axi_hdmi_tx_core: Fixed data path

AndreiGrozav 2016-05-17 14:41:18 +03:00
parent e345953bdd
commit 42b0fabd40
1 changed files with 44 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -225,21 +225,22 @@ module axi_hdmi_tx_core (
reg hdmi_24_vsync_data_e = 'd0;
reg hdmi_24_data_e = 'd0;
reg [23:0] hdmi_24_data = 'd0;
reg hdmi_24_hsync_ss = 'd0;
reg hdmi_24_vsync_ss = 'd0;
reg hdmi_24_hsync_data_e_ss = 'd0;
reg hdmi_24_vsync_data_e_ss = 'd0;
reg hdmi_24_data_e_ss = 'd0;
reg [23:0] hdmi_24_data_ss = 'd0;
reg hdmi_16_hsync = 'd0;
reg hdmi_16_vsync = 'd0;
reg hdmi_16_hsync_data_e = 'd0;
reg hdmi_16_vsync_data_e = 'd0;
reg hdmi_16_hsync_d = 'd0;
reg hdmi_16_vsync_d = 'd0;
reg hdmi_16_hsync_data_e_d = 'd0;
reg hdmi_16_vsync_data_e_d = 'd0;
reg hdmi_16_data_e_d = 'd0;
reg [15:0] hdmi_16_data_d = 'd0;
reg hdmi_16_data_e = 'd0;
reg [15:0] hdmi_16_data = 'd0;
reg hdmi_es_hs_de = 'd0;
reg hdmi_es_vs_de = 'd0;
reg [15:0] hdmi_es_data = 'd0;
reg [15:0] hdmi_16_es_data = 'd0;
reg [23:0] hdmi_clip_data = 'd0;
reg hdmi_clip_hs_de_d = 'd0;
reg hdmi_clip_vs_de_d = 'd0;
@ -271,15 +272,9 @@ module axi_hdmi_tx_core (
wire hdmi_ss_vsync_data_e_s;
wire hdmi_ss_data_e_s;
wire [15:0] hdmi_ss_data_s;
wire hdmi_clip_hs_de_s;
wire hdmi_clip_vs_de_s;
wire hdmi_clip_de_s;
wire [23:0] hdmi_clip_data_s;
wire hdmi_es_hs_de_s;
wire hdmi_es_vs_de_s;
wire hdmi_es_de_s;
wire [15:0] hdmi_es_data_s;
// binary to grey conversion
function [8:0] b2g;
@ -505,8 +500,6 @@ module axi_hdmi_tx_core (
// hdmi clipping
assign hdmi_clip_data_s = hdmi_24_csc_data;
always @(posedge hdmi_clk) begin
hdmi_clip_hs_d <= hdmi_24_csc_hsync;
hdmi_clip_vs_d <= hdmi_24_csc_vsync;
@ -516,32 +509,32 @@ module axi_hdmi_tx_core (
// Cr (red-diff) / red
if (hdmi_clip_data_s[23:16] > hdmi_clip_max[23:16]) begin
if (hdmi_24_csc_data[23:16] > hdmi_clip_max[23:16]) begin
hdmi_clip_data[23:16] <= hdmi_clip_max[23:16];
end else if (hdmi_clip_data_s[23:16] < hdmi_clip_min[23:16]) begin
end else if (hdmi_24_csc_data[23:16] < hdmi_clip_min[23:16]) begin
hdmi_clip_data[23:16] <= hdmi_clip_min[23:16];
end else begin
hdmi_clip_data[23:16] <= hdmi_clip_data_s[23:16];
hdmi_clip_data[23:16] <= hdmi_24_csc_data[23:16];
// Y (luma) / green
if (hdmi_clip_data_s[15:8] > hdmi_clip_max[15:8]) begin
if (hdmi_24_csc_data[15:8] > hdmi_clip_max[15:8]) begin
hdmi_clip_data[15:8] <= hdmi_clip_max[15:8];
end else if (hdmi_clip_data_s[15:8] < hdmi_clip_min[15:8]) begin
end else if (hdmi_24_csc_data[15:8] < hdmi_clip_min[15:8]) begin
hdmi_clip_data[15:8] <= hdmi_clip_min[15:8];
end else begin
hdmi_clip_data[15:8] <= hdmi_clip_data_s[15:8];
hdmi_clip_data[15:8] <= hdmi_24_csc_data[15:8];
// Cb (blue-diff) / blue
if (hdmi_clip_data_s[7:0] > hdmi_clip_max[7:0]) begin
if (hdmi_24_csc_data[7:0] > hdmi_clip_max[7:0]) begin
hdmi_clip_data[7:0] <= hdmi_clip_max[7:0];
end else if (hdmi_clip_data_s[7:0] < hdmi_clip_min[7:0]) begin
end else if (hdmi_24_csc_data[7:0] < hdmi_clip_min[7:0]) begin
hdmi_clip_data[7:0] <= hdmi_clip_min[7:0];
end else begin
hdmi_clip_data[7:0] <= hdmi_clip_data_s[7:0];
hdmi_clip_data[7:0] <= hdmi_24_csc_data[7:0];
@ -563,42 +556,45 @@ module axi_hdmi_tx_core (
hdmi_24_data_e <= hdmi_clip_de_d;
hdmi_24_data <= hdmi_clip_data;
hdmi_16_hsync <= hdmi_16_hsync_d;
hdmi_16_vsync <= hdmi_16_vsync_d;
hdmi_16_hsync_data_e <= hdmi_16_hsync_data_e_d;
hdmi_16_vsync_data_e <= hdmi_16_vsync_data_e_d;
hdmi_16_data_e <= hdmi_16_data_e_d;
hdmi_16_data <= hdmi_16_data_d;
hdmi_16_es_data <= hdmi_es_data_s;
if (hdmi_ss_bypass == 1'b1) begin
hdmi_16_hsync <= hdmi_24_hsync;
hdmi_16_vsync <= hdmi_24_vsync;
hdmi_16_hsync_data_e <= hdmi_24_hsync_data_e;
hdmi_16_vsync_data_e <= hdmi_24_vsync_data_e;
hdmi_16_data_e <= hdmi_24_data_e;
hdmi_16_data <= hdmi_24_data[15:0]; // Ignore the upper 8 bit
hdmi_16_hsync_d <= hdmi_clip_hs_d;
hdmi_16_vsync_d <= hdmi_clip_vs_d;
hdmi_16_hsync_data_e_d <= hdmi_clip_hs_de_d;
hdmi_16_vsync_data_e_d <= hdmi_clip_vs_de_d;
hdmi_16_data_e_d <= hdmi_clip_de_d;
hdmi_16_data_d <= hdmi_clip_data[15:0]; // Ignore the upper 8 bit
end else begin
hdmi_16_hsync <= hdmi_ss_hsync_s;
hdmi_16_vsync <= hdmi_ss_vsync_s;
hdmi_16_hsync_data_e <= hdmi_ss_hsync_data_e_s;
hdmi_16_vsync_data_e <= hdmi_ss_vsync_data_e_s;
hdmi_16_data_e <= hdmi_ss_data_e_s;
hdmi_16_data <= hdmi_ss_data_s;
hdmi_16_hsync_d <= hdmi_ss_hsync_s;
hdmi_16_vsync_d <= hdmi_ss_vsync_s;
hdmi_16_hsync_data_e_d <= hdmi_ss_hsync_data_e_s;
hdmi_16_vsync_data_e_d <= hdmi_ss_vsync_data_e_s;
hdmi_16_data_e_d <= hdmi_ss_data_e_s;
hdmi_16_data_d <= hdmi_ss_data_s;
// hdmi embedded sync
assign hdmi_es_hs_de_s = hdmi_16_hsync_data_e;
assign hdmi_es_vs_de_s = hdmi_16_vsync_data_e;
assign hdmi_es_de_s = hdmi_16_data_e;
assign hdmi_es_data_s = hdmi_16_data;
always @(posedge hdmi_clk) begin
hdmi_es_hs_de <= hdmi_es_hs_de_s;
hdmi_es_vs_de <= hdmi_es_vs_de_s;
if (hdmi_es_de_s == 1'b0) begin
hdmi_es_hs_de <= hdmi_16_hsync_d;
hdmi_es_vs_de <= hdmi_16_vsync_d;
if (hdmi_16_data_e_d == 1'b0) begin
hdmi_es_data[15:8] <= 8'h80;
end else begin
hdmi_es_data[15:8] <= hdmi_es_data_s[15:8];
hdmi_es_data[15:8] <= hdmi_16_data_d[15:8];
if (hdmi_es_de_s == 1'b0) begin
if (hdmi_16_data_e_d == 1'b0) begin
hdmi_es_data[7:0] <= 8'h80;
end else begin
hdmi_es_data[7:0] <= hdmi_es_data_s[7:0];
hdmi_es_data[7:0] <= hdmi_16_data_d[7:0];
@ -655,7 +651,7 @@ module axi_hdmi_tx_core (
.hdmi_hs_de (hdmi_es_hs_de),
.hdmi_vs_de (hdmi_es_vs_de),
.hdmi_data_de (hdmi_es_data),
.hdmi_data (hdmi_16_es_data));
.hdmi_data (hdmi_es_data_s));