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axi_laser_driver: Initial commit The laser driver contains the axi_pulse_gen's IP and an additional register map which controls/monitor the laser driver enable control line and the over temperature warning line (OTW). It also contains an interrupt logic, which allows to generate an interrupt in function of the generated pulse or incoming OTW signal. The IPs register maps looks as follow: 0x00 - axi_pulse_gen register map 0x80 - axi_laser_driver register map 0x80 - DRIVER_ENABLE 0x84 - DRIVER_OTW 0x88 - EXT_CLK_COUNTER 0xA0 - IRQ_MASK 0xA4 - IRQ_SOURCE 0xA8 - IRQ_PENDING 0xAC - SEQUENCER_CONTROL 0 - SEQUENCER_ENABLE 1 - AUTO_SEQUENCER_ENABLED 0xB0 - SEQUENCER_SYNC_OFFSET 0xB4 - AUTO_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - CHANNEL_SEL_0 [ 5: 4] - CHANNEL_SEL_1 [ 9: 8] - CHANNEL_SEL_2 [13:12] - CHANNEL_SEL_3 0xB8 - MANUAL_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - MANUAL_CHANNEL_SEL Current interrupt sources scheme is: - bit 0 : pulse (triggered by the level of the pulse) - bit 1 : OTW_N enter (triggered by positive edge of the OTW_N) - bit 2 : OTW_N exit (triggered by the level of the pulse) Generate a reset signal before the pulse which can be used to reset various IP's of the data path (eg. pack/cpack). This can help to clear out the internal buffers and registers of these IP, starting clean at the moment when the actual pulse arrives. The sequencer has an auto and a manual mode, and can be set to custom sequences of the TIA channel selection lines sate. The sequencer in auto mode is synchronized to the pulse, it will change its state before a generated pulse which will drive the lasers. The offset between the sequencer beat and the laser driver pulse can be modified through an AXI register.
2019-03-19 12:05:14 +00:00
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Copyright 2014 - 2019 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// In this HDL repository, there are many different and unique modules, consisting
// of various HDL (Verilog or VHDL) components. The individual modules are
// developed independently, and may be accompanied by separate and unique license
// terms.
// The user should read each of these license terms, and understand the
// freedoms and responsibilities that he or she has by using this source/core.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification
// of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms:
// 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_GPL2), and also online at:
// <>
// OR
// 2. An ADI specific BSD license, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_ADIBSD), and also on-line at:
// This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code,
// as long as it attaches to an ADI device.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module axi_laser_driver #(
parameter ID = 0,
parameter ASYNC_CLK_EN = 1,
parameter PULSE_WIDTH = 7,
parameter PULSE_PERIOD = 10
) (
axi_laser_driver: Initial commit The laser driver contains the axi_pulse_gen's IP and an additional register map which controls/monitor the laser driver enable control line and the over temperature warning line (OTW). It also contains an interrupt logic, which allows to generate an interrupt in function of the generated pulse or incoming OTW signal. The IPs register maps looks as follow: 0x00 - axi_pulse_gen register map 0x80 - axi_laser_driver register map 0x80 - DRIVER_ENABLE 0x84 - DRIVER_OTW 0x88 - EXT_CLK_COUNTER 0xA0 - IRQ_MASK 0xA4 - IRQ_SOURCE 0xA8 - IRQ_PENDING 0xAC - SEQUENCER_CONTROL 0 - SEQUENCER_ENABLE 1 - AUTO_SEQUENCER_ENABLED 0xB0 - SEQUENCER_SYNC_OFFSET 0xB4 - AUTO_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - CHANNEL_SEL_0 [ 5: 4] - CHANNEL_SEL_1 [ 9: 8] - CHANNEL_SEL_2 [13:12] - CHANNEL_SEL_3 0xB8 - MANUAL_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - MANUAL_CHANNEL_SEL Current interrupt sources scheme is: - bit 0 : pulse (triggered by the level of the pulse) - bit 1 : OTW_N enter (triggered by positive edge of the OTW_N) - bit 2 : OTW_N exit (triggered by the level of the pulse) Generate a reset signal before the pulse which can be used to reset various IP's of the data path (eg. pack/cpack). This can help to clear out the internal buffers and registers of these IP, starting clean at the moment when the actual pulse arrives. The sequencer has an auto and a manual mode, and can be set to custom sequences of the TIA channel selection lines sate. The sequencer in auto mode is synchronized to the pulse, it will change its state before a generated pulse which will drive the lasers. The offset between the sequencer beat and the laser driver pulse can be modified through an AXI register.
2019-03-19 12:05:14 +00:00
// axi interface
input s_axi_aclk,
input s_axi_aresetn,
input s_axi_awvalid,
input [15:0] s_axi_awaddr,
input [ 2:0] s_axi_awprot,
output s_axi_awready,
input s_axi_wvalid,
input [31:0] s_axi_wdata,
input [ 3:0] s_axi_wstrb,
output s_axi_wready,
output s_axi_bvalid,
output [ 1:0] s_axi_bresp,
input s_axi_bready,
input s_axi_arvalid,
input [15:0] s_axi_araddr,
input [ 2:0] s_axi_arprot,
output s_axi_arready,
output s_axi_rvalid,
output [ 1:0] s_axi_rresp,
output [31:0] s_axi_rdata,
input s_axi_rready,
// external clock and control/status signals
input ext_clk,
output driver_en_n,
output driver_pulse,
input driver_otw_n,
output driver_dp_reset,
output reg [ 7:0] tia_chsel,
axi_laser_driver: Initial commit The laser driver contains the axi_pulse_gen's IP and an additional register map which controls/monitor the laser driver enable control line and the over temperature warning line (OTW). It also contains an interrupt logic, which allows to generate an interrupt in function of the generated pulse or incoming OTW signal. The IPs register maps looks as follow: 0x00 - axi_pulse_gen register map 0x80 - axi_laser_driver register map 0x80 - DRIVER_ENABLE 0x84 - DRIVER_OTW 0x88 - EXT_CLK_COUNTER 0xA0 - IRQ_MASK 0xA4 - IRQ_SOURCE 0xA8 - IRQ_PENDING 0xAC - SEQUENCER_CONTROL 0 - SEQUENCER_ENABLE 1 - AUTO_SEQUENCER_ENABLED 0xB0 - SEQUENCER_SYNC_OFFSET 0xB4 - AUTO_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - CHANNEL_SEL_0 [ 5: 4] - CHANNEL_SEL_1 [ 9: 8] - CHANNEL_SEL_2 [13:12] - CHANNEL_SEL_3 0xB8 - MANUAL_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - MANUAL_CHANNEL_SEL Current interrupt sources scheme is: - bit 0 : pulse (triggered by the level of the pulse) - bit 1 : OTW_N enter (triggered by positive edge of the OTW_N) - bit 2 : OTW_N exit (triggered by the level of the pulse) Generate a reset signal before the pulse which can be used to reset various IP's of the data path (eg. pack/cpack). This can help to clear out the internal buffers and registers of these IP, starting clean at the moment when the actual pulse arrives. The sequencer has an auto and a manual mode, and can be set to custom sequences of the TIA channel selection lines sate. The sequencer in auto mode is synchronized to the pulse, it will change its state before a generated pulse which will drive the lasers. The offset between the sequencer beat and the laser driver pulse can be modified through an AXI register.
2019-03-19 12:05:14 +00:00
// interrupt
output irq
axi_laser_driver: Initial commit The laser driver contains the axi_pulse_gen's IP and an additional register map which controls/monitor the laser driver enable control line and the over temperature warning line (OTW). It also contains an interrupt logic, which allows to generate an interrupt in function of the generated pulse or incoming OTW signal. The IPs register maps looks as follow: 0x00 - axi_pulse_gen register map 0x80 - axi_laser_driver register map 0x80 - DRIVER_ENABLE 0x84 - DRIVER_OTW 0x88 - EXT_CLK_COUNTER 0xA0 - IRQ_MASK 0xA4 - IRQ_SOURCE 0xA8 - IRQ_PENDING 0xAC - SEQUENCER_CONTROL 0 - SEQUENCER_ENABLE 1 - AUTO_SEQUENCER_ENABLED 0xB0 - SEQUENCER_SYNC_OFFSET 0xB4 - AUTO_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - CHANNEL_SEL_0 [ 5: 4] - CHANNEL_SEL_1 [ 9: 8] - CHANNEL_SEL_2 [13:12] - CHANNEL_SEL_3 0xB8 - MANUAL_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - MANUAL_CHANNEL_SEL Current interrupt sources scheme is: - bit 0 : pulse (triggered by the level of the pulse) - bit 1 : OTW_N enter (triggered by positive edge of the OTW_N) - bit 2 : OTW_N exit (triggered by the level of the pulse) Generate a reset signal before the pulse which can be used to reset various IP's of the data path (eg. pack/cpack). This can help to clear out the internal buffers and registers of these IP, starting clean at the moment when the actual pulse arrives. The sequencer has an auto and a manual mode, and can be set to custom sequences of the TIA channel selection lines sate. The sequencer in auto mode is synchronized to the pulse, it will change its state before a generated pulse which will drive the lasers. The offset between the sequencer beat and the laser driver pulse can be modified through an AXI register.
2019-03-19 12:05:14 +00:00
// internal signals
reg up_wack = 1'b0;
reg up_rack = 1'b0;
reg [31:0] up_rdata = 32'b0;
reg driver_pulse_int_d = 1'b0;
reg [ 1:0] sequence_counter = 2'b00;
// internal signals
wire clk;
wire up_clk;
wire up_rstn;
wire up_rreq_s;
wire up_rack_ld_s;
wire up_rack_pwm_s;
wire [13:0] up_raddr_s;
wire [31:0] up_rdata_ld_s;
wire [31:0] up_rdata_pwm_s;
wire up_wreq_s;
wire up_wack_ld_s;
wire up_wack_pwm_s;
wire [13:0] up_waddr_s;
wire [31:0] up_wdata_s;
wire [31:0] pulse_width_s;
wire [31:0] pulse_period_s;
wire load_config_s;
wire pulse_gen_resetn;
wire [31:0] pulse_counter_s;
wire driver_pulse_int_s;
wire [31:0] up_ext_clk_count_s;
wire sequence_en_s;
wire auto_sequence_s;
wire [31:0] sequence_offset_s;
wire [ 1:0] auto_seq0_s;
wire [ 1:0] auto_seq1_s;
wire [ 1:0] auto_seq2_s;
wire [ 1:0] auto_seq3_s;
wire [ 7:0] manual_select_s;
axi_laser_driver: Initial commit The laser driver contains the axi_pulse_gen's IP and an additional register map which controls/monitor the laser driver enable control line and the over temperature warning line (OTW). It also contains an interrupt logic, which allows to generate an interrupt in function of the generated pulse or incoming OTW signal. The IPs register maps looks as follow: 0x00 - axi_pulse_gen register map 0x80 - axi_laser_driver register map 0x80 - DRIVER_ENABLE 0x84 - DRIVER_OTW 0x88 - EXT_CLK_COUNTER 0xA0 - IRQ_MASK 0xA4 - IRQ_SOURCE 0xA8 - IRQ_PENDING 0xAC - SEQUENCER_CONTROL 0 - SEQUENCER_ENABLE 1 - AUTO_SEQUENCER_ENABLED 0xB0 - SEQUENCER_SYNC_OFFSET 0xB4 - AUTO_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - CHANNEL_SEL_0 [ 5: 4] - CHANNEL_SEL_1 [ 9: 8] - CHANNEL_SEL_2 [13:12] - CHANNEL_SEL_3 0xB8 - MANUAL_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - MANUAL_CHANNEL_SEL Current interrupt sources scheme is: - bit 0 : pulse (triggered by the level of the pulse) - bit 1 : OTW_N enter (triggered by positive edge of the OTW_N) - bit 2 : OTW_N exit (triggered by the level of the pulse) Generate a reset signal before the pulse which can be used to reset various IP's of the data path (eg. pack/cpack). This can help to clear out the internal buffers and registers of these IP, starting clean at the moment when the actual pulse arrives. The sequencer has an auto and a manual mode, and can be set to custom sequences of the TIA channel selection lines sate. The sequencer in auto mode is synchronized to the pulse, it will change its state before a generated pulse which will drive the lasers. The offset between the sequencer beat and the laser driver pulse can be modified through an AXI register.
2019-03-19 12:05:14 +00:00
// local parameters
localparam [31:0] CORE_VERSION = {16'h0001, /* MAJOR */
8'h00, /* MINOR */
8'h61}; /* PATCH */ // 1.00.a
localparam [31:0] CORE_MAGIC = 32'h4C534452; // LSDR
assign up_clk = s_axi_aclk;
assign up_rstn = s_axi_aresetn;
// register maps
axi_pulse_gen_regmap #(
.ID (ID),
) i_pwm_regmap (
axi_laser_driver: Initial commit The laser driver contains the axi_pulse_gen's IP and an additional register map which controls/monitor the laser driver enable control line and the over temperature warning line (OTW). It also contains an interrupt logic, which allows to generate an interrupt in function of the generated pulse or incoming OTW signal. The IPs register maps looks as follow: 0x00 - axi_pulse_gen register map 0x80 - axi_laser_driver register map 0x80 - DRIVER_ENABLE 0x84 - DRIVER_OTW 0x88 - EXT_CLK_COUNTER 0xA0 - IRQ_MASK 0xA4 - IRQ_SOURCE 0xA8 - IRQ_PENDING 0xAC - SEQUENCER_CONTROL 0 - SEQUENCER_ENABLE 1 - AUTO_SEQUENCER_ENABLED 0xB0 - SEQUENCER_SYNC_OFFSET 0xB4 - AUTO_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - CHANNEL_SEL_0 [ 5: 4] - CHANNEL_SEL_1 [ 9: 8] - CHANNEL_SEL_2 [13:12] - CHANNEL_SEL_3 0xB8 - MANUAL_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - MANUAL_CHANNEL_SEL Current interrupt sources scheme is: - bit 0 : pulse (triggered by the level of the pulse) - bit 1 : OTW_N enter (triggered by positive edge of the OTW_N) - bit 2 : OTW_N exit (triggered by the level of the pulse) Generate a reset signal before the pulse which can be used to reset various IP's of the data path (eg. pack/cpack). This can help to clear out the internal buffers and registers of these IP, starting clean at the moment when the actual pulse arrives. The sequencer has an auto and a manual mode, and can be set to custom sequences of the TIA channel selection lines sate. The sequencer in auto mode is synchronized to the pulse, it will change its state before a generated pulse which will drive the lasers. The offset between the sequencer beat and the laser driver pulse can be modified through an AXI register.
2019-03-19 12:05:14 +00:00
.ext_clk (ext_clk),
.clk_out (clk),
.pulse_gen_resetn (pulse_gen_resetn),
.pulse_width (pulse_width_s),
.pulse_period (pulse_period_s),
.load_config (load_config_s),
.up_rstn (up_rstn),
.up_clk (up_clk),
.up_wreq (up_wreq_s),
.up_waddr (up_waddr_s),
.up_wdata (up_wdata_s),
.up_wack (up_wack_pwm_s),
.up_rreq (up_rreq_s),
.up_raddr (up_raddr_s),
.up_rdata (up_rdata_pwm_s),
.up_rack (up_rack_pwm_s));
axi_laser_driver_regmap #(
.ID (ID),
) i_laser_driver_regmap (
axi_laser_driver: Initial commit The laser driver contains the axi_pulse_gen's IP and an additional register map which controls/monitor the laser driver enable control line and the over temperature warning line (OTW). It also contains an interrupt logic, which allows to generate an interrupt in function of the generated pulse or incoming OTW signal. The IPs register maps looks as follow: 0x00 - axi_pulse_gen register map 0x80 - axi_laser_driver register map 0x80 - DRIVER_ENABLE 0x84 - DRIVER_OTW 0x88 - EXT_CLK_COUNTER 0xA0 - IRQ_MASK 0xA4 - IRQ_SOURCE 0xA8 - IRQ_PENDING 0xAC - SEQUENCER_CONTROL 0 - SEQUENCER_ENABLE 1 - AUTO_SEQUENCER_ENABLED 0xB0 - SEQUENCER_SYNC_OFFSET 0xB4 - AUTO_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - CHANNEL_SEL_0 [ 5: 4] - CHANNEL_SEL_1 [ 9: 8] - CHANNEL_SEL_2 [13:12] - CHANNEL_SEL_3 0xB8 - MANUAL_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - MANUAL_CHANNEL_SEL Current interrupt sources scheme is: - bit 0 : pulse (triggered by the level of the pulse) - bit 1 : OTW_N enter (triggered by positive edge of the OTW_N) - bit 2 : OTW_N exit (triggered by the level of the pulse) Generate a reset signal before the pulse which can be used to reset various IP's of the data path (eg. pack/cpack). This can help to clear out the internal buffers and registers of these IP, starting clean at the moment when the actual pulse arrives. The sequencer has an auto and a manual mode, and can be set to custom sequences of the TIA channel selection lines sate. The sequencer in auto mode is synchronized to the pulse, it will change its state before a generated pulse which will drive the lasers. The offset between the sequencer beat and the laser driver pulse can be modified through an AXI register.
2019-03-19 12:05:14 +00:00
.clk (clk),
.driver_en_n (driver_en_n),
.driver_otw_n (driver_otw_n),
.pulse (driver_pulse_int_s),
.up_ext_clk_count (up_ext_clk_count_s),
.irq (irq),
.sequence_en (sequence_en_s),
.auto_sequence (auto_sequence_s),
.sequence_offset (sequence_offset_s),
.auto_seq0 (auto_seq0_s),
.auto_seq1 (auto_seq1_s),
.auto_seq2 (auto_seq2_s),
.auto_seq3 (auto_seq3_s),
.manual_select (manual_select_s),
.up_rstn (up_rstn),
.up_clk (up_clk),
.up_wreq (up_wreq_s),
.up_waddr (up_waddr_s),
.up_wdata (up_wdata_s),
.up_wack (up_wack_ld_s),
.up_rreq (up_rreq_s),
.up_raddr (up_raddr_s),
.up_rdata (up_rdata_ld_s),
.up_rack (up_rack_ld_s));
// read interface merge
always @(posedge up_clk) begin
if (up_rstn == 0) begin
up_wack <= 'd0;
up_rack <= 'd0;
up_rdata <= 'd0;
end else begin
up_wack <= up_wack_ld_s | up_wack_pwm_s;
up_rack <= up_rack_ld_s | up_rack_pwm_s;
up_rdata <= up_rdata_ld_s | up_rdata_pwm_s;
// generic PWM generator's
util_pulse_gen #(
) i_laser_driver_pulse (
axi_laser_driver: Initial commit The laser driver contains the axi_pulse_gen's IP and an additional register map which controls/monitor the laser driver enable control line and the over temperature warning line (OTW). It also contains an interrupt logic, which allows to generate an interrupt in function of the generated pulse or incoming OTW signal. The IPs register maps looks as follow: 0x00 - axi_pulse_gen register map 0x80 - axi_laser_driver register map 0x80 - DRIVER_ENABLE 0x84 - DRIVER_OTW 0x88 - EXT_CLK_COUNTER 0xA0 - IRQ_MASK 0xA4 - IRQ_SOURCE 0xA8 - IRQ_PENDING 0xAC - SEQUENCER_CONTROL 0 - SEQUENCER_ENABLE 1 - AUTO_SEQUENCER_ENABLED 0xB0 - SEQUENCER_SYNC_OFFSET 0xB4 - AUTO_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - CHANNEL_SEL_0 [ 5: 4] - CHANNEL_SEL_1 [ 9: 8] - CHANNEL_SEL_2 [13:12] - CHANNEL_SEL_3 0xB8 - MANUAL_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - MANUAL_CHANNEL_SEL Current interrupt sources scheme is: - bit 0 : pulse (triggered by the level of the pulse) - bit 1 : OTW_N enter (triggered by positive edge of the OTW_N) - bit 2 : OTW_N exit (triggered by the level of the pulse) Generate a reset signal before the pulse which can be used to reset various IP's of the data path (eg. pack/cpack). This can help to clear out the internal buffers and registers of these IP, starting clean at the moment when the actual pulse arrives. The sequencer has an auto and a manual mode, and can be set to custom sequences of the TIA channel selection lines sate. The sequencer in auto mode is synchronized to the pulse, it will change its state before a generated pulse which will drive the lasers. The offset between the sequencer beat and the laser driver pulse can be modified through an AXI register.
2019-03-19 12:05:14 +00:00
.clk (clk),
.rstn (pulse_gen_resetn),
.pulse_width (pulse_width_s),
.pulse_period (pulse_period_s),
.load_config (load_config_s),
.pulse (driver_pulse_int_s),
.pulse_counter (pulse_counter_s));
// data path reset generation
// this logic will generate a reset signal right before the generated pulse
// in order to use it for resetting the cpack module, to synchronize it to
// the driver pulse
always @(posedge clk) begin
driver_pulse_int_d <= driver_pulse_int_s;
assign driver_dp_reset = driver_pulse_int_s & ~driver_pulse_int_d;
assign driver_pulse = driver_pulse_int_d;
// clock monitor for the external clock
up_clock_mon i_clock_mon (
.up_rstn (up_rstn),
.up_clk (up_clk),
.up_d_count (up_ext_clk_count_s),
.d_rst (~pulse_gen_resetn),
.d_clk (ext_clk));
// TIA sequencer
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (sequence_en_s == 1'b0) begin
sequence_counter <= 2'b00;
end else begin
if (pulse_counter_s == sequence_offset_s) begin
if (auto_sequence_s) begin
sequence_counter <= sequence_counter + 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (sequence_en_s == 1'b0) begin
tia_chsel <= 8'h00;
axi_laser_driver: Initial commit The laser driver contains the axi_pulse_gen's IP and an additional register map which controls/monitor the laser driver enable control line and the over temperature warning line (OTW). It also contains an interrupt logic, which allows to generate an interrupt in function of the generated pulse or incoming OTW signal. The IPs register maps looks as follow: 0x00 - axi_pulse_gen register map 0x80 - axi_laser_driver register map 0x80 - DRIVER_ENABLE 0x84 - DRIVER_OTW 0x88 - EXT_CLK_COUNTER 0xA0 - IRQ_MASK 0xA4 - IRQ_SOURCE 0xA8 - IRQ_PENDING 0xAC - SEQUENCER_CONTROL 0 - SEQUENCER_ENABLE 1 - AUTO_SEQUENCER_ENABLED 0xB0 - SEQUENCER_SYNC_OFFSET 0xB4 - AUTO_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - CHANNEL_SEL_0 [ 5: 4] - CHANNEL_SEL_1 [ 9: 8] - CHANNEL_SEL_2 [13:12] - CHANNEL_SEL_3 0xB8 - MANUAL_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - MANUAL_CHANNEL_SEL Current interrupt sources scheme is: - bit 0 : pulse (triggered by the level of the pulse) - bit 1 : OTW_N enter (triggered by positive edge of the OTW_N) - bit 2 : OTW_N exit (triggered by the level of the pulse) Generate a reset signal before the pulse which can be used to reset various IP's of the data path (eg. pack/cpack). This can help to clear out the internal buffers and registers of these IP, starting clean at the moment when the actual pulse arrives. The sequencer has an auto and a manual mode, and can be set to custom sequences of the TIA channel selection lines sate. The sequencer in auto mode is synchronized to the pulse, it will change its state before a generated pulse which will drive the lasers. The offset between the sequencer beat and the laser driver pulse can be modified through an AXI register.
2019-03-19 12:05:14 +00:00
end else begin
if (pulse_counter_s == sequence_offset_s) begin
if (auto_sequence_s) begin
case (sequence_counter)
2'b00 : tia_chsel <= {auto_seq0_s, auto_seq0_s, auto_seq0_s, auto_seq0_s};
2'b01 : tia_chsel <= {auto_seq1_s, auto_seq1_s, auto_seq1_s, auto_seq1_s};
2'b10 : tia_chsel <= {auto_seq2_s, auto_seq2_s, auto_seq2_s, auto_seq2_s};
2'b11 : tia_chsel <= {auto_seq3_s, auto_seq3_s, auto_seq3_s, auto_seq3_s};
default : tia_chsel <= 8'h00;
axi_laser_driver: Initial commit The laser driver contains the axi_pulse_gen's IP and an additional register map which controls/monitor the laser driver enable control line and the over temperature warning line (OTW). It also contains an interrupt logic, which allows to generate an interrupt in function of the generated pulse or incoming OTW signal. The IPs register maps looks as follow: 0x00 - axi_pulse_gen register map 0x80 - axi_laser_driver register map 0x80 - DRIVER_ENABLE 0x84 - DRIVER_OTW 0x88 - EXT_CLK_COUNTER 0xA0 - IRQ_MASK 0xA4 - IRQ_SOURCE 0xA8 - IRQ_PENDING 0xAC - SEQUENCER_CONTROL 0 - SEQUENCER_ENABLE 1 - AUTO_SEQUENCER_ENABLED 0xB0 - SEQUENCER_SYNC_OFFSET 0xB4 - AUTO_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - CHANNEL_SEL_0 [ 5: 4] - CHANNEL_SEL_1 [ 9: 8] - CHANNEL_SEL_2 [13:12] - CHANNEL_SEL_3 0xB8 - MANUAL_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - MANUAL_CHANNEL_SEL Current interrupt sources scheme is: - bit 0 : pulse (triggered by the level of the pulse) - bit 1 : OTW_N enter (triggered by positive edge of the OTW_N) - bit 2 : OTW_N exit (triggered by the level of the pulse) Generate a reset signal before the pulse which can be used to reset various IP's of the data path (eg. pack/cpack). This can help to clear out the internal buffers and registers of these IP, starting clean at the moment when the actual pulse arrives. The sequencer has an auto and a manual mode, and can be set to custom sequences of the TIA channel selection lines sate. The sequencer in auto mode is synchronized to the pulse, it will change its state before a generated pulse which will drive the lasers. The offset between the sequencer beat and the laser driver pulse can be modified through an AXI register.
2019-03-19 12:05:14 +00:00
end else begin
tia_chsel <= manual_select_s;
// AXI Memory Mapped Wrapper
up_axi #(
) i_up_axi (
axi_laser_driver: Initial commit The laser driver contains the axi_pulse_gen's IP and an additional register map which controls/monitor the laser driver enable control line and the over temperature warning line (OTW). It also contains an interrupt logic, which allows to generate an interrupt in function of the generated pulse or incoming OTW signal. The IPs register maps looks as follow: 0x00 - axi_pulse_gen register map 0x80 - axi_laser_driver register map 0x80 - DRIVER_ENABLE 0x84 - DRIVER_OTW 0x88 - EXT_CLK_COUNTER 0xA0 - IRQ_MASK 0xA4 - IRQ_SOURCE 0xA8 - IRQ_PENDING 0xAC - SEQUENCER_CONTROL 0 - SEQUENCER_ENABLE 1 - AUTO_SEQUENCER_ENABLED 0xB0 - SEQUENCER_SYNC_OFFSET 0xB4 - AUTO_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - CHANNEL_SEL_0 [ 5: 4] - CHANNEL_SEL_1 [ 9: 8] - CHANNEL_SEL_2 [13:12] - CHANNEL_SEL_3 0xB8 - MANUAL_SEQUENCE [ 1: 0] - MANUAL_CHANNEL_SEL Current interrupt sources scheme is: - bit 0 : pulse (triggered by the level of the pulse) - bit 1 : OTW_N enter (triggered by positive edge of the OTW_N) - bit 2 : OTW_N exit (triggered by the level of the pulse) Generate a reset signal before the pulse which can be used to reset various IP's of the data path (eg. pack/cpack). This can help to clear out the internal buffers and registers of these IP, starting clean at the moment when the actual pulse arrives. The sequencer has an auto and a manual mode, and can be set to custom sequences of the TIA channel selection lines sate. The sequencer in auto mode is synchronized to the pulse, it will change its state before a generated pulse which will drive the lasers. The offset between the sequencer beat and the laser driver pulse can be modified through an AXI register.
2019-03-19 12:05:14 +00:00
.up_rstn (up_rstn),
.up_clk (up_clk),
.up_axi_awvalid (s_axi_awvalid),
.up_axi_awaddr (s_axi_awaddr),
.up_axi_awready (s_axi_awready),
.up_axi_wvalid (s_axi_wvalid),
.up_axi_wdata (s_axi_wdata),
.up_axi_wstrb (s_axi_wstrb),
.up_axi_wready (s_axi_wready),
.up_axi_bvalid (s_axi_bvalid),
.up_axi_bresp (s_axi_bresp),
.up_axi_bready (s_axi_bready),
.up_axi_arvalid (s_axi_arvalid),
.up_axi_araddr (s_axi_araddr),
.up_axi_arready (s_axi_arready),
.up_axi_rvalid (s_axi_rvalid),
.up_axi_rresp (s_axi_rresp),
.up_axi_rdata (s_axi_rdata),
.up_axi_rready (s_axi_rready),
.up_wreq (up_wreq_s),
.up_waddr (up_waddr_s),
.up_wdata (up_wdata_s),
.up_wack (up_wack),
.up_rreq (up_rreq_s),
.up_raddr (up_raddr_s),
.up_rdata (up_rdata),
.up_rack (up_rack));