
302 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2010 Sebastian Held (
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#define DEBUG_TIME(x) x;
#define DEBUG_TIME(x) ;
#include "engine_multithread.h"
#include "tools/array_ops.h"
#include "boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp"
#include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp"
#include <iomanip>
//! \brief construct an Engine_Multithread instance
//! it's the responsibility of the caller to free the returned pointer
Engine_Multithread* Engine_Multithread::New(const Operator* op, unsigned int numThreads)
Engine_Multithread* e = new Engine_Multithread(op);
e->setNumThreads( numThreads );
return e;
Engine_Multithread::Engine_Multithread(const Operator* op) : Engine(op)
NS_Engine_Multithread::DBG().cout() << "Engine_Multithread::~Engine_Multithread()" << endl;
std::map<boost::thread::id, std::vector<double> >::iterator it;
for (it=m_timer_list.begin(); it!=m_timer_list.end(); it++) {
NS_Engine_Multithread::DBG().cout() << "*** DEBUG Thread: " << it->first << std::endl;
std::vector<double>::iterator it2;
for (it2=it->second.begin(); it2<it->second.end();) {
NS_Engine_Multithread::DBG().cout() << "after voltage update, before barrier1: " << fixed << setprecision(6) << *(it2++) << std::endl;
NS_Engine_Multithread::DBG().cout() << "after barrier1, before barrier2: " << fixed << setprecision(6) << *(it2++) << std::endl;
NS_Engine_Multithread::DBG().cout() << "after barrier2, before current update: " << fixed << setprecision(6) << *(it2++) << std::endl;
NS_Engine_Multithread::DBG().cout() << "after current update, before barrier3: " << fixed << setprecision(6) << *(it2++) << std::endl;
NS_Engine_Multithread::DBG().cout() << "after barrier3: " << fixed << setprecision(6) << *(it2++) << std::endl;
void Engine_Multithread::setNumThreads( unsigned int numThreads )
m_numThreads = numThreads;
void Engine_Multithread::Init()
Engine::Init(); // gets cleaned up by Engine::~Engine()
// initialize threads
m_stopThreads = false;
if (m_numThreads == 0)
m_numThreads = boost::thread::hardware_concurrency();
cout << "using " << m_numThreads << " threads" << std::endl;
m_barrier1 = new boost::barrier(m_numThreads+1); // numThread workers + 1 excitation thread
m_barrier2 = new boost::barrier(m_numThreads+1); // numThread workers + 1 excitation thread
m_barrier3 = new boost::barrier(m_numThreads); // numThread workers
m_startBarrier = new boost::barrier(m_numThreads+1); // numThread workers + 1 controller
m_stopBarrier = new boost::barrier(m_numThreads+1); // numThread workers + 1 controller
unsigned int linesPerThread = round((float)Op->numLines[0] / (float)m_numThreads);
for (unsigned int n=0; n<m_numThreads; n++) {
unsigned int start = n * linesPerThread;
unsigned int stop = (n+1) * linesPerThread - 1;
unsigned int stop_h = stop;
if (n == m_numThreads-1) {
// last thread
stop = Op->numLines[0]-1;
stop_h = stop-1;
//NS_Engine_Multithread::DBG().cout() << "###DEBUG## Thread " << n << ": start=" << start << " stop=" << stop << " stop_h=" << stop_h << std::endl;
boost::thread *t = new boost::thread( NS_Engine_Multithread::thread(this,start,stop,stop_h,n) );
m_thread_group.add_thread( t );
boost::thread *t = new boost::thread( NS_Engine_Multithread::thread_e_excitation(this) );
m_thread_group.add_thread( t );
void Engine_Multithread::Reset()
if (!m_stopThreads) {
// prevent multiple invocations
// stop the threads
//NS_Engine_Multithread::DBG().cout() << "stopping all threads" << endl;
m_iterTS = 1;
m_startBarrier->wait(); // start the threads
m_stopThreads = true;
m_stopBarrier->wait(); // wait for the threads to finish
m_thread_group.join_all(); // wait for termination
delete m_barrier1; m_barrier1 = 0;
delete m_barrier2; m_barrier2 = 0;
delete m_barrier3; m_barrier3 = 0;
delete m_startBarrier; m_startBarrier = 0;
delete m_stopBarrier; m_stopBarrier = 0;
bool Engine_Multithread::IterateTS(unsigned int iterTS)
m_iterTS = iterTS;
//cout << "bool Engine_Multithread::IterateTS(): starting threads ...";
m_startBarrier->wait(); // start the threads
//cout << "... threads started";
m_stopBarrier->wait(); // wait for the threads to finish <iterTS> time steps
return true;
// *************************************************************************************************************************
namespace NS_Engine_Multithread {
thread::thread( Engine_Multithread* ptr, unsigned int start, unsigned int stop, unsigned int stop_h, unsigned int threadID )
m_enginePtr = ptr;
m_start = start;
m_stop = stop;
m_stop_h = stop_h;
m_threadID = threadID;
void thread::operator()()
//std::cout << "thread::operator() Parameters: " << m_start << " " << m_stop << std::endl;
//DBG().cout() << "Thread " << m_threadID << " (" << boost::this_thread::get_id() << ") started." << endl;
unsigned int pos[3];
bool shift[3];
while (!m_enginePtr->m_stopThreads) {
// wait for start
//DBG().cout() << "Thread " << m_threadID << " (" << boost::this_thread::get_id() << ") waiting..." << endl;
//cout << "Thread " << boost::this_thread::get_id() << " waiting... started." << endl;
DEBUG_TIME( Timer timer1 );
for (unsigned int iter=0;iter<m_enginePtr->m_iterTS;++iter)
//voltage updates
for (pos[0]=m_start;pos[0]<=m_stop;++pos[0])
for (pos[1]=0;pos[1]<m_enginePtr->Op->numLines[1];++pos[1])
for (pos[2]=0;pos[2]<m_enginePtr->Op->numLines[2];++pos[2])
//do the updates here
//for x
m_enginePtr->volt[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] *= m_enginePtr->Op->vv[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]];
m_enginePtr->volt[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] += m_enginePtr->Op->vi[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] * ( m_enginePtr->curr[2][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] - m_enginePtr->curr[2][pos[0]][pos[1]-shift[1]][pos[2]] - m_enginePtr->curr[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] + m_enginePtr->curr[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]-shift[2]]);
//for y
m_enginePtr->volt[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] *= m_enginePtr->Op->vv[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]];
m_enginePtr->volt[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] += m_enginePtr->Op->vi[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] * ( m_enginePtr->curr[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] - m_enginePtr->curr[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]-shift[2]] - m_enginePtr->curr[2][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] + m_enginePtr->curr[2][pos[0]-shift[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]);
//for x
m_enginePtr->volt[2][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] *= m_enginePtr->Op->vv[2][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]];
m_enginePtr->volt[2][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] += m_enginePtr->Op->vi[2][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] * ( m_enginePtr->curr[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] - m_enginePtr->curr[1][pos[0]-shift[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] - m_enginePtr->curr[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] + m_enginePtr->curr[0][pos[0]][pos[1]-shift[1]][pos[2]]);
// record time
DEBUG_TIME( m_enginePtr->m_timer_list[boost::this_thread::get_id()].push_back( timer1.elapsed() ); )
//cout << "Thread " << boost::this_thread::get_id() << " m_barrier1 waiting..." << endl;
// record time
DEBUG_TIME( m_enginePtr->m_timer_list[boost::this_thread::get_id()].push_back( timer1.elapsed() ); )
// e-field excitation (thread thread_e_excitation)
// e_excitation finished
// record time
DEBUG_TIME( m_enginePtr->m_timer_list[boost::this_thread::get_id()].push_back( timer1.elapsed() ); )
//current updates
for (pos[0]=m_start;pos[0]<=m_stop_h;++pos[0])
for (pos[1]=0;pos[1]<m_enginePtr->Op->numLines[1]-1;++pos[1])
for (pos[2]=0;pos[2]<m_enginePtr->Op->numLines[2]-1;++pos[2])
//do the updates here
//for x
m_enginePtr->curr[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] *= m_enginePtr->Op->ii[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]];
m_enginePtr->curr[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] += m_enginePtr->Op->iv[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] * ( m_enginePtr->volt[2][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] - m_enginePtr->volt[2][pos[0]][pos[1]+1][pos[2]] - m_enginePtr->volt[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] + m_enginePtr->volt[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]+1]);
//for y
m_enginePtr->curr[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] *= m_enginePtr->Op->ii[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]];
m_enginePtr->curr[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] += m_enginePtr->Op->iv[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] * ( m_enginePtr->volt[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] - m_enginePtr->volt[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]+1] - m_enginePtr->volt[2][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] + m_enginePtr->volt[2][pos[0]+1][pos[1]][pos[2]]);
//for x
m_enginePtr->curr[2][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] *= m_enginePtr->Op->ii[2][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]];
m_enginePtr->curr[2][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] += m_enginePtr->Op->iv[2][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] * ( m_enginePtr->volt[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] - m_enginePtr->volt[1][pos[0]+1][pos[1]][pos[2]] - m_enginePtr->volt[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] + m_enginePtr->volt[0][pos[0]][pos[1]+1][pos[2]]);
// record time
DEBUG_TIME( m_enginePtr->m_timer_list[boost::this_thread::get_id()].push_back( timer1.elapsed() ); )
// record time
DEBUG_TIME( m_enginePtr->m_timer_list[boost::this_thread::get_id()].push_back( timer1.elapsed() ); )
//soft current excitation here (H-field excite)
if (m_threadID == 0)
++m_enginePtr->numTS; // only the first thread increments numTS
//DBG().cout() << "Thread " << m_threadID << " (" << boost::this_thread::get_id() << ") finished." << endl;
} // namespace
// *************************************************************************************************************************
namespace NS_Engine_Multithread {
thread_e_excitation::thread_e_excitation( Engine_Multithread* ptr )
m_enginePtr = ptr;
void thread_e_excitation::operator()()
//std::cout << "thread_e_excitation::operator()" << std::endl;
//DBG().cout() << "Thread e_excitation (" << boost::this_thread::get_id() << ") started." << endl;
int exc_pos;
const unsigned int E_Exc_Count = m_enginePtr->Op->E_Exc_Count;
while (!m_enginePtr->m_stopThreads)
// waiting on NS_Engine_Multithread::thread
// soft voltage excitation here (E-field excite)
for (unsigned int n=0;n<E_Exc_Count;++n)
exc_pos = (int)m_enginePtr->numTS - (int)m_enginePtr->Op->E_Exc_delay[n];
exc_pos*= (exc_pos>0 && exc_pos<=(int)m_enginePtr->Op->ExciteLength);
m_enginePtr->volt[m_enginePtr->Op->E_Exc_dir[n]][m_enginePtr->Op->E_Exc_index[0][n]][m_enginePtr->Op->E_Exc_index[1][n]][m_enginePtr->Op->E_Exc_index[2][n]] += m_enginePtr->Op->E_Exc_amp[n]*m_enginePtr->Op->ExciteSignal[exc_pos];
// continue NS_Engine_Multithread::thread
//DBG().cout() << "Thread e_excitation (" << boost::this_thread::get_id() << ") finished." << endl;
} // namespace