examples: dipole antenna example update

Signed-off-by: Thorsten Liebig <thorsten.liebig@gmx.de>
Thorsten Liebig 2013-01-02 19:23:48 +01:00
parent 2ca306f70f
commit e5fd1e1f61
1 changed files with 18 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -81,81 +81,56 @@ disp( ' ********************************************************** ' );
disp( ' ' );
% calculate the far field at phi=0 degrees and at phi=90 degrees
thetaRange = 0:2:359;
thetaRange = 0:0.5:359;
disp( 'calculating far field at phi=[0 90] deg..' );
%[E_far_theta,E_far_phi,Prad,Dmax] = AnalyzeNF2FF( Sim_Path, nf2ff, f_max, thetaRange, [0 90], 1 );
nf2ff = CalcNF2FF( nf2ff, Sim_Path, f_max, thetaRange/180*pi, [0 pi/2], 'Mode', 1 );
Prad = nf2ff.Prad;
Dmax = nf2ff.Dmax;
f_idx = 1;
E_far_theta = nf2ff.E_theta{f_idx};
E_far_phi = nf2ff.E_phi{f_idx};
theta_HPBW = interp1(nf2ff.E_norm{1}(find(thetaRange<90),1)/max(nf2ff.E_norm{1}(find(thetaRange<90),1)),thetaRange(find(thetaRange<90)),1/sqrt(2))*2;
% display power and directivity
disp( ['radiated power: Prad = ' num2str(Prad)] );
disp( ['directivity: Dmax = ' num2str(Dmax)] );
disp( ['theta_HPBW = ' num2str(theta_HPBW) ' °']);
% calculate the e-field magnitude for phi = 0 deg
E_phi0_far = zeros(1,numel(thetaRange));
for n=1:numel(thetaRange)
E_phi0_far(n) = norm( [E_far_theta(n,1) E_far_phi(n,1)] );
% display polar plot
% display polar plot for the e-field magnitude for phi = 0 deg
polar( thetaRange/180*pi, E_phi0_far );
polar( thetaRange/180*pi, nf2ff.E_norm{1}(:,1)' );
ylabel( 'theta / deg' );
title( ['electrical far field (V/m); r=1 m phi=0 deg'] );
title( 'electrical far field (V/m); r=1 m phi=0 deg' );
legend( 'e-field magnitude', 'Location', 'BestOutside' );
% calculate the e-field magnitude for phi = 90 deg
E_phi90_far = zeros(1,numel(thetaRange));
for n=1:numel(thetaRange)
E_phi90_far(n) = norm([E_far_theta(n,2) E_far_phi(n,2)]);
% display polar plot
% display polar plot for the e-field magnitude for phi = 90 deg
polar( thetaRange/180*pi, E_phi90_far );
polar( thetaRange/180*pi, nf2ff.E_norm{1}(:,2)' );
ylabel( 'theta / deg' );
title( ['electrical far field (V/m); r=1 m phi=90 deg'] );
title( 'electrical far field (V/m); r=1 m phi=90 deg' );
legend( 'e-field magnitude', 'Location', 'BestOutside' );
% calculate the far field at theta=90 degrees
%% calculate the far field at theta=90 degrees
phiRange = 0:2:359;
disp( 'calculating far field at theta=90 deg..' );
%[E_far_theta,E_far_phi] = AnalyzeNF2FF( Sim_Path, nf2ff, f_max, 90, phiRange, 1 );
nf2ff = CalcNF2FF( nf2ff, Sim_Path, f_max, 90, phiRange/180*pi, 'Mode', 1 );
Prad = nf2ff.Prad;
Dmax = nf2ff.Dmax;
f_idx = 1;
E_far_theta = nf2ff.E_theta{f_idx};
E_far_phi = nf2ff.E_phi{f_idx};
E_theta90_far = zeros(1,numel(phiRange));
for n=1:numel(phiRange)
E_theta90_far(n) = norm([E_far_theta(1,n) E_far_phi(1,n)]);
% display polar plot
polar( phiRange/180*pi, E_theta90_far );
polar( phiRange/180*pi, nf2ff.E_norm{1} );
ylabel( 'phi / deg' );
title( ['electrical far field (V/m); r=1 m theta=90 deg'] );
title( 'electrical far field (V/m); r=1 m theta=90 deg' );
legend( 'e-field magnitude', 'Location', 'BestOutside' );
% calculate 3D pattern
phiRange = 0:15:360;
thetaRange = 0:10:180;
%% calculate 3D pattern
phiRange = 0:5:360;
thetaRange = 0:5:180;
disp( 'calculating 3D far field...' );
%[E_far_theta,E_far_phi] = AnalyzeNF2FF( Sim_Path, nf2ff, f_max, thetaRange, phiRange, 1 );
nf2ff = CalcNF2FF( nf2ff, Sim_Path, f_max, thetaRange/180*pi, phiRange/180*pi, 'Mode', 1 );
f_idx = 1;
E_far_theta = nf2ff.E_theta{f_idx};
E_far_phi = nf2ff.E_phi{f_idx};
E_far = sqrt( abs(E_far_theta).^2 + abs(E_far_phi).^2 );
E_far = nf2ff.E_norm{1};
E_far_normalized = E_far / max(E_far(:));
[theta,phi] = ndgrid(thetaRange/180*pi,phiRange/180*pi);
x = E_far_normalized .* sin(theta) .* cos(phi);
@ -168,6 +143,6 @@ xlabel( 'x' );
ylabel( 'y' );
zlabel( 'z' );
DumpFF2VTK([Sim_Path '/FF_pattern.vtk'],E_far_normalized, thetaRange, phiRange);
disp(['view the farfield pattern "' Sim_Path '/FF_pattern.vtk" using paraview' ]);