
61 lines
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Copyright (C), 2001-2011, Hisilicon Tech. Co., Ltd.
File Name : mpi_af.h
Version : Initial Draft
Author : Hisilicon multimedia software group
Created : 2012/12/19
Description :
History :
1.Date : 2012/12/19
Author : n00168968
Modification: Created file
#ifndef __MPI_AF_H__
#define __MPI_AF_H__
#include "hi_comm_isp.h"
#include "hi_comm_3a.h"
#include "hi_af_comm.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if __cplusplus
extern "C"{
#endif /* End of #ifdef __cplusplus */
/* The interface of af lib register to isp. */
HI_S32 HI_MPI_AF_Register(ISP_DEV IspDev, ALG_LIB_S *pstAfLib);
HI_S32 HI_MPI_AF_UnRegister(ISP_DEV IspDev, ALG_LIB_S *pstAfLib);
#if 0
/* The callback function of sensor register to af lib. */
HI_S32 hi_af_sensor_register_cb(ALG_LIB_S *pstAfLib, SENSOR_ID SensorId,
/* The new awb lib is compatible with the old mpi interface. */
HI_S32 HI_MPI_ISP_SetFocusType(ISP_DEV IspDev, ISP_OP_TYPE_E enFocusType); //not support yet
HI_S32 HI_MPI_ISP_GetFocusType(ISP_DEV IspDev, ISP_OP_TYPE_E *penFocusType); //not support yet
HI_S32 HI_MPI_ISP_SetAFAttr(ISP_DEV IspDev, const ISP_AF_ATTR_S *pstAFAttr); //not support yet
HI_S32 HI_MPI_ISP_GetAFAttr(ISP_DEV IspDev, ISP_AF_ATTR_S *pstAFAttr); //not support yet
HI_S32 HI_MPI_ISP_SetMFAttr(ISP_DEV IspDev, const ISP_MF_ATTR_S *pstMFAttr); //not support yet
HI_S32 HI_MPI_ISP_GetMFAttr(ISP_DEV IspDev, ISP_MF_ATTR_S *pstMFAttr); //not support yet
HI_S32 HI_MPI_ISP_ManualFocusMove(ISP_DEV IspDev, HI_S32 s32MoveSteps); //not support yet
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if __cplusplus
#endif /* End of #ifdef __cplusplus */