function OptimizeCondSheetParameter % function OptimizeCondSheetParameter % % internal openEMS function to create the "cond_sheet_parameter.h" header % file containing optimized parameter values for the conducting sheet model % % (c) 2012: Thorsten Liebig, close all clear clc X = [1 1 1 1 1]; lb = zeros(size(X)); ub = ones(size(X))*1000; Omega = linspace(0,20,51); Omega = Omega(2:end); Omega_fine = linspace(0,20,15001); Omega_fine = Omega_fine(2:end); options = optimset('fzero'); % options = optimset(options,'Display','iter') options = optimset(options,'MaxFunEvals',5000); options = optimset(options,'MaxIter',5000); omg_stop_str = []; omg_critical_20 = []; omg_critical_5 = []; g_str = []; r1_str= []; r2_str= []; l1_str= []; l2_str= []; numPara = 30; factor = 1.5; for p = 1:numPara X = lsqnonlin(@(X)CalcYDiff(Omega,X),X,lb,ub,options); omg_stop_str = [omg_stop_str num2str(Omega(end),10) ',']; g_str = [g_str num2str(X(1),10) ',']; r1_str = [r1_str num2str(X(2),10) ',']; l1_str = [l1_str num2str(X(3),10) ',']; r2_str = [r2_str num2str(X(4),10) ',']; l2_str = [l2_str num2str(X(5),10) ',']; Ys = tanh((1+1j)*sqrt(Omega_fine))/(1+1j)./sqrt(Omega_fine); err = (CalcYDiff(Omega_fine,X))./real(1./Ys); fc = Omega_fine(find(abs(err)>0.2,1,'last')); if (isempty(fc)) fc = 0; end omg_critical_20 = [omg_critical_20 num2str(fc,10) ',']; fc = Omega_fine(find(abs(err)>0.05,1,'last')); if (isempty(fc)) fc = 0; end omg_critical_5 = [omg_critical_5 num2str(fc,10) ',']; % disp(['max error: ' num2str(max(abs(err)*100)) ]) % figure % plot(Omega_fine,err*100,'g--'); Omega_fine = Omega_fine*factor; Omega = Omega*factor; end %% write to file fid = fopen('cond_sheet_parameter.h','w'); fprintf(fid,'// This is a list of conducting sheet model parameter for different ranges of omega = w/w0\n'); fprintf(fid,'// This file was created automatically using Matlab: OptimizeCondSheetParameter.m \n'); fprintf(fid,'// Do not change this file! \n'); fprintf(fid,'// Creation: %s \n\n',datestr(now)); fprintf(fid,'unsigned int numOptPara=%d;\n',numPara); fprintf(fid,'double omega_stop[%d]={%s};\n',numPara,omg_stop_str(1:end-1)); fprintf(fid,'double omega_critical_5[%d]={%s};\n',numPara,omg_critical_5(1:end-1)); fprintf(fid,'double omega_critical_20[%d]={%s};\n',numPara,omg_critical_20(1:end-1)); fprintf(fid,'double g[%d]={%s};\n',numPara,g_str(1:end-1)); fprintf(fid,'double r1[%d]={%s};\n',numPara,r1_str(1:end-1)); fprintf(fid,'double l1[%d]={%s};\n',numPara,l1_str(1:end-1)); fprintf(fid,'double r2[%d]={%s};\n',numPara,r2_str(1:end-1)); fprintf(fid,'double l2[%d]={%s};\n',numPara,l2_str(1:end-1)); fclose(fid); function Ydiff = CalcYDiff(omega, X) Ys = tanh((1+1j)*sqrt(omega))/(1+1j)./sqrt(omega); Y = X(1) + 1./(X(2)+1j*omega*X(3)) + 1./(X(4)+1j*omega*X(5)); Ydiff = real(1./Ys)-real(1./Y);