/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (Thorsten.Liebig@gmx.de) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "operator_ext_mur_abc.h" #include "engine_ext_mur_abc.h" #include "tools/array_ops.h" Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC(Operator* op) : Operator_Extension(op) { Initialize(); } Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::~Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC() { Delete2DArray(m_Mur_Coeff_nyP,m_numLines); m_Mur_Coeff_nyP = NULL; Delete2DArray(m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP,m_numLines); m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP = NULL; } Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC(Operator* op, Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC* op_ext) : Operator_Extension(op, op_ext) { Initialize(); m_v_phase = op_ext->m_v_phase; SetDirection(op_ext->m_ny,op_ext->m_top); } Operator_Extension* Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::Clone(Operator* op) { if (dynamic_cast(this)==NULL) return NULL; return new Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC(op, this); } bool Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::IsCylinderCoordsSave() const { if (m_ny==2) return true; if ((m_ny==0) && (m_top)) return true; return false; } bool Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::IsCylindricalMultiGridSave(bool child) const { if (m_ny==2) //always allow in z-direction return true; if ((m_ny==0) && (m_top) && (!child)) //if top r-direction and is not a child grid allow Mur... return true; //in all other cases this ABC is not save to use in CylindricalMultiGrid return false; } void Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::Initialize() { m_ny = -1; m_nyP = -1; m_nyPP = -1; m_LineNr = 0; m_LineNr_Shift = 0; m_v_phase = 0.0; m_Mur_Coeff_nyP = NULL; m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP = NULL; m_numLines[0]=0; m_numLines[1]=0; } void Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::SetDirection(int ny, bool top_ny) { if ((ny<0) || (ny>2)) return; Delete2DArray(m_Mur_Coeff_nyP,m_numLines); Delete2DArray(m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP,m_numLines); m_ny = ny; m_top = top_ny; m_nyP = (ny+1)%3; m_nyPP = (ny+2)%3; if (!top_ny) { m_LineNr = 0; m_LineNr_Shift = 1; } else { m_LineNr = m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(m_ny)-1; m_LineNr_Shift = m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(m_ny) - 2; } m_numLines[0] = m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(m_nyP); m_numLines[1] = m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(m_nyPP); m_Mur_Coeff_nyP = Create2DArray(m_numLines); m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP = Create2DArray(m_numLines); } bool Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::BuildExtension() { if (m_ny<0) { cerr << "Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::BuildExtension: Warning, Extension not initialized! Use SetDirection!! Abort build!!" << endl; return false; } double dT = m_Op->GetTimestep(); unsigned int pos[] = {0,0,0}; pos[m_ny] = m_LineNr; double delta = fabs(m_Op->GetMeshDelta(m_ny,pos)); double coord[] = {0,0,0}; coord[0] = m_Op->GetDiscLine(0,pos[0]); coord[1] = m_Op->GetDiscLine(1,pos[1]); coord[2] = m_Op->GetDiscLine(2,pos[2]); double eps,mue; double c0t; if (m_LineNr==0) coord[m_ny] = m_Op->GetDiscLine(m_ny,pos[m_ny]) + delta/2 / m_Op->GetGridDelta(); else coord[m_ny] = m_Op->GetDiscLine(m_ny,pos[m_ny]) - delta/2 / m_Op->GetGridDelta(); for (pos[m_nyP]=0;pos[m_nyP]GetDiscLine(m_nyP,pos[m_nyP]); for (pos[m_nyPP]=0;pos[m_nyPP]GetDiscLine(m_nyPP,pos[m_nyPP]); CSProperties* prop = m_Op->GetGeometryCSX()->GetPropertyByCoordPriority(coord,CSProperties::MATERIAL); if (prop) { CSPropMaterial* mat = prop->ToMaterial(); //nP eps = mat->GetEpsilonWeighted(m_nyP,coord); mue = mat->GetMueWeighted(m_nyP,coord); if (m_v_phase>0.0) c0t = m_v_phase * dT; else c0t = __C0__ * dT / sqrt(eps*mue); m_Mur_Coeff_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] = (c0t - delta) / (c0t + delta); //nPP eps = mat->GetEpsilonWeighted(m_nyPP,coord); mue = mat->GetMueWeighted(m_nyPP,coord); if (m_v_phase>0.0) c0t = m_v_phase * dT; else c0t = __C0__ * dT / sqrt(eps*mue); m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] = (c0t - delta) / (c0t + delta); } else { if (m_v_phase>0.0) c0t = m_v_phase * dT; else c0t = __C0__ * dT; m_Mur_Coeff_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] = (c0t - delta) / (c0t + delta); m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] = m_Mur_Coeff_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]]; } // cerr << m_Mur_Coeff_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] << " : " << m_Mur_Coeff_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] << endl; } } // cerr << "Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::BuildExtension(): " << m_ny << " @ " << m_LineNr << endl; return true; } Engine_Extension* Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::CreateEngineExtention() { Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC* eng_ext = new Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC(this); return eng_ext; } void Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const { Operator_Extension::ShowStat(ostr); string XYZ[3] = {"x","y","z"}; ostr << " Active direction\t: " << XYZ[m_ny] << " at line: " << m_LineNr << endl; if (m_v_phase>0.0) ostr << " Used phase velocity\t: " << m_v_phase << " (" << m_v_phase/__C0__ << " * c_0)" <