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2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Copyright 2014 - 2017 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
// In this HDL repository, there are many different and unique modules, consisting
// of various HDL (Verilog or VHDL) components. The individual modules are
// developed independently, and may be accompanied by separate and unique license
// terms.
// The user should read each of these license terms, and understand the
2018-03-14 14:45:47 +00:00
// freedoms and responsibilities that he or she has by using this source/core.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
// Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification
// of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms:
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
// 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_GPL2), and also online at:
// <>
// OR
// 2. An ADI specific BSD license, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_ADIBSD), and also on-line at:
// This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code,
// as long as it attaches to an ADI device.
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module axi_adc_trigger #(
// parameters
parameter SIGN_BITS = 2,
parameter OUT_PIN_HOLD_N = 100000) (
// interface
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
input clk,
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
input trigger_in,
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
input [ 1:0] trigger_i,
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
output reg [ 1:0] trigger_o,
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
output [ 1:0] trigger_t,
input [15:0] data_a,
input [15:0] data_b,
input data_valid_a,
input data_valid_b,
output reg [15:0] data_a_trig,
output reg [15:0] data_b_trig,
output reg data_valid_a_trig,
output reg data_valid_b_trig,
output trigger_out,
output trigger_out_la,
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
output [31:0] fifo_depth,
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
// axi interface
input s_axi_aclk,
input s_axi_aresetn,
input s_axi_awvalid,
input [ 6:0] s_axi_awaddr,
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
input [ 2:0] s_axi_awprot,
output s_axi_awready,
input s_axi_wvalid,
input [31:0] s_axi_wdata,
input [ 3:0] s_axi_wstrb,
output s_axi_wready,
output s_axi_bvalid,
output [ 1:0] s_axi_bresp,
input s_axi_bready,
input s_axi_arvalid,
input [ 6:0] s_axi_araddr,
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
input [ 2:0] s_axi_arprot,
output s_axi_arready,
output s_axi_rvalid,
output [31:0] s_axi_rdata,
output [ 1:0] s_axi_rresp,
input s_axi_rready);
localparam DW = 15 - SIGN_BITS;
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
// internal signals
wire up_clk;
wire up_rstn;
wire [ 4:0] up_waddr;
wire [31:0] up_wdata;
wire up_wack;
wire up_wreq;
wire up_rack;
wire [31:0] up_rdata;
wire up_rreq;
wire [ 4:0] up_raddr;
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
wire [ 7:0] io_selection;
wire [ 1:0] low_level;
wire [ 1:0] high_level;
wire [ 1:0] any_edge;
wire [ 1:0] rise_edge;
wire [ 1:0] fall_edge;
wire [15:0] limit_a;
wire [ 1:0] function_a;
wire [31:0] hysteresis_a;
wire [ 3:0] trigger_l_mix_a;
wire [15:0] limit_b;
wire [ 1:0] function_b;
wire [31:0] hysteresis_b;
wire [ 3:0] trigger_l_mix_b;
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
wire [16:0] trigger_out_control;
wire [31:0] trigger_delay;
wire signed [DW:0] data_a_cmp;
wire signed [DW:0] data_b_cmp;
wire signed [DW:0] limit_a_cmp;
wire signed [DW:0] limit_b_cmp;
wire comp_low_a_s; // signal is over the limit
wire comp_low_b_s; // signal is over the limit
wire passthrough_high_a_s; // trigger when rising through the limit
wire passthrough_low_a_s; // trigger when fallingh thorugh the limit
wire passthrough_high_b_s; // trigger when rising through the limit
wire passthrough_low_b_s; // trigger when fallingh thorugh the limit
wire trigger_a_fall_edge;
wire trigger_a_rise_edge;
wire trigger_b_fall_edge;
wire trigger_b_rise_edge;
wire trigger_a_any_edge;
wire trigger_b_any_edge;
wire trigger_out_delayed;
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
wire [ 1:0] trigger_up_o_s;
wire streaming;
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
wire trigger_out_s;
wire embedded_trigger;
wire external_trigger;
reg trigger_a_d1; // synchronization flip flop
reg trigger_a_d2; // synchronization flip flop
reg trigger_a_d3;
reg trigger_b_d1; // synchronization flip flop
reg trigger_b_d2; // synchronization flip flop
reg trigger_b_d3;
reg comp_high_a; // signal is over the limit
reg old_comp_high_a; // t + 1 version of comp_high_a
reg first_a_h_trigger; // valid hysteresis range on passthrough high trigger limit
reg first_a_l_trigger; // valid hysteresis range on passthrough low trigger limit
reg signed [DW:0] hyst_a_high_limit;
reg signed [DW:0] hyst_a_low_limit;
reg comp_high_b; // signal is over the limit
reg old_comp_high_b; // t + 1 version of comp_high_b
reg first_b_h_trigger; // valid hysteresis range on passthrough high trigger limit
reg first_b_l_trigger; // valid hysteresis range on passthrough low trigger limit
reg signed [DW:0] hyst_b_high_limit;
reg signed [DW:0] hyst_b_low_limit;
reg trigger_pin_a;
reg trigger_pin_b;
reg [ 1:0] trigger_o_m = 1'd0;
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
reg trig_o_hold_0 = 1'b0;
reg trig_o_hold_1 = 1'b0;
reg [16:0] trig_o_hold_cnt_0 = 17'd0;
reg [16:0] trig_o_hold_cnt_1 = 17'd0;
reg trigger_adc_a;
reg trigger_adc_b;
reg trigger_a;
reg trigger_b;
reg trigger_out_mixed;
reg up_triggered;
reg up_triggered_d1;
reg up_triggered_d2;
reg up_triggered_set;
reg up_triggered_reset;
reg up_triggered_reset_d1;
reg up_triggered_reset_d2;
reg [31:0] trigger_delay_counter;
reg triggered;
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
reg trigger_out_m1;
reg trigger_out_m2;
reg streaming_on;
reg trigger_out_hold;
reg trigger_out_ack;
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
// signal name changes
assign up_clk = s_axi_aclk;
assign up_rstn = s_axi_aresetn;
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
assign trigger_t = io_selection[1:0];
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
assign trigger_a_fall_edge = (trigger_a_d2 == 1'b0 && trigger_a_d3 == 1'b1) ? 1'b1: 1'b0;
assign trigger_a_rise_edge = (trigger_a_d2 == 1'b1 && trigger_a_d3 == 1'b0) ? 1'b1: 1'b0;
assign trigger_a_any_edge = trigger_a_rise_edge | trigger_a_fall_edge;
assign trigger_b_fall_edge = (trigger_b_d2 == 1'b0 && trigger_b_d3 == 1'b1) ? 1'b1: 1'b0;
assign trigger_b_rise_edge = (trigger_b_d2 == 1'b1 && trigger_b_d3 == 1'b0) ? 1'b1: 1'b0;
assign trigger_b_any_edge = trigger_b_rise_edge | trigger_b_fall_edge;
assign data_a_cmp = data_a[DW:0];
assign data_b_cmp = data_b[DW:0];
assign limit_a_cmp = limit_a[DW:0];
assign limit_b_cmp = limit_b[DW:0];
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
always @(*) begin
3'h0: trigger_o_m[0] = trigger_up_o_s[0];
3'h1: trigger_o_m[0] = trigger_i[0];
3'h2: trigger_o_m[0] = trigger_i[1];
3'h3: trigger_o_m[0] = trigger_out_mixed;
3'h4: trigger_o_m[0] = trigger_in;
default: trigger_o_m[0] = trigger_up_o_s[0];
3'h0: trigger_o_m[1] = trigger_up_o_s[1];
3'h1: trigger_o_m[1] = trigger_i[1];
3'h2: trigger_o_m[1] = trigger_i[0];
3'h3: trigger_o_m[1] = trigger_out_mixed;
3'h4: trigger_o_m[1] = trigger_in;
default: trigger_o_m[1] = trigger_up_o_s[1];
// External trigger output hold 100000 clock cycles(1ms) on polarity change.
// All trigger signals that are to be outputted on the external trigger after a
// trigger out is acknowledged by the hold counter will be disregarded for 1ms.
// This was done to avoid noise created by high frequency switches on long
// wires.
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
always @(posedge clk) begin
// trigger_o[0] hold start
if (trig_o_hold_cnt_0 != 17'd0) begin
trig_o_hold_cnt_0 <= trig_o_hold_cnt_0 - 17'd1;
end else if (trig_o_hold_0 != trigger_o_m[0]) begin
trig_o_hold_cnt_0 <= OUT_PIN_HOLD_N;
trig_o_hold_0 <= trigger_o_m[0];
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
// trigger_o[1] hold start
if (trig_o_hold_cnt_1 != 17'd0) begin
trig_o_hold_cnt_1 <= trig_o_hold_cnt_1 - 17'd1;
end else if (trig_o_hold_1 != trigger_o_m[1]) begin
trig_o_hold_cnt_1 <= OUT_PIN_HOLD_N;
trig_o_hold_1 <= trigger_o_m[1];
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
// hold
trigger_o[0] <= (trig_o_hold_cnt_0 == 'd0) ? trigger_o_m[0] : trig_o_hold_0;
trigger_o[1] <= (trig_o_hold_cnt_1 == 'd0) ? trigger_o_m[1] : trig_o_hold_1;
// keep data in sync with the trigger. The trigger bypasses the variable fifo.
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
// The data goes through and it is delayed with 4 clock cycles)
always @(posedge clk) begin
trigger_out_m1 <= trigger_out_s;
trigger_out_m2 <= trigger_out_m1;
if (trigger_out_m1 & ~trigger_out_s) begin
trigger_out_hold <= 1'b1;
if (trigger_out_ack) begin
trigger_out_hold <= 1'b0;
trigger_out_ack <= trigger_out_hold & (data_valid_a | data_valid_b);
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
assign trigger_out_la = trigger_out_mixed;
assign trigger_out = trigger_out_hold | trigger_out_m2;
always @(posedge clk) begin
data_a_trig <= (embedded_trigger == 1'h0) ? {data_a[14],data_a[14:0]} : {trigger_out_s,data_a[14:0]};
data_b_trig <= (embedded_trigger == 1'h0) ? {data_b[14],data_b[14:0]} : {trigger_out_s,data_b[14:0]};
data_valid_a_trig <= data_valid_a;
data_valid_b_trig <= data_valid_b;
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
assign embedded_trigger = trigger_out_control[16];
assign trigger_out_s = (trigger_delay == 32'h0) ? (trigger_out_mixed | streaming_on) :
(trigger_out_delayed | streaming_on);
assign trigger_out_delayed = (trigger_delay_counter == 32'h0) ? 1 : 0;
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (trigger_delay == 0) begin
trigger_delay_counter <= 32'h0;
end else begin
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
if (data_valid_a == 1'b1) begin
triggered <= trigger_out_mixed | triggered;
if (trigger_delay_counter == 0) begin
trigger_delay_counter <= trigger_delay;
triggered <= 1'b0;
end else begin
if(triggered == 1'b1 || trigger_out_mixed == 1'b1) begin
trigger_delay_counter <= trigger_delay_counter - 1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (trigger_delay == 0) begin
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
if (streaming == 1'b1 && data_valid_a == 1'b1 && trigger_out_mixed == 1'b1) begin
streaming_on <= 1'b1;
end else if (streaming == 1'b0) begin
streaming_on <= 1'b0;
end else begin
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
if (streaming == 1'b1 && data_valid_a == 1'b1 && trigger_out_delayed == 1'b1) begin
streaming_on <= 1'b1;
end else if (streaming == 1'b0) begin
streaming_on <= 1'b0;
2017-07-03 10:00:51 +00:00
always @(posedge clk) begin
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
if (data_valid_a == 1'b1 && trigger_out_mixed == 1'b1) begin
2017-07-03 10:00:51 +00:00
up_triggered_set <= 1'b1;
end else if (up_triggered_reset == 1'b1) begin
up_triggered_set <= 1'b0;
up_triggered_reset_d1 <= up_triggered;
up_triggered_reset_d2 <= up_triggered_reset_d1;
up_triggered_reset <= up_triggered_reset_d2;
always @(posedge up_clk) begin
up_triggered_d1 <= up_triggered_set;
up_triggered_d2 <= up_triggered_d1;
up_triggered <= up_triggered_d2;
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
always @(*) begin
4'h0: trigger_a = 1'b1;
4'h1: trigger_a = trigger_pin_a;
4'h2: trigger_a = trigger_adc_a;
4'h4: trigger_a = trigger_pin_a | trigger_adc_a ;
4'h5: trigger_a = trigger_pin_a & trigger_adc_a ;
4'h6: trigger_a = trigger_pin_a ^ trigger_adc_a ;
4'h7: trigger_a = !(trigger_pin_a | trigger_adc_a) ;
4'h8: trigger_a = !(trigger_pin_a & trigger_adc_a) ;
4'h9: trigger_a = !(trigger_pin_a ^ trigger_adc_a) ;
default: trigger_a = 1'b1;
always @(*) begin
4'h0: trigger_b = 1'b1;
4'h1: trigger_b = trigger_pin_b;
4'h2: trigger_b = trigger_adc_b;
4'h4: trigger_b = trigger_pin_b | trigger_adc_b ;
4'h5: trigger_b = trigger_pin_b & trigger_adc_b ;
4'h6: trigger_b = trigger_pin_b ^ trigger_adc_b ;
4'h7: trigger_b = !(trigger_pin_b | trigger_adc_b) ;
4'h8: trigger_b = !(trigger_pin_b & trigger_adc_b) ;
4'h9: trigger_b = !(trigger_pin_b ^ trigger_adc_b) ;
default: trigger_b = 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
2'h0: trigger_adc_a = comp_low_a_s;
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
2'h1: trigger_adc_a = comp_high_a;
2'h2: trigger_adc_a = passthrough_high_a_s;
2'h3: trigger_adc_a = passthrough_low_a_s;
default: trigger_adc_a = comp_low_a_s;
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
always @(posedge clk) begin
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
2'h0: trigger_adc_b = comp_low_b_s;
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
2'h1: trigger_adc_b = comp_high_b;
2'h2: trigger_adc_b = passthrough_high_b_s;
2'h3: trigger_adc_b = passthrough_low_b_s;
default: trigger_adc_b = comp_low_b_s;
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
always @(posedge clk) begin
trigger_a_d1 <= trigger_i[0];
trigger_a_d2 <= trigger_a_d1;
trigger_a_d3 <= trigger_a_d2;
trigger_b_d1 <= trigger_i[1];
trigger_b_d2 <= trigger_b_d1;
trigger_b_d3 <= trigger_b_d2;
always @(*) begin
trigger_pin_a = ((!trigger_a_d3 & low_level[0]) |
(trigger_a_d3 & high_level[0]) |
(trigger_a_fall_edge & fall_edge[0]) |
(trigger_a_rise_edge & rise_edge[0]) |
(trigger_a_any_edge & any_edge[0]));
always @(*) begin
trigger_pin_b = ((!trigger_b_d3 & low_level[1]) |
(trigger_b_d3 & high_level[1]) |
(trigger_b_fall_edge & fall_edge[1]) |
(trigger_b_rise_edge & rise_edge[1]) |
(trigger_b_any_edge & any_edge[1]));
always @(*) begin
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
4'h0: trigger_out_mixed = trigger_a;
4'h1: trigger_out_mixed = trigger_b;
4'h2: trigger_out_mixed = trigger_a | trigger_b;
4'h3: trigger_out_mixed = trigger_a & trigger_b;
4'h4: trigger_out_mixed = trigger_a ^ trigger_b;
4'h5: trigger_out_mixed = trigger_in;
4'h6: trigger_out_mixed = trigger_a | trigger_in;
4'h7: trigger_out_mixed = trigger_b | trigger_in;
4'h8: trigger_out_mixed = trigger_a | trigger_b | trigger_in;
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
default: trigger_out_mixed = trigger_a;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (data_valid_a == 1'b1) begin
hyst_a_high_limit <= limit_a_cmp + hysteresis_a[DW:0];
hyst_a_low_limit <= limit_a_cmp - hysteresis_a[DW:0];
if (data_a_cmp >= limit_a_cmp) begin
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
comp_high_a <= 1'b1;
first_a_h_trigger <= passthrough_high_a_s ? 0 : first_a_h_trigger;
if (data_a_cmp > hyst_a_high_limit) begin
first_a_l_trigger <= 1'b1;
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
end else begin
comp_high_a <= 1'b0;
first_a_l_trigger <= (passthrough_low_a_s) ? 0 : first_a_l_trigger;
if (data_a_cmp < hyst_a_low_limit) begin
first_a_h_trigger <= 1'b1;
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
old_comp_high_a <= comp_high_a;
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
assign passthrough_high_a_s = !old_comp_high_a & comp_high_a & first_a_h_trigger;
assign passthrough_low_a_s = old_comp_high_a & !comp_high_a & first_a_l_trigger;
assign comp_low_a_s = !comp_high_a;
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (data_valid_b == 1'b1) begin
hyst_b_high_limit <= limit_b_cmp + hysteresis_b[DW:0];
hyst_b_low_limit <= limit_b_cmp - hysteresis_b[DW:0];
if (data_b_cmp >= limit_b_cmp) begin
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
comp_high_b <= 1'b1;
first_b_h_trigger <= (passthrough_high_b_s == 1) ? 0 : first_b_h_trigger;
if (data_b_cmp > hyst_b_high_limit) begin
first_b_l_trigger <= 1'b1;
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
end else begin
comp_high_b <= 1'b0;
first_b_l_trigger <= (passthrough_low_b_s == 1) ? 0 : first_b_l_trigger;
if (data_b_cmp < hyst_b_low_limit) begin
first_b_h_trigger <= 1'b1;
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
old_comp_high_b <= comp_high_b;
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
assign passthrough_high_b_s = !old_comp_high_b & comp_high_b & first_b_h_trigger;
assign passthrough_low_b_s = old_comp_high_b & !comp_high_b & first_b_l_trigger;
assign comp_low_b_s = !comp_high_b;
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
axi_adc_trigger_reg adc_trigger_registers (
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
2017-07-03 10:00:51 +00:00
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
axi_adc_trigger: Add cascade support. - Add embedded trigger as an option. The use of the embedded trigger as an option in the data stream is done for further processing, keeping the data synchronized with the trigger. When instrument (module) trigger is desired (logic_analyzer - adc_trigger), a small propagation time is required, hence the need to remove the util_extract(trigger extract) module from the data path. - Add more options for the IO triggering. This will open the door for multiple M2k synchronization(triggering). trigger_o mux: 1 - trigger flag (from regmap) 2 - external pin trigger (Ti) 3 - external pin trigger (To) 4 - internal adc trigger 5 - logic analyzer trigger The signal passed to trigger_o must not be delayed, but the new value has to be kept for a short period, 1ms (100000 clock cycles), to reduce switch noises in the system. The axi_adc_trigger handles 3 output triggers: - trigger_o - external trigger (1 clock cycle delay) - trigger_out - signals on dmac/fifo_wr_sync the start of a new transfer. A variable fifo depth is present in the data path, which delays the data arriving at the DMA with 3 clock cycles. By coincidence, the external trigger is synchronized and detected on 3 clock cycles. To get a maximum optimization the trigger_out will be delayed with 3 clock cycles for internal triggers and directly forwarded in the case of an external trigger. - trigger_out_la (cascade trigger for logic_analyzer - m2k example) Because the trigger_out_la must have a small delay, to get a realible instrument triggering mechanism, a 1 delay clock cycle must be added on the trigger paths, to avoid creating a closed combinatorial loop. Increase pcore version. The major version 3 is used to describe the instrument trigger updates.
2019-03-08 14:21:38 +00:00
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
// bus interface
up_axi #(
) i_up_axi (
2017-01-31 14:20:13 +00:00
.up_rstn (up_rstn),
.up_clk (up_clk),
.up_axi_awvalid (s_axi_awvalid),
.up_axi_awaddr (s_axi_awaddr),
.up_axi_awready (s_axi_awready),
.up_axi_wvalid (s_axi_wvalid),
.up_axi_wdata (s_axi_wdata),
.up_axi_wstrb (s_axi_wstrb),
.up_axi_wready (s_axi_wready),
.up_axi_bvalid (s_axi_bvalid),
.up_axi_bresp (s_axi_bresp),
.up_axi_bready (s_axi_bready),
.up_axi_arvalid (s_axi_arvalid),
.up_axi_araddr (s_axi_araddr),
.up_axi_arready (s_axi_arready),
.up_axi_rvalid (s_axi_rvalid),
.up_axi_rresp (s_axi_rresp),
.up_axi_rdata (s_axi_rdata),
.up_axi_rready (s_axi_rready),
.up_wreq (up_wreq),
.up_waddr (up_waddr),
.up_wdata (up_wdata),
.up_wack (up_wack),
.up_rreq (up_rreq),
.up_raddr (up_raddr),
.up_rdata (up_rdata),
.up_rack (up_rack));
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************