ports: new waveguide ports
Signed-off-by: Thorsten Liebig <Thorsten.Liebig@gmx.de>pull/1/head
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
function [CSX,port] = AddCircWaveGuidePort( CSX, prio, portnr, start, stop, radius, mode_name, pol_ang, exc_amp, varargin )
% function [CSX,port] = AddCircWaveGuidePort( CSX, prio, portnr, start, stop, radius, mode_name, pol_ang, exc_amp, varargin )
% Create a circular waveguide port, including an optional excitation and probes
% Note: - The excitation will be located at the start position in the given direction
% - The voltage and current probes at the stop position in the given direction
% input:
% CSX: complete CSX structure (must contain a mesh)
% prio: priority of primitives
% start: start coordinates of waveguide port box
% stop: stop coordinates of waveguide port box
% radius: circular waveguide radius (in meter)
% mode_name: mode name, e.g. 'TE11' or 'TM21'
% pol_ang: polarization angle (e.g. 0 = horizontal, pi/2 = vertical)
% exc_amp: excitation amplitude (set 0 to be passive)
% varargin: optional additional excitations options, see also AddExcitation
% output:
% CSX: modified CSX structure
% port: port structure to use with calcPort
% example:
% % create a TE11 circular waveguide mode, using cylindircal coordinates
% start=[mesh.r(1) mesh.a(1) 0 ];
% stop =[mesh.r(end) mesh.a(end) 100];
% [CSX,port] = AddCircWaveGuidePort( CSX, 99, 1, start, stop, 320e-3, 'TE11', 0, 1);
% openEMS matlab interface
% -----------------------
% (c) 2013 Thorsten Liebig (thorsten.liebig@gmx.de)
% See also InitCSX, AddExcitation, calcWGPort, calcPort
if (~strcmpi(mode_name(1:2),'TE'))
error 'currently only TE type modes are supported'
if (nargin<9)
exc_amp = 0;
if (nargin<8)
pol_ang = 0;
pnm = 0;
n = str2double(mode_name(3));
m = str2double(mode_name(4));
% values by David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, third edition
if ((n==0) && (m==1))
pnm = 3.832;
elseif ((n==1) && (m==1))
pnm = 1.841;
elseif ((n==2) && (m==1))
pnm = 3.054;
elseif ((n==0) && (m==2))
pnm = 7.016;
elseif ((n==1) && (m==2))
pnm = 5.331;
elseif ((n==2) && (m==2))
pnm = 6.706;
elseif ((n==0) && (m==3))
pnm = 10.174;
elseif ((n==1) && (m==3))
pnm = 8.536;
elseif ((n==2) && (m==3))
pnm = 9.970;
error 'invalid TE_nm mode'
if ~isfield(CSX,'RectilinearGrid')
error 'mesh needs to be defined! Use DefineRectGrid() first!';
if (~isfield(CSX.RectilinearGrid,'XLines') || ~isfield(CSX.RectilinearGrid,'YLines') || ~isfield(CSX.RectilinearGrid,'ZLines'))
error 'mesh needs to be defined! Use DefineRectGrid() first!';
unit = CSX.RectilinearGrid.ATTRIBUTE.DeltaUnit;
kc = pnm/radius;
kc_draw = kc*unit;
angle = ['a-' num2str(pol_ang)];
% functions by David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, third edition
% electric field mode profile
func_Er = [ num2str(-1/kc_draw^2,15) '/rho*cos(' angle ')*j1(' num2str(kc_draw,15) '*rho)'];
func_Ea = [ num2str(1/kc_draw,15) '*sin(' angle ')*0.5*(j0(' num2str(kc_draw,15) '*rho)-jn(2,' num2str(kc_draw,15) '*rho))'];
% magnetic field mode profile
func_Hr = [ num2str(-1/kc_draw,15) '*sin(' angle ')*0.5*(j0(' num2str(kc_draw,15) '*rho)-jn(2,' num2str(kc_draw,15) '*rho))'];
func_Ha = [ num2str(-1/kc_draw^2,15) '/rho*cos(' angle ')*j1(' num2str(kc_draw,15) '*rho)'];
if (CSX.ATTRIBUTE.CoordSystem==1)
func_E = {func_Er, func_Ea, 0};
func_H = {func_Hr, func_Ha, 0};
func_Ex = ['(' func_Er '*cos(a) - ' func_Ea '*sin(a) ) * (rho<' num2str(radius/unit) ')'];
func_Ey = ['(' func_Er '*sin(a) + ' func_Ea '*cos(a) ) * (rho<' num2str(radius/unit) ')'];
func_E = {func_Ex, func_Ey, 0};
func_Hx = ['(' func_Hr '*cos(a) - ' func_Ha '*sin(a) ) * (rho<' num2str(radius/unit) ')'];
func_Hy = ['(' func_Hr '*sin(a) + ' func_Ha '*cos(a) ) * (rho<' num2str(radius/unit) ')'];
func_H = {func_Hx, func_Hy, 0};
[CSX,port] = AddWaveGuidePort( CSX, prio, portnr, start, stop, 2, func_E, func_H, kc, exc_amp, varargin{:} );
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
function [CSX,port] = AddRectWaveGuidePort( CSX, prio, portnr, start, stop, dir, a, b, mode_name, exc_amp, varargin )
% function [CSX,port] = AddRectWaveGuidePort( CSX, prio, portnr, start, stop, dir, a, b, mode_name, exc_amp, varargin )
% Create a rectangular waveguide port, including an optional excitation and probes
% Note: - The excitation will be located at the start position in the given direction
% - The voltage and current probes at the stop position in the given direction
% input:
% CSX: complete CSX structure (must contain a mesh)
% prio: priority of primitives
% start: start coordinates of waveguide port box
% stop: stop coordinates of waveguide port box
% dir: direction of port (0/1/2 for x/y/z-direction)
% a,b: rectangular waveguide width and height (in meter)
% mode_name: mode name, e.g. 'TE11' or 'TM21'
% exc_amp: excitation amplitude (set 0 to be passive)
% varargin: optional additional excitations options, see also AddExcitation
% output:
% CSX: modified CSX structure
% port: port structure to use with calcPort
% example:
% % create a TE10 circular waveguide mode, using cylindircal coordinates
% start=[mesh.r(1) mesh.a(1) 0 ];
% stop =[mesh.r(end) mesh.a(end) 100];
% [CSX,port] = AddCircWaveGuidePort( CSX, 99, 1, start, stop, 320e-3, 'TE11', 0, 1);
% openEMS matlab interface
% -----------------------
% (c) 2013 Thorsten Liebig (thorsten.liebig@gmx.de)
% See also InitCSX, AddExcitation, calcWGPort, calcPort
if (~strcmpi(mode_name(1:2),'TE'))
error 'currently only TE type modes are supported'
if (nargin<10)
exc_amp = 0;
m = str2double(mode_name(3));
n = str2double(mode_name(4));
% values by David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, third edition
kc = sqrt((m*pi/a)^2 + (n*pi/b)^2);
if ~isfield(CSX,'RectilinearGrid')
error 'mesh needs to be defined! Use DefineRectGrid() first!';
if (~isfield(CSX.RectilinearGrid,'XLines') || ~isfield(CSX.RectilinearGrid,'YLines') || ~isfield(CSX.RectilinearGrid,'ZLines'))
error 'mesh needs to be defined! Use DefineRectGrid() first!';
unit = CSX.RectilinearGrid.ATTRIBUTE.DeltaUnit;
kc_draw = kc*unit;
dirP = mod((dir+1),3)+1;
dirPP = mod((dir+2),3)+1;
nameX = ['(' dir_names{dirP} '-' num2str(start(dirP)) ')'];
nameY = ['(' dir_names{dirPP} '-' num2str(start(dirPP)) ')'];
%convert a&b to drawing units
a = a/unit;
b = b/unit;
% functions by David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, third edition
% electric field mode profile
func_Ex = [num2str( n/b) '*cos(' num2str(m*pi/a) '*' nameX ')*sin(' num2str(n*pi/b) '*' nameY ')'];
func_Ey = [num2str(-m/a) '*sin(' num2str(m*pi/a) '*' nameX ')*cos(' num2str(n*pi/b) '*' nameY ')'];
% magnetic field mode profile
func_Hx = [num2str(m/a) '*sin(' num2str(m*pi/a) '*' nameX ')*cos(' num2str(n*pi/b) '*' nameY ')'];
func_Hy = [num2str(n/b) '*cos(' num2str(m*pi/a) '*' nameX ')*sin(' num2str(n*pi/b) '*' nameY ')'];
func_E{dir+1} = 0;
func_E{dirP} = func_Ex;
func_E{dirPP} = func_Ey;
func_H{dir+1} = 0;
func_H{dirP} = func_Hx;
func_H{dirPP} = func_Hy;
[CSX,port] = AddWaveGuidePort( CSX, prio, portnr, start, stop, dir, func_E, func_H, kc, exc_amp, varargin{:} );
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
function [CSX,port] = AddWaveGuidePort( CSX, prio, portnr, start, stop, dir, E_WG_func, H_WG_func, kc, exc_amp, varargin )
% function [CSX,port] = AddWaveGuidePort( CSX, prio, portnr, start, stop, dir, E_WG_func, H_WG_func, kc, exc_amp, varargin )
% Create a waveguide port, including an optional excitation and probes
% Note: - The excitation will be located at the start position in the given direction
% - The voltage and current probes at the stop position in the given direction
% input:
% CSX: complete CSX structure (must contain a mesh)
% prio: priority of primitives
% start: start coordinates of waveguide port box
% stop: stop coordinates of waveguide port box
% dir: direction of port (0/1/2 for x/y/z-direction)
% E_WG_func: electric field mode profile function as a string
% H_WG_func: magnetic field mode profile function as a string
% kc: cutoff wavenumber (defined by the waveguide dimensions)
% exc_amp: excitation amplitude (set 0 to be passive)
% varargin: optional additional excitations options, see also AddExcitation
% output:
% CSX: modified CSX structure
% port: port structure to use with calcPort
% example:
% % create a TE11 circular waveguide mode, using cylindircal coordinates
% p11 = 1.841;
% kc = p11 / radius; % cutoff wavenumber with radius in meter
% kc_draw = kc*unit; % cutoff wavenumber in drawing units
% % electric field mode profile
% func_E{1} = [ num2str(-1/kc_draw^2,15) '/rho*cos(a)*j1(' num2str(kc_draw,15) '*rho)'];
% func_E{2} = [ num2str(1/kc_draw,15) '*sin(a)*0.5*(j0(' num2str(kc_draw,15) '*rho)-jn(2,' num2str(kc_draw,15) '*rho))'];
% func_E{3} = 0;
% % magnetic field mode profile
% func_H{1} = [ '-1*' num2str(1/kc_draw,15) '*sin(a)*0.5*(j0(' num2str(kc_draw,15) '*rho)-jn(2,' num2str(kc_draw,15) '*rho))'];
% func_H{2} = [ num2str(-1/kc_draw^2,15) '/rho*cos(a)*j1(' num2str(kc_draw,15) '*rho)'];
% func_H{3} = 0;
% start=[mesh.r(1) mesh.a(1) 0 ];
% stop =[mesh.r(end) mesh.a(end) 100];
% [CSX, port{1}] = AddWaveGuidePort(CSX, 0, 1, start, stop, 2, func_E, func_H, kc, 1);
% openEMS matlab interface
% -----------------------
% (c) 2013 Thorsten Liebig (thorsten.liebig@gmx.de)
% See also InitCSX, AddExcitation, calcWGPort, calcPort
%check mesh
if ~isfield(CSX,'RectilinearGrid')
error 'mesh needs to be defined! Use DefineRectGrid() first!';
if (~isfield(CSX.RectilinearGrid,'XLines') || ~isfield(CSX.RectilinearGrid,'YLines') || ~isfield(CSX.RectilinearGrid,'ZLines'))
error 'mesh needs to be defined! Use DefineRectGrid() first!';
port.kc = kc;
port.dir = dir;
port.drawingunit = CSX.RectilinearGrid.ATTRIBUTE.DeltaUnit;
if ~( (dir==0) || (dir==1) || (dir==2) )
error 'dir must be 0, 1 or 2'
% matlab adressing
dir = dir + 1;
dir_sign = sign(stop(dir) - start(dir));
if (dir_sign==0)
dir_sign = 1;
port.direction = dir_sign;
E_WG_func{dir} = 0;
H_WG_func{dir} = 0;
port.excite = 0;
if (exc_amp~=0)
if (start(dir)==stop(dir))
error 'if waveguide port is to be excited, the length in propagation direction must not be zero'
e_start = start;
e_stop = stop;
e_stop(dir) = e_start(dir);
port.excite = 1;
port.excitepos = e_start(dir);
e_vec = [1 1 1]*exc_amp;
e_vec(dir) = 0;
exc_name = ['port_excite_' num2str(portnr)];
CSX = AddExcitation( CSX, exc_name, 0, e_vec, varargin{:});
CSX = SetExcitationWeight(CSX, exc_name, E_WG_func );
CSX = AddBox( CSX, exc_name, prio, e_start, e_stop);
% voltage/current planes
m_start = start;
m_stop = stop;
m_start(dir) = stop(dir);
port.measplanepos = m_start(dir);
port.U_filename = ['port_ut' int2str(portnr)];
CSX = AddProbe(CSX, port.U_filename, 10, 'ModeFunction', E_WG_func);
CSX = AddBox(CSX, port.U_filename, 0 ,m_start, m_stop);
port.I_filename = ['port_it' int2str(portnr)];
CSX = AddProbe(CSX, port.I_filename, 11, 'ModeFunction', H_WG_func, 'weight', dir_sign);
CSX = AddBox(CSX, port.I_filename, 0 ,m_start, m_stop);
@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ end
if strcmpi(port.type,'MSL')
if strcmpi(port.type,'MSL')
port = calcTLPort( port, SimDir, f, varargin{:});
port = calcTLPort( port, SimDir, f, varargin{:});
elseif strcmpi(port.type,'WaveGuide')
port = calcWGPort( port, SimDir, f, varargin{:});
elseif (strcmpi(port.type,'Lumped') || strcmpi(port.type,'Curve'))
elseif (strcmpi(port.type,'Lumped') || strcmpi(port.type,'Curve'))
port = calcLumpedPort( port, SimDir, f, varargin{:});
port = calcLumpedPort( port, SimDir, f, varargin{:});
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
function [port] = calcWGPort( port, SimDir, f, varargin)
% [port] = calcTLPort( port, SimDir, f, varargin)
% Calculate voltages and currents, the propagation constant beta
% and the characteristic impedance ZL of the given waveguide port.
% The port has to be created by e.g. AddWaveGuidePort().
% input:
% port: return value of e.g. AddWaveGuidePort()
% SimDir: directory, where the simulation files are
% f: frequency vector for DFT
% variable input:
% 'RefImpedance': - use a given reference impedance to calculate inc and
% ref voltages and currents
% - default is given port or calculated line impedance
% 'RefPlaneShift': - use a given reference plane shift from port beginning
% for a desired phase correction
% - default is the measurement plane at the end of the
% port
% - the plane shift has to be given in drawing units!
% output:
% port.f the given frequency fector
% port.uf.tot/inc/ref total, incoming and reflected voltage
% port.if.tot/inc/ref total, incoming and reflected current
% port.beta: propagation constant
% port.ZL: characteristic line impedance
% port.ZL_ref used reference impedance
% example:
% port{1} = calcWGPort( port{1}, Sim_Path, f, 'RefImpedance', 50);
% openEMS matlab interface
% -----------------------
% (C) 2013 Thorsten Liebig (thorsten.liebig@gmx.de)
% See also AddWaveGuidePort, calcPort
if (iscell(port))
for n=1:numel(port)
port{n}=calcTLPort(port{n}, SimDir, f, varargin{:});
if (strcmpi(port.type,'WaveGuide')~=1)
error('openEMS:calcWGPort','error, type is not a waveguide port');
%set defaults
ref_ZL = -1;
ref_shift = nan;
UI_args = {};
for n=1:2:numel(varargin)
if (strcmp(varargin{n},'RefPlaneShift')==1);
ref_shift = varargin{n+1};
elseif (strcmp(varargin{n},'RefImpedance')==1);
ref_ZL = varargin{n+1};
UI_args(end+1) = varargin(n);
UI_args(end+1) = varargin(n+1);
% read time domain data
U = ReadUI( port.U_filename, SimDir, f, UI_args{:} );
I = ReadUI( port.I_filename, SimDir, f, UI_args{:} );
% store the original frequency domain waveforms
u_f = U.FD{1}.val;
i_f = I.FD{1}.val;
k = 2*pi*f/C0;
fc = C0*port.kc/2/pi;
port.beta = sqrt(k.^2 - port.kc^2);
port.ZL = k * Z0 ./ port.beta; %analytic waveguide impedance
% reference plane shift (lossless)
if ~isnan(ref_shift)
% shift relative to the beginning of the waveguide
ref_shift = ref_shift - port.measplanepos;
ref_shift = ref_shift * port.drawingunit;
% store the shifted frequency domain waveforms
phase = real(beta)*ref_shift;
u_f_shift = u_f .* cos(-phase) + 1i * i_f.*port.ZL .* sin(-phase);
i_f_shift = i_f .* cos(-phase) + 1i * u_f./port.ZL .* sin(-phase);
u_f = u_f_shift;
i_f = i_f_shift;
if (ref_ZL < 0)
ref_ZL = port.ZL;
port.ZL_ref = ref_ZL;
port.f = f;
uf_inc = 0.5 * ( u_f + i_f .* ref_ZL );
if_inc = 0.5 * ( i_f + u_f ./ ref_ZL );
uf_ref = u_f - uf_inc;
if_ref = if_inc - i_f;
port.uf.tot = u_f;
port.uf.inc = uf_inc;
port.uf.ref = uf_ref;
port.if.tot = i_f;
port.if.inc = if_inc;
port.if.ref = if_ref;
port.raw.U = U;
port.raw.I = I;
Reference in New Issue