/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C), 2001-2012, Hisilicon Tech. Co., Ltd. ****************************************************************************** File Name : hi_comm_venc.h Version : Author : Hisilicon Hi35xx MPP Team Created : 2006/11/24 Last Modified : Description : common struct definition for VENC Function List : History : ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __HI_COMM_VENC_H__ #define __HI_COMM_VENC_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif #endif /* __cplusplus */ #include "hi_type.h" #include "hi_common.h" #include "hi_errno.h" #include "hi_comm_video.h" #include "hi_comm_rc.h" /* invlalid channel ID */ #define HI_ERR_VENC_INVALID_CHNID HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VENC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_INVALID_CHNID) /* at lease one parameter is illagal ,eg, an illegal enumeration value */ #define HI_ERR_VENC_ILLEGAL_PARAM HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VENC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_ILLEGAL_PARAM) /* channel exists */ #define HI_ERR_VENC_EXIST HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VENC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_EXIST) /* channel exists */ #define HI_ERR_VENC_UNEXIST HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VENC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_UNEXIST) /* using a NULL point */ #define HI_ERR_VENC_NULL_PTR HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VENC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_NULL_PTR) /* try to enable or initialize system,device or channel, before configing attribute */ #define HI_ERR_VENC_NOT_CONFIG HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VENC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_NOT_CONFIG) /* operation is not supported by NOW */ #define HI_ERR_VENC_NOT_SUPPORT HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VENC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_NOT_SUPPORT) /* operation is not permitted ,eg, try to change stati attribute */ #define HI_ERR_VENC_NOT_PERM HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VENC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_NOT_PERM) /* failure caused by malloc memory */ #define HI_ERR_VENC_NOMEM HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VENC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_NOMEM) /* failure caused by malloc buffer */ #define HI_ERR_VENC_NOBUF HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VENC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_NOBUF) /* no data in buffer */ #define HI_ERR_VENC_BUF_EMPTY HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VENC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_BUF_EMPTY) /* no buffer for new data */ #define HI_ERR_VENC_BUF_FULL HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VENC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_BUF_FULL) /* system is not ready,had not initialed or loaded*/ #define HI_ERR_VENC_SYS_NOTREADY HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VENC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_SYS_NOTREADY) /* system is busy*/ #define HI_ERR_VENC_BUSY HI_DEF_ERR(HI_ID_VENC, EN_ERR_LEVEL_ERROR, EN_ERR_BUSY) /*the nalu type of H264E*/ typedef enum hiH264E_NALU_TYPE_E { H264E_NALU_PSLICE = 1, /*PSLICE types*/ H264E_NALU_ISLICE = 5, /*ISLICE types*/ H264E_NALU_SEI = 6, /*SEI types*/ H264E_NALU_SPS = 7, /*SPS types*/ H264E_NALU_PPS = 8, /*PPS types*/ H264E_NALU_IPSLICE = 9, H264E_NALU_BUTT } H264E_NALU_TYPE_E; /*the nalu type of H265E*/ typedef enum hiH265E_NALU_TYPE_E { H265E_NALU_PSLICE = 1, /*P SLICE types*/ H265E_NALU_ISLICE = 19, /*I SLICE types*/ H265E_NALU_VPS = 32, /*VPS types*/ H265E_NALU_SPS = 33, /*SPS types*/ H265E_NALU_PPS = 34, /*PPS types*/ H265E_NALU_SEI = 39, /*SEI types*/ H265E_NALU_BUTT } H265E_NALU_TYPE_E; /*the reference type of H264E slice*/ typedef enum hiH264E_REFSLICE_TYPE_E { H264E_REFSLICE_FOR_1X = 1, /*Reference slice for H264E_REF_MODE_1X*/ H264E_REFSLICE_FOR_2X = 2, /*Reference slice for H264E_REF_MODE_2X*/ H264E_REFSLICE_FOR_4X = 5, /*Reference slice for H264E_REF_MODE_4X*/ H264E_REFSLICE_FOR_BUTT /* slice not for reference*/ } H264E_REFSLICE_TYPE_E; /*the pack type of JPEGE*/ typedef enum hiJPEGE_PACK_TYPE_E { JPEGE_PACK_ECS = 5, /*ECS types*/ JPEGE_PACK_APP = 6, /*APP types*/ JPEGE_PACK_VDO = 7, /*VDO types*/ JPEGE_PACK_PIC = 8, /*PIC types*/ JPEGE_PACK_BUTT } JPEGE_PACK_TYPE_E; /*the pack type of MPEG4*/ typedef enum hiMPEG4E_PACK_TYPE_E { MPEG4E_PACK_VOP_P = 1, /*P VOP packet types*/ MPEG4E_PACK_VOP_I = 5, /*I VOP packet types*/ MPEG4E_PACK_VOS = 6, /*VOS types*/ MPEG4E_PACK_VO = 7, /*VO types*/ MPEG4E_PACK_VOL = 8, /*VOL types*/ MPEG4E_PACK_GVOP = 9 /*GROUP of vop types */ } MPEG4E_PACK_TYPE_E; /*the data type of VENC*/ typedef union hiVENC_DATA_TYPE_U { H264E_NALU_TYPE_E enH264EType; /*H264E NALU types*/ JPEGE_PACK_TYPE_E enJPEGEType; /*JPEGE pack types*/ MPEG4E_PACK_TYPE_E enMPEG4EType; /*MPEG4E pack types*/ H265E_NALU_TYPE_E enH265EType; /*H264E NALU types*/ }VENC_DATA_TYPE_U; typedef struct hiVENC_PACK_INFO_S { VENC_DATA_TYPE_U u32PackType; HI_U32 u32PackOffset; HI_U32 u32PackLength; }VENC_PACK_INFO_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PACK_S { HI_U32 u32PhyAddr; /*the physics address of stream*/ HI_U8 *pu8Addr; /*the virtual address of stream*/ HI_U32 u32Len; /*the length of stream*/ HI_U64 u64PTS; /*PTS*/ HI_BOOL bFrameEnd; /*frame end£¿*/ VENC_DATA_TYPE_U DataType; /*the type of stream*/ HI_U32 u32Offset; HI_U32 u32DataNum; VENC_PACK_INFO_S stPackInfo[8]; }VENC_PACK_S; typedef enum hiH264E_REF_TYPE_E { BASE_IDRSLICE = 0, //the Idr frame at Base layer BASE_PSLICE_REFBYBASE, //the P frame at Base layer, referenced by other frames at Base layer BASE_PSLICE_REFBYENHANCE, //the P frame at Base layer, referenced by other frames at Enhance layer ENHANCE_PSLICE_REFBYENHANCE, //the P frame at Enhance layer, referenced by other frames at Enhance layer ENHANCE_PSLICE_NOTFORREF, //the P frame at Enhance layer ,not referenced ENHANCE_PSLICE_BUTT } H264E_REF_TYPE_E; typedef enum hiH264E_REF_TYPE_E H265E_REF_TYPE_E; typedef struct hiVENC_STREAM_INFO_H264_S { HI_U32 u32PicBytesNum; /* the coded picture stream byte number */ HI_U32 u32PSkipMbNum; /* the skip macroblock num */ HI_U32 u32IpcmMbNum; /* the ipcm macroblock num */ HI_U32 u32Inter16x8MbNum; /* the inter16x8 macroblock num */ HI_U32 u32Inter16x16MbNum; /* the inter16x16 macroblock num */ HI_U32 u32Inter8x16MbNum; /* the inter8x16 macroblock num */ HI_U32 u32Inter8x8MbNum; /* the inter8x8 macroblock num */ HI_U32 u32Intra16MbNum; /* the intra16x16 macroblock num */ HI_U32 u32Intra8MbNum; /* the intra8x8 macroblock num */ HI_U32 u32Intra4MbNum; /* the inter4x4 macroblock num */ H264E_REFSLICE_TYPE_E enRefSliceType; /*the reference type of H264E slice*/ H264E_REF_TYPE_E enRefType; /*Type of encoded frames in advanced frame skipping reference mode*/ HI_U32 u32UpdateAttrCnt; /*Number of times that channel attributes or parameters (including RC parameters) are set*/ HI_U32 u32StartQp; /*StartQP Value*/ }VENC_STREAM_INFO_H264_S; typedef struct hiVENC_STREAM_INFO_H265_S { HI_U32 u32PicBytesNum; /* the coded picture stream byte number */ HI_U32 u32Inter64x64CuNum; /* the num */ HI_U32 u32Inter32x32CuNum; HI_U32 u32Inter16x16CuNum; HI_U32 u32Inter8x8CuNum; HI_U32 u32Intra32x32CuNum; HI_U32 u32Intra16x16CuNum; HI_U32 u32Intra8x8CuNum; HI_U32 u32Intra4x4CuNum; H265E_REF_TYPE_E enRefType; /*Type of encoded frames in advanced frame skipping reference mode*/ HI_U32 u32UpdateAttrCnt; /*Number of times that channel attributes or parameters (including RC parameters) are set*/ HI_U32 u32StartQp; /*StartQP Value*/ }VENC_STREAM_INFO_H265_S; typedef struct hiVENC_STREAM_INFO_JPEG_S { HI_U32 u32PicBytesNum; /* the coded picture stream byte number */ HI_U32 u32UpdateAttrCnt; /*Number of times that channel attributes or parameters (including RC parameters) are set*/ HI_U32 u32Qfactor; /* image quality */ }VENC_STREAM_INFO_JPEG_S; typedef struct hiVENC_STREAM_INFO_MPEG4_S { HI_U32 u32PicBytesNum; /* the coded picture stream byte number */ HI_U32 u32UpdateAttrCnt; /*Number of times that channel attributes or parameters (including RC parameters) are set*/ }VENC_STREAM_INFO_MPEG4_S; typedef struct hiVENC_STREAM_S { VENC_PACK_S *pstPack; /*stream pack attribute*/ HI_U32 u32PackCount; /*the pack number of one frame stream*/ HI_U32 u32Seq; /*the list number of stream*/ union { VENC_STREAM_INFO_H264_S stH264Info; /*the stream info of h264*/ VENC_STREAM_INFO_JPEG_S stJpegInfo; /*the stream info of jpeg*/ VENC_STREAM_INFO_MPEG4_S stMpeg4Info; /*the stream info of mpeg4*/ VENC_STREAM_INFO_H265_S stH265Info; /*the stream info of h265*/ }; }VENC_STREAM_S; typedef struct hiVENC_ATTR_H264_S { HI_U32 u32MaxPicWidth; /*maximum width of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_U32 u32MaxPicHeight; /*maximum height of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_U32 u32BufSize; /*stream buffer size*/ HI_U32 u32Profile; /*0: baseline; 1:MP; 2:HP; 3: SVC-T [0,3]; */ HI_BOOL bByFrame; /*get stream mode is slice mode or frame mode*/ HI_U32 u32PicWidth; /*width of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_U32 u32PicHeight; /*height of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_U32 u32BFrameNum; /* 0: not support B frame; >=1: number of B frames */ HI_U32 u32RefNum; /* 0: default; number of refrence frame*/ }VENC_ATTR_H264_S; typedef struct hiVENC_ATTR_H265_S { HI_U32 u32MaxPicWidth; /*maximum width of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_U32 u32MaxPicHeight; /*maximum height of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_U32 u32BufSize; /*stream buffer size*/ HI_U32 u32Profile; /*0: MP */ HI_BOOL bByFrame; /*get stream mode is slice mode or frame mode*/ HI_U32 u32PicWidth; /*width of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_U32 u32PicHeight; /*height of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_U32 u32BFrameNum; /* 0: not support B frame; >=1: number of B frames */ HI_U32 u32RefNum; /* 0: default; number of refrence frame*/ }VENC_ATTR_H265_S; typedef struct hiVENC_ATTR_MJPEG_S { HI_U32 u32MaxPicWidth; /*maximum width of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_U32 u32MaxPicHeight; /*maximum height of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_U32 u32BufSize; /*stream buffer size*/ HI_BOOL bByFrame; /*get stream mode is field mode or frame mode*/ HI_U32 u32PicWidth; /*width of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_U32 u32PicHeight; /*height of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ }VENC_ATTR_MJPEG_S; typedef struct hiVENC_ATTR_JPEG_S { HI_U32 u32MaxPicWidth; /*maximum width of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_U32 u32MaxPicHeight; /*maximum height of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_U32 u32BufSize; /*stream buffer size*/ HI_BOOL bByFrame; /*get stream mode is field mode or frame mode*/ HI_U32 u32PicWidth; /*width of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_U32 u32PicHeight; /*height of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_BOOL bSupportDCF; /*support dcf*/ }VENC_ATTR_JPEG_S; /* attribute of MPEG4*/ typedef struct hiVENC_ATTR_MPEG4_S { HI_U32 u32MaxPicWidth; /*maximum width of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_U32 u32MaxPicHeight; /*maximum height of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_U32 u32BufSize; /*buffer size*/ HI_BOOL bByFrame; /*get stream mode is pack or frame*/ HI_U32 u32PicWidth; /*width of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ HI_U32 u32PicHeight; /*height of a picture to be encoded, in pixel*/ }VENC_ATTR_MPEG4_S; typedef struct hiVENC_ATTR_S { PAYLOAD_TYPE_E enType; /*the type of payload*/ union { VENC_ATTR_H264_S stAttrH264e; /*attributes of h264*/ VENC_ATTR_MJPEG_S stAttrMjpeg; /*attributes of mjpeg*/ VENC_ATTR_JPEG_S stAttrJpeg; /*attributes of jpeg*/ VENC_ATTR_MPEG4_S stAttrMpeg4; /*attributes of mpeg4*/ VENC_ATTR_H265_S stAttrH265e; /*attributes of h265*/ }; }VENC_ATTR_S; typedef struct hiVENC_CHN_ATTR_S { VENC_ATTR_S stVeAttr; /*the attribute of video encoder*/ VENC_RC_ATTR_S stRcAttr; /*the attribute of rate ctrl*/ }VENC_CHN_ATTR_S; typedef struct hiVENC_CHN_STAT_S { HI_U32 u32LeftPics; /*left picture number */ HI_U32 u32LeftStreamBytes; /*left stream bytes*/ HI_U32 u32LeftStreamFrames; /*left stream frames*/ HI_U32 u32CurPacks; /*pack number of current frame*/ HI_U32 u32LeftRecvPics; /*Number of frames to be received. This member is valid after HI_MPI_VENC_StartRecvPicEx is called.*/ HI_U32 u32LeftEncPics; /*Number of frames to be encoded. This member is valid after HI_MPI_VENC_StartRecvPicEx is called.*/ }VENC_CHN_STAT_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H264_SLICE_SPLIT_S { HI_BOOL bSplitEnable; /*slice split enable, HI_TRUE:enable, HI_FALSE:diable, default value:HI_FALSE*/ HI_U32 u32SplitMode; /*0:bit number, 1:mb line number, >=2:no meaning*/ HI_U32 u32SliceSize; /*when the splitmode is 0, this value presents the bitsnum of one slice average, when the splitmode is 1, this value presents the mb num of one slice*/ } VENC_PARAM_H264_SLICE_SPLIT_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H264_INTER_PRED_S { /* search window */ HI_U32 u32HWSize; /* size of horizontal search window. default value: differ with the picture size */ HI_U32 u32VWSize; /* size of vertical search window. default value: differ with the picture size */ /* inter pred, one of the following 4 kinds of inter prediction mode must be enable */ HI_BOOL bInter16x16PredEn; /*default: HI_TRUE, enable 16x16 prediction*/ HI_BOOL bInter16x8PredEn; /*default: HI_TRUE*/ HI_BOOL bInter8x16PredEn; /*default: HI_TRUE*/ HI_BOOL bInter8x8PredEn; /*default: HI_TRUE*/ HI_BOOL bExtedgeEn; /*default: HI_TRUE*/ } VENC_PARAM_H264_INTER_PRED_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H264_INTRA_PRED_S { /* intra pred, one of following 2 kinds of intra pred mode must be enable */ HI_BOOL bIntra16x16PredEn; /*default: HI_TRUE, enable 16x16 intra prediction*/ HI_BOOL bIntraNxNPredEn; /*default: HI_TRUE, enable 4x4 and/or 8x8 prediction Notes: this value must work with IntraTransMode*/ HI_U32 constrained_intra_pred_flag; /*default: HI_FALSE, see the H.264 protocol*/ HI_BOOL bIpcmEn; /*default: HI_TRUE, enable ipcm*/ }VENC_PARAM_H264_INTRA_PRED_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H264_TRANS_S { HI_U32 u32IntraTransMode; /* 0: trans4x4, trans8x8; 1: trans4x4, 2: trans8x8 */ HI_U32 u32InterTransMode; /* 0: trans4x4, trans8x8; 1: trans4x4, 2: trans8x8 */ HI_BOOL bScalingListValid; /* default: HI_FALSE */ /* Notes: Enable IntraScalingList8X8 and InterScalingList8X8 while bScalingListValid is HI_TRUE */ HI_U8 InterScalingList8X8[64]; HI_U8 IntraScalingList8X8[64]; HI_S32 chroma_qp_index_offset; /* [-12,12],default value: 0*/ }VENC_PARAM_H264_TRANS_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H264_ENTROPY_S { HI_U32 u32EntropyEncModeI; /* 0:cavlc, 1:cabac */ HI_U32 u32EntropyEncModeP; /* 0:cavlc, 1:cabac */ HI_U32 cabac_stuff_en; /* default: 0*/ HI_U32 Cabac_init_idc; /* 0~2 */ }VENC_PARAM_H264_ENTROPY_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H264_POC_S { HI_U32 pic_order_cnt_type; /* default value: 2. {0,1,2} */ }VENC_PARAM_H264_POC_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H264_DBLK_S { HI_U32 disable_deblocking_filter_idc; /* default value: 0. {0,1,2} */ HI_S32 slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2; /* default value: 5. [-6,+6] */ HI_S32 slice_beta_offset_div2; /* default value: 5. [-6,+6] */ }VENC_PARAM_H264_DBLK_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H264_VUI_TIME_INFO_S { HI_U8 timing_info_present_flag; /* default value: 0. If 1, timing info belows will be encoded into vui. {0,1} */ HI_U8 fixed_frame_rate_flag; /* default value: n/a. {0,1} */ HI_U32 num_units_in_tick; /* default value: n/a. > 0. */ HI_U32 time_scale; /* default value: n/a. > 0. */ }VENC_PARAM_VUI_H264_TIME_INFO_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_VUI_ASPECT_RATIO_S { HI_U8 aspect_ratio_info_present_flag; /* default value: 0. If 1, aspectratio info belows will be encoded into vui. {0,1} */ HI_U8 aspect_ratio_idc; /* default value: n/a. [0,255],17~254 is reserved. */ HI_U8 overscan_info_present_flag; /* default value: 0,just be 0.If 1, oversacan info belows will be encoded into vui. {0,1} */ HI_U8 overscan_appropriate_flag; /* default value: n/a. */ HI_U16 sar_width; /* default value: n/a. sar_width and sar_height shall be relatively prime. */ HI_U16 sar_height ; /* default value: n/a. */ }VENC_PARAM_VUI_ASPECT_RATIO_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_VUI_VIDEO_SIGNAL_S { HI_U8 video_signal_type_present_flag ; /* default value: 0. If 1, video singnal info will be encoded into vui. {0,1} */ HI_U8 video_format ; /* default value: n/a. >= 0. */ HI_U8 video_full_range_flag; /* default value: n/a. {0,1}. */ HI_U8 colour_description_present_flag ; /* default value: n/a. {0,1} */ HI_U8 colour_primaries ; /* default value: n/a. [0,255],0/9~255 is reserved */ HI_U8 transfer_characteristics; /* default value: n/a. [0,255],0/13~255 is reserved */ HI_U8 matrix_coefficients; /* default value: n/a. [0,255],9~255 is reserved */ }VENC_PARAM_VUI_VIDEO_SIGNAL_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H264_VUI_S { VENC_PARAM_VUI_ASPECT_RATIO_S stVuiAspectRatio; VENC_PARAM_VUI_H264_TIME_INFO_S stVuiTimeInfo; VENC_PARAM_VUI_VIDEO_SIGNAL_S stVuiVideoSignal; }VENC_PARAM_H264_VUI_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_JPEG_S { HI_U32 u32Qfactor; /*image quality :[1,99]*/ HI_U8 u8YQt[64]; /* y qt value */ HI_U8 u8CbQt[64]; /* cb qt value */ HI_U8 u8CrQt[64]; /* cr qt value */ HI_U32 u32MCUPerECS; /*default value: 0, MCU number of one ECS*/ } VENC_PARAM_JPEG_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_MJPEG_S { HI_U8 u8YQt[64]; /* y qt value */ HI_U8 u8CbQt[64]; /* cb qt value */ HI_U8 u8CrQt[64]; /* cr qt value */ HI_U32 u32MCUPerECS; /*default value: 0, MCU number of one ECS*/ } VENC_PARAM_MJPEG_S; /* ROI struct */ typedef struct hiVENC_ROI_CFG_S { HI_U32 u32Index; /* Index of an ROI. The system supports indexes ranging from 0 to 7 */ HI_BOOL bEnable; /* Whether to enable this ROI */ HI_BOOL bAbsQp; /* QP mode of an ROI.HI_FALSE: relative QP.HI_TURE: absolute QP.*/ HI_S32 s32Qp; /* QP value. */ RECT_S stRect; /* Region of an ROI*/ }VENC_ROI_CFG_S; typedef struct hiVENC_ROIBG_FRAME_RATE_S { HI_S32 s32SrcFrmRate; /* Input frame rate of Roi backgroud*/ HI_S32 s32DstFrmRate; /* Output frame rate of Roi backgroud */ }VENC_ROIBG_FRAME_RATE_S; typedef struct hiVENC_COLOR2GREY_S { HI_BOOL bColor2Grey; /* Whether to enable Color2Grey.*/ }VENC_COLOR2GREY_S; typedef struct hiVENC_CROP_CFG_S { HI_BOOL bEnable; /* Crop region enable */ RECT_S stRect; /* Crop region, note: s32X must be multi of 16 */ }VENC_CROP_CFG_S; typedef struct hiVENC_FRAME_RATE_S { HI_S32 s32SrcFrmRate; /* Input frame rate of a channel*/ HI_S32 s32DstFrmRate; /* Output frame rate of a channel*/ } VENC_FRAME_RATE_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_REF_S { HI_U32 u32Base; /*Base layer period*/ HI_U32 u32Enhance; /*Enhance layer period*/ HI_BOOL bEnablePred; /*Whether some frames at the base layer are referenced by other frames at the base layer. When bEnablePred is HI_FALSE, all frames at the base layer reference IDR frames.*/ } VENC_PARAM_REF_S; typedef enum hiH264E_IDR_PIC_ID_MODE_E { H264E_IDR_PIC_ID_MODE_AUTO = 0, /*auto mode */ H264E_IDR_PIC_ID_MODE_USR, /*user mode */ H264E_IDR_PIC_ID_MODE_BUTT, }H264E_IDR_PIC_ID_MODE_E; typedef struct hiVENC_H264_IDRPICID_CFG_S { H264E_IDR_PIC_ID_MODE_E enH264eIdrPicIdMode; /*the mode of idr_pic_id that is set*/ HI_U32 u32H264eIdrPicId; /*idr_pic_id value*/ } VENC_H264_IDRPICID_CFG_S; /* Jpeg snap mode */ typedef enum hiVENC_JPEG_SNAP_MODE_E { JPEG_SNAP_ALL = 0, /* Jpeg channel snap all the pictures when started. */ JPEG_SNAP_FLASH = 1, /* Jpeg channel snap the flashed pictures when started. */ JPEG_SNAP_BUTT, }VENC_JPEG_SNAP_MODE_E; typedef struct hiVENC_RECV_PIC_PARAM_S { HI_S32 s32RecvPicNum; /*Number of frames received and encoded by the encoding channel*/ } VENC_RECV_PIC_PARAM_S; typedef struct hiVENC_STREAM_BUF_INFO_S { HI_U32 u32PhyAddr; HI_VOID *pUserAddr; HI_U32 u32BufSize; } VENC_STREAM_BUF_INFO_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H265_SLICE_SPLIT_S { HI_BOOL bSplitEnable; /* default value: HI_FALSE, means no slice split*/ HI_U32 u32SplitMode; /* 0: by bits number; 1: by lcu line number*/ HI_U32 u32SliceSize; /* when splitmode is 0, this value presents bits number, when splitmode is 1, this value presents lcu line number */ HI_U32 loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag; } VENC_PARAM_H265_SLICE_SPLIT_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H265_INTER_PRED_S { /* search window */ HI_U32 u32HWSize; /* size of horizontal search window. default value: differ with the picture size */ HI_U32 u32VWSize; /* size of vertical search window. default value: differ with the picture size */ /* inter pred, one of the following 4 kinds of inter prediction mode must be enable */ HI_BOOL bInter16x16PredEn; /*default: HI_TRUE, enable 16x16 prediction*/ HI_BOOL bInter16x8PredEn; /*default: HI_TRUE*/ HI_BOOL bInter8x16PredEn; /*default: HI_TRUE*/ HI_BOOL bInter8x8PredEn; /*default: HI_TRUE*/ HI_BOOL bExtedgeEn; /*default: HI_TRUE*/ } VENC_PARAM_H265_INTER_PRED_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H265_INTRA_PRED_S { /* intra pred, one of following 2 kinds of intra pred mode must be enable */ HI_BOOL bIntra16x16PredEn; /*default: HI_TRUE, enable 16x16 intra prediction*/ HI_BOOL bIntraNxNPredEn; /*default: HI_TRUE, enable 4x4 and/or 8x8 prediction Notes: this value must work with IntraTransMode*/ HI_U32 constrained_intra_pred_flag; /*default: HI_FALSE, see the H.264 protocol*/ HI_U32 pcm_enabled_flag; /*default: HI_TRUE, enable ipcm*/ }VENC_PARAM_H265_INTRA_PRED_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H265_PU_S { HI_BOOL bPu32x32En; /*default: HI_TRUE */ HI_BOOL bPu16x16En; /*default: HI_TRUE */ HI_BOOL bPu8x8En; /*default: HI_TRUE */ HI_BOOL bPu4x4En; /*default: HI_TRUE */ // intra pred HI_U32 constrained_intra_pred_flag; /*default: HI_FALSE*/ HI_U32 strong_intra_smoothing_enabled_flag; HI_U32 pcm_enabled_flag; /*default: HI_FALSE, enable ipcm*/ HI_U32 pcm_loop_filter_disabled_flag; // inter pred HI_U32 u32MaxNumMergeCand; }VENC_PARAM_H265_PU_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H265_TRANS_S { HI_U32 transquant_bypass_enabled_flag; HI_U32 transform_skip_enabled_flag; HI_S32 cb_qp_offset; HI_S32 cr_qp_offset; } VENC_PARAM_H265_TRANS_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H265_ENTROPY_S { HI_U32 cabac_init_flag; /* default: 0*/ }VENC_PARAM_H265_ENTROPY_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H265_DBLK_S { HI_U32 slice_deblocking_filter_disabled_flag; /* default value: 0. {0,1} */ HI_S32 slice_beta_offset_div2; /* default value: 5. [-6,+6] */ HI_S32 slice_tc_offset_div2; /* default value: 5. [-6,+6] */ }VENC_PARAM_H265_DBLK_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H265_SAO_S { HI_U32 slice_sao_luma_flag; HI_U32 slice_sao_chroma_flag; }VENC_PARAM_H265_SAO_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_H265_TIMING_S { HI_S32 timing_info_present_flag; /* default value: 0. If 1, timing info belows will be encoded into vui. {0,1} */ HI_S32 num_units_in_tick; /* default value: n/a. > 0. */ HI_S32 time_scale; /* default value: n/a. > 0. */ HI_U32 num_ticks_poc_diff_one; }VENC_PARAM_H265_TIMING_S; typedef struct hiVENC_PARAM_INTRA_REFRESH_S { HI_BOOL bRefreshEnable; HI_BOOL bISliceEnable; HI_U32 u32RefreshLineNum; HI_U32 u32ReqIQp; }VENC_PARAM_INTRA_REFRESH_S; typedef enum hiVENC_MODTYPE_S { MODTYPE_VENC = 1, MODTYPE_H264E, MODTYPE_H265E, MODTYPE_JPEGE, MODTYPE_BUTT } VENC_MODTYPE_S; typedef struct hiVENC_MOD_H264E_S { HI_U32 u32OneStreamBuffer; HI_U32 u32H264eVBSource; HI_U32 u32H264eRcnEqualRef; HI_U32 u32H264eMiniBufMode; } VENC_MOD_H264E_S; typedef struct hiVENC_MOD_H265E_S { HI_U32 u32OneStreamBuffer; HI_U32 u32H265eMiniBufMode; } VENC_MOD_H265E_S; typedef struct hiVENC_MOD_JPEGE_S { HI_U32 u32OneStreamBuffer; HI_U32 u32JpegeMiniBufMode; } VENC_MOD_JPEGE_S; typedef struct hiVENC_MOD_VENC_S { HI_U32 u32VencBufferCache; } VENC_MOD_VENC_S; typedef struct hiVENC_MODPARAM_S { VENC_MODTYPE_S enVencModType; union { VENC_MOD_VENC_S stVencMod; VENC_MOD_H264E_S stH264eMod; VENC_MOD_H265E_S stH265eMod; VENC_MOD_JPEGE_S stJpegeMod; }; } VENC_MODPARAM_S; #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __HI_COMM_VENC_H__ */