
80 lines
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Raw Normal View History

proc init {cellpath otherInfo} {
set ip [get_bd_cells $cellpath]
bd::mark_propagate_override $ip \
# On ZYNQ the core is most likely connected to the AXI3 HP ports so use AXI3
# as the default.
set family [string tolower [get_property FAMILY [get_property PART [current_project]]]]
if {$family == "zynq"} {
set axi_protocol 1
} else {
set axi_protocol 0
set_property "CONFIG.DMA_AXI_PROTOCOL_SRC" $axi_protocol $ip
set_property "CONFIG.DMA_AXI_PROTOCOL_DEST" $axi_protocol $ip
proc axi_dmac_detect_async_clk { cellpath ip param_name clk_a clk_b } {
set param_src [get_property "CONFIG.$param_name.VALUE_SRC" $ip]
if {[string equal $param_src "USER"]} {
set clk_domain_a [get_property CONFIG.CLK_DOMAIN $clk_a]
set clk_domain_b [get_property CONFIG.CLK_DOMAIN $clk_b]
set clk_freq_a [get_property CONFIG.FREQ_HZ $clk_a]
set clk_freq_b [get_property CONFIG.FREQ_HZ $clk_b]
set clk_phase_a [get_property CONFIG.PHASE $clk_a]
set clk_phase_b [get_property CONFIG.PHASE $clk_b]
# Only mark it as sync if we can make sure that it is sync, if the
# relationship of the clocks is unknown mark it as async
if {$clk_domain_a != {} && $clk_domain_b != {} && \
$clk_domain_a == $clk_domain_b && $clk_freq_a == $clk_freq_b && \
$clk_phase_a == $clk_phase_b} {
set clk_async 0
} else {
set clk_async 1
set_property "CONFIG.$param_name" $clk_async $ip
# if {$clk_async == 0} {
# bd::send_msg -of $cellpath -type INFO -msg_id 1 -text "$clk_a and $clk_b are synchronous"
# } else {
# bd::send_msg -of $cellpath -type INFO -msg_id 1 -text "$clk_a and $clk_b are asynchronous"
# }
proc propagate {cellpath otherinfo} {
set ip [get_bd_cells $cellpath]
set src_type [get_property CONFIG.DMA_TYPE_SRC $ip]
set dest_type [get_property CONFIG.DMA_TYPE_DEST $ip]
set req_clk [get_bd_pins "$ip/s_axi_aclk"]
if {$src_type == 2} {
set src_clk [get_bd_pins "$ip/fifo_wr_clk"]
} elseif {$src_type == 1} {
set src_clk [get_bd_pins "$ip/s_axis_aclk"]
} else {
set src_clk [get_bd_pins "$ip/m_src_axi_aclk"]
if {$dest_type == 2} {
set dest_clk [get_bd_pins "$ip/fifo_rd_clk"]
} elseif {$src_type == 1} {
set dest_clk [get_bd_pins "$ip/m_axis_aclk"]
} else {
set dest_clk [get_bd_pins "$ip/m_dest_axi_aclk"]
axi_dmac_detect_async_clk $cellpath $ip "ASYNC_CLK_REQ_SRC" $req_clk $src_clk
axi_dmac_detect_async_clk $cellpath $ip "ASYNC_CLK_SRC_DEST" $src_clk $dest_clk
axi_dmac_detect_async_clk $cellpath $ip "ASYNC_CLK_DEST_REQ" $dest_clk $req_clk