function nf2ff = CalcNF2FF(nf2ff, Sim_Path, freq, theta, phi, varargin) % function nf2ff = CalcNF2FF(nf2ff, Sim_Path, freq, theta, phi, varargin) % % Calculate the near-field to far-field transformation created by % CreateNF2FFBox % % IMPORTANT: % Make sure to define the correct nf2ff phase center, aka. central antenna % position! See optional parameter below!! Default is [0 0 0] % % parameter: % nf2ff: data structure created by CreateNF2FFBox % Sim_Path: path to simulation data % freq: array of frequencies to analyse % theta,phi: spherical coordinates to evaluate the far-field on (in radians) % % optional paramater: % 'Center': nf2ff phase center, default is [0 0 0] % !! Make sure the center is never outside of your nf2ff box!! % Definition is the correct coordinate system necessary % --> either Cartesian or cylindrical coordinates % 'Mode': 'Mode', 0 -> read only, if data already exist (default) % 'Mode', 1 -> calculate anyway, overwrite existing % 'Mode', 2 -> read only, fail if not existing % 'Outfile': alternative nf2ff result hdf5 file name % default is: .h5 % 'Verbose': set verbose level for the nf2ff calculation 0-2 supported % % See also: CreateNF2FFBox, ReadNF2FF % % openEMS matlab interface % ----------------------- % author: Thorsten Liebig, 2012 mode = 0; filename =; nf2ff_xml.Planes = {}; for (n=1:numel(nf2ff.filenames_E)) if (nf2ff.directions(n)~=0) nf2ff_xml.Planes{end+1}.ATTRIBUTE.E_Field = [nf2ff.filenames_E{n} '.h5']; nf2ff_xml.Planes{end}.ATTRIBUTE.H_Field = [nf2ff.filenames_H{n} '.h5']; end end nf2ff_xml.ATTRIBUTE.freq = freq; nf2ff_xml.theta = theta; nf2ff_xml.phi = phi; nf2ff_xml.ATTRIBUTE.Outfile = [filename '.h5']; for n=1:2:numel(varargin)-1 if (strcmp(varargin{n},'Mode')) mode = varargin{n+1}; else nf2ff_xml.ATTRIBUTE.(varargin{n})=varargin{n+1}; end end nf2ff.xml = [Sim_Path '/' filename '.xml']; nf2ff.hdf5 = [Sim_Path '/' nf2ff_xml.ATTRIBUTE.Outfile]; % create nf2ff structure struct_2_xml(nf2ff.xml,nf2ff_xml,'nf2ff'); m_filename = mfilename('fullpath'); dir = fileparts( m_filename ); openEMS_Path = [dir filesep '..' filesep]; if ((exist(nf2ff.hdf5,'file') && (mode==0)) || (mode==2)) disp('CalcNF2FF: Reading nf2ff data only...') nf2ff = ReadNF2FF(nf2ff); % verify read data if ( (vectorEqual(nf2ff.freq,freq)==0) || (vectorEqual(nf2ff.theta,theta)==0) || (vectorEqual(nf2ff.phi,phi)==0) ) error('openEMS:CalcNF2FF','data mismatch between read and requested data --> recalculate nf2ff --> Set Mode to 1 '); end return; end savePath = pwd; cd(Sim_Path); try if isunix % remove LD_LIBRARY_PATH set by matlab system(['export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=; ' openEMS_Path 'nf2ff/nf2ff ' filename '.xml']); else system([openEMS_Path 'nf2ff.exe ' filename '.xml']); end nf2ff.hdf5; cd(savePath); catch cd(savePath); error 'CalcNF2FF: failed' end nf2ff = ReadNF2FF(nf2ff); function equal = vectorEqual(v1, v2, acc) if (nargin<3) acc = 1e-6; end equal = 0; if numel(v1)~=numel(v2) return; end if sum(abs((v1(:)-v2(:))/v1(:)) > acc)>0 return; end equal = 1; return