/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C), 2013-2033, Hisilicon Tech. Co., Ltd. ****************************************************************************** File Name : mpi_vgs.h Version : Initial Draft Author : Hisilicon Hi35xx MPP Team Created : 2013/07/24 Last Modified : Description : mpi functions declaration Function List : History : ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __MPI_VGS_H__ #define __MPI_VGS_H__ #include "hi_common.h" #include "hi_comm_video.h" #include "hi_comm_vgs.h" #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif #endif /* __cplusplus */ /***************************************************************************** Prototype : HI_MPI_VGS_BeginJob Description : Begin a vgs job,then add task into the job,vgs will finish all the task in the job. Input : VGS_HANDLE *phHandle Output : None Return Value : Calls : Called By : History : 1.Date : 2013/07/24 Author : z00183560 Modification : Created function <$/> *****************************************************************************/ HI_S32 HI_MPI_VGS_BeginJob(VGS_HANDLE *phHandle); /***************************************************************************** Prototype : HI_MPI_VGS_EndJob Description : End a job,all tasks in the job will be submmitted to vgs Input : VGS_HANDLE hHandle Output : None Return Value : Calls : Called By : History : 1.Date : 2013/07/24 Author : z00183560 Modification : Created function <$/> *****************************************************************************/ HI_S32 HI_MPI_VGS_EndJob(VGS_HANDLE hHandle); /***************************************************************************** Prototype : HI_MPI_VGS_CancelJob Description : Cancel a job ,then all tasks in the job will not be submmitted to vgs Input : VGS_HANDLE hHandle Output : None Return Value : Calls : Called By : History : 1.Date : 2013/07/24 Author : z00183560 Modification : Created function <$/> *****************************************************************************/ HI_S32 HI_MPI_VGS_CancelJob(VGS_HANDLE hHandle); /***************************************************************************** Prototype : HI_MPI_VGS_AddScaleTask Description : Add a task to a vgs job Input : VGS_HANDLE hHandle Output : None Return Value : Calls : Called By : History : 1.Date : 2013/07/24 Author : z00183560 Modification : Created function <$/> *****************************************************************************/ HI_S32 HI_MPI_VGS_AddScaleTask(VGS_HANDLE hHandle, VGS_TASK_ATTR_S *pstTask); /***************************************************************************** Prototype : HI_MPI_VGS_AddDrawLineTask Description : add a draw line task into a job Input : VGS_HANDLE hHandle Output : None Return Value : Calls : Called By : History : 1.Date : 2014/01/27 Author : Modification : Created function <$/> *****************************************************************************/ HI_S32 HI_MPI_VGS_AddDrawLineTask(VGS_HANDLE hHandle, VGS_TASK_ATTR_S *pstTask, VGS_DRAW_LINE_S *pstVgsDrawLine); /***************************************************************************** Prototype : HI_MPI_VGS_AddCoverTask Description : add a draw point task into a job Input : VGS_HANDLE hHandle Output : None Return Value : Calls : Called By : History : 1.Date : 2014/01/27 Author : Modification : Created function <$/> *****************************************************************************/ HI_S32 HI_MPI_VGS_AddCoverTask(VGS_HANDLE hHandle, VGS_TASK_ATTR_S *pstTask, VGS_ADD_COVER_S *pstVgsAddCover); /***************************************************************************** Prototype : HI_MPI_VGS_AddOsdTask Description : add a draw point task into a job Input : VGS_HANDLE hHandle Output : None Return Value : Calls : Called By : History : 1.Date : 2014/01/27 Author : Modification : Created function <$/> *****************************************************************************/ HI_S32 HI_MPI_VGS_AddOsdTask(VGS_HANDLE hHandle, VGS_TASK_ATTR_S *pstTask, VGS_ADD_OSD_S *pstVgsAddOsd); /***************************************************************************** Prototype : HI_MPI_VGS_AddDrawLineTaskArray Description : add draw line tasks into a job Input : VGS_HANDLE hHandle Output : None Return Value : Calls : Called By : History : 1.Date : 2014/01/27 Author : Modification : Created function <$/> *****************************************************************************/ HI_S32 HI_MPI_VGS_AddDrawLineTaskArray(VGS_HANDLE hHandle, VGS_TASK_ATTR_S * pstTask, VGS_DRAW_LINE_S astVgsDrawLine[], HI_U32 u32ArraySize); /***************************************************************************** Prototype : HI_MPI_VGS_AddCoverTaskArray Description : add cover tasks into a job Input : VGS_HANDLE hHandle Output : None Return Value : Calls : Called By : History : 1.Date : 2014/01/27 Author : Modification : Created function <$/> *****************************************************************************/ HI_S32 HI_MPI_VGS_AddCoverTaskArray(VGS_HANDLE hHandle, VGS_TASK_ATTR_S * pstTask, VGS_ADD_COVER_S astVgsAddCover[], HI_U32 u32ArraySize); /***************************************************************************** Prototype : HI_MPI_VGS_AddOsdTaskArray Description : add osd tasks into a job Input : VGS_HANDLE hHandle Output : None Return Value : Calls : Called By : History : 1.Date : 2014/01/27 Author : Modification : Created function <$/> *****************************************************************************/ HI_S32 HI_MPI_VGS_AddOsdTaskArray(VGS_HANDLE hHandle, VGS_TASK_ATTR_S * pstTask, VGS_ADD_OSD_S astVgsAddOsd[], HI_U32 u32ArraySize); #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __MPI_VGS_H__ */