axi_adc_trigger: Fix triggering jitter effect

AndreiGrozav 2019-02-05 07:14:24 +00:00 committed by AndreiGrozav
parent 6e9bc398c3
commit 44e20d095c
1 changed files with 72 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -35,7 +35,13 @@
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module axi_adc_trigger(
module axi_adc_trigger #(
// parameters
parameter SIGN_BITS = 2) (
// interface
input clk,
@ -113,19 +119,23 @@ module axi_adc_trigger(
wire [ 2:0] trigger_out_mix;
wire [31:0] trigger_delay;
wire [15:0] data_a_cmp;
wire signed [15-SIGN_BITS:0] data_a_cmp;
wire [15:0] data_b_cmp;
wire [15:0] limit_a_cmp;
wire signed [15-SIGN_BITS:0] limit_a_cmp;
wire [15:0] limit_b_cmp;
wire comp_low_a_s; // signal is over the limit
wire comp_low_b_s; // signal is over the limit
wire passthrough_high_a_s; // trigger when rising through the limit
wire passthrough_low_a_s; // trigger when fallingh thorugh the limit
wire passthrough_high_b_s; // trigger when rising through the limit
wire passthrough_low_b_s; // trigger when fallingh thorugh the limit
wire trigger_a_fall_edge;
wire trigger_a_rise_edge;
wire trigger_b_fall_edge;
wire trigger_b_rise_edge;
wire trigger_a_any_edge;
wire trigger_b_any_edge;
wire trigger_out_a;
wire trigger_out_b;
wire trigger_out_delayed;
wire streaming;
@ -135,18 +145,18 @@ module axi_adc_trigger(
reg trigger_b_d1; // synchronization flip flop
reg trigger_b_d2; // synchronization flip flop
reg trigger_b_d3;
reg passthrough_high_a; // trigger when rising through the limit
reg passthrough_low_a; // trigger when fallingh thorugh the limit
reg low_a; // signal was under the limit, so if it goes through, assert rising
reg high_a; // signal was over the limit, so if it passes through, assert falling
reg comp_high_a; // signal is over the limit
reg comp_low_a; // signal is under the limit
reg passthrough_high_b; // trigger when rising through the limit
reg passthrough_low_b; // trigger when fallingh thorugh the limit
reg low_b; // signal was under the limit, so if it goes through, assert rising
reg high_b; // signal was over the limit, so if it passes through, assert falling
reg old_comp_high_a; // t + 1 version of comp_high_a
reg first_a_h_trigger; // valid hysteresis range on passthrough high trigger limit
reg first_a_l_trigger; // valid hysteresis range on passthrough low trigger limit
reg signed [15-SIGN_BITS:0] hyst_a_high_limit;
reg signed [15-SIGN_BITS:0] hyst_a_low_limit;
reg comp_high_b; // signal is over the limit
reg comp_low_b; // signal is under the limit
reg old_comp_high_b; // t + 1 version of comp_high_b
reg first_b_h_trigger; // valid hysteresis range on passthrough high trigger limit
reg first_b_l_trigger; // valid hysteresis range on passthrough low trigger limit
reg signed [15-SIGN_BITS:0] hyst_b_high_limit;
reg signed [15-SIGN_BITS:0] hyst_b_low_limit;
reg trigger_pin_a;
reg trigger_pin_b;
@ -191,10 +201,10 @@ module axi_adc_trigger(
assign trigger_b_rise_edge = (trigger_b_d2 == 1'b1 && trigger_b_d3 == 1'b0) ? 1'b1: 1'b0;
assign trigger_b_any_edge = trigger_b_rise_edge | trigger_b_fall_edge;
assign data_a_cmp = {!data_a[15],data_a[14:0]};
assign data_b_cmp = {!data_b[15],data_b[14:0]};
assign limit_a_cmp = {!limit_a[15],limit_a[14:0]};
assign limit_b_cmp = {!limit_b[15],limit_b[14:0]};
assign data_a_cmp = data_a[15-SIGN_BITS:0];
assign data_b_cmp = data_b[15-SIGN_BITS:0];
assign limit_a_cmp = limit_a[15-SIGN_BITS:0];
assign limit_b_cmp = limit_b[15-SIGN_BITS:0];
assign data_a_trig = trigger_delay == 32'h0 ? {trigger_out_mixed | streaming_on, data_a_r} : {trigger_out_delayed |streaming_on, data_a_r};
assign data_b_trig = trigger_delay == 32'h0 ? {trigger_out_mixed | streaming_on, data_b_r} : {trigger_out_delayed |streaming_on, data_b_r};
@ -293,21 +303,21 @@ module axi_adc_trigger(
always @(*) begin
2'h0: trigger_adc_a = comp_low_a;
2'h0: trigger_adc_a = comp_low_a_s;
2'h1: trigger_adc_a = comp_high_a;
2'h2: trigger_adc_a = passthrough_high_a;
2'h3: trigger_adc_a = passthrough_low_a;
default: trigger_adc_a = comp_low_a;
2'h2: trigger_adc_a = passthrough_high_a_s;
2'h3: trigger_adc_a = passthrough_low_a_s;
default: trigger_adc_a = comp_low_a_s;
always @(*) begin
2'h0: trigger_adc_b = comp_low_b;
2'h0: trigger_adc_b = comp_low_b_s;
2'h1: trigger_adc_b = comp_high_b;
2'h2: trigger_adc_b = passthrough_high_b;
2'h3: trigger_adc_b = passthrough_low_b;
default: trigger_adc_b = comp_low_b;
2'h2: trigger_adc_b = passthrough_high_b_s;
2'h3: trigger_adc_b = passthrough_low_b_s;
default: trigger_adc_b = comp_low_b_s;
@ -349,59 +359,55 @@ module axi_adc_trigger(
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (data_valid_a == 1'b1) begin
if (data_a_cmp > limit_a_cmp) begin
hyst_a_high_limit <= limit_a_cmp + hysteresis_a[15-SIGN_BITS:0];
hyst_a_low_limit <= limit_a_cmp - hysteresis_a[15-SIGN_BITS:0];
if (data_a_cmp >= limit_a_cmp) begin
comp_high_a <= 1'b1;
passthrough_high_a <= low_a;
first_a_h_trigger <= passthrough_high_a_s ? 0 : first_a_h_trigger;
if (data_a_cmp > hyst_a_high_limit) begin
first_a_l_trigger <= 1'b1;
end else begin
comp_high_a <= 1'b0;
passthrough_high_a <= 1'b0;
first_a_l_trigger <= (passthrough_low_a_s) ? 0 : first_a_l_trigger;
if (data_a_cmp < hyst_a_low_limit) begin
first_a_h_trigger <= 1'b1;
if (data_a_cmp < limit_a_cmp) begin
comp_low_a <= 1'b1;
passthrough_low_a <= high_a;
end else begin
comp_low_a <= 1'b0;
passthrough_low_a <= 1'b0;
if (passthrough_high_a == 1'b1) begin
low_a <= 1'b0;
end else if (data_a_cmp < limit_a_cmp - hysteresis_a) begin
low_a <= 1'b1;
if (passthrough_low_a == 1'b1) begin
high_a <= 1'b0;
end else if (data_a_cmp > limit_a_cmp + hysteresis_a) begin
high_a <= 1'b1;
old_comp_high_a <= comp_high_a;
assign passthrough_high_a_s = !old_comp_high_a & comp_high_a & first_a_h_trigger;
assign passthrough_low_a_s = old_comp_high_a & !comp_high_a & first_a_l_trigger;
assign comp_low_a_s = !comp_high_a;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (data_valid_b == 1'b1) begin
if (data_b_cmp > limit_b_cmp) begin
hyst_b_high_limit <= limit_b_cmp + hysteresis_b[15-SIGN_BITS:0];
hyst_b_low_limit <= limit_b_cmp - hysteresis_b[15-SIGN_BITS:0];
if (data_b_cmp >= limit_b_cmp) begin
comp_high_b <= 1'b1;
passthrough_high_b <= low_b;
first_b_h_trigger <= (passthrough_high_b_s == 1) ? 0 : first_b_h_trigger;
if (data_b_cmp > hyst_b_high_limit) begin
first_b_l_trigger <= 1'b1;
end else begin
comp_high_b <= 1'b0;
passthrough_high_b <= 1'b0;
if (data_b_cmp < limit_b_cmp) begin
comp_low_b <= 1'b1;
passthrough_low_b <= high_b;
end else begin
comp_low_b <= 1'b0;
passthrough_low_b <= 1'b0;
if (trigger_b == 1'b1) begin
low_b <= 1'b0;
high_b <= 1'b0;
end else if (data_b_cmp < limit_b_cmp - hysteresis_b) begin
low_b <= 1'b1;
end else if (data_b_cmp > limit_b_cmp + hysteresis_b) begin
high_b <= 1'b1;
first_b_l_trigger <= (passthrough_low_b_s == 1) ? 0 : first_b_l_trigger;
if (data_b_cmp < hyst_b_low_limit) begin
first_b_h_trigger <= 1'b1;
old_comp_high_b <= comp_high_b;
assign passthrough_high_b_s = !old_comp_high_b & comp_high_b & first_b_h_trigger;
assign passthrough_low_b_s = old_comp_high_b & !comp_high_b & first_b_l_trigger;
assign comp_low_b_s = !comp_high_b;
axi_adc_trigger_reg adc_trigger_registers (