/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (Thorsten.Liebig@gmx.de) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "processfields_fd.h" #include "Common/operator_base.h" #include "tools/vtk_file_io.h" #include #include #include #include ProcessFieldsFD::ProcessFieldsFD(Engine_Interface_Base* eng_if) : ProcessFields(eng_if) { } ProcessFieldsFD::~ProcessFieldsFD() { for (size_t n = 0; nSetHeader(string("openEMS FD Field Dump -- Interpolation: ")+m_Eng_Interface->GetInterpolationTypeString()); if (m_fileType==HDF5_FILETYPE) { //create hdf5 file & necessary groups m_filename+= ".h5"; H5::H5File* file = new H5::H5File( m_filename , H5F_ACC_TRUNC ); H5::Group* group = new H5::Group( file->createGroup( "/FieldData" )); delete group; group = new H5::Group( file->createGroup( "/FieldData/FD" )); //set number of frequencies hsize_t t_dimsf[] = {1}; H5::DataSpace t_dataspace( 1, t_dimsf ); H5::Attribute attr = group->createAttribute("Number_of_Frequencies",H5::PredType::NATIVE_INT,t_dataspace); int count = m_FD_Samples.size(); attr.write( H5::PredType::NATIVE_INT , &count); delete group; delete file; //write mesh information in main root-group #ifdef OUTPUT_IN_DRAWINGUNITS double discScaling = 1; #else double discScaling = Op->GetGridDelta(); #endif ProcessFields::WriteMesh2HDF5(m_filename,"/",numLines,discLines,m_Mesh_Type, discScaling); } //create data structures... for (size_t n = 0; n**** field_fd = Create_N_3DArray >(numLines); m_FD_Fields.push_back(field_fd); } } int ProcessFieldsFD::Process() { if (Enabled==false) return -1; if (CheckTimestep()==false) return GetNextInterval(); if ((m_FD_Interval==0) || (m_Eng_Interface->GetNumberOfTimesteps()%m_FD_Interval!=0)) return GetNextInterval(); FDTD_FLOAT**** field_td = CalcField(); std::complex**** field_fd = NULL; double T = m_Eng_Interface->GetTime(m_dualTime); unsigned int pos[3]; for (size_t n = 0; n exp_jwt_2_dt = std::exp( (std::complex)(-2.0 * _I * M_PI * m_FD_Samples.at(n) * T) ); exp_jwt_2_dt *= 2; // *2 for single-sided spectrum exp_jwt_2_dt *= Op->GetTimestep() * m_FD_Interval; // multiply with timestep-interval field_fd = m_FD_Fields.at(n); for (pos[0]=0; pos[0](field_td,numLines); ++m_FD_SampleCount; return GetNextInterval(); } void ProcessFieldsFD::PostProcess() { DumpFDData(); } void ProcessFieldsFD::DumpFDData() { if (m_fileType==VTK_FILETYPE) { unsigned int pos[3]; FDTD_FLOAT**** field = Create_N_3DArray(numLines); std::complex**** field_fd = NULL; double angle=0; int Nr_Ph = 21; for (size_t n = 0; n exp_jwt = std::exp( (std::complex)( _I * angle) ); field_fd = m_FD_Fields.at(n); for (pos[0]=0; pos[0]SetFilename(ss.str()); m_Dump_File->ClearAllFields(); m_Dump_File->AddVectorField(GetFieldNameByType(m_DumpType),field,numLines); if (m_Dump_File->Write()==false) cerr << "ProcessFieldsFD::Process: can't dump to file... abort! " << endl; } { //dump phase to vtk-files for (pos[0]=0; pos[0]SetFilename(ss.str()); m_Dump_File->ClearAllFields(); m_Dump_File->AddVectorField(GetFieldNameByType(m_DumpType),field,numLines); if (m_Dump_File->Write()==false) cerr << "ProcessFieldsFD::Process: can't dump to file... abort! " << endl; } } Delete_N_3DArray(field,numLines); return; } if (m_fileType==HDF5_FILETYPE) { for (size_t n = 0; n