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, Authentication failed: unknown auth mode: %s", + __FUNCTION__, description->av_val); + return 0; + } + + ptr = malloc(r-> + pubToken.av_len); + strncpy(ptr, r->, r->; + strncpy(ptr + r->, pubToken.av_val, pubToken.av_len); + r-> += pubToken.av_len; + if(r->Link.lFlags & RTMP_LF_FAPU) + free(r->; + r-> = ptr; + + ptr = malloc(r->Link.tcUrl.av_len + pubToken.av_len); + strncpy(ptr, r->Link.tcUrl.av_val, r->Link.tcUrl.av_len); + strncpy(ptr + r->Link.tcUrl.av_len, pubToken.av_val, pubToken.av_len); + r->Link.tcUrl.av_len += pubToken.av_len; + if(r->Link.lFlags & RTMP_LF_FTCU) + free(r->Link.tcUrl.av_val); + r->Link.tcUrl.av_val = ptr; + + free(pubToken.av_val); + r->Link.lFlags |= RTMP_LF_FTCU | RTMP_LF_FAPU; + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, new app: %.*s tcUrl: %.*s playpath: %s", __FUNCTION__, + r->, r->, + r->Link.tcUrl.av_len, r->Link.tcUrl.av_val, + r->Link.playpath.av_val); + } + else + { + return 0; + } + return 1; +} +#endif + + +SAVC(onBWDone); +SAVC(onFCSubscribe); +SAVC(onFCUnsubscribe); +SAVC(_onbwcheck); +SAVC(_onbwdone); +SAVC(_error); +SAVC(close); +SAVC(code); +SAVC(level); +SAVC(description); +SAVC(onStatus); +SAVC(playlist_ready); +static const AVal av_NetStream_Failed = AVC("NetStream.Failed"); +static const AVal av_NetStream_Play_Failed = AVC("NetStream.Play.Failed"); +static const AVal av_NetStream_Play_StreamNotFound = +AVC("NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound"); +static const AVal av_NetConnection_Connect_InvalidApp = +AVC("NetConnection.Connect.InvalidApp"); +static const AVal av_NetStream_Play_Start = AVC("NetStream.Play.Start"); +static const AVal av_NetStream_Play_Complete = AVC("NetStream.Play.Complete"); +static const AVal av_NetStream_Play_Stop = AVC("NetStream.Play.Stop"); +static const AVal av_NetStream_Seek_Notify = AVC("NetStream.Seek.Notify"); +static const AVal av_NetStream_Pause_Notify = AVC("NetStream.Pause.Notify"); +static const AVal av_NetStream_Play_PublishNotify = +AVC("NetStream.Play.PublishNotify"); +static const AVal av_NetStream_Play_UnpublishNotify = +AVC("NetStream.Play.UnpublishNotify"); +static const AVal av_NetStream_Publish_Start = AVC("NetStream.Publish.Start"); +static const AVal av_NetConnection_Connect_Rejected = +AVC("NetConnection.Connect.Rejected"); + +/* Returns 0 for OK/Failed/error, 1 for 'Stop or Complete' */ +static int +HandleInvoke(RTMP *r, const char *body, unsigned int nBodySize) +{ + AMFObject obj; + AVal method; + double txn; + int ret = 0, nRes; + if (body[0] != 0x02) /* make sure it is a string method name we start with */ + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "%s, Sanity failed. no string method in invoke packet", + __FUNCTION__); + return 0; + } + + nRes = AMF_Decode(&obj, body, nBodySize, FALSE); + if (nRes < 0) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, error decoding invoke packet", __FUNCTION__); + return 0; + } + + AMF_Dump(&obj); + AMFProp_GetString(AMF_GetProp(&obj, NULL, 0), &method); + txn = AMFProp_GetNumber(AMF_GetProp(&obj, NULL, 1)); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, server invoking <%s>", __FUNCTION__, method.av_val); + + if (AVMATCH(&method, &av__result)) + { + AVal methodInvoked = {0}; + int i; + + for (i=0; im_numCalls; i++) { + if (r->m_methodCalls[i].num == (int)txn) { + methodInvoked = r->m_methodCalls[i].name; + AV_erase(r->m_methodCalls, &r->m_numCalls, i, FALSE); + break; + } + } + if (!methodInvoked.av_val) { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, received result id %f without matching request", + __FUNCTION__, txn); + goto leave; + } + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, received result for method call <%s>", __FUNCTION__, + methodInvoked.av_val); + + if (AVMATCH(&methodInvoked, &av_connect)) + { + if (r->Link.token.av_len) + { + AMFObjectProperty p; + if (RTMP_FindFirstMatchingProperty(&obj, &av_secureToken, &p)) + { + DecodeTEA(&r->Link.token, &p.p_vu.p_aval); + SendSecureTokenResponse(r, &p.p_vu.p_aval); + } + } + if (r->Link.protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_WRITE) + { + SendReleaseStream(r); + SendFCPublish(r); + } + else + { + RTMP_SendServerBW(r); + RTMP_SendCtrl(r, 3, 0, 300); + } + RTMP_SendCreateStream(r); + + if (!(r->Link.protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_WRITE)) + { + /* Authenticate on legacy servers before sending FCSubscribe */ + if (r->Link.usherToken.av_len) + SendUsherToken(r, &r->Link.usherToken); + /* Send the FCSubscribe if live stream or if subscribepath is set */ + if (r->Link.subscribepath.av_len) + SendFCSubscribe(r, &r->Link.subscribepath); + else if (r->Link.lFlags & RTMP_LF_LIVE) + SendFCSubscribe(r, &r->Link.playpath); + } + } + else if (AVMATCH(&methodInvoked, &av_createStream)) + { + r->m_stream_id = (int)AMFProp_GetNumber(AMF_GetProp(&obj, NULL, 3)); + + if (r->Link.protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_WRITE) + { + SendPublish(r); + } + else + { + if (r->Link.lFlags & RTMP_LF_PLST) + SendPlaylist(r); + SendPlay(r); + RTMP_SendCtrl(r, 3, r->m_stream_id, r->m_nBufferMS); + } + } + else if (AVMATCH(&methodInvoked, &av_play) || + AVMATCH(&methodInvoked, &av_publish)) + { + r->m_bPlaying = TRUE; + } + free(methodInvoked.av_val); + } + else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av_onBWDone)) + { + if (!r->m_nBWCheckCounter) + SendCheckBW(r); + } + else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av_onFCSubscribe)) + { + /* SendOnFCSubscribe(); */ + } + else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av_onFCUnsubscribe)) + { + RTMP_Close(r); + ret = 1; + } + else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av_ping)) + { + SendPong(r, txn); + } + else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av__onbwcheck)) + { + SendCheckBWResult(r, txn); + } + else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av__onbwdone)) + { + int i; + for (i = 0; i < r->m_numCalls; i++) + if (AVMATCH(&r->m_methodCalls[i].name, &av__checkbw)) + { + AV_erase(r->m_methodCalls, &r->m_numCalls, i, TRUE); + break; + } + } + else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av__error)) + { +#ifdef CRYPTO + AVal methodInvoked = {0}; + int i; + + if (r->Link.protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_WRITE) + { + for (i=0; im_numCalls; i++) + { + if (r->m_methodCalls[i].num == txn) + { + methodInvoked = r->m_methodCalls[i].name; + AV_erase(r->m_methodCalls, &r->m_numCalls, i, FALSE); + break; + } + } + if (!methodInvoked.av_val) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, received result id %f without matching request", + __FUNCTION__, txn); + goto leave; + } + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, received error for method call <%s>", __FUNCTION__, + methodInvoked.av_val); + + if (AVMATCH(&methodInvoked, &av_connect)) + { + AMFObject obj2; + AVal code, level, description; + AMFProp_GetObject(AMF_GetProp(&obj, NULL, 3), &obj2); + AMFProp_GetString(AMF_GetProp(&obj2, &av_code, -1), &code); + AMFProp_GetString(AMF_GetProp(&obj2, &av_level, -1), &level); + AMFProp_GetString(AMF_GetProp(&obj2, &av_description, -1), &description); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, error description: %s", __FUNCTION__, description.av_val); + /* if PublisherAuth returns 1, then reconnect */ + if (PublisherAuth(r, &description) == 1) + { + CloseInternal(r, 1); + if (!RTMP_Connect(r, NULL) || !RTMP_ConnectStream(r, 0)) + goto leave; + } + } + } + else + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "rtmp server sent error"); + } + free(methodInvoked.av_val); +#else + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "rtmp server sent error"); +#endif + } + else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av_close)) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "rtmp server requested close"); + RTMP_Close(r); + } + else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av_onStatus)) + { + AMFObject obj2; + AVal code, level; + AMFProp_GetObject(AMF_GetProp(&obj, NULL, 3), &obj2); + AMFProp_GetString(AMF_GetProp(&obj2, &av_code, -1), &code); + AMFProp_GetString(AMF_GetProp(&obj2, &av_level, -1), &level); + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, onStatus: %s", __FUNCTION__, code.av_val); + if (AVMATCH(&code, &av_NetStream_Failed) + || AVMATCH(&code, &av_NetStream_Play_Failed) + || AVMATCH(&code, &av_NetStream_Play_StreamNotFound) + || AVMATCH(&code, &av_NetConnection_Connect_InvalidApp)) + { + r->m_stream_id = -1; + RTMP_Close(r); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "Closing connection: %s", code.av_val); + } + + else if (AVMATCH(&code, &av_NetStream_Play_Start) + || AVMATCH(&code, &av_NetStream_Play_PublishNotify)) + { + int i; + r->m_bPlaying = TRUE; + for (i = 0; i < r->m_numCalls; i++) + { + if (AVMATCH(&r->m_methodCalls[i].name, &av_play)) + { + AV_erase(r->m_methodCalls, &r->m_numCalls, i, TRUE); + break; + } + } + } + + else if (AVMATCH(&code, &av_NetStream_Publish_Start)) + { + int i; + r->m_bPlaying = TRUE; + for (i = 0; i < r->m_numCalls; i++) + { + if (AVMATCH(&r->m_methodCalls[i].name, &av_publish)) + { + AV_erase(r->m_methodCalls, &r->m_numCalls, i, TRUE); + break; + } + } + } + + /* Return 1 if this is a Play.Complete or Play.Stop */ + else if (AVMATCH(&code, &av_NetStream_Play_Complete) + || AVMATCH(&code, &av_NetStream_Play_Stop) + || AVMATCH(&code, &av_NetStream_Play_UnpublishNotify)) + { + RTMP_Close(r); + ret = 1; + } + + else if (AVMATCH(&code, &av_NetStream_Seek_Notify)) + { + r->m_read.flags &= ~RTMP_READ_SEEKING; + } + + else if (AVMATCH(&code, &av_NetStream_Pause_Notify)) + { + if (r->m_pausing == 1 || r->m_pausing == 2) + { + RTMP_SendPause(r, FALSE, r->m_pauseStamp); + r->m_pausing = 3; + } + } + } + else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av_playlist_ready)) + { + int i; + for (i = 0; i < r->m_numCalls; i++) + { + if (AVMATCH(&r->m_methodCalls[i].name, &av_set_playlist)) + { + AV_erase(r->m_methodCalls, &r->m_numCalls, i, TRUE); + break; + } + } + } + else + { + + } +leave: + AMF_Reset(&obj); + return ret; +} + +int +RTMP_FindFirstMatchingProperty(AMFObject *obj, const AVal *name, + AMFObjectProperty * p) +{ + int n; + /* this is a small object search to locate the "duration" property */ + for (n = 0; n < obj->o_num; n++) + { + AMFObjectProperty *prop = AMF_GetProp(obj, NULL, n); + + if (AVMATCH(&prop->p_name, name)) + { + memcpy(p, prop, sizeof(*prop)); + return TRUE; + } + + if (prop->p_type == AMF_OBJECT || prop->p_type == AMF_ECMA_ARRAY) + { + if (RTMP_FindFirstMatchingProperty(&prop->p_vu.p_object, name, p)) + return TRUE; + } + } + return FALSE; +} + +/* Like above, but only check if name is a prefix of property */ +int +RTMP_FindPrefixProperty(AMFObject *obj, const AVal *name, + AMFObjectProperty * p) +{ + int n; + for (n = 0; n < obj->o_num; n++) + { + AMFObjectProperty *prop = AMF_GetProp(obj, NULL, n); + + if (prop->p_name.av_len > name->av_len && + !memcmp(prop->p_name.av_val, name->av_val, name->av_len)) + { + memcpy(p, prop, sizeof(*prop)); + return TRUE; + } + + if (prop->p_type == AMF_OBJECT) + { + if (RTMP_FindPrefixProperty(&prop->p_vu.p_object, name, p)) + return TRUE; + } + } + return FALSE; +} + +static int +DumpMetaData(AMFObject *obj) +{ + AMFObjectProperty *prop; + int n, len; + for (n = 0; n < obj->o_num; n++) + { + char str[256] = ""; + prop = AMF_GetProp(obj, NULL, n); + switch (prop->p_type) + { + case AMF_OBJECT: + case AMF_ECMA_ARRAY: + case AMF_STRICT_ARRAY: + if (prop->p_name.av_len) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGINFO, "%.*s:", prop->p_name.av_len, prop->p_name.av_val); + DumpMetaData(&prop->p_vu.p_object); + break; + case AMF_NUMBER: + snprintf(str, 255, "%.2f", prop->p_vu.p_number); + break; + case AMF_BOOLEAN: + snprintf(str, 255, "%s", + prop->p_vu.p_number != 0. ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); + break; + case AMF_STRING: + len = snprintf(str, 255, "%.*s", prop->p_vu.p_aval.av_len, + prop->p_vu.p_aval.av_val); + if (len >= 1 && str[len-1] == '\n') + str[len-1] = '\0'; + break; + case AMF_DATE: + snprintf(str, 255, "timestamp:%.2f", prop->p_vu.p_number); + break; + default: + snprintf(str, 255, "INVALID TYPE 0x%02x", + (unsigned char)prop->p_type); + } + if (str[0] && prop->p_name.av_len) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGINFO, " %-22.*s%s", prop->p_name.av_len, + prop->p_name.av_val, str); + } + } + return FALSE; +} + +SAVC(onMetaData); +SAVC(duration); +SAVC(video); +SAVC(audio); + +static int +HandleMetadata(RTMP *r, char *body, unsigned int len) +{ + /* allright we get some info here, so parse it and print it */ + /* also keep duration or filesize to make a nice progress bar */ + + AMFObject obj; + AVal metastring; + int ret = FALSE; + + int nRes = AMF_Decode(&obj, body, len, FALSE); + if (nRes < 0) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, error decoding meta data packet", __FUNCTION__); + return FALSE; + } + + AMF_Dump(&obj); + AMFProp_GetString(AMF_GetProp(&obj, NULL, 0), &metastring); + + if (AVMATCH(&metastring, &av_onMetaData)) + { + AMFObjectProperty prop; + /* Show metadata */ + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGINFO, "Metadata:"); + DumpMetaData(&obj); + if (RTMP_FindFirstMatchingProperty(&obj, &av_duration, &prop)) + { + r->m_fDuration = prop.p_vu.p_number; + /*RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Set duration: %.2f", m_fDuration); */ + } + /* Search for audio or video tags */ + if (RTMP_FindPrefixProperty(&obj, &av_video, &prop)) + r->m_read.dataType |= 1; + if (RTMP_FindPrefixProperty(&obj, &av_audio, &prop)) + r->m_read.dataType |= 4; + ret = TRUE; + } + AMF_Reset(&obj); + return ret; +} + +static void +HandleChangeChunkSize(RTMP *r, const RTMPPacket *packet) +{ + if (packet->m_nBodySize >= 4) + { + r->m_inChunkSize = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, received: chunk size change to %d", __FUNCTION__, + r->m_inChunkSize); + } +} + +static void +HandleAudio(RTMP *r, const RTMPPacket *packet) +{ +} + +static void +HandleVideo(RTMP *r, const RTMPPacket *packet) +{ +} + +static void +HandleCtrl(RTMP *r, const RTMPPacket *packet) +{ + short nType = -1; + unsigned int tmp; + if (packet->m_body && packet->m_nBodySize >= 2) + nType = AMF_DecodeInt16(packet->m_body); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, received ctrl. type: %d, len: %d", __FUNCTION__, nType, + packet->m_nBodySize); + /*RTMP_LogHex(packet.m_body, packet.m_nBodySize); */ + + if (packet->m_nBodySize >= 6) + { + switch (nType) + { + case 0: + tmp = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body + 2); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, Stream Begin %d", __FUNCTION__, tmp); + break; + + case 1: + tmp = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body + 2); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, Stream EOF %d", __FUNCTION__, tmp); + if (r->m_pausing == 1) + r->m_pausing = 2; + break; + + case 2: + tmp = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body + 2); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, Stream Dry %d", __FUNCTION__, tmp); + break; + + case 4: + tmp = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body + 2); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, Stream IsRecorded %d", __FUNCTION__, tmp); + break; + + case 6: /* server ping. reply with pong. */ + tmp = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body + 2); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, Ping %d", __FUNCTION__, tmp); + RTMP_SendCtrl(r, 0x07, tmp, 0); + break; + + /* FMS 3.5 servers send the following two controls to let the client + * know when the server has sent a complete buffer. I.e., when the + * server has sent an amount of data equal to m_nBufferMS in duration. + * The server meters its output so that data arrives at the client + * in realtime and no faster. + * + * The rtmpdump program tries to set m_nBufferMS as large as + * possible, to force the server to send data as fast as possible. + * In practice, the server appears to cap this at about 1 hour's + * worth of data. After the server has sent a complete buffer, and + * sends this BufferEmpty message, it will wait until the play + * duration of that buffer has passed before sending a new buffer. + * The BufferReady message will be sent when the new buffer starts. + * (There is no BufferReady message for the very first buffer; + * presumably the Stream Begin message is sufficient for that + * purpose.) + * + * If the network speed is much faster than the data bitrate, then + * there may be long delays between the end of one buffer and the + * start of the next. + * + * Since usually the network allows data to be sent at + * faster than realtime, and rtmpdump wants to download the data + * as fast as possible, we use this RTMP_LF_BUFX hack: when we + * get the BufferEmpty message, we send a Pause followed by an + * Unpause. This causes the server to send the next buffer immediately + * instead of waiting for the full duration to elapse. (That's + * also the purpose of the ToggleStream function, which rtmpdump + * calls if we get a read timeout.) + * + * Media player apps don't need this hack since they are just + * going to play the data in realtime anyway. It also doesn't work + * for live streams since they obviously can only be sent in + * realtime. And it's all moot if the network speed is actually + * slower than the media bitrate. + */ + case 31: + tmp = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body + 2); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, Stream BufferEmpty %d", __FUNCTION__, tmp); + if (!(r->Link.lFlags & RTMP_LF_BUFX)) + break; + if (!r->m_pausing) + { + r->m_pauseStamp = r->m_mediaChannel < r->m_channelsAllocatedIn ? + r->m_channelTimestamp[r->m_mediaChannel] : 0; + RTMP_SendPause(r, TRUE, r->m_pauseStamp); + r->m_pausing = 1; + } + else if (r->m_pausing == 2) + { + RTMP_SendPause(r, FALSE, r->m_pauseStamp); + r->m_pausing = 3; + } + break; + + case 32: + tmp = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body + 2); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, Stream BufferReady %d", __FUNCTION__, tmp); + break; + + default: + tmp = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body + 2); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, Stream xx %d", __FUNCTION__, tmp); + break; + } + + } + + if (nType == 0x1A) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, SWFVerification ping received: ", __FUNCTION__); + if (packet->m_nBodySize > 2 && packet->m_body[2] > 0x01) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, + "%s: SWFVerification Type %d request not supported! Patches welcome...", + __FUNCTION__, packet->m_body[2]); + } +#ifdef CRYPTO + /*RTMP_LogHex(packet.m_body, packet.m_nBodySize); */ + + /* respond with HMAC SHA256 of decompressed SWF, key is the 30byte player key, also the last 30 bytes of the server handshake are applied */ + else if (r->Link.SWFSize) + { + RTMP_SendCtrl(r, 0x1B, 0, 0); + } + else + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, + "%s: Ignoring SWFVerification request, use --swfVfy!", + __FUNCTION__); + } +#else + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, + "%s: Ignoring SWFVerification request, no CRYPTO support!", + __FUNCTION__); +#endif + } +} + +static void +HandleServerBW(RTMP *r, const RTMPPacket *packet) +{ + r->m_nServerBW = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s: server BW = %d", __FUNCTION__, r->m_nServerBW); +} + +static void +HandleClientBW(RTMP *r, const RTMPPacket *packet) +{ + r->m_nClientBW = AMF_DecodeInt32(packet->m_body); + if (packet->m_nBodySize > 4) + r->m_nClientBW2 = packet->m_body[4]; + else + r->m_nClientBW2 = -1; + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s: client BW = %d %d", __FUNCTION__, r->m_nClientBW, + r->m_nClientBW2); +} + +static int +DecodeInt32LE(const char *data) +{ + unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *)data; + unsigned int val; + + val = (c[3] << 24) | (c[2] << 16) | (c[1] << 8) | c[0]; + return val; +} + +static int +EncodeInt32LE(char *output, int nVal) +{ + output[0] = nVal; + nVal >>= 8; + output[1] = nVal; + nVal >>= 8; + output[2] = nVal; + nVal >>= 8; + output[3] = nVal; + return 4; +} + +int +RTMP_ReadPacket(RTMP *r, RTMPPacket *packet) +{ + uint8_t hbuf[RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE] = { 0 }; + char *header = (char *)hbuf; + int nSize, hSize, nToRead, nChunk; + int didAlloc = FALSE; + int extendedTimestamp; + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG2, "%s: fd=%d", __FUNCTION__, r->m_sb.sb_socket); + + if (ReadN(r, (char *)hbuf, 1) == 0) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, failed to read RTMP packet header", __FUNCTION__); + return FALSE; + } + + packet->m_headerType = (hbuf[0] & 0xc0) >> 6; + packet->m_nChannel = (hbuf[0] & 0x3f); + header++; + if (packet->m_nChannel == 0) + { + if (ReadN(r, (char *)&hbuf[1], 1) != 1) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, failed to read RTMP packet header 2nd byte", + __FUNCTION__); + return FALSE; + } + packet->m_nChannel = hbuf[1]; + packet->m_nChannel += 64; + header++; + } + else if (packet->m_nChannel == 1) + { + int tmp; + if (ReadN(r, (char *)&hbuf[1], 2) != 2) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, failed to read RTMP packet header 3nd byte", + __FUNCTION__); + return FALSE; + } + tmp = (hbuf[2] << 8) + hbuf[1]; + packet->m_nChannel = tmp + 64; + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, m_nChannel: %0x", __FUNCTION__, packet->m_nChannel); + header += 2; + } + + nSize = packetSize[packet->m_headerType]; + + if (packet->m_nChannel >= r->m_channelsAllocatedIn) + { + int n = packet->m_nChannel + 10; + int *timestamp = realloc(r->m_channelTimestamp, sizeof(int) * n); + RTMPPacket **packets = realloc(r->m_vecChannelsIn, sizeof(RTMPPacket*) * n); + if (!timestamp) + free(r->m_channelTimestamp); + if (!packets) + free(r->m_vecChannelsIn); + r->m_channelTimestamp = timestamp; + r->m_vecChannelsIn = packets; + if (!timestamp || !packets) { + r->m_channelsAllocatedIn = 0; + return FALSE; + } + memset(r->m_channelTimestamp + r->m_channelsAllocatedIn, 0, sizeof(int) * (n - r->m_channelsAllocatedIn)); + memset(r->m_vecChannelsIn + r->m_channelsAllocatedIn, 0, sizeof(RTMPPacket*) * (n - r->m_channelsAllocatedIn)); + r->m_channelsAllocatedIn = n; + } + + if (nSize == RTMP_LARGE_HEADER_SIZE) /* if we get a full header the timestamp is absolute */ + packet->m_hasAbsTimestamp = TRUE; + + else if (nSize < RTMP_LARGE_HEADER_SIZE) + { /* using values from the last message of this channel */ + if (r->m_vecChannelsIn[packet->m_nChannel]) + memcpy(packet, r->m_vecChannelsIn[packet->m_nChannel], + sizeof(RTMPPacket)); + } + + nSize--; + + if (nSize > 0 && ReadN(r, header, nSize) != nSize) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, failed to read RTMP packet header. type: %x", + __FUNCTION__, (unsigned int)hbuf[0]); + return FALSE; + } + + hSize = nSize + (header - (char *)hbuf); + + if (nSize >= 3) + { + packet->m_nTimeStamp = AMF_DecodeInt24(header); + + /*RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, reading RTMP packet chunk on channel %x, headersz %i, timestamp %i, abs timestamp %i", __FUNCTION__, packet.m_nChannel, nSize, packet.m_nTimeStamp, packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp); */ + + if (nSize >= 6) + { + packet->m_nBodySize = AMF_DecodeInt24(header + 3); + packet->m_nBytesRead = 0; + + if (nSize > 6) + { + packet->m_packetType = header[6]; + + if (nSize == 11) + packet->m_nInfoField2 = DecodeInt32LE(header + 7); + } + } + } + + extendedTimestamp = packet->m_nTimeStamp == 0xffffff; + if (extendedTimestamp) + { + if (ReadN(r, header + nSize, 4) != 4) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, failed to read extended timestamp", + __FUNCTION__); + return FALSE; + } + packet->m_nTimeStamp = AMF_DecodeInt32(header + nSize); + hSize += 4; + } + + RTMP_LogHexString(RTMP_LOGDEBUG2, (uint8_t *)hbuf, hSize); + + if (packet->m_nBodySize > 0 && packet->m_body == NULL) + { + if (!RTMPPacket_Alloc(packet, packet->m_nBodySize)) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, failed to allocate packet", __FUNCTION__); + return FALSE; + } + didAlloc = TRUE; + packet->m_headerType = (hbuf[0] & 0xc0) >> 6; + } + + nToRead = packet->m_nBodySize - packet->m_nBytesRead; + nChunk = r->m_inChunkSize; + if (nToRead < nChunk) + nChunk = nToRead; + + /* Does the caller want the raw chunk? */ + if (packet->m_chunk) + { + packet->m_chunk->c_headerSize = hSize; + memcpy(packet->m_chunk->c_header, hbuf, hSize); + packet->m_chunk->c_chunk = packet->m_body + packet->m_nBytesRead; + packet->m_chunk->c_chunkSize = nChunk; + } + + if (ReadN(r, packet->m_body + packet->m_nBytesRead, nChunk) != nChunk) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s, failed to read RTMP packet body. len: %u", + __FUNCTION__, packet->m_nBodySize); + return FALSE; + } + + RTMP_LogHexString(RTMP_LOGDEBUG2, (uint8_t *)packet->m_body + packet->m_nBytesRead, nChunk); + + packet->m_nBytesRead += nChunk; + + /* keep the packet as ref for other packets on this channel */ + if (!r->m_vecChannelsIn[packet->m_nChannel]) + r->m_vecChannelsIn[packet->m_nChannel] = malloc(sizeof(RTMPPacket)); + memcpy(r->m_vecChannelsIn[packet->m_nChannel], packet, sizeof(RTMPPacket)); + if (extendedTimestamp) + { + r->m_vecChannelsIn[packet->m_nChannel]->m_nTimeStamp = 0xffffff; + } + + if (RTMPPacket_IsReady(packet)) + { + /* make packet's timestamp absolute */ + if (!packet->m_hasAbsTimestamp) + packet->m_nTimeStamp += r->m_channelTimestamp[packet->m_nChannel]; /* timestamps seem to be always relative!! */ + + r->m_channelTimestamp[packet->m_nChannel] = packet->m_nTimeStamp; + + /* reset the data from the stored packet. we keep the header since we may use it later if a new packet for this channel */ + /* arrives and requests to re-use some info (small packet header) */ + r->m_vecChannelsIn[packet->m_nChannel]->m_body = NULL; + r->m_vecChannelsIn[packet->m_nChannel]->m_nBytesRead = 0; + r->m_vecChannelsIn[packet->m_nChannel]->m_hasAbsTimestamp = FALSE; /* can only be false if we reuse header */ + } + else + { + packet->m_body = NULL; /* so it won't be erased on free */ + } + + // @remark debug info by + if (packet->m_packetType == 8 || packet->m_packetType == 9) { + _srs_state = 3; + } + + return TRUE; +} + +#ifndef CRYPTO +static int +HandShake(RTMP *r, int FP9HandShake) +{ + int i; + uint32_t uptime, suptime; + int bMatch; + char type; + char clientbuf[RTMP_SIG_SIZE + 1], *clientsig = clientbuf + 1; + char serversig[RTMP_SIG_SIZE]; + + clientbuf[0] = 0x03; /* not encrypted */ + + uptime = htonl(RTMP_GetTime()); + memcpy(clientsig, &uptime, 4); + + memset(&clientsig[4], 0, 4); + +#ifdef _DEBUG + for (i = 8; i < RTMP_SIG_SIZE; i++) + clientsig[i] = 0xff; +#else + for (i = 8; i < RTMP_SIG_SIZE; i++) + clientsig[i] = (char)(rand() % 256); +#endif + + if (!WriteN(r, clientbuf, RTMP_SIG_SIZE + 1)) + return FALSE; + + if (ReadN(r, &type, 1) != 1) /* 0x03 or 0x06 */ + return FALSE; + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s: Type Answer : %02X", __FUNCTION__, type); + + if (type != clientbuf[0]) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "%s: Type mismatch: client sent %d, server answered %d", + __FUNCTION__, clientbuf[0], type); + + if (ReadN(r, serversig, RTMP_SIG_SIZE) != RTMP_SIG_SIZE) + return FALSE; + + /* decode server response */ + + memcpy(&suptime, serversig, 4); + suptime = ntohl(suptime); + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s: Server Uptime : %d", __FUNCTION__, suptime); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s: FMS Version : %d.%d.%d.%d", __FUNCTION__, + serversig[4], serversig[5], serversig[6], serversig[7]); + + /* 2nd part of handshake */ + if (!WriteN(r, serversig, RTMP_SIG_SIZE)) + return FALSE; + + if (ReadN(r, serversig, RTMP_SIG_SIZE) != RTMP_SIG_SIZE) + return FALSE; + + bMatch = (memcmp(serversig, clientsig, RTMP_SIG_SIZE) == 0); + if (!bMatch) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "%s, client signature does not match!", __FUNCTION__); + } + return TRUE; +} + +static int +SHandShake(RTMP *r) +{ + int i; + char serverbuf[RTMP_SIG_SIZE + 1], *serversig = serverbuf + 1; + char clientsig[RTMP_SIG_SIZE]; + uint32_t uptime; + int bMatch; + + if (ReadN(r, serverbuf, 1) != 1) /* 0x03 or 0x06 */ + return FALSE; + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s: Type Request : %02X", __FUNCTION__, serverbuf[0]); + + if (serverbuf[0] != 3) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "%s: Type unknown: client sent %02X", + __FUNCTION__, serverbuf[0]); + return FALSE; + } + + uptime = htonl(RTMP_GetTime()); + memcpy(serversig, &uptime, 4); + + memset(&serversig[4], 0, 4); +#ifdef _DEBUG + for (i = 8; i < RTMP_SIG_SIZE; i++) + serversig[i] = 0xff; +#else + for (i = 8; i < RTMP_SIG_SIZE; i++) + serversig[i] = (char)(rand() % 256); +#endif + + if (!WriteN(r, serverbuf, RTMP_SIG_SIZE + 1)) + return FALSE; + + if (ReadN(r, clientsig, RTMP_SIG_SIZE) != RTMP_SIG_SIZE) + return FALSE; + + /* decode client response */ + + memcpy(&uptime, clientsig, 4); + uptime = ntohl(uptime); + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s: Client Uptime : %d", __FUNCTION__, uptime); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s: Player Version: %d.%d.%d.%d", __FUNCTION__, + clientsig[4], clientsig[5], clientsig[6], clientsig[7]); + + /* 2nd part of handshake */ + if (!WriteN(r, clientsig, RTMP_SIG_SIZE)) + return FALSE; + + if (ReadN(r, clientsig, RTMP_SIG_SIZE) != RTMP_SIG_SIZE) + return FALSE; + + bMatch = (memcmp(serversig, clientsig, RTMP_SIG_SIZE) == 0); + if (!bMatch) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "%s, client signature does not match!", __FUNCTION__); + } + return TRUE; +} +#endif + +int +RTMP_SendChunk(RTMP *r, RTMPChunk *chunk) +{ + int wrote; + char hbuf[RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE]; + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG2, "%s: fd=%d, size=%d", __FUNCTION__, r->m_sb.sb_socket, + chunk->c_chunkSize); + RTMP_LogHexString(RTMP_LOGDEBUG2, (uint8_t *)chunk->c_header, chunk->c_headerSize); + if (chunk->c_chunkSize) + { + char *ptr = chunk->c_chunk - chunk->c_headerSize; + RTMP_LogHexString(RTMP_LOGDEBUG2, (uint8_t *)chunk->c_chunk, chunk->c_chunkSize); + /* save header bytes we're about to overwrite */ + memcpy(hbuf, ptr, chunk->c_headerSize); + memcpy(ptr, chunk->c_header, chunk->c_headerSize); + wrote = WriteN(r, ptr, chunk->c_headerSize + chunk->c_chunkSize); + memcpy(ptr, hbuf, chunk->c_headerSize); + } + else + wrote = WriteN(r, chunk->c_header, chunk->c_headerSize); + return wrote; +} + +int +RTMP_SendPacket(RTMP *r, RTMPPacket *packet, int queue) +{ + const RTMPPacket *prevPacket; + uint32_t last = 0; + int nSize; + int hSize, cSize; + char *header, *hptr, *hend, hbuf[RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE], c; + uint32_t t; + char *buffer, *tbuf = NULL, *toff = NULL; + int nChunkSize; + int tlen; + + // @remark debug info by + if (packet->m_packetType == 8 || packet->m_packetType == 9) { + _srs_state = 3; + } + + + if (packet->m_nChannel >= r->m_channelsAllocatedOut) + { + int n = packet->m_nChannel + 10; + RTMPPacket **packets = realloc(r->m_vecChannelsOut, sizeof(RTMPPacket*) * n); + if (!packets) { + free(r->m_vecChannelsOut); + r->m_vecChannelsOut = NULL; + r->m_channelsAllocatedOut = 0; + return FALSE; + } + r->m_vecChannelsOut = packets; + memset(r->m_vecChannelsOut + r->m_channelsAllocatedOut, 0, sizeof(RTMPPacket*) * (n - r->m_channelsAllocatedOut)); + r->m_channelsAllocatedOut = n; + } + + prevPacket = r->m_vecChannelsOut[packet->m_nChannel]; + if (prevPacket && packet->m_headerType != RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE) + { + /* compress a bit by using the prev packet's attributes */ + if (prevPacket->m_nBodySize == packet->m_nBodySize + && prevPacket->m_packetType == packet->m_packetType + && packet->m_headerType == RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM) + packet->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_SMALL; + + if (prevPacket->m_nTimeStamp == packet->m_nTimeStamp + && packet->m_headerType == RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_SMALL) + packet->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MINIMUM; + last = prevPacket->m_nTimeStamp; + } + + if (packet->m_headerType > 3) /* sanity */ + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "sanity failed!! trying to send header of type: 0x%02x.", + (unsigned char)packet->m_headerType); + return FALSE; + } + + nSize = packetSize[packet->m_headerType]; + hSize = nSize; cSize = 0; + t = packet->m_nTimeStamp - last; + + if (packet->m_body) + { + header = packet->m_body - nSize; + hend = packet->m_body; + } + else + { + header = hbuf + 6; + hend = hbuf + sizeof(hbuf); + } + + if (packet->m_nChannel > 319) + cSize = 2; + else if (packet->m_nChannel > 63) + cSize = 1; + if (cSize) + { + header -= cSize; + hSize += cSize; + } + + if (t >= 0xffffff) + { + header -= 4; + hSize += 4; + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "Larger timestamp than 24-bit: 0x%x", t); + } + + hptr = header; + c = packet->m_headerType << 6; + switch (cSize) + { + case 0: + c |= packet->m_nChannel; + break; + case 1: + break; + case 2: + c |= 1; + break; + } + *hptr++ = c; + if (cSize) + { + int tmp = packet->m_nChannel - 64; + *hptr++ = tmp & 0xff; + if (cSize == 2) + *hptr++ = tmp >> 8; + } + + if (nSize > 1) + { + hptr = AMF_EncodeInt24(hptr, hend, t > 0xffffff ? 0xffffff : t); + } + + if (nSize > 4) + { + hptr = AMF_EncodeInt24(hptr, hend, packet->m_nBodySize); + *hptr++ = packet->m_packetType; + } + + if (nSize > 8) + hptr += EncodeInt32LE(hptr, packet->m_nInfoField2); + + if (t >= 0xffffff) + hptr = AMF_EncodeInt32(hptr, hend, t); + + nSize = packet->m_nBodySize; + buffer = packet->m_body; + nChunkSize = r->m_outChunkSize; + + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG2, "%s: fd=%d, size=%d", __FUNCTION__, r->m_sb.sb_socket, + nSize); + /* send all chunks in one HTTP request */ + if (r->Link.protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_HTTP) + { + int chunks = (nSize+nChunkSize-1) / nChunkSize; + if (chunks > 1) + { + tlen = chunks * (cSize + 1) + nSize + hSize; + tbuf = malloc(tlen); + if (!tbuf) + return FALSE; + toff = tbuf; + } + } + while (nSize + hSize) + { + int wrote; + + if (nSize < nChunkSize) + nChunkSize = nSize; + + RTMP_LogHexString(RTMP_LOGDEBUG2, (uint8_t *)header, hSize); + RTMP_LogHexString(RTMP_LOGDEBUG2, (uint8_t *)buffer, nChunkSize); + if (tbuf) + { + memcpy(toff, header, nChunkSize + hSize); + toff += nChunkSize + hSize; + } + else + { + wrote = WriteN(r, header, nChunkSize + hSize); + if (!wrote) + return FALSE; + } + nSize -= nChunkSize; + buffer += nChunkSize; + hSize = 0; + + if (nSize > 0) + { + header = buffer - 1; + hSize = 1; + if (cSize) + { + header -= cSize; + hSize += cSize; + } + if (t >= 0xffffff) + { + header -= 4; + hSize += 4; + } + *header = (0xc0 | c); + if (cSize) + { + int tmp = packet->m_nChannel - 64; + header[1] = tmp & 0xff; + if (cSize == 2) + header[2] = tmp >> 8; + } + if (t >= 0xffffff) + { + char* extendedTimestamp = header + 1 + cSize; + AMF_EncodeInt32(extendedTimestamp, extendedTimestamp + 4, t); + } + } + } + if (tbuf) + { + int wrote = WriteN(r, tbuf, toff-tbuf); + free(tbuf); + tbuf = NULL; + if (!wrote) + return FALSE; + } + + /* we invoked a remote method */ + if (packet->m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INVOKE) + { + AVal method; + char *ptr; + ptr = packet->m_body + 1; + AMF_DecodeString(ptr, &method); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Invoking %s", method.av_val); + /* keep it in call queue till result arrives */ + if (queue) { + int txn; + ptr += 3 + method.av_len; + txn = (int)AMF_DecodeNumber(ptr); + AV_queue(&r->m_methodCalls, &r->m_numCalls, &method, txn); + } + } + + if (!r->m_vecChannelsOut[packet->m_nChannel]) + r->m_vecChannelsOut[packet->m_nChannel] = malloc(sizeof(RTMPPacket)); + memcpy(r->m_vecChannelsOut[packet->m_nChannel], packet, sizeof(RTMPPacket)); + return TRUE; +} + +int +RTMP_Serve(RTMP *r) +{ + return SHandShake(r); +} + +void +RTMP_Close(RTMP *r) +{ + CloseInternal(r, 0); + + // @remark debug info by + _srs_state = 4; +} + +static void +CloseInternal(RTMP *r, int reconnect) +{ + int i; + + if (RTMP_IsConnected(r)) + { + if (r->m_stream_id > 0) + { + i = r->m_stream_id; + r->m_stream_id = 0; + if ((r->Link.protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_WRITE)) + SendFCUnpublish(r); + SendDeleteStream(r, i); + } + if (r->m_clientID.av_val) + { + HTTP_Post(r, RTMPT_CLOSE, "", 1); + free(r->m_clientID.av_val); + r->m_clientID.av_val = NULL; + r->m_clientID.av_len = 0; + } + RTMPSockBuf_Close(&r->m_sb); + } + + r->m_stream_id = -1; + r->m_sb.sb_socket = -1; + r->m_nBWCheckCounter = 0; + r->m_nBytesIn = 0; + r->m_nBytesInSent = 0; + + if (r->m_read.flags & RTMP_READ_HEADER) { + free(r->m_read.buf); + r->m_read.buf = NULL; + } + r->m_read.dataType = 0; + r->m_read.flags = 0; + r->m_read.status = 0; + r->m_read.nResumeTS = 0; + r->m_read.nIgnoredFrameCounter = 0; + r->m_read.nIgnoredFlvFrameCounter = 0; + + r->m_write.m_nBytesRead = 0; + RTMPPacket_Free(&r->m_write); + + for (i = 0; i < r->m_channelsAllocatedIn; i++) + { + if (r->m_vecChannelsIn[i]) + { + RTMPPacket_Free(r->m_vecChannelsIn[i]); + free(r->m_vecChannelsIn[i]); + r->m_vecChannelsIn[i] = NULL; + } + } + free(r->m_vecChannelsIn); + r->m_vecChannelsIn = NULL; + free(r->m_channelTimestamp); + r->m_channelTimestamp = NULL; + r->m_channelsAllocatedIn = 0; + for (i = 0; i < r->m_channelsAllocatedOut; i++) + { + if (r->m_vecChannelsOut[i]) + { + free(r->m_vecChannelsOut[i]); + r->m_vecChannelsOut[i] = NULL; + } + } + free(r->m_vecChannelsOut); + r->m_vecChannelsOut = NULL; + r->m_channelsAllocatedOut = 0; + AV_clear(r->m_methodCalls, r->m_numCalls); + r->m_methodCalls = NULL; + r->m_numCalls = 0; + r->m_numInvokes = 0; + + r->m_bPlaying = FALSE; + r->m_sb.sb_size = 0; + + r->m_msgCounter = 0; + r->m_resplen = 0; + r->m_unackd = 0; + + if (r->Link.lFlags & RTMP_LF_FTCU && !reconnect) + { + free(r->Link.tcUrl.av_val); + r->Link.tcUrl.av_val = NULL; + r->Link.lFlags ^= RTMP_LF_FTCU; + } + if (r->Link.lFlags & RTMP_LF_FAPU && !reconnect) + { + free(r->; + r-> = NULL; + r->Link.lFlags ^= RTMP_LF_FAPU; + } + + if (!reconnect) + { + free(r->Link.playpath0.av_val); + r->Link.playpath0.av_val = NULL; + } +#ifdef CRYPTO + if (r->Link.dh) + { + MDH_free(r->Link.dh); + r->Link.dh = NULL; + } + if (r->Link.rc4keyIn) + { + RC4_free(r->Link.rc4keyIn); + r->Link.rc4keyIn = NULL; + } + if (r->Link.rc4keyOut) + { + RC4_free(r->Link.rc4keyOut); + r->Link.rc4keyOut = NULL; + } +#endif +} + +int +RTMPSockBuf_Fill(RTMPSockBuf *sb) +{ + int nBytes; + + if (!sb->sb_size) + sb->sb_start = sb->sb_buf; + + while (1) + { + nBytes = sizeof(sb->sb_buf) - 1 - sb->sb_size - (sb->sb_start - sb->sb_buf); +#if defined(CRYPTO) && !defined(NO_SSL) + if (sb->sb_ssl) + { + nBytes = TLS_read(sb->sb_ssl, sb->sb_start + sb->sb_size, nBytes); + } + else +#endif + { + nBytes = recv(sb->sb_socket, sb->sb_start + sb->sb_size, nBytes, 0); + } + if (nBytes != -1) + { + sb->sb_size += nBytes; + } + else + { + int sockerr = GetSockError(); + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, recv returned %d. GetSockError(): %d (%s)", + __FUNCTION__, nBytes, sockerr, strerror(sockerr)); + if (sockerr == EINTR && !RTMP_ctrlC) + continue; + + if (sockerr == EWOULDBLOCK || sockerr == EAGAIN) + { + sb->sb_timedout = TRUE; + nBytes = 0; + } + } + break; + } + + return nBytes; +} + +int +RTMPSockBuf_Send(RTMPSockBuf *sb, const char *buf, int len) +{ + int rc; + +#ifdef _DEBUG + fwrite(buf, 1, len, netstackdump); +#endif + +#if defined(CRYPTO) && !defined(NO_SSL) + if (sb->sb_ssl) + { + rc = TLS_write(sb->sb_ssl, buf, len); + } + else +#endif + { + rc = send(sb->sb_socket, buf, len, 0); + } + return rc; +} + +int +RTMPSockBuf_Close(RTMPSockBuf *sb) +{ +#if defined(CRYPTO) && !defined(NO_SSL) + if (sb->sb_ssl) + { + TLS_shutdown(sb->sb_ssl); + TLS_close(sb->sb_ssl); + sb->sb_ssl = NULL; + } +#endif + if (sb->sb_socket != -1) + return closesocket(sb->sb_socket); + return 0; +} + +#define HEX2BIN(a) (((a)&0x40)?((a)&0xf)+9:((a)&0xf)) + +static void +DecodeTEA(AVal *key, AVal *text) +{ + uint32_t *v, k[4] = { 0 }, u; + uint32_t z, y, sum = 0, e, DELTA = 0x9e3779b9; + int32_t p, q; + int i, n; + unsigned char *ptr, *out; + + /* prep key: pack 1st 16 chars into 4 LittleEndian ints */ + ptr = (unsigned char *)key->av_val; + u = 0; + n = 0; + v = k; + p = key->av_len > 16 ? 16 : key->av_len; + for (i = 0; i < p; i++) + { + u |= ptr[i] << (n * 8); + if (n == 3) + { + *v++ = u; + u = 0; + n = 0; + } + else + { + n++; + } + } + /* any trailing chars */ + if (u) + *v = u; + + /* prep text: hex2bin, multiples of 4 */ + n = (text->av_len + 7) / 8; + out = malloc(n * 8); + ptr = (unsigned char *)text->av_val; + v = (uint32_t *) out; + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) + { + u = (HEX2BIN(ptr[0]) << 4) + HEX2BIN(ptr[1]); + u |= ((HEX2BIN(ptr[2]) << 4) + HEX2BIN(ptr[3])) << 8; + u |= ((HEX2BIN(ptr[4]) << 4) + HEX2BIN(ptr[5])) << 16; + u |= ((HEX2BIN(ptr[6]) << 4) + HEX2BIN(ptr[7])) << 24; + *v++ = u; + ptr += 8; + } + v = (uint32_t *) out; + + /* */ +#define MX (((z>>5)^(y<<2)) + ((y>>3)^(z<<4))) ^ ((sum^y) + (k[(p&3)^e]^z)); + z = v[n - 1]; + y = v[0]; + q = 6 + 52 / n; + sum = q * DELTA; + while (sum != 0) + { + e = sum >> 2 & 3; + for (p = n - 1; p > 0; p--) + z = v[p - 1], y = v[p] -= MX; + z = v[n - 1]; + y = v[0] -= MX; + sum -= DELTA; + } + + text->av_len /= 2; + memcpy(text->av_val, out, text->av_len); + free(out); +} + +static int +HTTP_Post(RTMP *r, RTMPTCmd cmd, const char *buf, int len) +{ + char hbuf[512]; + int hlen = snprintf(hbuf, sizeof(hbuf), "POST /%s%s/%d HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: %.*s:%d\r\n" + "Accept: */*\r\n" + "User-Agent: Shockwave Flash\r\n" + "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" + "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n" + "Content-type: application/x-fcs\r\n" + "Content-length: %d\r\n\r\n", RTMPT_cmds[cmd], + r->m_clientID.av_val ? r->m_clientID.av_val : "", + r->m_msgCounter, r->Link.hostname.av_len, r->Link.hostname.av_val, + r->Link.port, len); + RTMPSockBuf_Send(&r->m_sb, hbuf, hlen); + hlen = RTMPSockBuf_Send(&r->m_sb, buf, len); + r->m_msgCounter++; + r->m_unackd++; + return hlen; +} + +static int +HTTP_read(RTMP *r, int fill) +{ + char *ptr; + int hlen; + +restart: + if (fill) + RTMPSockBuf_Fill(&r->m_sb); + if (r->m_sb.sb_size < 13) { + if (fill) + goto restart; + return -2; + } + if (strncmp(r->m_sb.sb_start, "HTTP/1.1 200 ", 13)) + return -1; + r->m_sb.sb_start[r->m_sb.sb_size] = '\0'; + if (!strstr(r->m_sb.sb_start, "\r\n\r\n")) { + if (fill) + goto restart; + return -2; + } + + ptr = r->m_sb.sb_start + sizeof("HTTP/1.1 200"); + while ((ptr = strstr(ptr, "Content-"))) { + if (!strncasecmp(ptr+8, "length:", 7)) break; + ptr += 8; + } + if (!ptr) + return -1; + hlen = atoi(ptr+16); + ptr = strstr(ptr+16, "\r\n\r\n"); + if (!ptr) + return -1; + ptr += 4; + if (ptr + (r->m_clientID.av_val ? 1 : hlen) > r->m_sb.sb_start + r->m_sb.sb_size) + { + if (fill) + goto restart; + return -2; + } + r->m_sb.sb_size -= ptr - r->m_sb.sb_start; + r->m_sb.sb_start = ptr; + r->m_unackd--; + + if (!r->m_clientID.av_val) + { + r->m_clientID.av_len = hlen; + r->m_clientID.av_val = malloc(hlen+1); + if (!r->m_clientID.av_val) + return -1; + r->m_clientID.av_val[0] = '/'; + memcpy(r->m_clientID.av_val+1, ptr, hlen-1); + r->m_clientID.av_val[hlen] = 0; + r->m_sb.sb_size = 0; + } + else + { + r->m_polling = *ptr++; + r->m_resplen = hlen - 1; + r->m_sb.sb_start++; + r->m_sb.sb_size--; + } + return 0; +} + +#define MAX_IGNORED_FRAMES 50 + +/* Read from the stream until we get a media packet. + * Returns -3 if Play.Close/Stop, -2 if fatal error, -1 if no more media + * packets, 0 if ignorable error, >0 if there is a media packet + */ +static int +Read_1_Packet(RTMP *r, char *buf, unsigned int buflen) +{ + uint32_t prevTagSize = 0; + int rtnGetNextMediaPacket = 0, ret = RTMP_READ_EOF; + RTMPPacket packet = { 0 }; + int recopy = FALSE; + unsigned int size; + char *ptr, *pend; + uint32_t nTimeStamp = 0; + unsigned int len; + + rtnGetNextMediaPacket = RTMP_GetNextMediaPacket(r, &packet); + while (rtnGetNextMediaPacket) + { + char *packetBody = packet.m_body; + unsigned int nPacketLen = packet.m_nBodySize; + + /* Return RTMP_READ_COMPLETE if this was completed nicely with + * invoke message Play.Stop or Play.Complete + */ + if (rtnGetNextMediaPacket == 2) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, + "Got Play.Complete or Play.Stop from server. " + "Assuming stream is complete"); + ret = RTMP_READ_COMPLETE; + break; + } + + r->m_read.dataType |= (((packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_AUDIO) << 2) | + (packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO)); + + if (packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO && nPacketLen <= 5) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "ignoring too small video packet: size: %d", + nPacketLen); + ret = RTMP_READ_IGNORE; + break; + } + if (packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_AUDIO && nPacketLen <= 1) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "ignoring too small audio packet: size: %d", + nPacketLen); + ret = RTMP_READ_IGNORE; + break; + } + + if (r->m_read.flags & RTMP_READ_SEEKING) + { + ret = RTMP_READ_IGNORE; + break; + } +#ifdef _DEBUG + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "type: %02X, size: %d, TS: %d ms, abs TS: %d", + packet.m_packetType, nPacketLen, packet.m_nTimeStamp, + packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp); + if (packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO) + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "frametype: %02X", (*packetBody & 0xf0)); +#endif + + if (r->m_read.flags & RTMP_READ_RESUME) + { + /* check the header if we get one */ + if (packet.m_nTimeStamp == 0) + { + if (r->m_read.nMetaHeaderSize > 0 + && packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INFO) + { + AMFObject metaObj; + int nRes = + AMF_Decode(&metaObj, packetBody, nPacketLen, FALSE); + if (nRes >= 0) + { + AVal metastring; + AMFProp_GetString(AMF_GetProp(&metaObj, NULL, 0), + &metastring); + + if (AVMATCH(&metastring, &av_onMetaData)) + { + /* compare */ + if ((r->m_read.nMetaHeaderSize != nPacketLen) || + (memcmp + (r->m_read.metaHeader, packetBody, + r->m_read.nMetaHeaderSize) != 0)) + { + ret = RTMP_READ_ERROR; + } + } + AMF_Reset(&metaObj); + if (ret == RTMP_READ_ERROR) + break; + } + } + + /* check first keyframe to make sure we got the right position + * in the stream! (the first non ignored frame) + */ + if (r->m_read.nInitialFrameSize > 0) + { + /* video or audio data */ + if (packet.m_packetType == r->m_read.initialFrameType + && r->m_read.nInitialFrameSize == nPacketLen) + { + /* we don't compare the sizes since the packet can + * contain several FLV packets, just make sure the + * first frame is our keyframe (which we are going + * to rewrite) + */ + if (memcmp + (r->m_read.initialFrame, packetBody, + r->m_read.nInitialFrameSize) == 0) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "Checked keyframe successfully!"); + r->m_read.flags |= RTMP_READ_GOTKF; + /* ignore it! (what about audio data after it? it is + * handled by ignoring all 0ms frames, see below) + */ + ret = RTMP_READ_IGNORE; + break; + } + } + + /* hande FLV streams, even though the server resends the + * keyframe as an extra video packet it is also included + * in the first FLV stream chunk and we have to compare + * it and filter it out !! + */ + if (packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_FLASH_VIDEO) + { + /* basically we have to find the keyframe with the + * correct TS being nResumeTS + */ + unsigned int pos = 0; + uint32_t ts = 0; + + while (pos + 11 < nPacketLen) + { + /* size without header (11) and prevTagSize (4) */ + uint32_t dataSize = + AMF_DecodeInt24(packetBody + pos + 1); + ts = AMF_DecodeInt24(packetBody + pos + 4); + ts |= (packetBody[pos + 7] << 24); + +#ifdef _DEBUG + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, + "keyframe search: FLV Packet: type %02X, dataSize: %d, timeStamp: %d ms", + packetBody[pos], dataSize, ts); +#endif + /* ok, is it a keyframe?: + * well doesn't work for audio! + */ + if (packetBody[pos /*6928, test 0 */ ] == + r->m_read.initialFrameType + /* && (packetBody[11]&0xf0) == 0x10 */ ) + { + if (ts == r->m_read.nResumeTS) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, + "Found keyframe with resume-keyframe timestamp!"); + if (r->m_read.nInitialFrameSize != dataSize + || memcmp(r->m_read.initialFrame, + packetBody + pos + 11, + r->m_read. + nInitialFrameSize) != 0) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, + "FLV Stream: Keyframe doesn't match!"); + ret = RTMP_READ_ERROR; + break; + } + r->m_read.flags |= RTMP_READ_GOTFLVK; + + /* skip this packet? + * check whether skippable: + */ + if (pos + 11 + dataSize + 4 > nPacketLen) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, + "Non skipable packet since it doesn't end with chunk, stream corrupt!"); + ret = RTMP_READ_ERROR; + break; + } + packetBody += (pos + 11 + dataSize + 4); + nPacketLen -= (pos + 11 + dataSize + 4); + + goto stopKeyframeSearch; + + } + else if (r->m_read.nResumeTS < ts) + { + /* the timestamp ts will only increase with + * further packets, wait for seek + */ + goto stopKeyframeSearch; + } + } + pos += (11 + dataSize + 4); + } + if (ts < r->m_read.nResumeTS) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, + "First packet does not contain keyframe, all " + "timestamps are smaller than the keyframe " + "timestamp; probably the resume seek failed?"); + } + stopKeyframeSearch: + ; + if (!(r->m_read.flags & RTMP_READ_GOTFLVK)) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, + "Couldn't find the seeked keyframe in this chunk!"); + ret = RTMP_READ_IGNORE; + break; + } + } + } + } + + if (packet.m_nTimeStamp > 0 + && (r->m_read.flags & (RTMP_READ_GOTKF|RTMP_READ_GOTFLVK))) + { + /* another problem is that the server can actually change from + * 09/08 video/audio packets to an FLV stream or vice versa and + * our keyframe check will prevent us from going along with the + * new stream if we resumed. + * + * in this case set the 'found keyframe' variables to true. + * We assume that if we found one keyframe somewhere and were + * already beyond TS > 0 we have written data to the output + * which means we can accept all forthcoming data including the + * change between 08/09 <-> FLV packets + */ + r->m_read.flags |= (RTMP_READ_GOTKF|RTMP_READ_GOTFLVK); + } + + /* skip till we find our keyframe + * (seeking might put us somewhere before it) + */ + if (!(r->m_read.flags & RTMP_READ_GOTKF) && + packet.m_packetType != RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_FLASH_VIDEO) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, + "Stream does not start with requested frame, ignoring data... "); + r->m_read.nIgnoredFrameCounter++; + if (r->m_read.nIgnoredFrameCounter > MAX_IGNORED_FRAMES) + ret = RTMP_READ_ERROR; /* fatal error, couldn't continue stream */ + else + ret = RTMP_READ_IGNORE; + break; + } + /* ok, do the same for FLV streams */ + if (!(r->m_read.flags & RTMP_READ_GOTFLVK) && + packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_FLASH_VIDEO) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, + "Stream does not start with requested FLV frame, ignoring data... "); + r->m_read.nIgnoredFlvFrameCounter++; + if (r->m_read.nIgnoredFlvFrameCounter > MAX_IGNORED_FRAMES) + ret = RTMP_READ_ERROR; + else + ret = RTMP_READ_IGNORE; + break; + } + + /* we have to ignore the 0ms frames since these are the first + * keyframes; we've got these so don't mess around with multiple + * copies sent by the server to us! (if the keyframe is found at a + * later position there is only one copy and it will be ignored by + * the preceding if clause) + */ + if (!(r->m_read.flags & RTMP_READ_NO_IGNORE) && + packet.m_packetType != RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_FLASH_VIDEO) + { + /* exclude type RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_FLASH_VIDEO since it can + * contain several FLV packets + */ + if (packet.m_nTimeStamp == 0) + { + ret = RTMP_READ_IGNORE; + break; + } + else + { + /* stop ignoring packets */ + r->m_read.flags |= RTMP_READ_NO_IGNORE; + } + } + } + + /* calculate packet size and allocate slop buffer if necessary */ + size = nPacketLen + + ((packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_AUDIO + || packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO + || packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INFO) ? 11 : 0) + + (packet.m_packetType != RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_FLASH_VIDEO ? 4 : 0); + + if (size + 4 > buflen) + { + /* the extra 4 is for the case of an FLV stream without a last + * prevTagSize (we need extra 4 bytes to append it) */ + r->m_read.buf = malloc(size + 4); + if (r->m_read.buf == 0) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "Couldn't allocate memory!"); + ret = RTMP_READ_ERROR; /* fatal error */ + break; + } + recopy = TRUE; + ptr = r->m_read.buf; + } + else + { + ptr = buf; + } + pend = ptr + size + 4; + + /* use to return timestamp of last processed packet */ + + /* audio (0x08), video (0x09) or metadata (0x12) packets : + * construct 11 byte header then add rtmp packet's data */ + if (packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_AUDIO + || packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO + || packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INFO) + { + nTimeStamp = r->m_read.nResumeTS + packet.m_nTimeStamp; + prevTagSize = 11 + nPacketLen; + + *ptr = packet.m_packetType; + ptr++; + ptr = AMF_EncodeInt24(ptr, pend, nPacketLen); + +#if 0 + if(packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO) { + + /* H264 fix: */ + if((packetBody[0] & 0x0f) == 7) { /* CodecId = H264 */ + uint8_t packetType = *(packetBody+1); + + uint32_t ts = AMF_DecodeInt24(packetBody+2); /* composition time */ + int32_t cts = (ts+0xff800000)^0xff800000; + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "cts : %d\n", cts); + + nTimeStamp -= cts; + /* get rid of the composition time */ + CRTMP::EncodeInt24(packetBody+2, 0); + } + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "VIDEO: nTimeStamp: 0x%08X (%d)\n", nTimeStamp, nTimeStamp); + } +#endif + + ptr = AMF_EncodeInt24(ptr, pend, nTimeStamp); + *ptr = (char)((nTimeStamp & 0xFF000000) >> 24); + ptr++; + + /* stream id */ + ptr = AMF_EncodeInt24(ptr, pend, 0); + } + + memcpy(ptr, packetBody, nPacketLen); + len = nPacketLen; + + /* correct tagSize and obtain timestamp if we have an FLV stream */ + if (packet.m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_FLASH_VIDEO) + { + unsigned int pos = 0; + int delta; + + /* grab first timestamp and see if it needs fixing */ + nTimeStamp = AMF_DecodeInt24(packetBody + 4); + nTimeStamp |= (packetBody[7] << 24); + delta = packet.m_nTimeStamp - nTimeStamp + r->m_read.nResumeTS; + + while (pos + 11 < nPacketLen) + { + /* size without header (11) and without prevTagSize (4) */ + uint32_t dataSize = AMF_DecodeInt24(packetBody + pos + 1); + nTimeStamp = AMF_DecodeInt24(packetBody + pos + 4); + nTimeStamp |= (packetBody[pos + 7] << 24); + + if (delta) + { + nTimeStamp += delta; + AMF_EncodeInt24(ptr+pos+4, pend, nTimeStamp); + ptr[pos+7] = nTimeStamp>>24; + } + + /* set data type */ + r->m_read.dataType |= (((*(packetBody + pos) == 0x08) << 2) | + (*(packetBody + pos) == 0x09)); + + if (pos + 11 + dataSize + 4 > nPacketLen) + { + if (pos + 11 + dataSize > nPacketLen) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, + "Wrong data size (%u), stream corrupted, aborting!", + dataSize); + ret = RTMP_READ_ERROR; + break; + } + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, "No tagSize found, appending!"); + + /* we have to append a last tagSize! */ + prevTagSize = dataSize + 11; + AMF_EncodeInt32(ptr + pos + 11 + dataSize, pend, + prevTagSize); + size += 4; + len += 4; + } + else + { + prevTagSize = + AMF_DecodeInt32(packetBody + pos + 11 + dataSize); + +#ifdef _DEBUG + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, + "FLV Packet: type %02X, dataSize: %lu, tagSize: %lu, timeStamp: %lu ms", + (unsigned char)packetBody[pos], dataSize, prevTagSize, + nTimeStamp); +#endif + + if (prevTagSize != (dataSize + 11)) + { +#ifdef _DEBUG + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGWARNING, + "Tag and data size are not consitent, writing tag size according to dataSize+11: %d", + dataSize + 11); +#endif + + prevTagSize = dataSize + 11; + AMF_EncodeInt32(ptr + pos + 11 + dataSize, pend, + prevTagSize); + } + } + + pos += prevTagSize + 4; /*(11+dataSize+4); */ + } + } + ptr += len; + + if (packet.m_packetType != RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_FLASH_VIDEO) + { + /* FLV tag packets contain their own prevTagSize */ + AMF_EncodeInt32(ptr, pend, prevTagSize); + } + + /* In non-live this nTimeStamp can contain an absolute TS. + * Update ext timestamp with this absolute offset in non-live mode + * otherwise report the relative one + */ + /* RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "type: %02X, size: %d, pktTS: %dms, TS: %dms, bLiveStream: %d", packet.m_packetType, nPacketLen, packet.m_nTimeStamp, nTimeStamp, r->Link.lFlags & RTMP_LF_LIVE); */ + r->m_read.timestamp = (r->Link.lFlags & RTMP_LF_LIVE) ? packet.m_nTimeStamp : nTimeStamp; + + ret = size; + break; + } + + if (rtnGetNextMediaPacket) + RTMPPacket_Free(&packet); + + if (recopy) + { + len = ret > buflen ? buflen : ret; + memcpy(buf, r->m_read.buf, len); + r->m_read.bufpos = r->m_read.buf + len; + r->m_read.buflen = ret - len; + } + return ret; +} + +static const char flvHeader[] = { 'F', 'L', 'V', 0x01, + 0x00, /* 0x04 == audio, 0x01 == video */ + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 +}; + +#define HEADERBUF (128*1024) +int +RTMP_Read(RTMP *r, char *buf, int size) +{ + int nRead = 0, total = 0; + + /* can't continue */ +fail: + switch (r->m_read.status) { + case RTMP_READ_EOF: + case RTMP_READ_COMPLETE: + return 0; + case RTMP_READ_ERROR: /* corrupted stream, resume failed */ + SetSockError(EINVAL); + return -1; + default: + break; + } + + /* first time thru */ + if (!(r->m_read.flags & RTMP_READ_HEADER)) + { + if (!(r->m_read.flags & RTMP_READ_RESUME)) + { + char *mybuf = malloc(HEADERBUF), *end = mybuf + HEADERBUF; + int cnt = 0; + r->m_read.buf = mybuf; + r->m_read.buflen = HEADERBUF; + + memcpy(mybuf, flvHeader, sizeof(flvHeader)); + r->m_read.buf += sizeof(flvHeader); + r->m_read.buflen -= sizeof(flvHeader); + cnt += sizeof(flvHeader); + + while (r->m_read.timestamp == 0) + { + nRead = Read_1_Packet(r, r->m_read.buf, r->m_read.buflen); + if (nRead < 0) + { + free(mybuf); + r->m_read.buf = NULL; + r->m_read.buflen = 0; + r->m_read.status = nRead; + goto fail; + } + /* buffer overflow, fix buffer and give up */ + if (r->m_read.buf < mybuf || r->m_read.buf > end) { + mybuf = realloc(mybuf, cnt + nRead); + memcpy(mybuf+cnt, r->m_read.buf, nRead); + free(r->m_read.buf); + r->m_read.buf = mybuf+cnt+nRead; + break; + } + cnt += nRead; + r->m_read.buf += nRead; + r->m_read.buflen -= nRead; + if (r->m_read.dataType == 5) + break; + } + mybuf[4] = r->m_read.dataType; + r->m_read.buflen = r->m_read.buf - mybuf; + r->m_read.buf = mybuf; + r->m_read.bufpos = mybuf; + } + r->m_read.flags |= RTMP_READ_HEADER; + } + + if ((r->m_read.flags & RTMP_READ_SEEKING) && r->m_read.buf) + { + /* drop whatever's here */ + free(r->m_read.buf); + r->m_read.buf = NULL; + r->m_read.bufpos = NULL; + r->m_read.buflen = 0; + } + + /* If there's leftover data buffered, use it up */ + if (r->m_read.buf) + { + nRead = r->m_read.buflen; + if (nRead > size) + nRead = size; + memcpy(buf, r->m_read.bufpos, nRead); + r->m_read.buflen -= nRead; + if (!r->m_read.buflen) + { + free(r->m_read.buf); + r->m_read.buf = NULL; + r->m_read.bufpos = NULL; + } + else + { + r->m_read.bufpos += nRead; + } + buf += nRead; + total += nRead; + size -= nRead; + } + + while (size > 0 && (nRead = Read_1_Packet(r, buf, size)) >= 0) + { + if (!nRead) continue; + buf += nRead; + total += nRead; + size -= nRead; + break; + } + if (nRead < 0) + r->m_read.status = nRead; + + if (size < 0) + total += size; + return total; +} + +static const AVal av_setDataFrame = AVC("@setDataFrame"); + +int +RTMP_Write(RTMP *r, const char *buf, int size) +{ + RTMPPacket *pkt = &r->m_write; + char *pend, *enc; + int s2 = size, ret, num; + + pkt->m_nChannel = 0x04; /* source channel */ + pkt->m_nInfoField2 = r->m_stream_id; + + while (s2) + { + if (!pkt->m_nBytesRead) + { + if (size < 11) { + /* FLV pkt too small */ + return 0; + } + + if (buf[0] == 'F' && buf[1] == 'L' && buf[2] == 'V') + { + buf += 13; + s2 -= 13; + } + + pkt->m_packetType = *buf++; + pkt->m_nBodySize = AMF_DecodeInt24(buf); + buf += 3; + pkt->m_nTimeStamp = AMF_DecodeInt24(buf); + buf += 3; + pkt->m_nTimeStamp |= *buf++ << 24; + buf += 3; + s2 -= 11; + + if (((pkt->m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_AUDIO + || pkt->m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO) && + !pkt->m_nTimeStamp) || pkt->m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INFO) + { + pkt->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE; + if (pkt->m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INFO) + pkt->m_nBodySize += 16; + } + else + { + pkt->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM; + } + + if (!RTMPPacket_Alloc(pkt, pkt->m_nBodySize)) + { + RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGDEBUG, "%s, failed to allocate packet", __FUNCTION__); + return FALSE; + } + enc = pkt->m_body; + pend = enc + pkt->m_nBodySize; + if (pkt->m_packetType == RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INFO) + { + enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_setDataFrame); + pkt->m_nBytesRead = enc - pkt->m_body; + } + } + else + { + enc = pkt->m_body + pkt->m_nBytesRead; + } + num = pkt->m_nBodySize - pkt->m_nBytesRead; + if (num > s2) + num = s2; + memcpy(enc, buf, num); + pkt->m_nBytesRead += num; + s2 -= num; + buf += num; + if (pkt->m_nBytesRead == pkt->m_nBodySize) + { + ret = RTMP_SendPacket(r, pkt, FALSE); + RTMPPacket_Free(pkt); + pkt->m_nBytesRead = 0; + if (!ret) + return -1; + buf += 4; + s2 -= 4; + if (s2 < 0) + break; + } + } + return size+s2; +} diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/rtmp.h b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/rtmp.h similarity index 85% rename from client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/rtmp.h rename to client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/rtmp.h index d723070..bccfc77 100644 --- a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/rtmp.h +++ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/rtmp.h @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ extern "C" void RTMPPacket_Reset(RTMPPacket *p); void RTMPPacket_Dump(RTMPPacket *p); - int RTMPPacket_Alloc(RTMPPacket *p, int nSize); + int RTMPPacket_Alloc(RTMPPacket *p, uint32_t nSize); void RTMPPacket_Free(RTMPPacket *p); #define RTMPPacket_IsReady(a) ((a)->m_nBytesRead == (a)->m_nBodySize) @@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ extern "C" #define RTMP_LF_PLST 0x0008 /* send playlist before play */ #define RTMP_LF_BUFX 0x0010 /* toggle stream on BufferEmpty msg */ #define RTMP_LF_FTCU 0x0020 /* free tcUrl on close */ +#define RTMP_LF_FAPU 0x0040 /* free app on close */ int lFlags; int swfAge; @@ -178,12 +179,7 @@ extern "C" int protocol; int timeout; /* connection timeout in seconds */ -#define RTMP_PUB_NAME 0x0001 /* send login to server */ -#define RTMP_PUB_RESP 0x0002 /* send salted password hash */ -#define RTMP_PUB_ALLOC 0x0004 /* allocated data for new tcUrl & app */ -#define RTMP_PUB_CLEAN 0x0008 /* need to free allocated data for newer tcUrl & app at exit */ -#define RTMP_PUB_CLATE 0x0010 /* late clean tcUrl & app at exit */ - int pFlags; + int pFlags; /* unused, but kept to avoid breaking ABI */ unsigned short socksport; unsigned short port; @@ -375,6 +371,54 @@ extern "C" int RTMP_HashSWF(const char *url, unsigned int *size, unsigned char *hash, int age); +/* + *********************************************************************** +<<<<<<< HEAD +<<<<<<< HEAD + * Introduced by SRS, export the ip/pid/cid of BMS + *********************************************************************** + */ +/* + * The exported ip of server, for example, we use DNS to connect to server, + * but the ip resolved by DNS system maybe virtual ip, that is, the "real ip" + * only known by server itself and return by the rtmp connect result or flv + * metadata. + */ +extern char* _srs_ip; +/* + * The pid of BMS, used to query the detail log of client. + * A BMS server may restart and the pid changed. + */ +extern int _srs_pid; +/* + * The cid of BMS, used to query the detail log of client. + * A connection of a process(identify by pid) is unique and its id(cid) is + * unique also. The cid generally is a thread or connection or logic unit, + * for example, cid of rtmp client is the rtmp connection, while cid of hls+ + * is a virtual connection which merge many http connections. + */ +extern int _srs_cid; +/* + *********************************************************************** + * Introduced by SRS, other useful data. + *********************************************************************** + */ +/* + * The received bytes from server. user can use to stat the kbps by: + * rkbps = rbytes * 8 / 1000 / (diff seconds) + */ +extern unsigned long _srs_rbytes; +/* + * The sent bytes from server. user can use to stat the kbps by: + * skbps = sbytes * 8 / 1000 / (diff seconds) + */ +extern unsigned long _srs_sbytes; +/* + * The current state of client. + * 0,init 1,idle 2,connected 3,working 4,closed + */ +extern int _srs_state; + #ifdef __cplusplus }; #endif diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/rtmp_sys.h b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/rtmp_sys.h similarity index 100% rename from client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/third/librtmp/rtmp_sys.h rename to client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/librtmp/rtmp_sys.h diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPuller.h b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPuller.h index 2c42660..76b0920 100644 --- a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPuller.h +++ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPuller.h @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ #include #include using namespace std; + extern "C" { #include "libavformat/avformat.h" @@ -60,4 +61,4 @@ private: mutex mMux; }; -int ThreadPull(RtmpPuller*p); \ No newline at end of file +int ThreadPull(RtmpPuller*p); diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPuller2.h b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPuller2.h index 302b7b1..81c6601 100644 --- a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPuller2.h +++ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPuller2.h @@ -1,16 +1,23 @@ #pragma once + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C"{ +#endif + extern "C" { #include "librtmp\rtmp.h" #include "librtmp\rtmp_sys.h" #include "librtmp\amf.h" } -#include +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#include #include #include #include #include - using namespace std; #ifdef WIN32 #include diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPusher.cpp b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPusher.cpp index db8bc56..83019e4 100644 --- a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPusher.cpp +++ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPusher.cpp @@ -26,22 +26,7 @@ int RtmpPusher::RTMP264_Connect(const char* url) { InitSockets(); m_pRtmp = RTMP_Alloc(); - RTMP_Init(m_pRtmp); - /*设置URL*/ - if (RTMP_SetupURL(m_pRtmp, (char*)url) == FALSE) - { - RTMP_Free(m_pRtmp); - return -1; - } - /*设置可写,即发布流,这个函数必须在连接前使用,否则无效*/ - RTMP_EnableWrite(m_pRtmp); - /*连接服务器*/ - if (RTMP_Connect(m_pRtmp, NULL) == FALSE) - { - RTMP_Free(m_pRtmp); - return -1; - } - + RTMP_Init(m_pRtmp); /*连接流*/ if (RTMP_ConnectStream(m_pRtmp, 0) == FALSE) { diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPusher.h b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPusher.h index cf3356c..74a9a1e 100644 --- a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPusher.h +++ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/media/RtmpPusher.h @@ -1,8 +1,13 @@ #pragma once - +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C"{ +#endif #include "librtmp_send264.h" #include "librtmp\rtmp.h" -#include "librtmp\rtmp_sys.h" +#include "librtmp\rtmp_sys.h" +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif #include "librtmp\amf.h" #include "AACAudioCoder.h" #include "sps_decode.h" diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/ index 0b43eed..171fe90 100644 --- a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/ +++ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/ @@ -27,6 +27,11 @@ DEFINES += QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS CONFIG += c++11 SOURCES += \ + librtmp/amf.c \ + librtmp/hashswf.c \ + librtmp/log.c \ + librtmp/parseurl.c \ + librtmp/rtmp.c \ main.cpp \ mainwindow.cpp \ cplaywidget.cpp \ @@ -36,6 +41,7 @@ SOURCES += \ media/RtmpPuller2.cpp \ media/RtmpPusher.cpp \ media/imgutil.cpp \ + media/sps_decode.cpp \ utils/Base64.cpp \ utils/Debuger.cpp \ utils/utils.cpp @@ -50,12 +56,17 @@ HEADERS += \ FORMS += \ mainwindow.ui INCLUDEPATH += media/ third/ffmpeg/include/ inc/ third/ +INCLUDEPATH += H:/Qt/Tools/mingw730_32/opt/include +LIBS += -LH:/Qt/Tools/mingw730_32/opt/lib -llibcrypto + + + message($$PWD/third/libs/) LIBS += -L$$PWD/third/libs/ LIBS += -lws2_32 LIBS += -lm LIBS += -lavformat -lavdevice -lavcodec -lavutil -lswresample -lpthread -lbz2 -lm -lfdk-aac -lx264 -lbcrypt -liconv -lucrtbase -lstrmiids -lGdi32 -LIBS += -lole32 -loleAut32 -lquartz -ldxguid -ldxapi +LIBS += -lole32 -loleAut32 -lquartz -ldxguid -ldxapi -lzlibstatic -lz -lssl -lwinmm # Default rules for deployment. qnx: target.path = /tmp/$${TARGET}/bin diff --git a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/ index 1d1ade5..34ffa83 100644 --- a/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/ +++ b/client/qt_gl_render/yuvgl/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ - + EnvironmentId