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# HDL Coding Guidelines
## Introduction
This document contains coding and documentation guidelines which must be
followed by all HDL projects. The purpose of this document is to establish
a set of rules that specify the layout, naming conventions and some general
coding practices for the HDL modules implementation. Specific HDL coding practices
meant to obtain maximum performance from a FPGA design are described by external
documents such as [1] and [2] and are not included in this document.
There are two types of rules: *should* and *must* rules
* *Should* rules are advisory rules. They suggest the recommended way of doing
* *Must* rules are mandatory requirements.
The coding rules are intended to be applied to HDL modules written using VHDL
or Verilog.
When an external IP is used, the naming conventions practiced by the IP *should* be kept,
even if they do not match the rules specified in this document.
## Coding Style
### A. Layout
**A1**: For indentation, spaces **must** be used instead of tabs. This allows
the code to be properly visualized by any editor. **Do not** leave spaces at
the end of a line. The following editor settings **must** be used:
*Tab Size*: 2, *Indent Size*: 2
**A2**: One white space **must** be inserted around operators, such as
=, ==, &&, ||, &, |, ^, etc.
#### Example:
##### Incorrect:
##### Correct:
if ((my_signal == 1'b0) && (my_bus[3:0] == 4'd5))
**A3**: The _always_ block *should* have a space before **@** symbol.
#### Example:
##### Incorrect:
always@(posedge clk) begin
##### Correct:
always @(posedge clk) begin
**A4**: The Verilog ``begin``/``end`` block **must** always be used, even if there is
only one statement. This makes adding lines of code much easier and with fewer errors.
**A5**: Indentation levels **must** be used to show code nesting. Blank lines
may be used as desired to improve code readability, but _not_ in all cases.
#### Example:
##### Incorrect:
if (my_signal == 1'b0) begin
if (my_bus[3:0]==4'd5) begin
##### Correct:
if (my_signal == 1'b0) begin
if (my_bus[3:0] == 4'd5) begin
end else begin
**A6**: In a ``case`` definition, indentation levels **must** be used to offset
the statements that are encapsulated, but the use of blank lines can be used or
omitted to best show the statement groupings (if really necessary). ``end`` should
be indented as in the correct example.
#### Example:
##### Incorrect:
case ( my_bus[3:0] )
4'b0000 : my_signal1 = TRUE;
4'b0001 : my_signal1 = FALSE;
4'b0010 :
my_signal1 = TRUE;
my_signal2 = FALSE;
4'b0100 : my_signal2 = FALSE;
default : my_signal1 = TRUE;
##### Correct:
case (my_bus[3:0])
4'b0000: begin
my_signal1 = TRUE;
4'b0001: begin
my_signal1 = FALSE;
4'b0010: begin
my_signal1 = TRUE;
my_signal2 = FALSE;
4'b0100: begin
my_signal2 = FALSE;
default: begin
my_signal1 = TRUE;
**A7**: Alignment **should** be used in declarations, assignments, multi-line
statements, and end of line comments. The code **must** be written in a tabular
#### Example:
##### Incorrect:
reg[3:0] my_signal1; //description
reg[31:0] my_decoded_signal1; //description
reg[4:0] my_signal2, my_signal3; //description
wire[2:0] my_select; //description
##### Correct:
reg [ 3:0] my_signal1; //description
reg [31:0] my_decoded_signal1; //description
reg [ 4:0] my_signal2; //description
reg my_signal3; //description
wire [ 2:0] my_select; //description
**A8**: Parentheses **must** be used around all boolean statements and in
complex equations, in order to force the order of operations and avoid confusion.
Complex boolean expressions *should* be expressed as multi-line aligned statements.
#### Example:
##### Incorrect:
if ((my_signal1 && your_signal1) || (my_signal2 && your_signal2) || (my_signal3 && your_signal3)) begin
my_signal1 = TRUE;
my_delayed_signal1 = !your_signal;
##### Correct:
if ((my_signal1 && your_signal1) ||
(my_signal2 && your_signal2) ||
(my_signal3 && your_signal3)) begin
my_signal1 = TRUE;
my_delayed_signal1 = !your_signal;
**A9**: A line **must** not contain more than one statement. **Do not** concatenate
multiple statements on the same line.
#### Example:
##### Incorrect:
upper_en = (p5type && xadr1[0]); lower_en = (p5type && !xadr1[0]);
##### Correct:
upper_en = (p5type && xadr1[0]);
lower_en = (p5type && !xadr1[0]);
**A10**: In module instances:
**A10.1**: **All** parameters and ports, **must** be written on a separate line,
even if there are few of them or their names are short.
#### Example:
##### Incorrect:
my_module #(.PARAMETER1 (PARAMETER1)) i_my_module (.clk (clk));
##### Correct:
my_module #(
) i_my_module (
.clk (clk));
**A10.2**: When instantiating a module, the label of the module instance **must** be
on a separate line, with the closing parenthesis of the parameters list (if that's
the case) and the opening parenthesis of the ports list. The closing parenthesis of
the ports list must be right next to the last parenthesis of the last port.
#### Example:
my_module #(
) i_my_module (
.clk (clk),
.rst (rst),
.data_in (data_in),
.en (en),
.response_out (response_out));
**A10.3**: Commented parts of code **must** not be added to the master branch (i.e if,
case, module instances, etc).
**A11**: In module declarations:
**A11.1**: Verilog modules **must** use Verilog-2001 style parameter
declarations. This increases legibility and consistency.
#### Example:
module my_module #(
parameter PARAMETER1 = 0
) (
input clk,
input rst,
input [7:0] data_0,
input [7:0] data_1,
input enable,
input valid,
// interface 1
input interf1_clk,
inout interf1_some_signal,
output [15:0] interf1_data_i,
output [15:0] interf1_data_q,
// interface 2
input interf2_some_signal,
output interf2_data_out
**A11.2**: Comments are allowed inside a module declaration **only** for separating
the interfaces by specifying the name and giving supplementary explanations.
**A11.3**: When declaring a module, the closing parenthesis of the parameters list
**must** be on the same line with the last parameter and with the opening parenthesis
of the ports list (as shown in the correct examples).
**A11.4**: After ``endmodule`` there **must** be only one newline, and nothing else after.
**A12**: Ports **must** be indicated individually; that is, one port per line
must be declared, using the direction indication and data type with each port.
**A13**: Signals and variables **must** be declared individually; that is,
one signal/variable per line **must** be declared.
**A14**: All ports and signals **must** be grouped by interface. Group ports
declaration by direction starting with input, inout and output ports.
**A15**: The clock and reset ports **must** be declared first.
**A16**: Verilog wires and registers declarations **must** be grouped in
separate sections. **Firstly** register types and then wire types.
**A17**: The source files *should* have the format shown in Annex 1 for
Verilog code and Annex 2 for VHDL code.
### B. Naming Conventions
**B1**: All the names in the source code **must** be written in English.
**B2**: Names **must** start with a letter, be composed of alphanumeric
characters or underscores **[A-Z, a-z, 0-9,_]**.
**B3**: All modules, signal and register names **must** be lower case,
delimited by underscores “_”.
#### Example:
module my_module (
input ena_fft,
input ena_mdi,
input fft_in,
output mdi_out,
output [15:0] my_signal1
**B4**: A file **must** contain a single module. File name **must** be the same
as the module name. For sub-modules the name **must** be composed in the following
**B5**: All parameter names **must** be upper case with underscore delimiters.
**B6**: Signals names *should* be composed in the following way:
[interface|clock domain]_<signal_name>[_ns][_l][_p][_n][_m1][_m2][_s]
The suffix component may be used as described below and, in the case of multiple
suffixes being used in the same signal name, must only be used in the order
specified in the signal name descriptions above.
**_ns** - State machine next state.
**_l** - Latch output. Optional for signals leaving top-level module or
sub-module, required for signals internal to a module
**_p** - Positive side of differential signal.
**_n** - Negative side of differential signal.
- Active low signal. Can also be used for negative side of differential
**_m1/_m2** - Used to describe registers synchronizers (e.g. up_ack_m1, up_ack_m2)
**_s** - Used to qualify wires/signals (e.g. up_ack_s)
This rule is useful for complex modules where it is possible to incorrectly use
a signal if its name does not contain a suffix to specify its purpose. Generally
this rule can lead to an unnecessary naming complexity and thus can be
overlooked unless it is absolutely necessary.
**B7**: Ports names *should* be composed in the following way:
**_clk** - Clock signal. Exception: Signals whose names obviously indicate
clocks (e.g. system_clock or clk32m), or when specifying a clock with a certain
frequency (in this case clk *should* be used as a prefix: e.g. clk_625mhz)
**_rst / _rstn** - Reset signal (e.g. module_rst). Exception: Signals whose
names obviously indicate resets.
**_p** - Positive side of differential signal.
**_n** - Active low signal. Can also be used for negative side of differential
**B8**: Global text macros specified by the ``define`` directive **must** be
preceded with the top-level module name, as in:
<top_level_module_name>_<text macro name>
**B9**: Consistent usage in the spelling and naming style of nets and
variables **must** be used throughout the design.
**B10**: Abbreviations used in a module **must** be documented and uncommon
abbreviations *should* be avoided.
**B11**: Reset and clock names **must** remain the same across hierarchy.
### C. Comments
**C1**: Comments **must** be used to describe the functionality of the HDL
code. Liberal use of comments is strongly encouraged. Adding obvious comments
is discouraged. Basically, extensive comments that proceed blocks of code,
coupled with sparse back references, guide the reader through the code.
**C2**: Each functional section of the code *should* be preceded by comments
describing the code's intent and function.
**C3**: Unusual or non-obvious implementations **must** be explained and their
limitations documented with a comment.
**C4**: Each port declaration *should* have a descriptive comment, **only** on the
preceding line.
**C5**: Other declarations, such as regs, wires, local parameters, *should* have a
descriptive comment. Either on the same line (discouraged), or on the preceding line.
This rule is optional for auto-generated code.
**C6**: All synthesis-specific directives **must** be documented where used,
identifying the reason they are used, the tool and the directive used.
**C7**: The comments inserted in the code **must** comply with the format
shown in Annex 1 for Verilog code and Annex 2 for VHDL code.
### D. General
**D1**: A file **must** contain a single module.
**D2**: A file **must** contain either: digital-only Verilog code (files with
.v extension); analog-only Verilog code (files with .va or .vams extension); or
mixed-signal Verilog code (files with .vams extension).
**D3**: Symbolic constants (local parameter) *should* be used for register
field values rather than fixed numerical constants. The fields may be one or
more bits or the entire register.
**D4**: Port connection width **must** match. In module instantiations, nets
connected to ports must have the same width as the respective port declaration.
**D5**: The ranges in both the vector port declaration and the net/variable
declaration **must** be equal.
**D6**: Operands sizes **must** match. No expression may have its size
implicitly extended or reduced. In a ``case`` statement, all the ``case`` item
expressions and the ``case`` expression must have the same size.
**D7**: Combinational logic **must** be specified completely (i.e., a value
must be assigned to the logic outputs for all input combinations). In a construct
derived from either a ``case`` or an ``if`` statement, the outputs may be assigned
default values before the ``case`` or ``if`` statement, and then the logic is completely
**D8**: The sensitivity list of Verilog ``always`` and VHDL ``process`` constructs
**must** be completely specified.
**D9**: Modules **must** be instantiated with full I/O all port names and
signal connections must be listed on all module instantiations. Do not leave any
input ports open (even if they are unused), always tie them to 0 or 1. Leave
unused outputs open **but do** list them.
**D10**: A ``timescale`` directive that is best for simulation *should* be used
in Verilog modules.
**D11**: Compile warnings **must** be treated as potential errors and *should*
always try to be resolved. In case a warning is not resolved its cause and
effects must be fully understood.
**D12**: Critical warnings **must** be treated and fixed.
**D13**: Each file **must** contain a license header, and when changes are made
to a file, when making a PR, the year _should_ be updated to the current year.
## 3. Annexes
### Annex 1 Verilog file format
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Copyright 2014 - 2017 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// In this HDL repository, there are many different and unique modules, consisting
// of various HDL (Verilog or VHDL) components. The individual modules are
// developed independently, and may be accompanied by separate and unique license
// terms.
// The user should read each of these license terms, and understand the
// freedoms and responsibilities that he or she has by using this source/core.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification
// of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms:
// 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_GPL2), and also online at:
// <>
// OR
// 2. An ADI specific BSD license, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_ADIBSD), and also on-line at:
// This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code,
// as long as it attaches to an ADI device.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
'timescale 1ns/100ps
module prescaler #(
//Range = 1-16
parameter FIRST_PARAMETER = 8,
//Range = N/A
parameter SECOND_PARAMETER = 12
) (
input core_32m_clk, // 32 MHz clock
input system_clk, // system clock
input scan_mode_test, // scan mode clock
input reset_n, // active low hard reset, synch w/
// system_clk
output reg div16_clk, // input clock divided by 16
output reg div16_clk_n // input clock divided by 16 and inverted
// Local Parameters
// Registers Declarations
reg [3:0] count; // 4-bit counter to make clock divider
reg [3:0] count1; // 4-bit counter to make clock divider
// Wires Declarations
wire [3:0] count1_ns; // clock divider next state input
// Functions Definitions
// This block updates the internal counter
always @(posedge core_32m_clk or negedge reset_n) begin
if (!reset_n) begin
count <= 4b0000;
end else begin
// update counter
count <= count + 4b0001;
// This block updates the output clock signals
always @(scan_mode_test or system_clk or count) begin
if (!scan_mode_test) begin
// normal operation clock assign
div16_clk = count[3];
div16_clk_n = ~count[3];
end else begin
// scan mode clock assign
div16_clk = system_clk;
div16_clk_n = system_clk;
// Modules Instantiations
### Annex 2 VHDL file format
-- ***************************************************************************
-- ***************************************************************************
-- Copyright 2014 - 2017 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
-- In this HDL repository, there are many different and unique modules, consisting
-- of various HDL (Verilog or VHDL) components. The individual modules are
-- developed independently, and may be accompanied by separate and unique license
-- terms.
-- The user should read each of these license terms, and understand the
-- freedoms and responsibilities that he or she has by using this source/core.
-- This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
-- Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification
-- of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms:
-- 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
-- Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory
-- of this repository (LICENSE_GPL2), and also online at:
-- <>
-- OR
-- 2. An ADI specific BSD license, which can be found in the top level directory
-- of this repository (LICENSE_ADIBSD), and also on-line at:
-- This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code,
-- as long as it attaches to an ADI device.
-- ***************************************************************************
-- ***************************************************************************
entity prescaler is
Port (
core_32m_clk : in std_logic, -- 32 MHz clock
system_clk : in std_logic, -- system clock
scan_mode_test : in std_logic, -- scan mode clock
reset_n : in std_logic, -- active low hard reset, synch
-- w/ system_clock
div16_clk : out std_logic, -- input clock divided by 16
div16_clk_n : out std_logic -- input clock divided by 16
-- and inverted
end prescaler;
architecture Behavioral of prescaler is
-- Components Declarations
-- Local Types Declarations
-- Constants Declarations
-- Signals Declarations
signal count : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- 4-bit counter to
-- make clock divider
signal count_ns : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- clock divider next
-- state input
-- Module Implementation
-- This process updates the internal counter
if (rising_edge(core_32m_clk)) then
if (reset_n = '0') then
-- reset counter
count <= "0000";
-- update counter
count <= count + "0001";
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- This process updates the output clock signals
process(scan_mode_test, system_clk, count)
if (scan_mode_test = '0') then
-- normal operation clock assign
div16_clk <= count(3);
div16_clk_n <= not count(3);
-- scan mode clock assign
div16_clk <= system_clk;
div16_clk_n <= system_clk;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
## 4. References
[ 1] Philippe Garrault, Brian Philofsky, “HDL Coding Practices to Accelerate
Design Performance”, Xilinx, 2006, Online document available at:
[ 2] Peter Chambers, “The Ten Commandments of Excellent Design”, VLSI Technology,
1997, Online document available at:
[ 3] “Verilog Coding Techniques, v3.2”, Freescale Semiconductor, 2005, Online
document available at:
[ 4] Jane Smith, “Verilog Coding Guidelines, Rev. B”, Cisco Systems, 2000, Online
document available at: