avl_adxcvr: Simplify TX lane mapping

Currently the TX lane mapping is implemented by having to connect tx_phy_s_* to
the tx_ip_s_* and the tx_phy_d_* to the tx_ip_d_* signals in the system
qsys file in the desired order.

Re-work things so that instead the lane mapping is provided through the
TX_LANE_MAP parameter. The parameter specifies in which order logical lanes
are mapped onto the physical lanes.

The appropriate connections are than made inside the core according to this
parameter rather than having to manually connect the signals externally.

In order to generate a 1-to-1 mapping the TX_LANE_MAP parameter can be left

This change slightly reduces the boiler-plate code that is necessary to
setup the transceiver.

Signed-off-by: Lars-Peter Clausen <lars@metafoo.de>
Lars-Peter Clausen 2017-07-20 16:06:24 +02:00
parent 83c1e555b1
commit 69a23ecde3
6 changed files with 136 additions and 264 deletions

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ ad_ip_parameter FRM_BCNT INTEGER 1 false
ad_ip_parameter FRM_SCNT INTEGER 1 false
ad_ip_parameter MF_FCNT INTEGER 32 false
ad_ip_parameter HD INTEGER 1 false
ad_ip_parameter TX_LANE_MAP STRING "" false
set_parameter_property LANE_RATE DISPLAY_UNITS "Mbps"
set_parameter_property SYSCLK_FREQUENCY UNITS Megahertz
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ proc p_avl_adxcvr {} {
set m_frm_scnt [get_parameter_value "FRM_SCNT"]
set m_mf_fcnt [get_parameter_value "MF_FCNT"]
set m_hd [get_parameter_value "HD"]
set m_tx_lane_map [get_parameter_value "TX_LANE_MAP"]
set m_pllclk_frequency [expr $m_lane_rate / 2]
set m_coreclk_frequency [expr $m_lane_rate / 40]
@ -178,6 +180,8 @@ proc p_avl_adxcvr {} {
add_connection alt_ip.csr_bit_reversal alt_xphy.tx_ip_csr_bit_reversal
add_connection alt_ip.csr_byte_reversal alt_xphy.tx_ip_csr_byte_reversal
set lane_map [regexp -all -inline {\S+} $m_tx_lane_map]
for {set n 0} {$n < $m_num_of_lanes} {incr n} {
add_instance alt_phy_${n} altera_jesd204
@ -198,30 +202,28 @@ proc p_avl_adxcvr {} {
add_connection alt_xphy.tx_phy${n}_analogreset alt_phy_${n}.tx_analogreset
add_connection alt_xphy.tx_phy${n}_digitalreset alt_phy_${n}.tx_digitalreset
add_connection alt_lane_pll.tx_serial_clk alt_phy_${n}.tx_serial_clk0
add_interface tx_ip_s_${n} conduit end
set_interface_property tx_ip_s_${n} EXPORT_OF alt_xphy.tx_ip_s_${n}
add_interface tx_ip_d_${n} conduit end
set_interface_property tx_ip_d_${n} EXPORT_OF alt_xphy.tx_ip_d_${n}
add_interface tx_phy_s_${n} conduit end
set_interface_property tx_phy_s_${n} EXPORT_OF alt_xphy.tx_phy_s_${n}
add_interface tx_phy_d_${n} conduit end
set_interface_property tx_phy_d_${n} EXPORT_OF alt_xphy.tx_phy_d_${n}
add_connection alt_sys_clk.clk alt_phy_${n}.reconfig_clk
add_connection alt_sys_clk.clk_reset alt_phy_${n}.reconfig_reset
add_interface phy_reconfig_${n} avalon slave
set_interface_property phy_reconfig_${n} EXPORT_OF alt_phy_${n}.reconfig_avmm
add_connection alt_phy_${n}.tx_cal_busy alt_xphy.tx_phy${n}_cal_busy
add_connection alt_phy_${n}.phy_csr_tx_pcfifo_full alt_xphy.tx_phy${n}_pcfifo_full
add_connection alt_phy_${n}.phy_csr_tx_pcfifo_empty alt_xphy.tx_phy${n}_pcfifo_empty
add_connection alt_xphy.tx_phy${n}_pcs_data alt_phy_${n}.jesd204_tx_pcs_data
add_connection alt_xphy.tx_phy${n}_pcs_kchar_data alt_phy_${n}.jesd204_tx_pcs_kchar_data
add_connection alt_xphy.tx_phy${n}_elecidle alt_phy_${n}.phy_tx_elecidle
add_connection alt_xphy.tx_phy${n}_csr_lane_polarity alt_phy_${n}.csr_lane_polarity
add_connection alt_xphy.tx_phy${n}_csr_lane_powerdown alt_phy_${n}.csr_lane_powerdown
add_connection alt_xphy.tx_phy${n}_csr_bit_reversal alt_phy_${n}.csr_bit_reversal
add_connection alt_xphy.tx_phy${n}_csr_byte_reversal alt_phy_${n}.csr_byte_reversal
if {$lane_map != {}} {
set m [lindex $lane_map $n]
} else {
set m $n
add_connection alt_phy_${n}.tx_cal_busy alt_xphy.tx_phy${m}_cal_busy
add_connection alt_phy_${n}.phy_csr_tx_pcfifo_full alt_xphy.tx_phy${m}_pcfifo_full
add_connection alt_phy_${n}.phy_csr_tx_pcfifo_empty alt_xphy.tx_phy${m}_pcfifo_empty
add_connection alt_xphy.tx_phy${m}_pcs_data alt_phy_${n}.jesd204_tx_pcs_data
add_connection alt_xphy.tx_phy${m}_pcs_kchar_data alt_phy_${n}.jesd204_tx_pcs_kchar_data
add_connection alt_xphy.tx_phy${m}_elecidle alt_phy_${n}.phy_tx_elecidle
add_connection alt_xphy.tx_phy${m}_csr_lane_polarity alt_phy_${n}.csr_lane_polarity
add_connection alt_xphy.tx_phy${m}_csr_lane_powerdown alt_phy_${n}.csr_lane_powerdown
add_connection alt_xphy.tx_phy${m}_csr_bit_reversal alt_phy_${n}.csr_bit_reversal
add_connection alt_xphy.tx_phy${m}_csr_byte_reversal alt_phy_${n}.csr_byte_reversal

View File

@ -217,47 +217,6 @@ module avl_adxphy #(
input tx_ip_bit_reversal,
input tx_ip_byte_reversal,
// tx-mux interface
input [ 2:0] tx_ip_s_0,
output [38:0] tx_ip_d_0,
output [ 2:0] tx_phy_s_0,
input [38:0] tx_phy_d_0,
input [ 2:0] tx_ip_s_1,
output [38:0] tx_ip_d_1,
output [ 2:0] tx_phy_s_1,
input [38:0] tx_phy_d_1,
input [ 2:0] tx_ip_s_2,
output [38:0] tx_ip_d_2,
output [ 2:0] tx_phy_s_2,
input [38:0] tx_phy_d_2,
input [ 2:0] tx_ip_s_3,
output [38:0] tx_ip_d_3,
output [ 2:0] tx_phy_s_3,
input [38:0] tx_phy_d_3,
input [ 2:0] tx_ip_s_4,
output [38:0] tx_ip_d_4,
output [ 2:0] tx_phy_s_4,
input [38:0] tx_phy_d_4,
input [ 2:0] tx_ip_s_5,
output [38:0] tx_ip_d_5,
output [ 2:0] tx_phy_s_5,
input [38:0] tx_phy_d_5,
input [ 2:0] tx_ip_s_6,
output [38:0] tx_ip_d_6,
output [ 2:0] tx_phy_s_6,
input [38:0] tx_phy_d_6,
input [ 2:0] tx_ip_s_7,
output [38:0] tx_ip_d_7,
output [ 2:0] tx_phy_s_7,
input [38:0] tx_phy_d_7,
// tx-phy interface
@ -657,26 +616,26 @@ module avl_adxphy #(
if (NUM_OF_LANES > 0) begin
assign tx_core_cal_busy[0] = tx_ip_s_0[0];
assign tx_ip_cal_busy[0] = tx_ip_s_0[0];
assign tx_ip_full[0] = tx_ip_s_0[1];
assign tx_ip_empty[0] = tx_ip_s_0[2];
assign tx_core_cal_busy[0] = tx_phy_cal_busy_0;
assign tx_ip_cal_busy[0] = tx_phy_cal_busy_0;
assign tx_ip_full[0] = tx_phy_full_0;
assign tx_ip_empty[0] = tx_phy_empty_0;
if (NUM_OF_LANES > 0) begin
assign tx_ip_d_0[31: 0] = tx_ip_data[((32*1)-1):(32*0)];
assign tx_ip_d_0[35:32] = tx_ip_kchar[((4*1)-1):(4*0)];
assign tx_ip_d_0[36:36] = tx_ip_elecidle[0];
assign tx_ip_d_0[37:37] = tx_ip_lane_polarity[0];
assign tx_ip_d_0[38:38] = tx_ip_lane_powerdown[0];
assign tx_phy_data_0 = tx_ip_data[((32*1)-1):(32*0)];
assign tx_phy_kchar_0 = tx_ip_kchar[((4*1)-1):(4*0)];
assign tx_phy_elecidle_0 = tx_ip_elecidle[0];
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_0 = tx_ip_lane_polarity[0];
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_0 = tx_ip_lane_powerdown[0];
end else begin
assign tx_ip_d_0[31: 0] = 32'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_0[35:32] = 4'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_0[36:36] = 1'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_0[37:37] = 1'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_0[38:38] = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_data_0 = 32'd0;
assign tx_phy_kchar_0 = 4'd0;
assign tx_phy_elecidle_0 = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_0 = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_0 = 1'd0;
@ -690,39 +649,31 @@ module avl_adxphy #(
assign tx_phy_s_0[0] = tx_phy_cal_busy_0;
assign tx_phy_s_0[1] = tx_phy_full_0;
assign tx_phy_s_0[2] = tx_phy_empty_0;
assign tx_phy_data_0 = tx_phy_d_0[31:0];
assign tx_phy_kchar_0 = tx_phy_d_0[35:32];
assign tx_phy_elecidle_0 = tx_phy_d_0[36];
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_0 = tx_phy_d_0[37];
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_0 = tx_phy_d_0[38];
assign tx_phy_bit_reversal_0 = tx_ip_bit_reversal;
assign tx_phy_byte_reversal_0 = tx_ip_byte_reversal;
if (NUM_OF_LANES > 1) begin
assign tx_core_cal_busy[1] = tx_ip_s_1[0];
assign tx_ip_cal_busy[1] = tx_ip_s_1[0];
assign tx_ip_full[1] = tx_ip_s_1[1];
assign tx_ip_empty[1] = tx_ip_s_1[2];
assign tx_core_cal_busy[1] = tx_phy_cal_busy_1;
assign tx_ip_cal_busy[1] = tx_phy_cal_busy_1;
assign tx_ip_full[1] = tx_phy_full_1;
assign tx_ip_empty[1] = tx_phy_empty_1;
if (NUM_OF_LANES > 1) begin
assign tx_ip_d_1[31: 0] = tx_ip_data[((32*2)-1):(32*1)];
assign tx_ip_d_1[35:32] = tx_ip_kchar[((4*2)-1):(4*1)];
assign tx_ip_d_1[36:36] = tx_ip_elecidle[1];
assign tx_ip_d_1[37:37] = tx_ip_lane_polarity[1];
assign tx_ip_d_1[38:38] = tx_ip_lane_powerdown[1];
assign tx_phy_data_1 = tx_ip_data[((32*2)-1):(32*1)];
assign tx_phy_kchar_1 = tx_ip_kchar[((4*2)-1):(4*1)];
assign tx_phy_elecidle_1 = tx_ip_elecidle[1];
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_1 = tx_ip_lane_polarity[1];
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_1 = tx_ip_lane_powerdown[1];
end else begin
assign tx_ip_d_1[31: 0] = 32'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_1[35:32] = 4'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_1[36:36] = 1'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_1[37:37] = 1'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_1[38:38] = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_data_1 = 32'd0;
assign tx_phy_kchar_1 = 4'd0;
assign tx_phy_elecidle_1 = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_1 = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_1 = 1'd0;
@ -736,39 +687,31 @@ module avl_adxphy #(
assign tx_phy_s_1[0] = tx_phy_cal_busy_1;
assign tx_phy_s_1[1] = tx_phy_full_1;
assign tx_phy_s_1[2] = tx_phy_empty_1;
assign tx_phy_data_1 = tx_phy_d_1[31:0];
assign tx_phy_kchar_1 = tx_phy_d_1[35:32];
assign tx_phy_elecidle_1 = tx_phy_d_1[36];
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_1 = tx_phy_d_1[37];
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_1 = tx_phy_d_1[38];
assign tx_phy_bit_reversal_1 = tx_ip_bit_reversal;
assign tx_phy_byte_reversal_1 = tx_ip_byte_reversal;
if (NUM_OF_LANES > 2) begin
assign tx_core_cal_busy[2] = tx_ip_s_2[0];
assign tx_ip_cal_busy[2] = tx_ip_s_2[0];
assign tx_ip_full[2] = tx_ip_s_2[1];
assign tx_ip_empty[2] = tx_ip_s_2[2];
assign tx_core_cal_busy[2] = tx_phy_cal_busy_2;
assign tx_ip_cal_busy[2] = tx_phy_cal_busy_2;
assign tx_ip_full[2] = tx_phy_full_2;
assign tx_ip_empty[2] = tx_phy_empty_2;
if (NUM_OF_LANES > 2) begin
assign tx_ip_d_2[31: 0] = tx_ip_data[((32*3)-1):(32*2)];
assign tx_ip_d_2[35:32] = tx_ip_kchar[((4*3)-1):(4*2)];
assign tx_ip_d_2[36:36] = tx_ip_elecidle[2];
assign tx_ip_d_2[37:37] = tx_ip_lane_polarity[2];
assign tx_ip_d_2[38:38] = tx_ip_lane_powerdown[2];
assign tx_phy_data_2 = tx_ip_data[((32*3)-1):(32*2)];
assign tx_phy_kchar_2 = tx_ip_kchar[((4*3)-1):(4*2)];
assign tx_phy_elecidle_2 = tx_ip_elecidle[2];
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_2 = tx_ip_lane_polarity[2];
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_2 = tx_ip_lane_powerdown[2];
end else begin
assign tx_ip_d_2[31: 0] = 32'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_2[35:32] = 4'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_2[36:36] = 1'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_2[37:37] = 1'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_2[38:38] = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_data_2 = 32'd0;
assign tx_phy_kchar_2 = 4'd0;
assign tx_phy_elecidle_2 = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_2 = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_2 = 1'd0;
@ -782,39 +725,31 @@ module avl_adxphy #(
assign tx_phy_s_2[0] = tx_phy_cal_busy_2;
assign tx_phy_s_2[1] = tx_phy_full_2;
assign tx_phy_s_2[2] = tx_phy_empty_2;
assign tx_phy_data_2 = tx_phy_d_2[31:0];
assign tx_phy_kchar_2 = tx_phy_d_2[35:32];
assign tx_phy_elecidle_2 = tx_phy_d_2[36];
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_2 = tx_phy_d_2[37];
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_2 = tx_phy_d_2[38];
assign tx_phy_bit_reversal_2 = tx_ip_bit_reversal;
assign tx_phy_byte_reversal_2 = tx_ip_byte_reversal;
if (NUM_OF_LANES > 3) begin
assign tx_core_cal_busy[3] = tx_ip_s_3[0];
assign tx_ip_cal_busy[3] = tx_ip_s_3[0];
assign tx_ip_full[3] = tx_ip_s_3[1];
assign tx_ip_empty[3] = tx_ip_s_3[2];
assign tx_core_cal_busy[3] = tx_phy_cal_busy_3;
assign tx_ip_cal_busy[3] = tx_phy_cal_busy_3;
assign tx_ip_full[3] = tx_phy_full_3;
assign tx_ip_empty[3] = tx_phy_empty_3;
if (NUM_OF_LANES > 3) begin
assign tx_ip_d_3[31: 0] = tx_ip_data[((32*4)-1):(32*3)];
assign tx_ip_d_3[35:32] = tx_ip_kchar[((4*4)-1):(4*3)];
assign tx_ip_d_3[36:36] = tx_ip_elecidle[3];
assign tx_ip_d_3[37:37] = tx_ip_lane_polarity[3];
assign tx_ip_d_3[38:38] = tx_ip_lane_powerdown[3];
assign tx_phy_data_3 = tx_ip_data[((32*4)-1):(32*3)];
assign tx_phy_kchar_3 = tx_ip_kchar[((4*4)-1):(4*3)];
assign tx_phy_elecidle_3 = tx_ip_elecidle[3];
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_3 = tx_ip_lane_polarity[3];
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_3 = tx_ip_lane_powerdown[3];
end else begin
assign tx_ip_d_3[31: 0] = 32'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_3[35:32] = 4'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_3[36:36] = 1'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_3[37:37] = 1'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_3[38:38] = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_data_3 = 32'd0;
assign tx_phy_kchar_3 = 4'd0;
assign tx_phy_elecidle_3 = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_3 = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_3 = 1'd0;
@ -828,39 +763,31 @@ module avl_adxphy #(
assign tx_phy_s_3[0] = tx_phy_cal_busy_3;
assign tx_phy_s_3[1] = tx_phy_full_3;
assign tx_phy_s_3[2] = tx_phy_empty_3;
assign tx_phy_data_3 = tx_phy_d_3[31:0];
assign tx_phy_kchar_3 = tx_phy_d_3[35:32];
assign tx_phy_elecidle_3 = tx_phy_d_3[36];
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_3 = tx_phy_d_3[37];
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_3 = tx_phy_d_3[38];
assign tx_phy_bit_reversal_3 = tx_ip_bit_reversal;
assign tx_phy_byte_reversal_3 = tx_ip_byte_reversal;
if (NUM_OF_LANES > 4) begin
assign tx_core_cal_busy[4] = tx_ip_s_4[0];
assign tx_ip_cal_busy[4] = tx_ip_s_4[0];
assign tx_ip_full[4] = tx_ip_s_4[1];
assign tx_ip_empty[4] = tx_ip_s_4[2];
assign tx_core_cal_busy[4] = tx_phy_cal_busy_4;
assign tx_ip_cal_busy[4] = tx_phy_cal_busy_4;
assign tx_ip_full[4] = tx_phy_full_4;
assign tx_ip_empty[4] = tx_phy_empty_4;
if (NUM_OF_LANES > 4) begin
assign tx_ip_d_4[31: 0] = tx_ip_data[((32*5)-1):(32*4)];
assign tx_ip_d_4[35:32] = tx_ip_kchar[((4*5)-1):(4*4)];
assign tx_ip_d_4[36:36] = tx_ip_elecidle[4];
assign tx_ip_d_4[37:37] = tx_ip_lane_polarity[4];
assign tx_ip_d_4[38:38] = tx_ip_lane_powerdown[4];
assign tx_phy_data_4 = tx_ip_data[((32*5)-1):(32*4)];
assign tx_phy_kchar_4 = tx_ip_kchar[((4*5)-1):(4*4)];
assign tx_phy_elecidle_4 = tx_ip_elecidle[4];
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_4 = tx_ip_lane_polarity[4];
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_4 = tx_ip_lane_powerdown[4];
end else begin
assign tx_ip_d_4[31: 0] = 32'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_4[35:32] = 4'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_4[36:36] = 1'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_4[37:37] = 1'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_4[38:38] = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_data_4 = 32'd0;
assign tx_phy_kchar_4 = 4'd0;
assign tx_phy_elecidle_4 = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_4 = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_4 = 1'd0;
@ -874,39 +801,31 @@ module avl_adxphy #(
assign tx_phy_s_4[0] = tx_phy_cal_busy_4;
assign tx_phy_s_4[1] = tx_phy_full_4;
assign tx_phy_s_4[2] = tx_phy_empty_4;
assign tx_phy_data_4 = tx_phy_d_4[31:0];
assign tx_phy_kchar_4 = tx_phy_d_4[35:32];
assign tx_phy_elecidle_4 = tx_phy_d_4[36];
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_4 = tx_phy_d_4[37];
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_4 = tx_phy_d_4[38];
assign tx_phy_bit_reversal_4 = tx_ip_bit_reversal;
assign tx_phy_byte_reversal_4 = tx_ip_byte_reversal;
if (NUM_OF_LANES > 5) begin
assign tx_core_cal_busy[5] = tx_ip_s_5[0];
assign tx_ip_cal_busy[5] = tx_ip_s_5[0];
assign tx_ip_full[5] = tx_ip_s_5[1];
assign tx_ip_empty[5] = tx_ip_s_5[2];
assign tx_core_cal_busy[5] = tx_phy_cal_busy_5;
assign tx_ip_cal_busy[5] = tx_phy_cal_busy_5;
assign tx_ip_full[5] = tx_phy_full_5;
assign tx_ip_empty[5] = tx_phy_empty_5;
if (NUM_OF_LANES > 5) begin
assign tx_ip_d_5[31: 0] = tx_ip_data[((32*6)-1):(32*5)];
assign tx_ip_d_5[35:32] = tx_ip_kchar[((4*6)-1):(4*5)];
assign tx_ip_d_5[36:36] = tx_ip_elecidle[5];
assign tx_ip_d_5[37:37] = tx_ip_lane_polarity[5];
assign tx_ip_d_5[38:38] = tx_ip_lane_powerdown[5];
assign tx_phy_data_5 = tx_ip_data[((32*6)-1):(32*5)];
assign tx_phy_kchar_5 = tx_ip_kchar[((4*6)-1):(4*5)];
assign tx_phy_elecidle_5 = tx_ip_elecidle[5];
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_5 = tx_ip_lane_polarity[5];
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_5 = tx_ip_lane_powerdown[5];
end else begin
assign tx_ip_d_5[31: 0] = 32'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_5[35:32] = 4'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_5[36:36] = 1'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_5[37:37] = 1'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_5[38:38] = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_data_5 = 32'd0;
assign tx_phy_kchar_5 = 4'd0;
assign tx_phy_elecidle_5 = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_5 = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_5 = 1'd0;
@ -920,39 +839,31 @@ module avl_adxphy #(
assign tx_phy_s_5[0] = tx_phy_cal_busy_5;
assign tx_phy_s_5[1] = tx_phy_full_5;
assign tx_phy_s_5[2] = tx_phy_empty_5;
assign tx_phy_data_5 = tx_phy_d_5[31:0];
assign tx_phy_kchar_5 = tx_phy_d_5[35:32];
assign tx_phy_elecidle_5 = tx_phy_d_5[36];
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_5 = tx_phy_d_5[37];
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_5 = tx_phy_d_5[38];
assign tx_phy_bit_reversal_5 = tx_ip_bit_reversal;
assign tx_phy_byte_reversal_5 = tx_ip_byte_reversal;
if (NUM_OF_LANES > 6) begin
assign tx_core_cal_busy[6] = tx_ip_s_6[0];
assign tx_ip_cal_busy[6] = tx_ip_s_6[0];
assign tx_ip_full[6] = tx_ip_s_6[1];
assign tx_ip_empty[6] = tx_ip_s_6[2];
assign tx_core_cal_busy[6] = tx_phy_cal_busy_6;
assign tx_ip_cal_busy[6] = tx_phy_cal_busy_6;
assign tx_ip_full[6] = tx_phy_full_6;
assign tx_ip_empty[6] = tx_phy_empty_6;
if (NUM_OF_LANES > 6) begin
assign tx_ip_d_6[31: 0] = tx_ip_data[((32*7)-1):(32*6)];
assign tx_ip_d_6[35:32] = tx_ip_kchar[((4*7)-1):(4*6)];
assign tx_ip_d_6[36:36] = tx_ip_elecidle[6];
assign tx_ip_d_6[37:37] = tx_ip_lane_polarity[6];
assign tx_ip_d_6[38:38] = tx_ip_lane_powerdown[6];
assign tx_phy_data_6 = tx_ip_data[((32*7)-1):(32*6)];
assign tx_phy_kchar_6 = tx_ip_kchar[((4*7)-1):(4*6)];
assign tx_phy_elecidle_6 = tx_ip_elecidle[6];
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_6 = tx_ip_lane_polarity[6];
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_6 = tx_ip_lane_powerdown[6];
end else begin
assign tx_ip_d_6[31: 0] = 32'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_6[35:32] = 4'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_6[36:36] = 1'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_6[37:37] = 1'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_6[38:38] = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_data_6 = 32'd0;
assign tx_phy_kchar_6 = 4'd0;
assign tx_phy_elecidle_6 = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_6 = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_6 = 1'd0;
@ -966,39 +877,31 @@ module avl_adxphy #(
assign tx_phy_s_6[0] = tx_phy_cal_busy_6;
assign tx_phy_s_6[1] = tx_phy_full_6;
assign tx_phy_s_6[2] = tx_phy_empty_6;
assign tx_phy_data_6 = tx_phy_d_6[31:0];
assign tx_phy_kchar_6 = tx_phy_d_6[35:32];
assign tx_phy_elecidle_6 = tx_phy_d_6[36];
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_6 = tx_phy_d_6[37];
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_6 = tx_phy_d_6[38];
assign tx_phy_bit_reversal_6 = tx_ip_bit_reversal;
assign tx_phy_byte_reversal_6 = tx_ip_byte_reversal;
if (NUM_OF_LANES > 7) begin
assign tx_core_cal_busy[7] = tx_ip_s_7[0];
assign tx_ip_cal_busy[7] = tx_ip_s_7[0];
assign tx_ip_full[7] = tx_ip_s_7[1];
assign tx_ip_empty[7] = tx_ip_s_7[2];
assign tx_core_cal_busy[7] = tx_phy_cal_busy_7;
assign tx_ip_cal_busy[7] = tx_phy_cal_busy_7;
assign tx_ip_full[7] = tx_phy_full_7;
assign tx_ip_empty[7] = tx_phy_empty_7;
if (NUM_OF_LANES > 7) begin
assign tx_ip_d_7[31: 0] = tx_ip_data[((32*8)-1):(32*7)];
assign tx_ip_d_7[35:32] = tx_ip_kchar[((4*8)-1):(4*7)];
assign tx_ip_d_7[36:36] = tx_ip_elecidle[7];
assign tx_ip_d_7[37:37] = tx_ip_lane_polarity[7];
assign tx_ip_d_7[38:38] = tx_ip_lane_powerdown[7];
assign tx_phy_data_7 = tx_ip_data[((32*8)-1):(32*7)];
assign tx_phy_kchar_7 = tx_ip_kchar[((4*8)-1):(4*7)];
assign tx_phy_elecidle_7 = tx_ip_elecidle[7];
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_7 = tx_ip_lane_polarity[7];
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_7 = tx_ip_lane_powerdown[7];
end else begin
assign tx_ip_d_7[31: 0] = 32'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_7[35:32] = 4'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_7[36:36] = 1'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_7[37:37] = 1'd0;
assign tx_ip_d_7[38:38] = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_data_7 = 32'd0;
assign tx_phy_kchar_7 = 4'd0;
assign tx_phy_elecidle_7 = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_7 = 1'd0;
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_7 = 1'd0;
@ -1012,14 +915,6 @@ module avl_adxphy #(
assign tx_phy_s_7[0] = tx_phy_cal_busy_7;
assign tx_phy_s_7[1] = tx_phy_full_7;
assign tx_phy_s_7[2] = tx_phy_empty_7;
assign tx_phy_data_7 = tx_phy_d_7[31:0];
assign tx_phy_kchar_7 = tx_phy_d_7[35:32];
assign tx_phy_elecidle_7 = tx_phy_d_7[36];
assign tx_phy_lane_polarity_7 = tx_phy_d_7[37];
assign tx_phy_lane_powerdown_7 = tx_phy_d_7[38];
assign tx_phy_bit_reversal_7 = tx_ip_bit_reversal;
assign tx_phy_byte_reversal_7 = tx_ip_byte_reversal;

View File

@ -55,11 +55,6 @@ proc p_avl_adxphy {} {
for {set n 0} {$n < $m_num_of_lanes} {incr n} {
ad_conduit tx_ip_s_${n} export tx_ip_s_${n} input 3
ad_conduit tx_ip_d_${n} export tx_ip_d_${n} output 39
ad_conduit tx_phy_s_${n} export tx_phy_s_${n} output 3
ad_conduit tx_phy_d_${n} export tx_phy_d_${n} input 39
ad_conduit tx_phy${n}_cal_busy tx_cal_busy tx_phy_cal_busy_${n} input 1
ad_conduit tx_phy${n}_pcfifo_full export tx_phy_full_${n} input 1
ad_conduit tx_phy${n}_pcfifo_empty export tx_phy_empty_${n} input 1

View File

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ set_instance_parameter_value avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr {FRM_BCNT} {2}
set_instance_parameter_value avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr {FRM_SCNT} {1}
set_instance_parameter_value avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr {MF_FCNT} {32}
set_instance_parameter_value avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr {HD} {1}
set_instance_parameter_value avl_ad9144_xcvr {TX_LANE_MAP} {3 0 1 2}
add_connection sys_clk.clk avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.sys_clk
add_connection sys_clk.clk_reset avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.sys_resetn
add_interface tx_ref_clk clock sink
@ -29,14 +31,6 @@ add_interface tx_sysref conduit end
set_interface_property tx_sysref EXPORT_OF avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.sysref
add_interface tx_sync conduit end
set_interface_property tx_sync EXPORT_OF avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.sync
add_connection avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.tx_phy_s_0 avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.tx_ip_s_3
add_connection avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.tx_phy_s_1 avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.tx_ip_s_0
add_connection avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.tx_phy_s_2 avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.tx_ip_s_1
add_connection avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.tx_phy_s_3 avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.tx_ip_s_2
add_connection avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.tx_ip_d_3 avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.tx_phy_d_0
add_connection avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.tx_ip_d_0 avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.tx_phy_d_1
add_connection avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.tx_ip_d_1 avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.tx_phy_d_2
add_connection avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.tx_ip_d_2 avl_ad9371_tx_xcvr.tx_phy_d_3
# ad9371_tx-xcvr

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ set_instance_parameter_value avl_ad9144_xcvr {FRM_BCNT} {1}
set_instance_parameter_value avl_ad9144_xcvr {FRM_SCNT} {1}
set_instance_parameter_value avl_ad9144_xcvr {MF_FCNT} {32}
set_instance_parameter_value avl_ad9144_xcvr {HD} {1}
set_instance_parameter_value avl_ad9144_xcvr {TX_LANE_MAP} {0 3 1 2}
add_connection sys_clk.clk avl_ad9144_xcvr.sys_clk
add_connection sys_clk.clk_reset avl_ad9144_xcvr.sys_resetn
@ -30,14 +31,6 @@ add_interface tx_sysref conduit end
set_interface_property tx_sysref EXPORT_OF avl_ad9144_xcvr.sysref
add_interface tx_sync conduit end
set_interface_property tx_sync EXPORT_OF avl_ad9144_xcvr.sync
add_connection avl_ad9144_xcvr.tx_phy_s_0 avl_ad9144_xcvr.tx_ip_s_0
add_connection avl_ad9144_xcvr.tx_phy_s_1 avl_ad9144_xcvr.tx_ip_s_3
add_connection avl_ad9144_xcvr.tx_phy_s_2 avl_ad9144_xcvr.tx_ip_s_1
add_connection avl_ad9144_xcvr.tx_phy_s_3 avl_ad9144_xcvr.tx_ip_s_2
add_connection avl_ad9144_xcvr.tx_ip_d_0 avl_ad9144_xcvr.tx_phy_d_0
add_connection avl_ad9144_xcvr.tx_ip_d_3 avl_ad9144_xcvr.tx_phy_d_1
add_connection avl_ad9144_xcvr.tx_ip_d_1 avl_ad9144_xcvr.tx_phy_d_2
add_connection avl_ad9144_xcvr.tx_ip_d_2 avl_ad9144_xcvr.tx_phy_d_3
# ad9144-xcvr

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ set_instance_parameter_value avl_ad9152_xcvr {FRM_BCNT} {1}
set_instance_parameter_value avl_ad9152_xcvr {FRM_SCNT} {1}
set_instance_parameter_value avl_ad9152_xcvr {MF_FCNT} {32}
set_instance_parameter_value avl_ad9152_xcvr {HD} {1}
set_instance_parameter_value avl_ad9152_xcvr {TX_LANE_MAP} {0 3 1 2}
add_connection sys_clk.clk avl_ad9152_xcvr.sys_clk
add_connection sys_clk.clk_reset avl_ad9152_xcvr.sys_resetn
@ -30,14 +31,6 @@ add_interface tx_sysref conduit end
set_interface_property tx_sysref EXPORT_OF avl_ad9152_xcvr.sysref
add_interface tx_sync conduit end
set_interface_property tx_sync EXPORT_OF avl_ad9152_xcvr.sync
add_connection avl_ad9152_xcvr.tx_phy_s_0 avl_ad9152_xcvr.tx_ip_s_0
add_connection avl_ad9152_xcvr.tx_phy_s_1 avl_ad9152_xcvr.tx_ip_s_3
add_connection avl_ad9152_xcvr.tx_phy_s_2 avl_ad9152_xcvr.tx_ip_s_1
add_connection avl_ad9152_xcvr.tx_phy_s_3 avl_ad9152_xcvr.tx_ip_s_2
add_connection avl_ad9152_xcvr.tx_ip_d_0 avl_ad9152_xcvr.tx_phy_d_0
add_connection avl_ad9152_xcvr.tx_ip_d_3 avl_ad9152_xcvr.tx_phy_d_1
add_connection avl_ad9152_xcvr.tx_ip_d_1 avl_ad9152_xcvr.tx_phy_d_2
add_connection avl_ad9152_xcvr.tx_ip_d_2 avl_ad9152_xcvr.tx_phy_d_3
# ad9152-xcvr