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// Copyright 2014 - 2017 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Each core or library found in this collection may have its own licensing terms.
// The user should keep this in in mind while exploring these cores.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
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`timescale 1ps/1ps
module ad_mul #(
parameter DELAY_DATA_WIDTH = 16) (
// data_p = data_a * data_b;
input clk,
input [16:0] data_a,
input [16:0] data_b,
output [33:0] data_p,
// delay interface
input [(DELAY_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] ddata_in,
output reg [(DELAY_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] ddata_out);
// internal registers
reg [(DELAY_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] p1_ddata = 'd0;
reg [(DELAY_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] p2_ddata = 'd0;
// a/b reg, m-reg, p-reg delay match
always @(posedge clk) begin
p1_ddata <= ddata_in;
p2_ddata <= p1_ddata;
ddata_out <= p2_ddata;
lpm_mult #(
.lpm_type ("lpm_mult"),
.lpm_widtha (17),
.lpm_widthb (17),
.lpm_widthp (34),
.lpm_representation ("SIGNED"),
.lpm_pipeline (3))
i_lpm_mult (
.clken (1'b1),
.aclr (1'b0),
.sum (1'b0),
.clock (clk),
.dataa (data_a),
.datab (data_b),
.result (data_p));
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************